187 Minutes of Shame

Winnie's upset because they didn't wear pussy hats.
Trump jizzed all over himself as the goons he called to The Capital went on a rampage thru that building. They're rotting in prison where they belong & where he belongs. The son of a bitch is guilty as sin & why he shits green at the thought of Jack Smith & a trial.

There's your orange shit bibbon in a nutshell. A coward who's afraid to face justice.
I will show you.

This has been debunked OVER and OVER.
Where in this 1:15 second Edited Video does it show that biden did ANYTHING illegal.

The EU wanted Shokin fired for NOT prosecuting Corruption, including Burisma.

If you believe you are correct, then just present the Investigation LED by Shokin against Burisma.

He wasn't, therefore you can't find it and
present something that NEVER happened.

It's a 12 minute documentary.
This is NOT Opinion, the Documentary is 100% based on Factual Events.

We have been living through four years of hell…we are record number of Covid deaths, record number of Americans worse off, terrorism on the rise again, a southern border surrendered to the cartels, building China and the taliban back better…an unprecedented assault on our democracy , these are facts, not opinion, but documented facts

And why you are losing.
Trump jizzed all over himself as the goons he called to The Capital went on a rampage thru that building. They're rotting in prison where they belong & where he belongs. The son of a bitch is guilty as sin & why he shits green at the thought of Jack Smith & a trial.

There's your orange shit bibbon in a nutshell. A coward who's afraid to face justice.
Geez all over himself? Wow not surprised the party of pedo Xiden and epstein have such imaginations

Another reason you all will lose
What was the Capital Cop doing during the 187 minutes? Was he making sure that his weapon was in it's holster after being reprimanded for losing it in the bathroom? Was he on the radio net with FBI informants? Did he get the OK to shoot any unarmed person who approached the window? Nobody knows because the crooked judicial system claimed that Ashli Babbitt deserved to die.
This has been debunked OVER and OVER.
Where in this 1:15 second Edited Video does it show that biden did ANYTHING illegal.

The EU wanted Shokin fired for NOT prosecuting Corruption, including Burisma.

If you believe you are correct, then just present the Investigation LED by Shokin against Burisma.

He wasn't, therefore you can't find it and
present something that NEVER happened.

No, it hasn't you lying sack of poo.
This has been debunked OVER and OVER.
Where in this 1:15 second Edited Video does it show that biden did ANYTHING illegal.

The EU wanted Shokin fired for NOT prosecuting Corruption, including Burisma.

If you believe you are correct, then just present the Investigation LED by Shokin against Burisma.

He wasn't, therefore you can't find it and
present something that NEVER happened.
What you hate is your side uses the same tactics against Trump. You wanted an issue and you got one. And you are not discussing, you are denying. It is not debunked at all. It is true. You saw Biden brag he did it. And who gave Biden authority over Ukraine? Congress approved those funds and it was a done deal. Biden admitted a crime you claim Trump did. Trump as president had a right that Biden did not have. Whining the EU wants Shoken fired is nonsense. Let EU hold onto funds they approved. So you assume we in the USA get all the news from Ukraine? You know that is nonsense.

It's a 12 minute documentary.
This is NOT Opinion, the Documentary is 100% based on Factual Events.

He didn't shit himself. That makes him better than Biden. At least he doesn't shit himself on stage.

If you don't believe Biden shits himself on stage, you are brainwashed and in a cult.

If you Buy the WEF/Democrat jan6th BS, you're in a cult.
"You stole the election."
"You stole it Bitch"

How are you doin' in your sincere and competent efforts to prove this theft, poster eagle?
Explain to us the evidence that you have prsented to your local FBI office, or to your State authority who oversees elections.

Whining, bitching and complaining over a "stolen election" is just that......ineffective snowflakism.

So, do this poster eagle......do something. Something other than whine.
Quit that and get off your keyboard and go prove the election was stolen.

Please report back to this forum on your progress.

Thanx in advance.


But Winco won't watch 2000 Mules.
Ummm, at this point, who would want to?
The creators and distributors of that film have publicly apologized, stated it was false, and pulled it from distribution.

And you want poster Winco to now go watch it?
Do you want poster Winco to also support your Cyber Ninja laugher too, Lenny?


"OK to shoot any unarmed person who approached the window?"

Some "approach", no?
And assertive approach i imagine some might say.

After all, there she was a very vocal leader and member of the mob who were violently breaching that very barrier and window. And then......

And then.....she charged through the breach as the leader of that mob, the point man, the tip of the spear.

And the officer on the other side towards who she was charging righteously and legally 'stood-his-ground' so as not to be killed or injured by a crazed and violent mob member.

As they often say in polic-parlance.....it was "a good shoot".

May Ashli Babbitts family find peace and respite from the RWNJ/MAGA-world who constantly drag their daughter's bloody corpse across the internet.
Geez all over himself? Wow not surprised the party of pedo Xiden and epstein have such imaginations

Another reason you all will lose
Explain what happened on J6, who was involved, how it happened etc.

Let's have it so I can hand your ass back to you on a silver platter, Trump humper.
Explain what happened on J6, who was involved, how it happened etc.

Let's have it so I can hand your ass back to you on a silver platter, Trump humper.
Seems pretty obvious a rally turned into a protest that sadly turned into a riot.

You’ve been riots before? Y’all did them pretty regularly since you lost in nov of 2016

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