187 Minutes of Shame

Another nothing burger pumped relentlessly by the Democrats and their faithful minions. :th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn:
this will ad to the looney left hysteria.
Unlike most left spontaneous left wing demonstrations, the Jan 6 people had all the permits. They didn't camp out on federal property and they didn't rape anyone or leave drug residue around. Credible allegations are that the FBI used informants to goad demonstrators into trespass. A capital Cop killed an unarmed harmless woman and was immediately exonerated because? Because she deserved it? Chances are that Trump did nothing for an hour and a half. Is that a crime?
You guys proved in Portland and in Washington state how to do violent acts. Now you whine about it.
Fuck those Portland and Seattle very violent individuals.
There is no excuse.

Now, on to the Topic.

Will YOU ^^^^ Robert W ever muster the words to condemn trump.

Deflection is easy Robert, how about some strong words against trump.
It's a 12 minute documentary.....This is NOT Opinion, the Documentary is 100% based on Factual Events.
Thanks poster Winco.
That 3hrs of dereliction of duty cannot be overemphasized, or over explained to the American electorate.

i would expect ....and will look for..... the Biden campaign, the Lincoln Project, and other slices of Dem interests to remind all of that infamous failure.

After all, and think about it.....the Commander in Chief of the United States of America....watched uniform federal employees having the snot beat outta them, with many of those dicks chanting to kill the Commander's hand-picked #2, the VP.

Even after word of the shooting of one of the attackers .....he refused the urgent demands of family, friends, and staffers to say something, to do something to mitigate this violent effort by his supporters in their..and his...intent to stop the mandated peaceful-transfer-of power. The Commander willfully refused to command.

So it need be run up the flagpole early and often. Make him explain why he refused to lead at a time when leadership was so critically needed by America.
They got hammered, almost ten thousand arrested, more than 3500 still in jail where they belong, and you lie about injury and damage at J6. No wonder America hates MAGA.
You stole the election. Did almost nothing to your Burn Loot and Murder Fascists.

Oh...you were saying about us.

Who cares
You stole the election. Did almost nothing to your Burn Loot and Murder Fascists.

Oh...you were saying about us.

Who cares
You lost the election fair and square because did not want you guys, and nothing has changed that. Who cares about the likes of you.

Oh, you are going to lose it even worse this time.

It's a 12 minute documentary.
This is NOT Opinion, the Documentary is 100% based on Factual Events.

Frontline is a PBS production. Like NPR, they are showing they are a partisan organization. They often run anti Trump shows and podcasts.

They need to have their public funding revoked. I’m fine if they want to run anti Trump and and anti Republican content, but they don’t need to be getting taxpayer money to do it.
Fuck those Portland and Seattle very violent individuals.
There is no excuse.

Go tell your Vice President.

Now, on to the Topic.

Will YOU ^^^^ Robert W ever muster the words to condemn trump.

What the hell does Portland have to do with Trump, you TDS-afflicted moron?

Every minute you ride that horse you're costing the Democrats votes. You're just too stupid to see it.

Deflection is easy Robert, how about some strong words against trump.

I hope you fall off this horse and break your nose.
Whos the most? All those alternate personslities in your head troll.
Most leftards have multiple personalities. SlowBoi is no exception.

Have you noticed how they're always telling us what we think and how we feel? Creepy.

Always speaking for "most" of America like they're trying to get into peoples' heads.

Some of these retarded morons need to be institutionalized. Delusions of grandeur are a DSM-recognized mental illness.
If Trump does something seriously wrong, sure. Will you condemn Biden as he has done many things wrong?
Name ONE and we can discuss.
Will you condemn Biden as he has done many things wrong?

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