17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

IOW, you don't feel comfortable saying how you really feel. That's a bit cowardly. BTW, it's spelled "relevant." :D
False .
Blame spell check

Well, then why won't you say? It's cowardly. You're a coward.

Nope, that's my new opinion of you.
It's a false assumption.

Nope, it's my viewpoint. You refuse to repost your video, you won't even give a post number, you refuse to give a time on the counter where the incident occurred. So, I'm going by the OP video, and I don't see any of the things you claim.
WHERE on the video does this occur. I missed it. Now please, tell me on the counter where this allegedly happens.
The last 5 seconds or so and its not in slow motion

Did I say it was in slow motion?
Easy just giving you a heads up .

Well, I still am not seeing what you are claiming. At no point in this video do I see the boy lunge at the officer. In the last few seconds, you really cannot make out anything very clearly.
Yet you're sure the cop was wrong and you know better than those who investigated the incident.

Silly, huh?

Why did the cop have to shoot the boy 7 times? He unloaded his weapon on an unruly child is what he did. I hope he has a miserable existence for the rest of his life. I hope he is tortured by the boy's face whose life he took over . . . NOTHING.
Well, I must apologize for my potty mouth, but this situation has me all riled up! I'm really pissed about it.
Then you should go out into the streets and find a cop and let him know how you feel. Make sure you use wild hand gestures and shout so he gets the message.
The police, as their name imply's, are of the politic. They are protected by the politic. Law enforcement is a misnomer. It is offensive if they claim justification under the Law. Justification requires confession.
There is no Law in this.
False .
Blame spell check

Well, then why won't you say? It's cowardly. You're a coward.

Nope, that's my new opinion of you.
It's a false assumption.

Nope, it's my viewpoint. You refuse to repost your video, you won't even give a post number, you refuse to give a time on the counter where the incident occurred. So, I'm going by the OP video, and I don't see any of the things you claim.
If you prefer to stay ignorant feel free .
It's there if bother to look.
Also it makes a liar out of Sargeant.
Police have to defend themselves too.
I don't know if this is valid. Shouldn't they be more selfless because their job is to protect the public?

Does anyone believe that cop, with training, time on the job, weapons at his disposal, needed to shoot this child because he was unruly? Goodness, the boy had committed no crime to begin with. Now he's dead.
Resisting arrest is a crime. Now you know.
Police have to defend themselves too.
I don't know if this is valid. Shouldn't they be more selfless because their job is to protect the public?

Does anyone believe that cop, with training, time on the job, weapons at his disposal, needed to shoot this child because he was unruly? Goodness, the boy had committed no crime to begin with. Now he's dead.
Resisting arrest is a crime. Now you know.

Yes, but he committed no crime to begin with. He flashed his lights. Now he's dead. I hope you're happy. I'm not happy. I find this incredibly horrible and depressing. Yes, teen boys can overreact and it's hormonal.
So, here is this 17-year-old child lying on the ground face down, when the officer tases him. All of the sudden, he feels this burning searing pain and has no idea why. Do you think you would just lie there as tens of thousands of volts of electricity pulse through your body? He was a BOY, for God's sake.
Actually the taser is designed to immobilize the suspect by interrupting the motor control of his muscles. But thanks for pretending you know what a taser does.
Nothing any of you say will change my mind. A cop emptying his weapon into a 17-year-old boy is inexcusable. He should have never been a cop because he obviously sucks. Not to mention, he was quite a dick head as well.
So, here is this 17-year-old child lying on the ground face down, when the officer tases him. All of the sudden, he feels this burning searing pain and has no idea why. Do you think you would just lie there as tens of thousands of volts of electricity pulse through your body? He was a BOY, for God's sake.
Actually the taser is designed to immobilize the suspect by interrupting the motor control of his muscles. But thanks for pretending you know what a taser does.

It's 50,000 volts. It is VERY painful. It doesn't always work that way, and as the narrator of your own video stated, it malfunctioned.
When watching the video earlier today only one thought ran through my mind about the kid's interaction with the police officer: shut up and tell it to the judge.
When watching the video earlier today only one thought ran through my mind about the kid's interaction with the police officer: shut up and tell it to the judge.

Yeah, tell that to a 17-year-old boy. He was a child.
I couldn't even finish watching this video, as I have a son only a few years older. I cannot sit and watch that happen to that boy.
Thanks for admitting you didn't even watch the whole video. Now let's get back to the part where you claim the video doesn't show the officer being attacked, even though you didn't watch it.
I couldn't even finish watching this video, as I have a son only a few years older. I cannot sit and watch that happen to that boy.
Thanks for admitting you didn't even watch the whole video. Now let's get back to the part where you claim the video doesn't show the officer being attacked, even though you didn't watch it.

I watched the entire video. After 2 minutes and 24 seconds, you can't see anything else. At THAT point in the video, the boy is STILL on the ground.
I couldn't even finish watching this video, as I have a son only a few years older. I cannot sit and watch that happen to that boy.
Thanks for admitting you didn't even watch the whole video. Now let's get back to the part where you claim the video doesn't show the officer being attacked, even though you didn't watch it.

So, where exactly on the time counter does this incident where the boy attacks the officer occur?

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