17 year old Dindu burgler shot dead by homeowner

those that can physically/mentally out do the others

what else would it mean dumb ass
It means, Best Adapted. They don't have to be big, or strong, or smart (stupid usually wins) or anything beyond willing to do what it takes to survive or able to survive when others cannot. You could be the size of a peanut surrounded by lions and be the most fit.

You, whitey, ain't very likely the most fit.
No wonder you are a consultant working out of your moms basement, you can't hold a real job… LOL
So in your ignorant world having your own business is not a real job?
I own three, all s corp.
Paint my house says he's a consultant but he won't say what he consults…
You didn't say what you own so he's not obligated to tell you jack shit!
As to being friends you have a fucked up sense of what friendship is.
I hurt your feelings, sorry...
those that can physically/mentally out do the others

what else would it mean dumb ass
It means, Best Adapted. They don't have to be big, or strong, or smart (stupid usually wins) or anything beyond willing to do what it takes to survive or able to survive when others cannot. You could be the size of a peanut surrounded by lions and be the most fit.

You, whitey, ain't very likely the most fit.
No wonder you are a consultant working out of your moms basement, you can't hold a real job… LOL
So in your ignorant world having your own business is not a real job?
I own three, all s corp.
Paint my house says he's a consultant but he won't say what he consults…
None of your business, little man. Just because you want to expose that shit you sell doesn't mean the rest of us are that stupid.
He's a braggart.
They are always stupid.
It means, Best Adapted. They don't have to be big, or strong, or smart (stupid usually wins) or anything beyond willing to do what it takes to survive or able to survive when others cannot. You could be the size of a peanut surrounded by lions and be the most fit.

You, whitey, ain't very likely the most fit.
No wonder you are a consultant working out of your moms basement, you can't hold a real job… LOL
So in your ignorant world having your own business is not a real job?
I own three, all s corp.
Paint my house says he's a consultant but he won't say what he consults…
You didn't say what you own so he's not obligated to tell you jack shit!
As to being friends you have a fucked up sense of what friendship is.
I hurt your feelings, sorry...
As always wishful thinking.
It means, Best Adapted. They don't have to be big, or strong, or smart (stupid usually wins) or anything beyond willing to do what it takes to survive or able to survive when others cannot. You could be the size of a peanut surrounded by lions and be the most fit.

You, whitey, ain't very likely the most fit.
No wonder you are a consultant working out of your moms basement, you can't hold a real job… LOL
So in your ignorant world having your own business is not a real job?
I own three, all s corp.
Paint my house says he's a consultant but he won't say what he consults…
None of your business, little man. Just because you want to expose that shit you sell doesn't mean the rest of us are that stupid.
He's a braggart.
They are always stupid.
I have three business's, 1: I sell mining leases on private land - 2: I sell timber leases on private land both being seasonal(spring and summer) 3: l sell firearms and ammo(fall and winter and now year round thanks to Barry)... All S corporations - and YES, corporations are people…

I have the best firearm salesman ever known to man…
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Apparently, these hood-rats think that because they are poor, they have the right to break in and steal the stuff you actually work for and thus have no right to shoot them. Wrong! Kill any hood-rat that breaks into your home!
Does the same rule hold true for white suburban yard apes that do it just for kicks?
Absofuckinlutely. Race, creed, color, sexual orientation, etc. You break and enter the wrong house, you're dead meat.
I had a chance to take one of these bastards out. Clearly, four of them trying to invade my house. I flanked them and fired a 44 mag warning shot. They eloped like deer in headlights.

And they came back, armed. These human scum were white trash from the most rotting, fetid places west of West Virginia - southern Missouri, Barry county specifically. A backward expanse of unending trails and roads filled with camo wearing simian freaks.

All colors, shapes and sizes. I'd recommend blasting the fools and not taking stupid chances like I did.
Just another man that puts value where value lies. A thief has no value. He's proven that by being a thief.
If that's your thinking then you have a major malfunction.
In your case man is a subjective term.
I made a plain and simple statement that anything I've earned is worth more than any piece of shit that would try and steal it.

Odd how you think stating an OPINION is handing someone's ass to them. You couldn't hand your own as to yourself boy. You're kind is too damn lazy to make the effort unless it has some social welfare attached to it.
I made a plain and simple statement that anything I've earned is worth more than any piece of shit that would try and steal it.

Odd how you think stating an OPINION is handing someone's ass to them. You couldn't hand your own as to yourself boy. You're kind is too damn lazy to make the effort unless it has some social welfare attached to it.
Boy ? Another false assumption for the pile social welfare false assumption 2.
Lazy false assumption 3
Stating your ignorant opinion is why and still are getting your ass handed to you.
Quit while you're behind.

1 in every 3 1/2 black is on food stamps. Hardly an assumption. If they weren't lazy, they wouldn't be in a situation to apply for them.
So you falsely assume I'm black?
Then you make an even more blatant false assumption concerning about the lie of black laziness.
I can come to no other conclusion then you are fucking deranged.

Perhaps you don't understand what 1 in 3 1/2 means.

You falsely ASSume I said you were on food stamps.
I made no such assumption.
Are you still gonna run with the fantasy that I'm black.
Backpedalling like a bitch are we?

Never said YOU were black or on food stamps. Can you show proof I made such statements? I'll wait but don't expect anything from you. You don't have to be black to be a "******". You've proven that.
Miami-Dade police said there was a confrontation and shots were fired. Police said they were on scene seconds after the shooting and gave CPR to the teen. Johnson was rushed to the hospital.
she was not at home..
Do you understand what "confrontation" means?


It's ambiguous any details come from your imagination.
Doesn't change the fact she wasn't there.

Explain how she can shoot someone while they are there is she wasn't there.
The facts show the homeowner shot the thief and had the right to do it. The facts show that another piece of shit won't get the chance to rob another house.
Boy is life cheap to people like you...

It doesn't matter what the value is of what I own. It's worth more than the life of someone that would try to steal it. I don't cheapen a thief's value, they do it by being a thief.
And there we go. To you your property is worth more than a human life. Nuff said.

Damn right it is. Something I earned is worth more to me than someone that, by their own actions, proves they don't even care about their own life.

Are you telling me that you would let someone steal what you worked to earn?
Yes, and I have, it it was of no value compared to a human life.

Thanks for proving you're a dumbass. Someone that would steal to me has shown they don't value their life. If they did, they wouldn't steal.
Then you're an idiot to deny the truth.
Not dening anything just stating fact
Besides what kind of truth are you talking about ?
Subjective or objective?
The facts show he was in the house and he shouldn't have been.

The facts show the homeowner shot the thief and had the right to do it. The facts show that another piece of shit won't get the chance to rob another house.
Boy is life cheap to people like you...
Says the consultant who wants to end all of humanity... Lol
Humanity, as this thread clearly shows, is a disease...

Yes, you're disease ridden.
Boy is life cheap to people like you...

It doesn't matter what the value is of what I own. It's worth more than the life of someone that would try to steal it. I don't cheapen a thief's value, they do it by being a thief.
And there we go. To you your property is worth more than a human life. Nuff said.

Damn right it is. Something I earned is worth more to me than someone that, by their own actions, proves they don't even care about their own life.

Are you telling me that you would let someone steal what you worked to earn?
Yes, and I have, it it was of no value compared to a human life.

Thanks for proving you're a dumbass. Someone that would steal to me has shown they don't value their life. If they did, they wouldn't steal.
It is you who doesn't value life. Nothing you could ever own is worth a human life.
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I consider shooting a home invader to be self defense. You cannot know of their intentions and oftentimes, they are quite capable of beating, raping, torturing and murdering you.
It is you who doesn't value life...
Thugs lives are cheap. Not much to value.
Human life should be treated as cheap eh? I'll keep that in mind...

If he hadn't been a criminal, he would still be alive today. Nobody to blame but himself. If you are going to live a life of crime and break into other people's homes, then getting shot is an occupational hazard that you accept for your own actions.
It is you who doesn't value life...
Thugs lives are cheap. Not much to value.
Human life should be treated as cheap eh? I'll keep that in mind...
I suppose all human life has value to someone. The life of my son has far more value to me than does yours for example. The life of a thug has very little value to me, and I'm not self-righteous enough to pretend it does.

He doesn't care either. Don't be fooled. This is all part of his anti-gun crusade.
Daws and PMH are pretty pathetic. This woman owed that criminal nothing at all. He violated her and her home. IF you don't want to get shot, then don't break and enter. Simple. No excuses.
It doesn't matter what the value is of what I own. It's worth more than the life of someone that would try to steal it. I don't cheapen a thief's value, they do it by being a thief.
And there we go. To you your property is worth more than a human life. Nuff said.

Damn right it is. Something I earned is worth more to me than someone that, by their own actions, proves they don't even care about their own life.

Are you telling me that you would let someone steal what you worked to earn?
Yes, and I have, it it was of no value compared to a human life.

Thanks for proving you're a dumbass. Someone that would steal to me has shown they don't value their life. If they did, they wouldn't steal.
It is you who doesn't value life. Nothing you could ever own is worth a human life.

I value life that has value. A thief has shown by his actions he doesn't value his own life.

EVERYTHING I own is worth more than the life of a thief. I get to make that decision of what I own, not you.

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