168 Republicans vote against active shooter allert system

Because we live in a civilised country.

Yes, we know about your “civilised” nation. My ancestors fought and won two wars against you British filth, to protect us from your degenerate notions of “civilised”.

And you continue to9 serve your one meaningful purpose, which is to repeatedly and vividly remind us Americans why we kicked you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago.

Go suck your Queen's dick.
Their guns did not protect their freedom. So your argument is shite.

They took their guns in the 20s.........

You know who didn't give up their guns? The Swiss...


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot.

This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million. Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms. Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

While neutral, Switzerland was prepared to fight a Nazi invasion to the end. The celebrated Swiss Gen. Henri Guisan developed the strategy known as defense du reduit--an initial opposition followed by a retreat into the Alps, where a relentless war to the death would be waged. Most Swiss strongly opposed Nazism. Death sentences were issued for fifth-column activities, and proclamations against anti-Semitism were passed at various official levels. There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.
Its true Bob. You slaughter kids every day and do fuck all about it.
My kids never had to learn a lockdown drill. Because we live in a civilised country.
You dont even want to let folk know there is a shooter about. Sick fucks.

Again......with two recent mass public shootings in Britain, at Cumbria and Plymouth.....which gun control laws in Britain kept those two shooters from walking into one of your public schools and shooting kids?

They had guns, they shot enough people to classify as mass public shootings, what kept them from targeting a school?

With criminals having easy access to guns in Britain, what keeps one of them from going into a British public school and shooting students and staff?

We will await your response...

And the victims of slavery in our nation's early days were not people either. They were just nÏggεrs.

And the victims of the Nazi Holocaust were not people either; they were Untermenschen.

It's easy to make yourself feel good about supporting horrendous human rights violations, if you can convince yourself that the victims of these violations weren't really human.

But it's a lie. Supporting abortion makes you no better than those who supported slavery or Nazism.
You are reaching way to back in the history of our nation. I'll provide a short history lesson just for you.
Most of the signers of the Constitution owned slaves. Most of the first Presidents owned slaves. When A. Lincoln was assassinated his Vice President was a racist. He, btw, was a Republican.
In 1948 President Truman integrated our armed forces. Then the transition began the civil rights movement honored by the Democratic Party and hated by the Republican Party. Today the so called BIG TENT of the Republican Party is very much White, and the R. Party is opposed to Civil Rights.

Too bad you aren't smart enough to take in reality.
This is extreme federal overreach. Granting federal authority in a local matter, for what? Are feds going to get involved in every gang shootout? Not likely, which means this simply a BS move that will neither decrease these shootings or have much meaningful impact. Waste of time and money.
This is extreme federal overreach. Granting federal authority in a local matter, for what? Are feds going to get involved in every gang shootout? Not likely, which means this simply a BS move that will neither decrease these shootings or have much meaningful impact. Waste of time and money.
Gee, too bad you didn't live in the early 20th Century. You would enjoy putting Eliot Ness as not doing any effort to put Scarface into Alcatraz.
I think that HR 6538 is one step to mitigate the damage, the deaths and the long lasting grief of families. As far as I know the Uvalde officers didn't do their job, not only because they were not trained, they were cowards.

Sure; with the great track record of the Feds in everything they do, they can only make the response to a shooter better, faster, more reliable... I get that.

There's nothing offered in the bill that will improve the response to a shooting. States are the right place to plan and coordinate response to an active shooter - and even then only in those rare cases where it's not more expedient to have the locals handle it.

I will say, though, that if they want to pass a bill giving the Border Patrol's special operations teams the lead in all active shooter situations, I could turn away from all of the constitutional questions.
I think that HR 6538 is one step to mitigate the damage, the deaths and the long lasting grief of families. As far as I know the Uvalde officers didn't do their job, not only because they were not trained, they were cowards.

The Uvalde police were trained just weeks before the shooting. They were just cowards.
Yes I did pass Civics in High School, and graduated with a double major of Poli Sci and US History at CAL. Setting your ad hominem aside, what riders were attached to HR 6538 that made 169 members of The House rejected. All of us know the Gun Lobby bribed them.

What specifically in the bill makes you so fond of it? What would help in the next shooting?
While unrelated riders can often be a reason to vote against the Bill they've been attached to, in this case seems the reason may be unnecessary duplication.
H.R. 6538: NO. This sends $2 million to the DOJ to implement an “Active Shooter Alert” notification that duplicates the existing Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). Warning the public of imminent threats is a useful activity, which is why we have the IPAWS. Setting up a duplicative system only for gunfire unnecessarily complicates and confuses the existing system and risks desensitizing the public with false alarms under the loose definitions in this bill.
You can be concerned, involved and participate all without being a part of the two failed parties.

If you don't vote Democrat or Republican you're voting to ensure the one you like the least is elected.

I'm all for destroying both parties but destroy them first; build your new party up to be able to win and then take on the big boys. Right now it is just wasting votes that could have kept Biden out. Or if you hate Trump that could keep Trump out in 24. Or could have in 16. Point is, vote to make a difference rather than to make a statement.
when the 2 parties start running quality people that may change....until then FUCK both of the parties and the 20 percenters they run....
I'd be curious how you define "quality people", especially since most people have varied definitions which is why we have two major and several minor parties.

Another problem is this is the sort of comment and attitude common to those whom have neither the stamina, gumption, intelligence, sense of public service to run for an office in the first place.

Too many of the "80 percenters" think they look smart and are being whitty when making snarky, ill-informed smack like this. Actually they are just the opposite. Also they tend to be the sort of fodder used by insurrectionists whom don't want to play politics and would rather legislate from the barrel of a firearm.

So "Harry Dresden", do you consider yourself a "quality person"?
If so, when are you starting your campaign and for what office?
And how are you getting the funding and supporters it often takes to campaign and have a chance for getting elected?
Yes I did pass Civics in High School, and graduated with a double major of Poli Sci and US History at CAL. Setting your ad hominem aside, what riders were attached to HR 6538 that made 169 members of The House rejected. All of us know the Gun Lobby bribed them.
So you say and we have to take your word for it, though I'm not seeing any proof in your "education" claims. Underscored by that last sentence of your post.
I read the text.

I’m not sure what about the bill requires any significant opposition. Frankly, the bill seems pretty harmless on its face. I may be missing something, though:

Shouldn't the measure of a bill how much good it does rather than how little harm it does? What is the benefit of the bill? What gets better because the Federal Government is leading the resource coordination in an active shooter scenario in stead of the State or even the County where the shooter and the law enforcement is?
About the murders of children at school, the party that you seem to support - The Republican Party - is the one that allows mass murder of children.

You're an ignorant and biddable fool, abortions do not murder children, the law that was repealed makes that clear, at least for the few fools like you; they were not children, they were a fetus.

You've bought onto the emotive illogic which is not in favor of empathy, the R. Party doesn't give a damn about the fetus, they only want to make fools like you vote for them.

Which law would you support, extend, propose, or otherwise like to see that would stop school shootings and not create other killing fields in its wake?
While unrelated riders can often be a reason to vote against the Bill they've been attached to, in this case seems the reason may be unnecessary duplication.
H.R. 6538: NO. This sends $2 million to the DOJ to implement an “Active Shooter Alert” notification that duplicates the existing Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). Warning the public of imminent threats is a useful activity, which is why we have the IPAWS. Setting up a duplicative system only for gunfire unnecessarily complicates and confuses the existing system and risks desensitizing the public with false alarms under the loose definitions in this bill.

These notification systems are not about protecting lives. Does anyone really believe that the Federal Government spent billions of dollars creating the Amber Alert system to settle custody disputes when the non-custodial parent doesn't get to the Walmart parking lot on time on Friday afternoons?

These systems are "enemy-of-the-state" notification systems. The day will come that the descriptions of many of us here will will have our descriptions on those signs and be listed as child kidnappers or active shooters, or even silver alerts. And everyone will believe them and try to do their civic duty and call in with our locations. And that will be even if we've never broken a law.
Gee, too bad you didn't live in the early 20th Century. You would enjoy putting Eliot Ness as not doing any effort to put Scarface into Alcatraz.
What does that have to with anything? Mass shootings are not organized crimes extending over state lines. They are individual localized events.

The sheer stupidity of this will only be seen when it fails. Federal response and coordination would only be effective if you have people sitting around waiting on a mass shooting. Otherwise the very people who might be effective would have to be prioritized and tasked to a mass shooting from whatever duty they were doing. Worse they might not be able to leave their duty and not respond and still be blamed. This is a dumb idea to pretend Congress is doing something, which will change nothing except adding the feds to the blame game.

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