17 y.o. hit & run driver in L.A. sentenced to 5 months was shot dead...

"Two killed?"

Mother and kid in a stroller .
Counts as 2 here in God's Garden but probably more in America . Or less . We call it Murder here.......I expect to you was just an accident due to climate change......
Are you OK, poster 'luiza'?
Is this the right venue for you?
You seem a little discombobulated on this chatroom.

I watched the video. A couple of times. What I think I saw was the woman picking herself up after the vehicle strike and promptly ----immediately, like a good mother would ---- checking on her child in the tram.

I couldn't see anything about the child....but the woman seemed very un-dead.

You can see what you want to see, poster 'luiza'.
No one is here to judge you. So you be you. Good luck.
17 year olds get murdered all the time in this country, especially in liberal shit hole cities, but we only celebrate it when a 17 year old deserved what he got.
We don't do that in Canada and we don't think anybody deserves the death penalty for any crime.

The reason why I believe that's the best policy is because I'm an atheist.
This “ kid” who rammed his Car into the Mother and her baby and could have killed them or permanently injured them?
He’s where he should be 👍

In Canada we don't believe in a death penalty for any crime. Our society owes a debt to rehabilitate people who go wrong.

The reason I believe that is because I'm an atheist and not a christian.

In Canada we don't believe in a death penalty for any crime. Our society owes a debt to rehabilitate people who go wrong.

The reason I believe that is because I'm an atheist and not a christian.

Yeah, you people are both liars, and stupid.

Many times you have supported china's murdering of political opponents.

In Canada we don't believe in a death penalty for any crime. Our society owes a debt to rehabilitate people who go wrong.

The reason I believe that is because I'm an atheist and not a christian.
Just ONE small example; In Idaho recently there was a MASS MURDER of 4 Innocent College students. You don’t believe he deserves the death 💀 penalty? He deserves “ rehabilitation?” If possible. You are sicker then he is
Just ONE small example; In Idaho recently there was a MASS MURDER of 4 Innocent College students. You don’t believe he deserves the death 💀 penalty? He deserves “ rehabilitation?” If possible. You are sicker then he is
No! Nobody deserves the death penalty! Period!

Society owes a debt to rehabilitate the criminals that the society has created.

The sickness is in the few modern first world countries that still administer the death penalty.

And I"m claiming that me being an atheist has something to do with my opinion. I'm happy to pursue the topic further with those who can rise above their attitude of hate, to look at the question objectively.
No! Nobody deserves the death penalty! Period!

Society owes a debt to rehabilitate the criminals that the society has created.

The sickness is in the few modern first world countries that still administer the death penalty.

And I"m claiming that me being an atheist has something to do with my opinion. I'm happy to pursue the topic further with those who can rise above their attitude of hate, to look at the question objectively.

Hate? More like self defense. Murderers murder people. The only way to prevent that is to kill them first.
"The only way to prevent that is to kill them first."

Umm, poor poster Westwall, mein freund....you may wanna re-think your posting competency.

I mean by that, if you kill murderers before they murder....well then, they can't be a murderer. They be dead.

However, it would make you a murderer.

And you already know what the consequences of that would be

You be dead, soon.

Be careful what you wish for......and just as careful on your ability to articulate your wishes.

You could get yourself killed, mi amigo. For lack of thinking things through.
Tragic, in my opinion.
Umm, poor poster Westwall, mein freund....you may wanna re-think your posting competency.

I mean by that, if you kill murderers before they murder....well then, they can't be a murderer. They be dead.

However, it would make you a murderer.

And you already know what the consequences of that would be

You be dead, soon.

Be careful what you wish for......and just as careful on your ability to articulate your wishes.

You could get yourself killed, mi amigo. For lack of thinking things through.
Tragic, in my opinion.

You might want to learn how to read for comprehension.

You kill the murderer after he, or she has been convicted.

"You kill the murderer after he, or she has been convicted."
(underlining by my avatar, not poor westwall's)

Ah, OK. Got it!
That is what you meant to say.
But didn't.

The only way to prevent that is to kill them first.
"Vigilante justice is all the justice we have."

It is so sad, poster CatBreath, that you are trapped in such a neighborhood.....where the only justice is vigilante justice.

Is it an affordability issue for you?
Locked into the equity of your home and can't leave it?
Or is it where your rent is the cheapest and most affordable for you?

It's sad. Most especially when the rest of American citizens benefit by a justice system .....tho not perfect....is considered a model of much of the world.
And you seemingly live in an America where such protection is not affordable to you.

That is sad. Good luck.

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