15 year old student sucker punches teacher, Lamar HS Texas

As if Joe could back up anything he says LMAO.

Um, weren't you the one whining about the lack of civility a couple weeks ago.

Here's the thing. All we have is 12 seconds of video without any context, from a guy like Andy Ngo, who I wouldn't trust if he told me the sky was blue.

Now, it might well be that the teacher was completely in the right and the kid was completely in the wrong. Or it might be that he completely escalated a petty issue with an emotionally disturbed child.

Your mindset is the cause for the vast majority of the problems with our school system.

Naw, the majority of problems we have are that we dope up these kids for 12 years and then wonder why some of them act out because they haven't been taught proper behavior.

This is the leftist mindset that has been making decisions for our schools for the past sixty years. The results are predictable. The video is just proof.
THis is a school in a red state. So, um, no can't really blame leftists for this one.

The creature is utterly unhappy in this world and only knows hatred.
Yet, you are the one who shows up with all the angry posts...
Have yet to hear if the "student" was arrested and charged.

You can take an animal out of the jungle, but you can't always take the jungle out of the animal. When 14% of the population commits more than 50% of the violent crimes ... it's time to take note. You certainly don't want to turn your back.
Maybe he is. BUt if he is, you better not take his phone unless you think you can take him in a fight.
That means the school is a jungle

No wonder education is in the toilet thanks to ambulance chasing lib lawyers and give-a-shit educators
Really, where does it say that. Because I've looked at about a dozen articles on this incident, and not a one of them talks about what led up to the confrontation.
I cant find it either

I guess the teacher was pawning the phone of the poor mistreated sons of obama

Also, if you searched the web then you owe Andy Ngo an apology for implying that he was withholding context when in fact he posted all that was available
I lived for decades in an area that was 50 percent black. They caused, easily, 90 percent of the problems and commited the highest numbers of crimes.

They destroyed neighborhoods and schools. Then cried about how "badly" they were treated. There are precious few positive things I ever saw about the black community.

Total, enforced, segregation would be a blessing in this country.
It’s always BS when you are forced to deal with theM
It’s always BS when you are forced to deal with theM

I lived in a nice middle class neighborhood in Oakland for years that was fairly evenly split between white, black and Asian. I was renting at the time, but most people were homeowners.

Everybody got along.
I cant find it either

I guess the teacher was pawning the phone of the poor mistreated sons of obama

Also, if you searched the web then you owe Andy Ngo an apology for implying that he was withholding context when in fact he posted all that was available
It's really just a case of who people identify with, here

People who contribute to society identify with the man who contributes to society. Worthless pieces of filth identify with thug filth.
It's really just a case of who people identify with, here

People who contribute to society identify with the man who contributes to society. Worthless pieces of filth identify with thug filth.
I strongly suspect he lives and grew up in a single mom home on welfare
You can take an animal out of the jungle, but you can't always take the jungle out of the animal. When 14% of the population commits more than 50% of the violent crimes ... it's time to take note. You certainly don't want to turn your back.

So when you found Jesus at an AA meeting, did you discover he hates black people as much as you do?

I cant find it either

I guess the teacher was pawning the phone of the poor mistreated sons of obama

Also, if you searched the web then you owe Andy Ngo an apology for implying that he was withholding context when in fact he posted all that was available

Andy Ngo has lied too many times to trust anything he says. Frankly, I don't know what kind of gay Asian man would suck up the to racist homophobes who hate him. It's an odd sort of self-loathing.

I'm perfectly friendly with all sorts of people, here, you ghoul.

You're freinds with the awful people here... that's the thing.
So when you found Jesus at an AA meeting, did you discover he hates black people as much as you do?

Andy Ngo has lied too many times to trust anything he says. Frankly, I don't know what kind of gay Asian man would suck up the to racist homophobes who hate him. It's an odd sort of self-loathing.

You're freinds with the awful people here... that's the thing.
Andy Ngo presented a clear video. Is the video "lying?"

Before Obama ... I didn't take issue with the black community. I mean ... I knew that they didn't like the color of my skin, but racial tensions seemed to be at a fairly low level. Then Obama and his husband Mike came along and started fanning the flames of racial hatred. They whipped the black community into a frenzy, and now we're seeing an exponential level of black on white crime across the nation. Would I step foot in a black neighborhood at night? Not if I value my life. But I bet you wouldn't either. I bet you're safe in a "lighter" neighborhood and feel perfectly comfortable virtue signalling from a safe distance.

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