1896 Film of Palestine and Jerusalem.

"What theft of land they did not own any"

Owned over 90% of the land per the deeds and land registries as audited by the Mandatory in 1943 and reported to the UN in 1946 in the Survey of Palestine prior to partition.

Not according to your original link that showed they only owned 0.8% while the Jews owned 4.8%. What you are trying to pass of as ownership is nothing more than land rented from others and worked for gain.

Produce the link in full and the web address so I can pick it clean and show your LIES for all to see. Or would you like to admit your LIES now regarding who owned what and were the data came from in the first place...........
It seems to me that you are projecting. The supremacist movement I see is the Zionist one. The Muslims are fighting mostly among themselves. The Zionists are the latter day Nazis. They are holding millions of non-Jews in virtual concentration camps killing thousands of them every year or so.

The supremacist movement is the Zionist one, that is home to 2 billion Muslim and Christian Arabs living with the same rights as the rest of the Israelis?

It's not Islamists like Hamas, ISIS, Al Queda, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Al Shabab, Taliban, etc. who want to establish an ISLAMIC KALIFATE under SHARIAH LAW, where non-Muslims get to either SUBMIT TO ISLAM OR DIE? And in the process committing massacres, mass bombings, killing hundreds of thousands. Yup, dem Zionist Jooos are da problem in the world today.

Gee, coulda fooled me, PROPOGANDACITI! Ha ha ha.

The Jews are the problem in Palestine. This forum is about Palestine and Israel.

Not since you started to bring South Africa, Rhodesia and other far flung nations into the equation. So this means that we can throw in the many ISLAMONAZI and ISLAMOFACIST TERRORIST groups into the pot as examples.


We are concerned with ZIONAZIs like you.

It seems to me that you are projecting. The supremacist movement I see is the Zionist one. The Muslims are fighting mostly among themselves. The Zionists are the latter day Nazis. They are holding millions of non-Jews in virtual concentration camps killing thousands of them every year or so.

The arab muslims have no legal or moral claim to the land of Palestine, they did not even want to go there until the Jews from Europe had made the desert fertile again.

As indiginous peoples they have the same claim as the Jews.

Not according to CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW they don't, unless you can produce a treaty signed by the LEGAL LAND OWNERS giving the land to the arab muslims.

Something like this will do

Mandate For Palestine - The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights

“In Palestine as of Right and Not on Sufferance ...”
“When it is asked what is meant by the development of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, it may be answered that it is not the imposition of a Jewish nationality upon the inhabitants of Palestine as a whole, but the further development of the existing Jewish community, with the assistance of Jews in other parts of the world, in order that it may become a centre in which the Jewish people as a whole may take, on grounds of religion and race, an interest and a pride. But in order that this community should have the best prospect of free development and provide a full opportunity for the Jewish people to display its capacities, it is essential that it should know that it is in Palestine as of right and not on sufferance.”

Winston Churchill
British Secretary of State for the Colonies
June 1922

Recognition of the Historical Connection to Palestine
Fifty-one member countries – the entire League of Nations – unanimously declared on July 24, 1922:
“Whereas recognition has been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”6
Unlike nation-states in Europe, modern Lebanese, Jordanian, Syrian, and Iraqi nationalities did not evolve. They were arbitrarily created by colonial powers.
In 1919, in the wake of World War I, England and France as Mandatory (e.g., official administrators and mentors) carved up the former Ottoman Empire, which had collapsed a year earlier, into geographic spheres of influence. This divided the Mideast into new political entities with new names and frontiers.7
Territory was divided along map meridians without regard for traditional frontiers (i.e., geographic logic and sustainability) or the ethnic composition of indigenous populations.8
The prevailing rationale behind these artificially created states was how they served the imperial and commercial needs of their colonial masters. Iraq and Jordan, for instance, were created as emirates to reward the noble Hashemite family from Saudi Arabia for its loyalty to the British against the Ottoman Turks during World War I, under the leadership of Lawrence of Arabia. Iraq was given to Faisal bin Hussein, son of the sheriff of Mecca, in 1918. To reward his younger brother Abdullah with an emirate, Britain cut away 77 percent of its mandate over Palestine earmarked for the Jews and gave it to Abdullah in 1922, creating the new country of Trans-Jordan or Jordan, as it was later named.
The Arabs’ hatred of the Jewish State has never been strong enough to prevent the bloody rivalries that repeatedly rock the Middle East. These conflicts were evident in the civil wars in Yemen and Lebanon, as well as in the war between Iraq and Iran, in the gassing of countless Kurds in Iraq, and in the killing of Iraqis by Iraqis.
The manner in which European colonial powers carved out political entities with little regard to their ethnic composition not only led to this inter-ethnic violence, but it also encouraged dictatorial rule as the only force capable of holding such entities together.9
The exception was Palestine, or Eretz-Israel – the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, where:
“The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country [ Palestine] under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish National Home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.”10

Palestine is a fiction, just like Israel. Muslims and jews coexisted for a millennium in this area....The British mandate of Palestine that divided Lebanon from Ottoman Syria was created in 1922, and nobody was the wiser. Really, who in the hell is going to care if Jews flee to that almost genetic homeland and WHO is going to object if they flee extermination? Americans wouldn't even let these people in, I don't blame the jews for going back to square one and creating a homeland from their past as a form of self protection....what else could they do? Palestinians? They could (hint hint) accept their brothers and live in harmony, not be hateful reactionaries. Muslims are like that. suicide bombers, crash planes into buildings. But that is a different story...is it? Muslims are always poor little victims, all the time always forever.

Another ill educated STOOGE that has not heard of the Pact of Umar or the laws of dhimmi that were in evidence from 627 C.E. till the founding of Israel in 1948

Better "ill educated" than uneducated like you ZIONAZI psychopath.

Better educated than you will ever be Mohamed, and I know the history of Palestine better than you ever could as I look at all sides of the problem

Freedom fighters. I bet all those poor innocent guys in Gaza Hamas beheaded for no apparent reason, would agree with you

Hamas is beheading people? I thought that was ISIL. Is this like that Ice Bucket Challenge thing where all the cool kids are doing it? Am I openly mocking your ass?

Actually, I did a quick google search, and no, Hamas is not beheading people like a fad now.

I did find this though...

Man who beheaded maid wanted to fight Hamas - The Local

Federico Leonelli, 35, was shot outside a gated house in Rome on Sunday morning, after allegedly beheading 38-year-old Oksana Martseniuk.

Homeowner Giovanni Ciallella has now said that his guest Leonelli was obsessed with “the military world” and wanted to fight in Gaza alongside the Israeli army.

“He told me that he had met a rabbi in Rome and was ready to join the Israeli army against Hamas and terrorists armed with missiles,” Ciallella told La Repubblica.

It seems to me that you are projecting. The supremacist movement I see is the Zionist one. The Muslims are fighting mostly among themselves. The Zionists are the latter day Nazis. They are holding millions of non-Jews in virtual concentration camps killing thousands of them every year or so.

The arab muslims have no legal or moral claim to the land of Palestine, they did not even want to go there until the Jews from Europe had made the desert fertile again.

As indiginous peoples they have the same claim as the Jews.

Not according to CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW they don't, unless you can produce a treaty signed by the LEGAL LAND OWNERS giving the land to the arab muslims.

Something like this will do

Mandate For Palestine - The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights

“In Palestine as of Right and Not on Sufferance ...”
“When it is asked what is meant by the development of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, it may be answered that it is not the imposition of a Jewish nationality upon the inhabitants of Palestine as a whole, but the further development of the existing Jewish community, with the assistance of Jews in other parts of the world, in order that it may become a centre in which the Jewish people as a whole may take, on grounds of religion and race, an interest and a pride. But in order that this community should have the best prospect of free development and provide a full opportunity for the Jewish people to display its capacities, it is essential that it should know that it is in Palestine as of right and not on sufferance.”

Winston Churchill
British Secretary of State for the Colonies
June 1922

Recognition of the Historical Connection to Palestine
Fifty-one member countries – the entire League of Nations – unanimously declared on July 24, 1922:
“Whereas recognition has been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”6
Unlike nation-states in Europe, modern Lebanese, Jordanian, Syrian, and Iraqi nationalities did not evolve. They were arbitrarily created by colonial powers.
In 1919, in the wake of World War I, England and France as Mandatory (e.g., official administrators and mentors) carved up the former Ottoman Empire, which had collapsed a year earlier, into geographic spheres of influence. This divided the Mideast into new political entities with new names and frontiers.7
Territory was divided along map meridians without regard for traditional frontiers (i.e., geographic logic and sustainability) or the ethnic composition of indigenous populations.8
The prevailing rationale behind these artificially created states was how they served the imperial and commercial needs of their colonial masters. Iraq and Jordan, for instance, were created as emirates to reward the noble Hashemite family from Saudi Arabia for its loyalty to the British against the Ottoman Turks during World War I, under the leadership of Lawrence of Arabia. Iraq was given to Faisal bin Hussein, son of the sheriff of Mecca, in 1918. To reward his younger brother Abdullah with an emirate, Britain cut away 77 percent of its mandate over Palestine earmarked for the Jews and gave it to Abdullah in 1922, creating the new country of Trans-Jordan or Jordan, as it was later named.
The Arabs’ hatred of the Jewish State has never been strong enough to prevent the bloody rivalries that repeatedly rock the Middle East. These conflicts were evident in the civil wars in Yemen and Lebanon, as well as in the war between Iraq and Iran, in the gassing of countless Kurds in Iraq, and in the killing of Iraqis by Iraqis.
The manner in which European colonial powers carved out political entities with little regard to their ethnic composition not only led to this inter-ethnic violence, but it also encouraged dictatorial rule as the only force capable of holding such entities together.9
The exception was Palestine, or Eretz-Israel – the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, where:
“The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country [ Palestine] under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish National Home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.”10

Thanks for posting a map showing Palestine's international boundaries. And also saying that Palestine was a country.

Too bad about the Jewish Palestine though. Britain cut and ran without accomplishing that goal.

Freedom fighters. I bet all those poor innocent guys in Gaza Hamas beheaded for no apparent reason, would agree with you

Hamas is beheading people? I thought that was ISIL. Is this like that Ice Bucket Challenge thing where all the cool kids are doing it? Am I openly mocking your ass?

Actually, I did a quick google search, and no, Hamas is not beheading people like a fad now.

I did find this though...

Man who beheaded maid wanted to fight Hamas - The Local

Federico Leonelli, 35, was shot outside a gated house in Rome on Sunday morning, after allegedly beheading 38-year-old Oksana Martseniuk.

Homeowner Giovanni Ciallella has now said that his guest Leonelli was obsessed with “the military world” and wanted to fight in Gaza alongside the Israeli army.

“He told me that he had met a rabbi in Rome and was ready to join the Israeli army against Hamas and terrorists armed with missiles,” Ciallella told La Repubblica.

Good spoof, very funny.:lol::lol::lol:
It seems to me that you are projecting. The supremacist movement I see is the Zionist one. The Muslims are fighting mostly among themselves. The Zionists are the latter day Nazis. They are holding millions of non-Jews in virtual concentration camps killing thousands of them every year or so.

The arab muslims have no legal or moral claim to the land of Palestine, they did not even want to go there until the Jews from Europe had made the desert fertile again.

As indiginous peoples they have the same claim as the Jews.

Not according to CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW they don't, unless you can produce a treaty signed by the LEGAL LAND OWNERS giving the land to the arab muslims.

Something like this will do

Mandate For Palestine - The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights

“In Palestine as of Right and Not on Sufferance ...”
“When it is asked what is meant by the development of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, it may be answered that it is not the imposition of a Jewish nationality upon the inhabitants of Palestine as a whole, but the further development of the existing Jewish community, with the assistance of Jews in other parts of the world, in order that it may become a centre in which the Jewish people as a whole may take, on grounds of religion and race, an interest and a pride. But in order that this community should have the best prospect of free development and provide a full opportunity for the Jewish people to display its capacities, it is essential that it should know that it is in Palestine as of right and not on sufferance.”

Winston Churchill
British Secretary of State for the Colonies
June 1922

Recognition of the Historical Connection to Palestine
Fifty-one member countries – the entire League of Nations – unanimously declared on July 24, 1922:
“Whereas recognition has been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”6
Unlike nation-states in Europe, modern Lebanese, Jordanian, Syrian, and Iraqi nationalities did not evolve. They were arbitrarily created by colonial powers.
In 1919, in the wake of World War I, England and France as Mandatory (e.g., official administrators and mentors) carved up the former Ottoman Empire, which had collapsed a year earlier, into geographic spheres of influence. This divided the Mideast into new political entities with new names and frontiers.7
Territory was divided along map meridians without regard for traditional frontiers (i.e., geographic logic and sustainability) or the ethnic composition of indigenous populations.8
The prevailing rationale behind these artificially created states was how they served the imperial and commercial needs of their colonial masters. Iraq and Jordan, for instance, were created as emirates to reward the noble Hashemite family from Saudi Arabia for its loyalty to the British against the Ottoman Turks during World War I, under the leadership of Lawrence of Arabia. Iraq was given to Faisal bin Hussein, son of the sheriff of Mecca, in 1918. To reward his younger brother Abdullah with an emirate, Britain cut away 77 percent of its mandate over Palestine earmarked for the Jews and gave it to Abdullah in 1922, creating the new country of Trans-Jordan or Jordan, as it was later named.
The Arabs’ hatred of the Jewish State has never been strong enough to prevent the bloody rivalries that repeatedly rock the Middle East. These conflicts were evident in the civil wars in Yemen and Lebanon, as well as in the war between Iraq and Iran, in the gassing of countless Kurds in Iraq, and in the killing of Iraqis by Iraqis.
The manner in which European colonial powers carved out political entities with little regard to their ethnic composition not only led to this inter-ethnic violence, but it also encouraged dictatorial rule as the only force capable of holding such entities together.9
The exception was Palestine, or Eretz-Israel – the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, where:
“The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country [ Palestine] under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish National Home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.”10

Thanks for posting a map showing Palestine's international boundaries. And also saying that Palestine was a country.

Too bad about the Jewish Palestine though. Britain cut and ran without accomplishing that goal.

can't have international boundries of a state that never existed, only boundries of lands that do exist. Till the creation of Israel, the land was under the rule of the mandate which was tasked in dividing and preparing the people to govern a state. Palestinians were ill prepared and the arabs states refused them a state. The people were told by those arab states to leave the land, they were put in refugee camps by those arabs, prevent from returning after the war by those arabs, left in poverty and denied absorptions into those arab states. They still live on the charity, or lack of, by those arab states.
It seems to me that you are projecting. The supremacist movement I see is the Zionist one. The Muslims are fighting mostly among themselves. The Zionists are the latter day Nazis. They are holding millions of non-Jews in virtual concentration camps killing thousands of them every year or so.

The arab muslims have no legal or moral claim to the land of Palestine, they did not even want to go there until the Jews from Europe had made the desert fertile again.

As indiginous peoples they have the same claim as the Jews.

Not according to CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW they don't, unless you can produce a treaty signed by the LEGAL LAND OWNERS giving the land to the arab muslims.

Something like this will do

Mandate For Palestine - The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights

“In Palestine as of Right and Not on Sufferance ...”
“When it is asked what is meant by the development of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, it may be answered that it is not the imposition of a Jewish nationality upon the inhabitants of Palestine as a whole, but the further development of the existing Jewish community, with the assistance of Jews in other parts of the world, in order that it may become a centre in which the Jewish people as a whole may take, on grounds of religion and race, an interest and a pride. But in order that this community should have the best prospect of free development and provide a full opportunity for the Jewish people to display its capacities, it is essential that it should know that it is in Palestine as of right and not on sufferance.”

Winston Churchill
British Secretary of State for the Colonies
June 1922

Recognition of the Historical Connection to Palestine
Fifty-one member countries – the entire League of Nations – unanimously declared on July 24, 1922:
“Whereas recognition has been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”6
Unlike nation-states in Europe, modern Lebanese, Jordanian, Syrian, and Iraqi nationalities did not evolve. They were arbitrarily created by colonial powers.
In 1919, in the wake of World War I, England and France as Mandatory (e.g., official administrators and mentors) carved up the former Ottoman Empire, which had collapsed a year earlier, into geographic spheres of influence. This divided the Mideast into new political entities with new names and frontiers.7
Territory was divided along map meridians without regard for traditional frontiers (i.e., geographic logic and sustainability) or the ethnic composition of indigenous populations.8
The prevailing rationale behind these artificially created states was how they served the imperial and commercial needs of their colonial masters. Iraq and Jordan, for instance, were created as emirates to reward the noble Hashemite family from Saudi Arabia for its loyalty to the British against the Ottoman Turks during World War I, under the leadership of Lawrence of Arabia. Iraq was given to Faisal bin Hussein, son of the sheriff of Mecca, in 1918. To reward his younger brother Abdullah with an emirate, Britain cut away 77 percent of its mandate over Palestine earmarked for the Jews and gave it to Abdullah in 1922, creating the new country of Trans-Jordan or Jordan, as it was later named.
The Arabs’ hatred of the Jewish State has never been strong enough to prevent the bloody rivalries that repeatedly rock the Middle East. These conflicts were evident in the civil wars in Yemen and Lebanon, as well as in the war between Iraq and Iran, in the gassing of countless Kurds in Iraq, and in the killing of Iraqis by Iraqis.
The manner in which European colonial powers carved out political entities with little regard to their ethnic composition not only led to this inter-ethnic violence, but it also encouraged dictatorial rule as the only force capable of holding such entities together.9
The exception was Palestine, or Eretz-Israel – the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, where:
“The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country [ Palestine] under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish National Home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.”10

Thanks for posting a map showing Palestine's international boundaries. And also saying that Palestine was a country.

Too bad about the Jewish Palestine though. Britain cut and ran without accomplishing that goal.

can't have international boundries of a state that never existed, only boundries of lands that do exist. Till the creation of Israel, the land was under the rule of the mandate which was tasked in dividing and preparing the people to govern a state. Palestinians were ill prepared and the arabs states refused them a state. The people were told by those arab states to leave the land, they were put in refugee camps by those arabs, prevent from returning after the war by those arabs, left in poverty and denied absorptions into those arab states. They still live on the charity, or lack of, by those arab states.
You should write a book.

Gullible's Travels
"What theft of land they did not own any"

Owned over 90% of the land per the deeds and land registries as audited by the Mandatory in 1943 and reported to the UN in 1946 in the Survey of Palestine prior to partition.

Not according to your original link that showed they only owned 0.8% while the Jews owned 4.8%. What you are trying to pass of as ownership is nothing more than land rented from others and worked for gain.

Produce the link in full and the web address so I can pick it clean and show your LIES for all to see. Or would you like to admit your LIES now regarding who owned what and were the data came from in the first place...........

Why are you making things up. Arabs owned more than 90% of the land and the Jews stole it. Here is the table. from the original link for the hundreth time. You just can't accept reality and continue with your propaganda and lies:

Rachel Corrie died because she put herself in front of a bulldozer. Do you have any concern about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the group which Rachel Corrie belonged? This armed terrorist went into Mike's Place in Tel Aviv, blowing himself up, and in the process managed to kill people and injure others.

Ooooh, Terrorists...

Frankly, if a bunch of space Aliens occupied America tomorrow, we'd have a lot of "Terrorists', too.
Terrorists don't exist, right Joe ?? They are a made up phenomenon, right?
Or maybe a figment of our imagination?
In Israel's case, terrorist is a propaganda campaign.

No actually Hamas, Islamic jihad and many other Palestinian groups have been clearly designated as a terrorist organization


ripping people limb from limb is also done, very public


No actually you are an idiot. America never call Bin Laden a freedom fighter, however it did indirectly AND KNOWINGLY support jihadists to drive the Russians out of Afghanistan, which did occur. At no time was America under the delusion that they were freedom fighters. They were Jihadists from OTHER Arab or Muslim countries who came into Afghanistan to drive the infidels out.

At that time it was in America's NATIONAL SECURITY INTEREST to do that. You should look it up. Just like America is now contemplating cooperating with Iran or Assad INDIRECTLY in order to destroy ISIS.

Bin Laden was one of the guys specifically fighting the Russians, and Ronald Reagan collectively called those guys freedom fighters.

He didn't say, "Freedom fighters except for that guy."

Oh, we knew exactly what kind of assholes we were climbing into bed with. But we had to beat them damned commies!
"What theft of land they did not own any"

Owned over 90% of the land per the deeds and land registries as audited by the Mandatory in 1943 and reported to the UN in 1946 in the Survey of Palestine prior to partition.

Not according to your original link that showed they only owned 0.8% while the Jews owned 4.8%. What you are trying to pass of as ownership is nothing more than land rented from others and worked for gain.

Produce the link in full and the web address so I can pick it clean and show your LIES for all to see. Or would you like to admit your LIES now regarding who owned what and were the data came from in the first place...........

Why are you making things up. Arabs owned more than 90% of the land and the Jews stole it. Here is the table. from the original link for the hundreth time. You just can't accept reality and continue with your propaganda and lies:

View attachment 32798
"What theft of land they did not own any"

Owned over 90% of the land per the deeds and land registries as audited by the Mandatory in 1943 and reported to the UN in 1946 in the Survey of Palestine prior to partition.

Not according to your original link that showed they only owned 0.8% while the Jews owned 4.8%. What you are trying to pass of as ownership is nothing more than land rented from others and worked for gain.

Produce the link in full and the web address so I can pick it clean and show your LIES for all to see. Or would you like to admit your LIES now regarding who owned what and were the data came from in the first place...........

Why are you making things up. Arabs owned more than 90% of the land and the Jews stole it. Here is the table. from the original link for the hundreth time. You just can't accept reality and continue with your propaganda and lies:

View attachment 32798

Said chart comes from the following bullshit propaganda site.

Land Ownership in Palestine Israel 1920-2000

I thought you said you link to legitimate sources? Besides, the fact that large numbers of people from South America immigrated into the US and therefore "own" a majority of property in certain US cities doesn't make them the legal "owners" of that city or state, now does it? Idiot.
Rachel Corrie died because she put herself in front of a bulldozer. Do you have any concern about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the group which Rachel Corrie belonged? This armed terrorist went into Mike's Place in Tel Aviv, blowing himself up, and in the process managed to kill people and injure others.

Ooooh, Terrorists...

Frankly, if a bunch of space Aliens occupied America tomorrow, we'd have a lot of "Terrorists', too.
Terrorists don't exist, right Joe ?? They are a made up phenomenon, right?
Or maybe a figment of our imagination?
In Israel's case, terrorist is a propaganda campaign.

No actually Hamas, Islamic jihad and many other Palestinian groups have been clearly designated as a terrorist organization


ripping people limb from limb is also done, very public

You should know that I don't buy into that terrorist propaganda crap.

No actually you are an idiot. America never call Bin Laden a freedom fighter, however it did indirectly AND KNOWINGLY support jihadists to drive the Russians out of Afghanistan, which did occur. At no time was America under the delusion that they were freedom fighters. They were Jihadists from OTHER Arab or Muslim countries who came into Afghanistan to drive the infidels out.

At that time it was in America's NATIONAL SECURITY INTEREST to do that. You should look it up. Just like America is now contemplating cooperating with Iran or Assad INDIRECTLY in order to destroy ISIS.

Bin Laden was one of the guys specifically fighting the Russians, and Ronald Reagan collectively called those guys freedom fighters.

He didn't say, "Freedom fighters except for that guy."

Oh, we knew exactly what kind of assholes we were climbing into bed with. But we had to beat them damned commies!
Ronald Reagan was referring to the Taliban, who were Pakistani invaders in Afghanistan, not Bin Ladan who was a Saudi Jihadi. Reagan did what he had to do to ensure that the Russians were kicked out of Afghanistan. Like I said, its call National Security and sometimes you have to sleep with the devil that is the lesser of two evils.

History proves that Reagan made the right call, and successfully removed the Russians, but later administrations and presidents dropped the ball and ignored Afghanistan, until it became a failed state ruled by Islamists and terrorist organizations from which the plot for 9-11 was launched.
Last edited:

We are talking about Israel proper. Jews make up 75% of the population. What does the West Bank and Gaza have to do with it ?

You mean the Zionists still aren't building "Settlements" in the West bank?

West Bank as in Judeah and Samaria of ancient Israel, the name for that land for 3000 years until the Arabs changed it to "West Bank" after 1948?

What right do Jews have to build in their ancient homeland, a land they won in a defensive war in 1967?!

Build baby build!
It seems to me that you are projecting. The supremacist movement I see is the Zionist one. The Muslims are fighting mostly among themselves. The Zionists are the latter day Nazis. They are holding millions of non-Jews in virtual concentration camps killing thousands of them every year or so.

The arab muslims have no legal or moral claim to the land of Palestine, they did not even want to go there until the Jews from Europe had made the desert fertile again.

As indiginous peoples they have the same claim as the Jews.

Not according to CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW they don't, unless you can produce a treaty signed by the LEGAL LAND OWNERS giving the land to the arab muslims.

Something like this will do

Mandate For Palestine - The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights

“In Palestine as of Right and Not on Sufferance ...”
“When it is asked what is meant by the development of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, it may be answered that it is not the imposition of a Jewish nationality upon the inhabitants of Palestine as a whole, but the further development of the existing Jewish community, with the assistance of Jews in other parts of the world, in order that it may become a centre in which the Jewish people as a whole may take, on grounds of religion and race, an interest and a pride. But in order that this community should have the best prospect of free development and provide a full opportunity for the Jewish people to display its capacities, it is essential that it should know that it is in Palestine as of right and not on sufferance.”

Winston Churchill
British Secretary of State for the Colonies
June 1922

Recognition of the Historical Connection to Palestine
Fifty-one member countries – the entire League of Nations – unanimously declared on July 24, 1922:
“Whereas recognition has been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”6
Unlike nation-states in Europe, modern Lebanese, Jordanian, Syrian, and Iraqi nationalities did not evolve. They were arbitrarily created by colonial powers.
In 1919, in the wake of World War I, England and France as Mandatory (e.g., official administrators and mentors) carved up the former Ottoman Empire, which had collapsed a year earlier, into geographic spheres of influence. This divided the Mideast into new political entities with new names and frontiers.7
Territory was divided along map meridians without regard for traditional frontiers (i.e., geographic logic and sustainability) or the ethnic composition of indigenous populations.8
The prevailing rationale behind these artificially created states was how they served the imperial and commercial needs of their colonial masters. Iraq and Jordan, for instance, were created as emirates to reward the noble Hashemite family from Saudi Arabia for its loyalty to the British against the Ottoman Turks during World War I, under the leadership of Lawrence of Arabia. Iraq was given to Faisal bin Hussein, son of the sheriff of Mecca, in 1918. To reward his younger brother Abdullah with an emirate, Britain cut away 77 percent of its mandate over Palestine earmarked for the Jews and gave it to Abdullah in 1922, creating the new country of Trans-Jordan or Jordan, as it was later named.
The Arabs’ hatred of the Jewish State has never been strong enough to prevent the bloody rivalries that repeatedly rock the Middle East. These conflicts were evident in the civil wars in Yemen and Lebanon, as well as in the war between Iraq and Iran, in the gassing of countless Kurds in Iraq, and in the killing of Iraqis by Iraqis.
The manner in which European colonial powers carved out political entities with little regard to their ethnic composition not only led to this inter-ethnic violence, but it also encouraged dictatorial rule as the only force capable of holding such entities together.9
The exception was Palestine, or Eretz-Israel – the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, where:
“The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country [ Palestine] under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish National Home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.”10

Thanks for posting a map showing Palestine's international boundaries. And also saying that Palestine was a country.

Too bad about the Jewish Palestine though. Britain cut and ran without accomplishing that goal.
Tinmore, every country in the world has been surveyed to determine borders and boundaries. Each country's Bureau of Land Management has topographical maps and plats of the country, states, counties, and townships. Also of reservations, parks and government lands. These are registered with the UNs Topographical Department and are availabe to all. Could you please end this bickering and provide those Palestinian maps? Here's a little info about surveying. You'll note that surveys started with the Ancient Egyptians.

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Rachel Corrie died because she put herself in front of a bulldozer. Do you have any concern about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the group which Rachel Corrie belonged? This armed terrorist went into Mike's Place in Tel Aviv, blowing himself up, and in the process managed to kill people and injure others.

Ooooh, Terrorists...

Frankly, if a bunch of space Aliens occupied America tomorrow, we'd have a lot of "Terrorists', too.
Terrorists don't exist, right Joe ?? They are a made up phenomenon, right?
Or maybe a figment of our imagination?
In Israel's case, terrorist is a propaganda campaign.

No actually Hamas, Islamic jihad and many other Palestinian groups have been clearly designated as a terrorist organization


ripping people limb from limb is also done, very public

You should know that I don't buy into that terrorist propaganda crap.
Of course you wouldn't, Miss Goodie Two Shoes.

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