168 Republicans vote against active shooter allert system

Once again Westwall is out of touch with reality. The truth is out there, and Westwall finds the truth anathema.
Most RWNJ's are.
A prime example.

Conservatives enact meritless abortion ‘bans' predicated on the lie that ‘children’ are being ‘murdered’ yet refuse to even explore addressing the problem of actual children being murdered in their schools.

It is the hard truth.

Every abortion results in the death of an actual child, an actual human being.

Children are being murdered, thousands every day, and you on the left wrong fully support this slaughter.

If we could effectively ban abortion completely, it would save over a million innocent human lives every year.

That's the hard truth, and none of your lies or distractions can change it or hide it.

And your response to a much smaller number of murders, smaller by a few orders of magnitude, is to deprive law-abiding citizens of a crucial, essential Constitutional right, in a manner that will do absolutely nothing to reduce those murders in the least, and which, in fact, will have the effect of making law-abiding human beings easier prey for criminals.

No sane person believes that you give a shit about the value of any human lives. The policies that you support favor the interests of murderers and other subhuman criminal filth over that of any actual human beings.
This bill requires a designated officer of the Department of Justice to act as the national coordinator of an Active Shooter Alert Communications Network regarding an emergency involving an active shooter.

The bill sets forth duties of the coordinator, including to work with state, tribal, and local governments to encourage coordination of various elements of the network. The coordinator must also encourage federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies to establish procedures for responding to active shooters.

Finally, the bill requires the Government Accountability Office to study and report on state and local responses to active shooters and situations requiring the issuance of a public alert or warning.

There is no doubt that the Senate will not get an up or down vote on HR 6538. How many more Mass Murders will it take to come to senses of the voters to replace the 169 members of the H. of Rep. who reject any gun control - the gun lobby bribes them and they are happy to spend half the day calling for more bribes to keep their job.

Oh hell yeah ... All we need is another level of bureaucracy to make everything much clearer.

I am amused at the nitwits that don't recognize it as political grandstanding that amounts to nothing.
The really amusing part is that it establishes a Government Accountability Office that studies how bad the government may have screwed things up ... :auiqs.jpg:

I didn't dumbass.

Washington Free Beacon?

A spokesman for Biden’s HHS reportedly told The Washington Free Beacon that the “safe smoking kits” will include pipes for drug users to smoke crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and “any illicit substance.”

An HHS public affairs official later denied the Beacon’s report, calling it “blatant misinformation.”

Gullible Trumptards believe anything.

You were saying?

I know Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs only care about saving the lives of fetuses, after that?
They could give a fuck.

Left wing gun nuts couldn't care less about saving lives ever.

It's their policies that are responsible for the innocent lives lost in most if not all of these cases.

Need a safe place to shoot up, go see the democrats...Need a crack pipe, the same.

Want to murder some babies, democrats will help with that too.

And early release for murderers and rapists.

Shouldn't the measure of a bill how much good it does rather than how little harm it does? What is the benefit of the bill? What gets better because the Federal Government is leading the resource coordination in an active shooter scenario in stead of the State or even the County where the shooter and the law enforcement is?
It’s a scale. Some do nothing good. Some do little bad. Some do nothing bad. Some do nothing but bad. This particular bill is relatively inexpensive. And this bill also doesn’t seem to be the federal government imposing anything. I don’t say it’s worth a whole lot. But I don’t see how it causes any significant problems.

A coordinated system is what they seek to alert potential victims but they are also seem to be attempting to find a way the system thereby informs the shooter as little as possible.
You were saying?

Left wing gun nuts couldn't care less about saving lives ever.

It's their policies that are responsible for the innocent lives lost in most if not all of these cases.

Need a safe place to shoot up, go see the democrats...Need a crack pipe, the same.

Want to murder some babies, democrats will help with that too.

And early release for murderers and rapists.

Like I stated Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs/Trumptards will believe anything.
Washington Free Beacon?

A spokesman for Biden’s HHS reportedly told The Washington Free Beacon that the “safe smoking kits” will include pipes for drug users to smoke crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and “any illicit substance.”

An HHS public affairs official later denied the Beacon’s report, calling it “blatant misinformation.”

Gullible Trumptards believe anything.

Yes, there was the report before distribution that the kits would contain pipes and then the denials and statements that they would not include crack pipes, so up to that point, you would have been right. But you're ignoring, purposely I believe, the actual facts from when the kits came out and, nationwide, they included crack pipes, proving that all the denials were a lie.

I didn't dumbass.
It STILL doesn't equate to MORE DRUGS.

I know Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs only care about saving the lives of fetuses, after that?
They could give a fuck.
I'm pro-choice. I believe people have the right to be stupid and kill themselves with crack or other drugs.

I'm pro-choice. I believe the baby in the womb gets to be part of the choice about abortion and just as soon as that baby is of age to legally agree to aborting it, and then does so agree, then you can abort it.
The lesser of two evils is still evil and not something I will vote for.

Yours is a cultish position.

And even at that, it's not true. I didn't want Trump to win but I really wanted Hillary to lose. I didn't want Biden to win but I really wanted Trump to lose. So in both instances the one I disliked the least won. I couldn't support them but they won.

To make a legitimate argument it has to be factual and there you are, yours is not.

You want me to vote for your party? Run someone decent that I can support. Otherwise, no.
If you want people to vote 3rd-party then that party should do the work to have a chance of doing something. They simply rob donor money and votes of people who really care.

How much money did you donate to your 3rd-Party last election?

The lesser of two evils IS less evil. You want to pat yourself on the back and ignore evil. You are worse than the other two evils.
You forgot Plymouth......and answer the question...what kept the Cumbria and Plymouth shooters from walking into schools?
The reason that the communists and socialists and even the Muslims in the UK aren't shooting schools and anywhere else very often isn't because they don't have the weapons to do it; of course they have the weapons. The reason that they're not using their weapons is that they're winning the war anyway. The British aren't coming; they've surrendered.
It’s a scale. Some do nothing good. Some do little bad. Some do nothing bad. Some do nothing but bad. This particular bill is relatively inexpensive. And this bill also doesn’t seem to be the federal government imposing anything. I don’t say it’s worth a whole lot. But I don’t see how it causes any significant problems.

A coordinated system is what they seek to alert potential victims but they are also seem to be attempting to find a way the system thereby informs the shooter as little as possible.
If you can't point to the good, then why pass it? Believe me, every bill that the Federal Government passes is intended to strip just a little bit of liberty.

There are already laws against murder, robbery, rape, child porn, and theft. There are very few other laws that I need from government. Everything else is passed for the benefit of government.
It’s a scale. Some do nothing good. Some do little bad. Some do nothing bad. Some do nothing but bad. This particular bill is relatively inexpensive. And this bill also doesn’t seem to be the federal government imposing anything. I don’t say it’s worth a whole lot. But I don’t see how it causes any significant problems.

A coordinated system is what they seek to alert potential victims but they are also seem to be attempting to find a way the system thereby informs the shooter as little as possible.

By the way, how does such a coordinated means of notifying potential victims without notifying the shooter work? Maybe text message everyone in the error without texting the shooter? Maybe, then, they actually know and track everyone's location so they know who to text?
You really are a big-government guy, aren't you?

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