17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Once again you liar the end of the tape which is done in slow motion shows the kid attacking the cop, further his actions broke the camera and caused physical damage to the cop.

To WHOM are you speaking? Tell us where on the counter this incident occurs please. This is request number FOUR. Shall I wait. Perhaps you're just having hallucinations.
YOU are a RETARD. I told you the end of the tape it is clear as a bell and shows the kid in slow motion attacking the cop. You can ask for it all you want it has been provided now at least three times. You are beyond stupid blind and a retard if you can not see it or understand simple facts and video evidence. Once again you dumb ass the DA reviewed the case INCLUDING the video and determined no charges would be filed. Unless you can show a conspiracy you got nothing but your ignorant ranting and inability to view tapes.

NO, it is not in slow motion. Obviously you are hallucinating. And again, you cannot give me the time on the counter where your "fantasy" occurs.

And BTW, YOU are the RETARD for thinking it is okay to shoot and kill children.
You are proving just how fucking stupid you really are. The end of the tape clearly shows the "boy" attacking the cop as I have said 4 times now. I am not responsible for your ignorance or your stupidity nor for your inability to see. I am all for cops defending themselves from persons of any age that chose to attack them.

Where on the counter does this occur? Post your video and state where on the counter the incident you are speaking of occurs. This is the 6th time I've asked you now.
I am done responding to you. For the LAST time the END of the tape the the op provided, are you like 5? Can you read? Are you old enough to understand the written word?
To WHOM are you speaking? Tell us where on the counter this incident occurs please. This is request number FOUR. Shall I wait. Perhaps you're just having hallucinations.
YOU are a RETARD. I told you the end of the tape it is clear as a bell and shows the kid in slow motion attacking the cop. You can ask for it all you want it has been provided now at least three times. You are beyond stupid blind and a retard if you can not see it or understand simple facts and video evidence. Once again you dumb ass the DA reviewed the case INCLUDING the video and determined no charges would be filed. Unless you can show a conspiracy you got nothing but your ignorant ranting and inability to view tapes.

NO, it is not in slow motion. Obviously you are hallucinating. And again, you cannot give me the time on the counter where your "fantasy" occurs.

And BTW, YOU are the RETARD for thinking it is okay to shoot and kill children.
You are proving just how fucking stupid you really are. The end of the tape clearly shows the "boy" attacking the cop as I have said 4 times now. I am not responsible for your ignorance or your stupidity nor for your inability to see. I am all for cops defending themselves from persons of any age that chose to attack them.

Where on the counter does this occur? Post your video and state where on the counter the incident you are speaking of occurs. This is the 6th time I've asked you now.
I am done responding to you. For the LAST time the END of the tape the the op provided, are you like 5? Can you read? Are you old enough to understand the written word?

I watched that, and nothing you claim occurred.
To WHOM are you speaking? Tell us where on the counter this incident occurs please. This is request number FOUR. Shall I wait. Perhaps you're just having hallucinations.
YOU are a RETARD. I told you the end of the tape it is clear as a bell and shows the kid in slow motion attacking the cop. You can ask for it all you want it has been provided now at least three times. You are beyond stupid blind and a retard if you can not see it or understand simple facts and video evidence. Once again you dumb ass the DA reviewed the case INCLUDING the video and determined no charges would be filed. Unless you can show a conspiracy you got nothing but your ignorant ranting and inability to view tapes.

NO, it is not in slow motion. Obviously you are hallucinating. And again, you cannot give me the time on the counter where your "fantasy" occurs.

And BTW, YOU are the RETARD for thinking it is okay to shoot and kill children.
You are proving just how fucking stupid you really are. The end of the tape clearly shows the "boy" attacking the cop as I have said 4 times now. I am not responsible for your ignorance or your stupidity nor for your inability to see. I am all for cops defending themselves from persons of any age that chose to attack them.

Where on the counter does this occur? Post your video and state where on the counter the incident you are speaking of occurs. This is the 6th time I've asked you now.
I am done responding to you. For the LAST time the END of the tape the the op provided, are you like 5? Can you read? Are you old enough to understand the written word?

Obviously, you are making this up, or you could give me a minute and second on the counter. If you can't do that, then you aren't being honest.
I still have a great respect for the law, but respect for cops is fading fast.
Why do you think the camera went black?
Answer the kid lunged at the cop if you can't see it , you sure as hell can hear it.
Necessary doesn't enter in .

No, it doesn't show that. No, you can't hear it either. The video is too jumbling to make out anything at that point. I barely made out the boy's head and arm. That does not mean he was "lunging" at the officer. He had been face down on the pavement and had been tased. He was probably reacting to being tased in the back, being only a 17-year-old inexperienced boy with no prior problems with police.
The video I posted shows both camera angles , the kid's and the cop's.

I'm watching the OP video. Please post your video and the time on the counter where the incident occurs. :uhoh3: Please. It's not a difficult request. The time on the counter, a post of the video. That's all I'm asking for.
I already did on this thread , look for it

Could you please post it for me again with the number on the counter where the incident takes place? TYIA.
No sorry.
No, it doesn't show that. No, you can't hear it either. The video is too jumbling to make out anything at that point. I barely made out the boy's head and arm. That does not mean he was "lunging" at the officer. He had been face down on the pavement and had been tased. He was probably reacting to being tased in the back, being only a 17-year-old inexperienced boy with no prior problems with police.
The video I posted shows both camera angles , the kid's and the cop's.

I'm watching the OP video. Please post your video and the time on the counter where the incident occurs. :uhoh3: Please. It's not a difficult request. The time on the counter, a post of the video. That's all I'm asking for.
I already did on this thread , look for it

Could you please post it for me again with the number on the counter where the incident takes place? TYIA.
No sorry.

Really? And why not?
Necessity is relative .
The cop shot as many times as he needed to stop the threat.
Standard procedure.

SEVEN times? You think it took 7 shots to injure this boy enough? So, you are good with this shooting then? No biggie?
My being good with it is not relavent.

Sure it is. This is a discussion board. Are you okay with this and feel good that the right thing happened here?
Not relavent.

IOW, you don't feel comfortable saying how you really feel. That's a bit cowardly. BTW, it's spelled "relevant." :D
False .
Blame spell check
The video I posted shows both camera angles , the kid's and the cop's.

I'm watching the OP video. Please post your video and the time on the counter where the incident occurs. :uhoh3: Please. It's not a difficult request. The time on the counter, a post of the video. That's all I'm asking for.
I already did on this thread , look for it

Could you please post it for me again with the number on the counter where the incident takes place? TYIA.
No sorry.

Really? And why not?
Are you handicapped in some way ?
If not it's in the 1st couple of pages in this thread.
I'm watching the OP video. Please post your video and the time on the counter where the incident occurs. :uhoh3: Please. It's not a difficult request. The time on the counter, a post of the video. That's all I'm asking for.
I already did on this thread , look for it

Could you please post it for me again with the number on the counter where the incident takes place? TYIA.
No sorry.

Really? And why not?
Are you handicapped in some way ?
If not it's in the 1st couple of pages in this thread.

Why won't you just post it for me again so I don't have to search for it? Are you just rude? What's your problem?
SEVEN times? You think it took 7 shots to injure this boy enough? So, you are good with this shooting then? No biggie?
My being good with it is not relavent.

Sure it is. This is a discussion board. Are you okay with this and feel good that the right thing happened here?
Not relavent.

IOW, you don't feel comfortable saying how you really feel. That's a bit cowardly. BTW, it's spelled "relevant." :D
False .
Blame spell check

Well, then why won't you say? It's cowardly. You're a coward.
I already did on this thread , look for it

Could you please post it for me again with the number on the counter where the incident takes place? TYIA.
No sorry.

Really? And why not?
Are you handicapped in some way ?
If not it's in the 1st couple of pages in this thread.

Why won't you just post it for me again so I don't have to search for it? Are you just rude? What's your problem?
Not rude just practical.
My being good with it is not relavent.

Sure it is. This is a discussion board. Are you okay with this and feel good that the right thing happened here?
Not relavent.

IOW, you don't feel comfortable saying how you really feel. That's a bit cowardly. BTW, it's spelled "relevant." :D
False .
Blame spell check

Well, then why won't you say? It's cowardly. You're a coward.
Sure it is. This is a discussion board. Are you okay with this and feel good that the right thing happened here?
Not relavent.

IOW, you don't feel comfortable saying how you really feel. That's a bit cowardly. BTW, it's spelled "relevant." :D
False .
Blame spell check

Well, then why won't you say? It's cowardly. You're a coward.

Nope, that's my new opinion of you.
The kid lunges at the cop in the last few seconds before the shots.

WHERE on the video does this occur. I missed it. Now please, tell me on the counter where this allegedly happens.
The last 5 seconds or so and its not in slow motion

Did I say it was in slow motion?
Easy just giving you a heads up .

Well, I still am not seeing what you are claiming. At no point in this video do I see the boy lunge at the officer. In the last few seconds, you really cannot make out anything very clearly.
Yet you're sure the cop was wrong and you know better than those who investigated the incident.

Silly, huh?
Don't be assholes, folks.

Do what the cop says, and let your lawyer sue them big time later.
Yeah, if you want to live, bow down to the motherfuckers who's salaries you pay. Bow down to mf's who would just as well shoot you than get beat up.
No need to do that. Just follow directions and stop resisting arrest.

And pull your damn pants up!

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