17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Let me spell it out for you. We've been members of USMB about the same length of time, but I have 10 times more activity here than you do. That's means I've had plenty of opportunity to hear bucs reveal in detail his duties as a cop. Having once been a cop myself, it rings true. You on the other hand come off as a pretender. The internet allows you to lie about who you are, but you won't fool those in the field of police work. Again, your posts demonstrate a complete ignorance about police procedure, the difficulties of the job, and the often felt fear that the cop might not make it home alive some days because of the danger he faces. Your claims ring hollow and I think you're full of shit.

100% true. I worked with guys who were hard right republicans, some very leftist liberals, a few atheists, some former cheerleader blonde arm candy types, former athletes, former military.....as much of a social cross section as one could imagine in the police department.

But....start a conversation about police work....and all those diverse backgrounds and ideologies start sharing the same opinions and ideas on the job.

People who have done the job typically speak about it in the same way....even of they're radically different in all other areas of discussion.

No, fuzz nuts, they do not. Just because you feel the need to be a fucking drone doesn't mean the rest of the world shares your handicap. My FTO liked to pretend he had a british accent and ran around quoting literature. I won't even get into all the regional differences that you apparently haven't been exposed to. This notion that all cops think alike and have the same opinion is bullshit too...as I am obvious evidence of.

Are you sure you ain't one of them wannabes? You said Atlanta, zone 3, but you didn't mention if you were on the APD, or some kind of transit cop, a meter maid or some auxiliary waiting to get hired as a real cop.

There are no differing opinions of police work. There's simply those who know it and those who don't. We're not talking about the more philosophical discussion of the police's role in society, we're talking about the nuts and bolts of daily police work. On that, there is no diversity of "opinion", only players like bucs and I and fraudulant dilettantes like yourself.

The dilettante is in your mirror, cupcake. In case you didn't notice this thread is about the philosophy of police work...specifically what one deems a "threat" that justifies the use of deadly force. You know, the kinda bullshit you should have learned at the academy. Oh, I forgot, they don't have academies everywhere, some just go to college and take a certification exam. No wonder so many boneheads are becoming cops.

The nuts and bolts of daily police work is a bunch of boring shit for 90% of cops outside the metro areas...and what "action" they do get varies depending on the local...hell even on the district. So don't even try to start bluffing with this one cop fits all bullshit...I fucking no better, even if you don't, you fuckwit wannabe.

Uh huh..

In all seriousness, you are a proven liar, he is not.
100% true. I worked with guys who were hard right republicans, some very leftist liberals, a few atheists, some former cheerleader blonde arm candy types, former athletes, former military.....as much of a social cross section as one could imagine in the police department.

But....start a conversation about police work....and all those diverse backgrounds and ideologies start sharing the same opinions and ideas on the job.

People who have done the job typically speak about it in the same way....even of they're radically different in all other areas of discussion.

No, fuzz nuts, they do not. Just because you feel the need to be a fucking drone doesn't mean the rest of the world shares your handicap. My FTO liked to pretend he had a british accent and ran around quoting literature. I won't even get into all the regional differences that you apparently haven't been exposed to. This notion that all cops think alike and have the same opinion is bullshit too...as I am obvious evidence of.

Are you sure you ain't one of them wannabes? You said Atlanta, zone 3, but you didn't mention if you were on the APD, or some kind of transit cop, a meter maid or some auxiliary waiting to get hired as a real cop.

There are no differing opinions of police work. There's simply those who know it and those who don't. We're not talking about the more philosophical discussion of the police's role in society, we're talking about the nuts and bolts of daily police work. On that, there is no diversity of "opinion", only players like bucs and I and fraudulant dilettantes like yourself.

The dilettante is in your mirror, cupcake. In case you didn't notice this thread is about the philosophy of police work...specifically what one deems a "threat" that justifies the use of deadly force. You know, the kinda bullshit you should have learned at the academy. Oh, I forgot, they don't have academies everywhere, some just go to college and take a certification exam. No wonder so many boneheads are becoming cops.

The nuts and bolts of daily police work is a bunch of boring shit for 90% of cops outside the metro areas...and what "action" they do get varies depending on the local...hell even on the district. So don't even try to start bluffing with this one cop fits all bullshit...I fucking no better, even if you don't, you fuckwit wannabe.

Uh huh..

In all seriousness, you are a proven liar, he is not.

In all seriousness, you should take your meds to suppress those voices.
Holy Christ...now the never-was crowd thinks they know what cops go through. Too fucking funny.

Even funnier is how you latch on to your new hero...and because he agrees with you, you don't question his creds. Fucking groupies, gotta love ya! :lol:
Let me spell it out for you. We've been members of USMB about the same length of time, but I have 10 times more activity here than you do. That's means I've had plenty of opportunity to hear bucs reveal in detail his duties as a cop. Having once been a cop myself, it rings true. You on the other hand come off as a pretender. The internet allows you to lie about who you are, but you won't fool those in the field of police work. Again, your posts demonstrate a complete ignorance about police procedure, the difficulties of the job, and the often felt fear that the cop might not make it home alive some days because of the danger he faces. Your claims ring hollow and I think you're full of shit.

100% true. I worked with guys who were hard right republicans, some very leftist liberals, a few atheists, some former cheerleader blonde arm candy types, former athletes, former military.....as much of a social cross section as one could imagine in the police department.

But....start a conversation about police work....and all those diverse backgrounds and ideologies start sharing the same opinions and ideas on the job.

People who have done the job typically speak about it in the same way....even of they're radically different in all other areas of discussion.

No, fuzz nuts, they do not. Just because you feel the need to be a fucking drone doesn't mean the rest of the world shares your handicap. My FTO liked to pretend he had a british accent and ran around quoting literature. I won't even get into all the regional differences that you apparently haven't been exposed to. This notion that all cops think alike and have the same opinion is bullshit too...as I am obvious evidence of.

Are you sure you ain't one of them wannabes? You said Atlanta, zone 3, but you didn't mention if you were on the APD, or some kind of transit cop, a meter maid or some auxiliary waiting to get hired as a real cop.

There are no differing opinions of police work. There's simply those who know it and those who don't. We're not talking about the more philosophical discussion of the police's role in society, we're talking about the nuts and bolts of daily police work. On that, there is no diversity of "opinion", only players like bucs and I and fraudulant dilettantes like yourself.

The dilettante is in your mirror, cupcake. In case you didn't notice this thread is about the philosophy of police work...specifically what one deems a "threat" that justifies the use of deadly force. You know, the kinda bullshit you should have learned at the academy. Oh, I forgot, they don't have academies everywhere, some just go to college and take a certification exam. No wonder so many boneheads are becoming cops.

The nuts and bolts of daily police work is a bunch of boring shit for 90% of cops outside the metro areas...and what "action" they do get varies depending on the local...hell even on the district. So don't even try to start bluffing with this one cop fits all bullshit...I fucking no better, even if you don't, you fuckwit wannabe.

Haha....well...you just exposed yourself on one point.

Every state has academies. Some are central paramilitary style. Some arent. Colleges? You said this because...yes...some academies are HOSTED by a college. On a campus. But it is still an academy. You aren't sitting in "cop class" next to a sorority girl and football player. It's an academy...hosted by the college on their campus...with classes full of only other cops.

So...your statement that some places "don't have academies" and that you can just take college classes and an exam and BAM...you're a cop....is false.

Unless....you can show me the college that let's the frat boys and band geeks and jocks jump onto the gun line and driving course with police recruits???

*** Oh....and it should be "I know better" not "I no better". I bet your sergeants hated approving your reports.
Yes...but you didn't know all that until I explained it to you. You thought they were their own independent sheriffs department. I'm glad you paid attention while I gave you a lesson. Now maybe your next lie about a cop encounter won't be so ridiculously easy to see through hahaha!!!

Bucs, you're a lying cocksucker.

Anyone reading this thread knows it.

You're stupid to boot.
Atlanta. Zone 3.

Odd to hear. Reading your opinions on cops, it's hard to believe you were one. It's one of those jobs you can't "know" unless you've done it. And you don't come across as knowing it.
And that's just it. His posts demonstrate repeatedly that he has no idea what cops go through, what procedures they work under, and what dangers they face daily. His posts are the epitome of ignorance and idiocy. I was a cop for a little less than 2 years, but that's all it takes for me to know EXACTLY what cops go through. He's never been a cop for a single day. He's a liar.

Holy Christ...now the never-was crowd thinks they know what cops go through. Too fucking funny.

Even funnier is how you latch on to your new hero...and because he agrees with you, you don't question his creds. Fucking groupies, gotta love ya! :lol:
Let me spell it out for you. We've been members of USMB about the same length of time, but I have 10 times more activity here than you do. That's means I've had plenty of opportunity to hear bucs reveal in detail his duties as a cop. Having once been a cop myself, it rings true. You on the other hand come off as a pretender. The internet allows you to lie about who you are, but you won't fool those in the field of police work. Again, your posts demonstrate a complete ignorance about police procedure, the difficulties of the job, and the often felt fear that the cop might not make it home alive some days because of the danger he faces. Your claims ring hollow and I think you're full of shit.

USMB makes you know all that? :lol:

Go back to your barbie dolls, fuckstick, I got pimples on my ass that make more sense than you do. :lol:
Once been a cop yourself? Do tell, I am sure we'd all like to hear the details of how you became an auxiliary cop and they let you go undercover to be a narc, busting your old high school buddies, but then even though you finally passed the civil service test on your 5th try, affirmative action booted you off the hire list so you had to become a beautician.

Nothing so fancy. Blackfeet Tribal Law Enforcement in Montana. Drunks, meth manufacture and distribution, and other forms of disorderly conduct. And I quit and moved the fuck out of Browning after less than 2 years. That's it. Want more details? The radio we carried was heavier than our gun, we carried pepper spray, not stun guns, a dash cam was Officer Cameron making a dash to get to make pre-shift on time, and we did crazy shit that would make Super Troopers blush.

Now, since you are the dipshit who thinks all "nuts and bolts police work" is the same...are you really going to try to say that you deal with the same daily shit that I did in Cleveland or that your idol allegedly does in Atlanta?

Having been a commissioner in New Mexico, I can see the difference between what my people did there and what I had to do in Cleveland like night and day. Perhaps if you did the job in a metro area and had actual experience to compare to you wouldn't have made an ass of yourself.

As far as dealing with the Blackfeet, I feel for ya. I never had to do the job on a reservation, but I have friends and relatives near Shiprock and know all too well the pain in the ass they get to be when drinking...and thank god I haven't been back there since Meth started becoming even more prevalent than booze.
Let me spell it out for you. We've been members of USMB about the same length of time, but I have 10 times more activity here than you do. That's means I've had plenty of opportunity to hear bucs reveal in detail his duties as a cop. Having once been a cop myself, it rings true. You on the other hand come off as a pretender. The internet allows you to lie about who you are, but you won't fool those in the field of police work. Again, your posts demonstrate a complete ignorance about police procedure, the difficulties of the job, and the often felt fear that the cop might not make it home alive some days because of the danger he faces. Your claims ring hollow and I think you're full of shit.

100% true. I worked with guys who were hard right republicans, some very leftist liberals, a few atheists, some former cheerleader blonde arm candy types, former athletes, former military.....as much of a social cross section as one could imagine in the police department.

But....start a conversation about police work....and all those diverse backgrounds and ideologies start sharing the same opinions and ideas on the job.

People who have done the job typically speak about it in the same way....even of they're radically different in all other areas of discussion.

No, fuzz nuts, they do not. Just because you feel the need to be a fucking drone doesn't mean the rest of the world shares your handicap. My FTO liked to pretend he had a british accent and ran around quoting literature. I won't even get into all the regional differences that you apparently haven't been exposed to. This notion that all cops think alike and have the same opinion is bullshit too...as I am obvious evidence of.

Are you sure you ain't one of them wannabes? You said Atlanta, zone 3, but you didn't mention if you were on the APD, or some kind of transit cop, a meter maid or some auxiliary waiting to get hired as a real cop.

There are no differing opinions of police work. There's simply those who know it and those who don't. We're not talking about the more philosophical discussion of the police's role in society, we're talking about the nuts and bolts of daily police work. On that, there is no diversity of "opinion", only players like bucs and I and fraudulant dilettantes like yourself.

The dilettante is in your mirror, cupcake. In case you didn't notice this thread is about the philosophy of police work...specifically what one deems a "threat" that justifies the use of deadly force. You know, the kinda bullshit you should have learned at the academy. Oh, I forgot, they don't have academies everywhere, some just go to college and take a certification exam. No wonder so many boneheads are becoming cops.

The nuts and bolts of daily police work is a bunch of boring shit for 90% of cops outside the metro areas...and what "action" they do get varies depending on the local...hell even on the district. So don't even try to start bluffing with this one cop fits all bullshit...I fucking no better, even if you don't, you fuckwit wannabe.

Haha....well...you just exposed yourself on one point.

Every state has academies. Some are central paramilitary style. Some arent. Colleges? You said this because...yes...some academies are HOSTED by a college. On a campus. But it is still an academy. You aren't sitting in "cop class" next to a sorority girl and football player. It's an academy...hosted by the college on their campus...with classes full of only other cops.

Unless....you can show me the college that let's the frat boys and band geeks and jocks jump onto the gun line and driving course with police recruits???

Every state has an academy, but you no longer have to go through the academy to get your certification in some states. Ohio is trying to privatize it as we speak. Fucking crazy.

I haven't been active in law enforcement for a decade, boy...so forgive me for "exposing myself"...but if you want to see my dick that bad, I aint shy.
Yes...but you didn't know all that until I explained it to you. You thought they were their own independent sheriffs department. I'm glad you paid attention while I gave you a lesson. Now maybe your next lie about a cop encounter won't be so ridiculously easy to see through hahaha!!!

Bucs, you're a lying cocksucker.

Anyone reading this thread knows it.

You're stupid to boot.

Get some original material bro. You've overused that line.
And that's just it. His posts demonstrate repeatedly that he has no idea what cops go through, what procedures they work under, and what dangers they face daily. His posts are the epitome of ignorance and idiocy. I was a cop for a little less than 2 years, but that's all it takes for me to know EXACTLY what cops go through. He's never been a cop for a single day. He's a liar.

Holy Christ...now the never-was crowd thinks they know what cops go through. Too fucking funny.

Even funnier is how you latch on to your new hero...and because he agrees with you, you don't question his creds. Fucking groupies, gotta love ya! :lol:
Let me spell it out for you. We've been members of USMB about the same length of time, but I have 10 times more activity here than you do. That's means I've had plenty of opportunity to hear bucs reveal in detail his duties as a cop. Having once been a cop myself, it rings true. You on the other hand come off as a pretender. The internet allows you to lie about who you are, but you won't fool those in the field of police work. Again, your posts demonstrate a complete ignorance about police procedure, the difficulties of the job, and the often felt fear that the cop might not make it home alive some days because of the danger he faces. Your claims ring hollow and I think you're full of shit.

USMB makes you know all that? :lol:

Go back to your barbie dolls, fuckstick, I got pimples on my ass that make more sense than you do. :lol:
Once been a cop yourself? Do tell, I am sure we'd all like to hear the details of how you became an auxiliary cop and they let you go undercover to be a narc, busting your old high school buddies, but then even though you finally passed the civil service test on your 5th try, affirmative action booted you off the hire list so you had to become a beautician.

Nothing so fancy. Blackfeet Tribal Law Enforcement in Montana. Drunks, meth manufacture and distribution, and other forms of disorderly conduct. And I quit and moved the fuck out of Browning after less than 2 years. That's it. Want more details? The radio we carried was heavier than our gun, we carried pepper spray, not stun guns, a dash cam was Officer Cameron making a dash to get to make pre-shift on time, and we did crazy shit that would make Super Troopers blush.

Now, since you are the dipshit who thinks all "nuts and bolts police work" is the same...are you really going to try to say that you deal with the same daily shit that I did in Cleveland or that your idol allegedly does in Atlanta?

Having been a commissioner in New Mexico, I can see the difference between what my people did there and what I had to do in Cleveland like night and day. Perhaps if you did the job in a metro area and had actual experience to compare to you wouldn't have made an ass of yourself.

As far as dealing with the Blackfeet, I feel for ya. I never had to do the job on a reservation, but I have friends and relatives near Shiprock and know all too well the pain in the ass they get to be when drinking...and thank god I haven't been back there since Meth started becoming even more prevalent than booze.

We probably got away with more. We got called out to a domestic one day, a relative of mine who beat his girlfriend. I told the other officers to wait out front. I took him out to the back yard and slapped him so hard his cheeks bled inside and out. No arrest, no police report, and you better believe it never happened again. That's how a lot of things were handled.

And just so you know, you've convinced me you actually have been in law enforcement. It took me a while to overcome my doubts.
100% true. I worked with guys who were hard right republicans, some very leftist liberals, a few atheists, some former cheerleader blonde arm candy types, former athletes, former military.....as much of a social cross section as one could imagine in the police department.

But....start a conversation about police work....and all those diverse backgrounds and ideologies start sharing the same opinions and ideas on the job.

People who have done the job typically speak about it in the same way....even of they're radically different in all other areas of discussion.

No, fuzz nuts, they do not. Just because you feel the need to be a fucking drone doesn't mean the rest of the world shares your handicap. My FTO liked to pretend he had a british accent and ran around quoting literature. I won't even get into all the regional differences that you apparently haven't been exposed to. This notion that all cops think alike and have the same opinion is bullshit too...as I am obvious evidence of.

Are you sure you ain't one of them wannabes? You said Atlanta, zone 3, but you didn't mention if you were on the APD, or some kind of transit cop, a meter maid or some auxiliary waiting to get hired as a real cop.

There are no differing opinions of police work. There's simply those who know it and those who don't. We're not talking about the more philosophical discussion of the police's role in society, we're talking about the nuts and bolts of daily police work. On that, there is no diversity of "opinion", only players like bucs and I and fraudulant dilettantes like yourself.

The dilettante is in your mirror, cupcake. In case you didn't notice this thread is about the philosophy of police work...specifically what one deems a "threat" that justifies the use of deadly force. You know, the kinda bullshit you should have learned at the academy. Oh, I forgot, they don't have academies everywhere, some just go to college and take a certification exam. No wonder so many boneheads are becoming cops.

The nuts and bolts of daily police work is a bunch of boring shit for 90% of cops outside the metro areas...and what "action" they do get varies depending on the local...hell even on the district. So don't even try to start bluffing with this one cop fits all bullshit...I fucking no better, even if you don't, you fuckwit wannabe.

Haha....well...you just exposed yourself on one point.

Every state has academies. Some are central paramilitary style. Some arent. Colleges? You said this because...yes...some academies are HOSTED by a college. On a campus. But it is still an academy. You aren't sitting in "cop class" next to a sorority girl and football player. It's an academy...hosted by the college on their campus...with classes full of only other cops.

Unless....you can show me the college that let's the frat boys and band geeks and jocks jump onto the gun line and driving course with police recruits???

Every state has an academy, but you no longer have to go through the academy to get your certification in some states. Ohio is trying to privatize it as we speak. Fucking crazy.

I haven't been active in law enforcement for a decade, boy...so forgive me for "exposing myself"...but if you want to see my dick that bad, I aint shy.

Oh my God. Dude...just dont. You really don't wanna step into this pool.

So...you're now saying every state has an academy (after you previously said not all do) and then add that not all states make you go through their academy to get certified.

I'm gonna be nice and give you an out. If you want this conversation to stop....simply don't respond to this post and I will not touch touch the topic again. Otherwise...I'm gonna embarrass you.
Holy Christ...now the never-was crowd thinks they know what cops go through. Too fucking funny.

Even funnier is how you latch on to your new hero...and because he agrees with you, you don't question his creds. Fucking groupies, gotta love ya! :lol:
Let me spell it out for you. We've been members of USMB about the same length of time, but I have 10 times more activity here than you do. That's means I've had plenty of opportunity to hear bucs reveal in detail his duties as a cop. Having once been a cop myself, it rings true. You on the other hand come off as a pretender. The internet allows you to lie about who you are, but you won't fool those in the field of police work. Again, your posts demonstrate a complete ignorance about police procedure, the difficulties of the job, and the often felt fear that the cop might not make it home alive some days because of the danger he faces. Your claims ring hollow and I think you're full of shit.

USMB makes you know all that? :lol:

Go back to your barbie dolls, fuckstick, I got pimples on my ass that make more sense than you do. :lol:
Once been a cop yourself? Do tell, I am sure we'd all like to hear the details of how you became an auxiliary cop and they let you go undercover to be a narc, busting your old high school buddies, but then even though you finally passed the civil service test on your 5th try, affirmative action booted you off the hire list so you had to become a beautician.

Nothing so fancy. Blackfeet Tribal Law Enforcement in Montana. Drunks, meth manufacture and distribution, and other forms of disorderly conduct. And I quit and moved the fuck out of Browning after less than 2 years. That's it. Want more details? The radio we carried was heavier than our gun, we carried pepper spray, not stun guns, a dash cam was Officer Cameron making a dash to get to make pre-shift on time, and we did crazy shit that would make Super Troopers blush.

Now, since you are the dipshit who thinks all "nuts and bolts police work" is the same...are you really going to try to say that you deal with the same daily shit that I did in Cleveland or that your idol allegedly does in Atlanta?

Having been a commissioner in New Mexico, I can see the difference between what my people did there and what I had to do in Cleveland like night and day. Perhaps if you did the job in a metro area and had actual experience to compare to you wouldn't have made an ass of yourself.

As far as dealing with the Blackfeet, I feel for ya. I never had to do the job on a reservation, but I have friends and relatives near Shiprock and know all too well the pain in the ass they get to be when drinking...and thank god I haven't been back there since Meth started becoming even more prevalent than booze.

We probably got away with more. We got called out to a domestic one day, a relative of mine who beat his girlfriend. I told the other officers to wait out front. I took him out to the back yard and slapped him so hard his cheeks bled inside and out. No arrest, no police report, and you better believe it never happened again. That's how a lot of things were handled.

And just so you know, you've convinced me you actually have been in law enforcement. It took me a while to overcome my doubts.

Yep. Body cams are gonna end a lot of those common sense solutions.
100% true. I worked with guys who were hard right republicans, some very leftist liberals, a few atheists, some former cheerleader blonde arm candy types, former athletes, former military.....as much of a social cross section as one could imagine in the police department.

But....start a conversation about police work....and all those diverse backgrounds and ideologies start sharing the same opinions and ideas on the job.

People who have done the job typically speak about it in the same way....even of they're radically different in all other areas of discussion.

No, fuzz nuts, they do not. Just because you feel the need to be a fucking drone doesn't mean the rest of the world shares your handicap. My FTO liked to pretend he had a british accent and ran around quoting literature. I won't even get into all the regional differences that you apparently haven't been exposed to. This notion that all cops think alike and have the same opinion is bullshit too...as I am obvious evidence of.

Are you sure you ain't one of them wannabes? You said Atlanta, zone 3, but you didn't mention if you were on the APD, or some kind of transit cop, a meter maid or some auxiliary waiting to get hired as a real cop.

There are no differing opinions of police work. There's simply those who know it and those who don't. We're not talking about the more philosophical discussion of the police's role in society, we're talking about the nuts and bolts of daily police work. On that, there is no diversity of "opinion", only players like bucs and I and fraudulant dilettantes like yourself.

The dilettante is in your mirror, cupcake. In case you didn't notice this thread is about the philosophy of police work...specifically what one deems a "threat" that justifies the use of deadly force. You know, the kinda bullshit you should have learned at the academy. Oh, I forgot, they don't have academies everywhere, some just go to college and take a certification exam. No wonder so many boneheads are becoming cops.

The nuts and bolts of daily police work is a bunch of boring shit for 90% of cops outside the metro areas...and what "action" they do get varies depending on the local...hell even on the district. So don't even try to start bluffing with this one cop fits all bullshit...I fucking no better, even if you don't, you fuckwit wannabe.

Haha....well...you just exposed yourself on one point.

Every state has academies. Some are central paramilitary style. Some arent. Colleges? You said this because...yes...some academies are HOSTED by a college. On a campus. But it is still an academy. You aren't sitting in "cop class" next to a sorority girl and football player. It's an academy...hosted by the college on their campus...with classes full of only other cops.

Unless....you can show me the college that let's the frat boys and band geeks and jocks jump onto the gun line and driving course with police recruits???

Every state has an academy, but you no longer have to go through the academy to get your certification in some states. Ohio is trying to privatize it as we speak. Fucking crazy.
No, fuzz nuts, they do not. Just because you feel the need to be a fucking drone doesn't mean the rest of the world shares your handicap. My FTO liked to pretend he had a british accent and ran around quoting literature. I won't even get into all the regional differences that you apparently haven't been exposed to. This notion that all cops think alike and have the same opinion is bullshit too...as I am obvious evidence of.

Are you sure you ain't one of them wannabes? You said Atlanta, zone 3, but you didn't mention if you were on the APD, or some kind of transit cop, a meter maid or some auxiliary waiting to get hired as a real cop.

There are no differing opinions of police work. There's simply those who know it and those who don't. We're not talking about the more philosophical discussion of the police's role in society, we're talking about the nuts and bolts of daily police work. On that, there is no diversity of "opinion", only players like bucs and I and fraudulant dilettantes like yourself.

The dilettante is in your mirror, cupcake. In case you didn't notice this thread is about the philosophy of police work...specifically what one deems a "threat" that justifies the use of deadly force. You know, the kinda bullshit you should have learned at the academy. Oh, I forgot, they don't have academies everywhere, some just go to college and take a certification exam. No wonder so many boneheads are becoming cops.

The nuts and bolts of daily police work is a bunch of boring shit for 90% of cops outside the metro areas...and what "action" they do get varies depending on the local...hell even on the district. So don't even try to start bluffing with this one cop fits all bullshit...I fucking no better, even if you don't, you fuckwit wannabe.

Haha....well...you just exposed yourself on one point.

Every state has academies. Some are central paramilitary style. Some arent. Colleges? You said this because...yes...some academies are HOSTED by a college. On a campus. But it is still an academy. You aren't sitting in "cop class" next to a sorority girl and football player. It's an academy...hosted by the college on their campus...with classes full of only other cops.

Unless....you can show me the college that let's the frat boys and band geeks and jocks jump onto the gun line and driving course with police recruits???

Every state has an academy, but you no longer have to go through the academy to get your certification in some states. Ohio is trying to privatize it as we speak. Fucking crazy.

I haven't been active in law enforcement for a decade, boy...so forgive me for "exposing myself"...but if you want to see my dick that bad, I aint shy.

Oh my God. Dude...just dont. You really don't wanna step into this pool.

So...you're now saying every state has an academy (after you previously said not all do) and then add that not all states make you go through their academy to get certified.

I'm gonna be nice and give you an out. If you want this conversation to stop....simply don't respond to this post and I will not touch touch the topic again. Otherwise...I'm gonna embarrass you.

fucking read what I wrote, rather than what you wish I wrote, asshole.
You're very obsessed with cock sucking. Damn. Go to Vegas and work those frustrations out man. Maybe the Mandalay Bay Sheriffs Department will be cool to you!!

So, you have not so much as a hint of integrity?

You and mikey are off to iggy town.

Fuck you lying cocksuckers.
No, fuzz nuts, they do not. Just because you feel the need to be a fucking drone doesn't mean the rest of the world shares your handicap. My FTO liked to pretend he had a british accent and ran around quoting literature. I won't even get into all the regional differences that you apparently haven't been exposed to. This notion that all cops think alike and have the same opinion is bullshit too...as I am obvious evidence of.

Are you sure you ain't one of them wannabes? You said Atlanta, zone 3, but you didn't mention if you were on the APD, or some kind of transit cop, a meter maid or some auxiliary waiting to get hired as a real cop.

There are no differing opinions of police work. There's simply those who know it and those who don't. We're not talking about the more philosophical discussion of the police's role in society, we're talking about the nuts and bolts of daily police work. On that, there is no diversity of "opinion", only players like bucs and I and fraudulant dilettantes like yourself.

The dilettante is in your mirror, cupcake. In case you didn't notice this thread is about the philosophy of police work...specifically what one deems a "threat" that justifies the use of deadly force. You know, the kinda bullshit you should have learned at the academy. Oh, I forgot, they don't have academies everywhere, some just go to college and take a certification exam. No wonder so many boneheads are becoming cops.

The nuts and bolts of daily police work is a bunch of boring shit for 90% of cops outside the metro areas...and what "action" they do get varies depending on the local...hell even on the district. So don't even try to start bluffing with this one cop fits all bullshit...I fucking no better, even if you don't, you fuckwit wannabe.

Haha....well...you just exposed yourself on one point.

Every state has academies. Some are central paramilitary style. Some arent. Colleges? You said this because...yes...some academies are HOSTED by a college. On a campus. But it is still an academy. You aren't sitting in "cop class" next to a sorority girl and football player. It's an academy...hosted by the college on their campus...with classes full of only other cops.

Unless....you can show me the college that let's the frat boys and band geeks and jocks jump onto the gun line and driving course with police recruits???

Every state has an academy, but you no longer have to go through the academy to get your certification in some states. Ohio is trying to privatize it as we speak. Fucking crazy.
There are no differing opinions of police work. There's simply those who know it and those who don't. We're not talking about the more philosophical discussion of the police's role in society, we're talking about the nuts and bolts of daily police work. On that, there is no diversity of "opinion", only players like bucs and I and fraudulant dilettantes like yourself.

The dilettante is in your mirror, cupcake. In case you didn't notice this thread is about the philosophy of police work...specifically what one deems a "threat" that justifies the use of deadly force. You know, the kinda bullshit you should have learned at the academy. Oh, I forgot, they don't have academies everywhere, some just go to college and take a certification exam. No wonder so many boneheads are becoming cops.

The nuts and bolts of daily police work is a bunch of boring shit for 90% of cops outside the metro areas...and what "action" they do get varies depending on the local...hell even on the district. So don't even try to start bluffing with this one cop fits all bullshit...I fucking no better, even if you don't, you fuckwit wannabe.

Haha....well...you just exposed yourself on one point.

Every state has academies. Some are central paramilitary style. Some arent. Colleges? You said this because...yes...some academies are HOSTED by a college. On a campus. But it is still an academy. You aren't sitting in "cop class" next to a sorority girl and football player. It's an academy...hosted by the college on their campus...with classes full of only other cops.

Unless....you can show me the college that let's the frat boys and band geeks and jocks jump onto the gun line and driving course with police recruits???

Every state has an academy, but you no longer have to go through the academy to get your certification in some states. Ohio is trying to privatize it as we speak. Fucking crazy.

I haven't been active in law enforcement for a decade, boy...so forgive me for "exposing myself"...but if you want to see my dick that bad, I aint shy.

Oh my God. Dude...just dont. You really don't wanna step into this pool.

So...you're now saying every state has an academy (after you previously said not all do) and then add that not all states make you go through their academy to get certified.

I'm gonna be nice and give you an out. If you want this conversation to stop....simply don't respond to this post and I will not touch touch the topic again. Otherwise...I'm gonna embarrass you.

fucking read what I wrote, rather than what you wish I wrote, asshole.

I did. You said "they don't have academies everywhere".

Then you conceded that...yes...all states have academies.

Which is it?

I'm telling you...just let this one go. I'm offering you a pass.
You're very obsessed with cock sucking. Damn. Go to Vegas and work those frustrations out man. Maybe the Mandalay Bay Sheriffs Department will be cool to you!!

So, you have not so much as a hint of integrity?

You and mikey are off to iggy town.

Fuck you lying cocksuckers.

See...again with the cock sucking. Did your mom not let you suck your thumb or something and you developed a weird fetish?
You're very obsessed with cock sucking. Damn. Go to Vegas and work those frustrations out man. Maybe the Mandalay Bay Sheriffs Department will be cool to you!!

So, you have not so much as a hint of integrity?

You and mikey are off to iggy town.

Fuck you lying cocksuckers.
Holy Christ...now the never-was crowd thinks they know what cops go through. Too fucking funny.

Even funnier is how you latch on to your new hero...and because he agrees with you, you don't question his creds. Fucking groupies, gotta love ya! :lol:
Let me spell it out for you. We've been members of USMB about the same length of time, but I have 10 times more activity here than you do. That's means I've had plenty of opportunity to hear bucs reveal in detail his duties as a cop. Having once been a cop myself, it rings true. You on the other hand come off as a pretender. The internet allows you to lie about who you are, but you won't fool those in the field of police work. Again, your posts demonstrate a complete ignorance about police procedure, the difficulties of the job, and the often felt fear that the cop might not make it home alive some days because of the danger he faces. Your claims ring hollow and I think you're full of shit.

USMB makes you know all that? :lol:

Go back to your barbie dolls, fuckstick, I got pimples on my ass that make more sense than you do. :lol:
Once been a cop yourself? Do tell, I am sure we'd all like to hear the details of how you became an auxiliary cop and they let you go undercover to be a narc, busting your old high school buddies, but then even though you finally passed the civil service test on your 5th try, affirmative action booted you off the hire list so you had to become a beautician.

Nothing so fancy. Blackfeet Tribal Law Enforcement in Montana. Drunks, meth manufacture and distribution, and other forms of disorderly conduct. And I quit and moved the fuck out of Browning after less than 2 years. That's it. Want more details? The radio we carried was heavier than our gun, we carried pepper spray, not stun guns, a dash cam was Officer Cameron making a dash to get to make pre-shift on time, and we did crazy shit that would make Super Troopers blush.

Now, since you are the dipshit who thinks all "nuts and bolts police work" is the same...are you really going to try to say that you deal with the same daily shit that I did in Cleveland or that your idol allegedly does in Atlanta?

Having been a commissioner in New Mexico, I can see the difference between what my people did there and what I had to do in Cleveland like night and day. Perhaps if you did the job in a metro area and had actual experience to compare to you wouldn't have made an ass of yourself.

As far as dealing with the Blackfeet, I feel for ya. I never had to do the job on a reservation, but I have friends and relatives near Shiprock and know all too well the pain in the ass they get to be when drinking...and thank god I haven't been back there since Meth started becoming even more prevalent than booze.

We probably got away with more. We got called out to a domestic one day, a relative of mine who beat his girlfriend. I told the other officers to wait out front. I took him out to the back yard and slapped him so hard his cheeks bled inside and out. No arrest, no police report, and you better believe it never happened again. That's how a lot of things were handled.

And just so you know, you've convinced me you actually have been in law enforcement. It took me a while to overcome my doubts.

Hell, I never said there wasn't a time when someone didn't deserve a good rap up side the head...or more. Sometimes it might do a lot more good than putting the dipshit in the system....again...you know what I mean?

My problem is with this tendency for way too many cops to use it when it's not called for...because they feel "threatened". Fuck, I felt threatened every second of every day...on or off the job. If I beat the shit out of...or worse shot...every dipshit that ever gave me lip or resisted being cuffed, I'd be no fucking better than the bully I DID beat the shit out of once for beating his dog and his retarded kid.

That is what this thread is about...a cop and a fucking kid...17 years old, granted, effectively an adult as far as threat goes...but still an UNARMED kid. If I had been that cop, I would have fucking resigned right then and there...and probably would have considered putting a gun in my fucking mouth. I had a partner who killed a 16 year old...was totally justified, the kid had a gun and had already taken a couple of shots at us. He was ready to put that gun in his mouth and we pretty much had to baby sit him for months before he seemed like he was coming out of it. He never did come back on the street...as he was waiting out the investigation and all the administrative bullshit, he fanageled a transfer to the property room...where he stayed until he retired. He would have quit, but had a family to support and was scared to death of having to try to make as good a living in another job. So he became a what we used to call a ROAD - retired on active duty.

But beyond my emotional bullshit, my biggest concern is for the profession itself. Cops in general have never been popular, but the support of the community...the good folks in the community, is fucking something we simply cannot do the job without. These days, that support is dwindling among people where it shouldn't be. Good, decent people are becoming more afraid of the police than they are of the creeps...and in way too many cases for good reason. I am a great example of that...I should be the biggest cheerleader for police in the world, right? But being away from the job with no badge and no ID (the retired badge was a fucking joke,,,,my little brother retired and flashes his all the time, just like every cops relative and their brother flashes their son/.wife badges and courtesy cards...I hate that shit) gave me a rude awakening. A Highway Patrolman (we all love them assholes, right?) pulled me over on the interstate for no apparent reason that I could see. First he tried to tell me that I had crossed the line without signalling...so of course I said "bullshit, why did you really pull me over". Right away his hand goes to his holster, so I try to ease his mind "dude, I used to be a cop, you ain't gotta bullshit me". Now usually from this point the conversation turns, we bullshit a bit and I am on my way (not that I get pulled over that often, but hey, I drive fast). But not with this one...he tells me that he doesn't "fucking" believe me and that I fit the profile of a druggie running drugs. WTF, I am in an old pickup with a wooden flatbed and a headache rack? In hindsight, maybe I fit the profile of one of the hillbillie meth heads that are pretty rampant in southern Ohio, but I was laughing too hard and not thinking. Well the laughing really pissed him off and he decided I was impaired and needed to do the drunk walk. So I say, ok fine, we can do this...and of course I have no problem with it. But by the time I am done, the K9 unit has pulled up and they ask me if they can run the dog around my truck. OK fine, knock yourselves out...and guess what, they try to tell me that the dog alerted on the toolbox I have mounted on the flatbed. So now I am fucking pissed...I say fine, let me unlock the goddamned toolbox for you and get out and do so. The proceed to throw all my shit out and of course don't find anything. (Full disclosure: I do smoke weed now and then....but at home...only a moron carts it around with them...its better than prozac or other shit the docs have always tried to hook me on). So I ask them the old question that all the smart asses say...but not as nice "I am I fucking free to go now?" (I think you've already gotten a taste of my sunshine personality) Nooo...the boy wonder decides he needs to write me a ticket for not having a light on my rear plate....which is mounted up on the headache rack. I wanted to beat the shit out of both of those assholes...but kept my cool and called them everything but white men as I threw all my shit back into the toolbox and went my merry way. I got a good taste of what the common citizen has to fucking go through these days, and I tasted like shit. For a long time I wrote it off to just one encounter with an asshole...but in the years since it seems to be way too fucking common. How the fuck do we stand a chance of surviving when the shit hits the fan out there...and you know it's gonna come...if the public..the good folks, not the mutts...consider us the enemy?

Fuck I am rambling again...I don't even remember the point I wanted to make. I best get out of here before wife number 3 dumps my ass. Oh now I remember...imagine if I had lost my cool and started calling these guys the assholes they were out loud? These days I would probably be doing the funky chicken with darts playing me like a spastic puppet...or worse, considering I was armed (dumbasses didn't even know it either, I coulda popped both of them). I felt threatened, I was PISSED, but my training is what helped me to keep my cool and not escalate the situation for no good reason. Their training...whether it be formal or ojt, should have kept them from being assholes for no good reason.

That same training should have resulted with the kid in this story being alive...battered...but alive.

Lord knows that we all want to get home alive...but as police officers we accept that sometimes we have to take a bit more risk to ensure EVERYONE goes home alive. IMO, if you can't accept that risk, you should find another career.

I gotta git. I'll catch up with you assholes tomorrow, if I ain't lookin for a place to live. ;)

Oh, and as for that other dipshit, the alleged atlanta copper who thinks he might have to "embarrass me" because he can't fucking read....knock yourself out, you cracker asshole.
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Let me spell it out for you. We've been members of USMB about the same length of time, but I have 10 times more activity here than you do. That's means I've had plenty of opportunity to hear bucs reveal in detail his duties as a cop. Having once been a cop myself, it rings true. You on the other hand come off as a pretender. The internet allows you to lie about who you are, but you won't fool those in the field of police work. Again, your posts demonstrate a complete ignorance about police procedure, the difficulties of the job, and the often felt fear that the cop might not make it home alive some days because of the danger he faces. Your claims ring hollow and I think you're full of shit.

USMB makes you know all that? :lol:

Go back to your barbie dolls, fuckstick, I got pimples on my ass that make more sense than you do. :lol:
Once been a cop yourself? Do tell, I am sure we'd all like to hear the details of how you became an auxiliary cop and they let you go undercover to be a narc, busting your old high school buddies, but then even though you finally passed the civil service test on your 5th try, affirmative action booted you off the hire list so you had to become a beautician.

Nothing so fancy. Blackfeet Tribal Law Enforcement in Montana. Drunks, meth manufacture and distribution, and other forms of disorderly conduct. And I quit and moved the fuck out of Browning after less than 2 years. That's it. Want more details? The radio we carried was heavier than our gun, we carried pepper spray, not stun guns, a dash cam was Officer Cameron making a dash to get to make pre-shift on time, and we did crazy shit that would make Super Troopers blush.

Now, since you are the dipshit who thinks all "nuts and bolts police work" is the same...are you really going to try to say that you deal with the same daily shit that I did in Cleveland or that your idol allegedly does in Atlanta?

Having been a commissioner in New Mexico, I can see the difference between what my people did there and what I had to do in Cleveland like night and day. Perhaps if you did the job in a metro area and had actual experience to compare to you wouldn't have made an ass of yourself.

As far as dealing with the Blackfeet, I feel for ya. I never had to do the job on a reservation, but I have friends and relatives near Shiprock and know all too well the pain in the ass they get to be when drinking...and thank god I haven't been back there since Meth started becoming even more prevalent than booze.

We probably got away with more. We got called out to a domestic one day, a relative of mine who beat his girlfriend. I told the other officers to wait out front. I took him out to the back yard and slapped him so hard his cheeks bled inside and out. No arrest, no police report, and you better believe it never happened again. That's how a lot of things were handled.

And just so you know, you've convinced me you actually have been in law enforcement. It took me a while to overcome my doubts.

Hell, I never said there wasn't a time when someone didn't deserve a good rap up side the head...or more. Sometimes it might do a lot more good than putting the dipshit in the system....again...you know what I mean?

My problem is with this tendency for way too many cops to use it when it's not called for...because they feel "threatened". Fuck, I felt threatened every second of every day...on or off the job. If I beat the shit out of...or worse shot...every dipshit that ever gave me lip or resisted being cuffed, I'd be no fucking better than the bully I DID beat the shit out of once for beating his dog and his retarded kid.

That is what this thread is about...a cop and a fucking kid...17 years old, granted, effectively an adult as far as threat goes...but still an UNARMED kid. If I had been that cop, I would have fucking resigned right then and there...and probably would have considered putting a gun in my fucking mouth. I had a partner who killed a 16 year old...was totally justified, the kid had a gun and had already taken a couple of shots at us. He was ready to put that gun in his mouth and we pretty much had to baby sit him for months before he seemed like he was coming out of it. He never did come back on the street...as he was waiting out the investigation and all the administrative bullshit, he fanageled a transfer to the property room...where he stayed until he retired. He would have quit, but had a family to support and was scared to death of having to try to make as good a living in another job. So he became a what we used to call a ROAD - retired on active duty.

But beyond my emotional bullshit, my biggest concern is for the profession itself. Cops in general have never been popular, but the support of the community...the good folks in the community, is fucking something we simply cannot do the job without. These days, that support is dwindling among people where it shouldn't be. Good, decent people are becoming more afraid of the police than they are of the creeps...and in way too many cases for good reason. I am a great example of that...I should be the biggest cheerleader for police in the world, right? But being away from the job with no badge and no ID (the retired badge was a fucking joke,,,,my little brother retired and flashes his all the time, just like every cops relative and their brother flashes their son/.wife badges and courtesy cards...I hate that shit) gave me a rude awakening. A Highway Patrolman (we all love them assholes, right?) pulled me over on the interstate for no apparent reason that I could see. First he tried to tell me that I had crossed the line without signalling...so of course I said "bullshit, why did you really pull me over". Right away his hand goes to his holster, so I try to ease his mind "dude, I used to be a cop, you ain't gotta bullshit me". Now usually from this point the conversation turns, we bullshit a bit and I am on my way (not that I get pulled over that often, but hey, I drive fast). But not with this one...he tells me that he doesn't "fucking" believe me and that I fit the profile of a druggie running drugs. WTF, I am in an old pickup with a wooden flatbed and a headache rack? In hindsight, maybe I fit the profile of one of the hillbillie meth heads that are pretty rampant in southern Ohio, but I was laughing too hard and not thinking. Well the laughing really pissed him off and he decided I was impaired and needed to do the drunk walk. So I say, ok fine, we can do this...and of course I have no problem with it. But by the time I am done, the K9 unit has pulled up and they ask me if they can run the dog around my truck. OK fine, knock yourselves out...and guess what, they try to tell me that the dog alerted on the toolbox I have mounted on the flatbed. So now I am fucking pissed...I say fine, let me unlock the goddamned toolbox for you and get out and do so. The proceed to throw all my shit out and of course don't find anything. (Full disclosure: I do smoke weed now and then....but at home...only a moron carts it around with them...its better than prozac or other shit the docs have always tried to hook me on). So I ask them the old question that all the smart asses say...but not as nice "I am I fucking free to go now?" (I think you've already gotten a taste of my sunshine personality) Nooo...the boy wonder decides he needs to write me a ticket for not having a light on my rear plate....which is mounted up on the headache rack. I wanted to beat the shit out of both of those assholes...but kept my cool and called them everything but white men as I threw all my shit back into the toolbox and went my merry way. I got a good taste of what the common citizen has to fucking go through these days, and I tasted like shit. For a long time I wrote it off to just one encounter with an asshole...but in the years since it seems to be way too fucking common. How the fuck do we stand a chance of surviving when the shit hits the fan out there...and you know it's gonna come...if the public..the good folks, not the mutts...consider us the enemy?

Fuck I am rambling again...I don't even remember the point I wanted to make. I best get out of here before wife number 3 dumps my ass. Oh now I remember...imagine if I had lost my cool and started calling these guys the assholes they were out loud? These days I would probably be doing the funky chicken with darts playing me like a spastic puppet...or worse, considering I was armed (dumbasses didn't even know it either, I coulda popped both of them). I felt threatened, I was PISSED, but my training is what helped me to keep my cool and not escalate the situation for no good reason. Their training...whether it be formal or ojt, should have kept them from being assholes for no good reason.

That same training should have resulted with the kid in this story being alive...battered...but alive.

Lord knows that we all want to get home alive...but as police officers we accept that sometimes we have to take a bit more risk to ensure EVERYONE goes home alive. IMO, if you can't accept that risk, you should find another career.

I gotta git. I'll catch up with you assholes tomorrow, if I ain't lookin for a place to live. ;)

Oh, and as for that other dipshit, the alleged atlanta copper who thinks he might have to "embarrass me" because he can't fucking read....knock yourself out, you cracker asshole.

Holy shit...you are absolutely lying. You're trying to fake it and it's getting worse with each post.

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