1896 Film of Palestine and Jerusalem.



I'm cool with that as long as you're cool with Israel having the same ability to determine its destiny, and annexing the West Bank, land it conquered in a defensive war, and getting this BS over with once and for all. Let the games begin.

200 Million Arabs vs. 6 Million Jews. Yeah, that's going to work out really well for you.

Especially when you have these young Israelis who are truly wondering what their grandparents were thinking.

You see, here's the thing I don't get. If my neighbors announced their intent to kill me at every oppurtunity, I'd seriously move out of that neighborhood.

But the Zionists... welp, nope. They are totally going to fight to the last man. And they'll hold the rest of the world hostage, like they did in 1973 when the Arabs were going to push them into the sea, and they threatened to use nukes if Nixon didn't bale them out. (The thing Tricky Dick should have been impeached for.)

Israel will be eliminated, sooner or later, and the world will cheer when it happens.

You can of course produce the evidence that Israel threatened to use nuclear weapons, from a non partisan source of course


No, the Zionists are a bunch of Russian Europeans. They have nothing in common with the Judeans other than a Religion. The Palestinians are closer in relation to the Judeans.

The Palestinians were the Judeans until Arafat was told to steal the name by his Russian minders.

We are talking about Israel proper. Jews make up 75% of the population. What does the West Bank and Gaza have to do with it ?

You mean the Zionists still aren't building "Settlements" in the West bank?

On Jewish owned land stole by the Palestinians in 1948/1949. Have you heard of the right of return, and do you think it only applies to arab muslims who have lived in the west bank for the last two years.
Absolutely not.

It applies to everyone.

So you have no problem with the Jews taking it up and reclaiming their land in the west bank ?
Not at all. Many Jews got screwed from places like East Jerusalem, Hebron, and even Gaza. I believe, for the most part, that they were native Palestinian Jews. When the RoR is approved, they should be able to return also.

So who has to approve it, the UN has already put it in place. It is the arab league that is stopping the Palestinians from taking it up.
Ok. You're full of shit then.

You provide definitions (after much obfuscation) that sound pretty in theory. Yet you can't answer a simple direct question and give real life examples..

No obfuscation, and the descriptions I offered are well recognized as forming the distinctions between the two actions.

Like any Pallywood propagandist, though, you are a lowlife who is unwilling to apply consistent standards to evaluate actions because doing so would cause your entire lowlife house of cards to come crashing down.

More talking point insults and still unable to provide any examples of "freedom fighters".

Definitions look pretty on paper - kind of like Communism sounds great in theory. But in real life they are usually messy and far less clear cut. That's why I'm curious to see who you consider to be legitimate "freedom fighters". Why are you so unwilling to provide some examples Dogma?

I gave my answer, not my fault it wasn't the one you wanted to see

We are talking about Israel proper. Jews make up 75% of the population. What does the West Bank and Gaza have to do with it ?

You mean the Zionists still aren't building "Settlements" in the West bank?

>>At no time in modern history did the Palestinians have legal control over their land until the creation of the Palestinian Authority in 1994. Now their representatives have control of land ownership in the territories from which Israel has withdrawn; that is, zones A and B (30% of the West Bank and 70% of Gaza).<<

This information predates the withdrawal of gaza

>>However, in terms of preventing Palestinians from selling land to Israelis, the PA has been less successful. In addition to the confiscated land, much West Bank land was sold to Israelis during the occupation. Purchases by the Hemanuta company, a subsidiary of the Jewish National Fund, began in 1971 and sales to private Israelis started in 1979. The company claims, in particular, to own the land on which stands the Palestinian refugee camp of Deheisheh, near Bethlehem, as well as a large area between the town and the settlement of Gilo (1). Statistics are hard to find, but some 100 sq km was sold between 1971-83 alone. Sometimes land was sold knowingly, with the Palestinian vendors provided with new homes in the West Bank, Jordan or even abroad. On other occasions, the sales took place through forged documents.

Sales have continued after the establishment of the PA. For instance, the Tel Aviv-based Bat-Hen Tshuva Group raised $35m from foreign Jews in autumn 1996 to buy land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It also made purchases in and near Hebron and East Jerusalem at astronomical prices.<< Who owns what - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

>>... judicial and administrative structure assumed Israeli control over 52% of the area of the West Bank by 1986 (Benvenisti et al., 1986). 41% of this area is under direct Israeli possession, while
the other II % is placed under severe restrictions<< http://scholar.najah.edu/sites/default/files/conference-paper/historical-review-land-tenure.pdf
Ok. You're full of shit then.

You provide definitions (after much obfuscation) that sound pretty in theory. Yet you can't answer a simple direct question and give real life examples..

No obfuscation, and the descriptions I offered are well recognized as forming the distinctions between the two actions.

Like any Pallywood propagandist, though, you are a lowlife who is unwilling to apply consistent standards to evaluate actions because doing so would cause your entire lowlife house of cards to come crashing down.

More talking point insults and still unable to provide any examples of "freedom fighters".

Definitions look pretty on paper - kind of like Communism sounds great in theory. But in real life they are usually messy and far less clear cut. That's why I'm curious to see who you consider to be legitimate "freedom fighters". Why are you so unwilling to provide some examples Dogma?

I gave my answer, not my fault it wasn't the one you wanted to see

Is your name Dogma?


I'm cool with that as long as you're cool with Israel having the same ability to determine its destiny, and annexing the West Bank, land it conquered in a defensive war, and getting this BS over with once and for all. Let the games begin.

200 Million Arabs vs. 6 Million Jews. Yeah, that's going to work out really well for you.

Especially when you have these young Israelis who are truly wondering what their grandparents were thinking.

You see, here's the thing I don't get. If my neighbors announced their intent to kill me at every oppurtunity, I'd seriously move out of that neighborhood.

But the Zionists... welp, nope. They are totally going to fight to the last man. And they'll hold the rest of the world hostage, like they did in 1973 when the Arabs were going to push them into the sea, and they threatened to use nukes if Nixon didn't bale them out. (The thing Tricky Dick should have been impeached for.)

Israel will be eliminated, sooner or later, and the world will cheer when it happens.

Yeah, amazing, how dare the Jews defending themselves from savage IslamoNazis.

You anti Semites keep jerking off to Israel's destruction. Been keeping up with the news, have you? Muslims are too busy killing themselves by the hundreds of thousands in a sectarian war, as usual. This one may even last a few centuries, and will decimate the entire region with no real "states", infrastructure and militaries left standing.

And the only ones that will remain, will be naturally become Israel's allies.

That means Israel will still be here many generations after dogs are done peeing on your grave. :clap2:

Can you believe this idiot Nazi Joe? He asked why didn't the Jews leave when they were threatened by Arabs.
Maybe because they aren't pussies like him. What an idiot.
Let you masturbate to Israel's destruction like he always has. You can't debate with a person as hateful as him.


I'm cool with that as long as you're cool with Israel having the same ability to determine its destiny, and annexing the West Bank, land it conquered in a defensive war, and getting this BS over with once and for all. Let the games begin.

200 Million Arabs vs. 6 Million Jews. Yeah, that's going to work out really well for you.

Especially when you have these young Israelis who are truly wondering what their grandparents were thinking.

You see, here's the thing I don't get. If my neighbors announced their intent to kill me at every oppurtunity, I'd seriously move out of that neighborhood.

But the Zionists... welp, nope. They are totally going to fight to the last man. And they'll hold the rest of the world hostage, like they did in 1973 when the Arabs were going to push them into the sea, and they threatened to use nukes if Nixon didn't bale them out. (The thing Tricky Dick should have been impeached for.)

Israel will be eliminated, sooner or later, and the world will cheer when it happens.

How did Israel hold the world hostage in 1973 ?


I'm cool with that as long as you're cool with Israel having the same ability to determine its destiny, and annexing the West Bank, land it conquered in a defensive war, and getting this BS over with once and for all. Let the games begin.

200 Million Arabs vs. 6 Million Jews. Yeah, that's going to work out really well for you.

Especially when you have these young Israelis who are truly wondering what their grandparents were thinking.

You see, here's the thing I don't get. If my neighbors announced their intent to kill me at every oppurtunity, I'd seriously move out of that neighborhood.

But the Zionists... welp, nope. They are totally going to fight to the last man. And they'll hold the rest of the world hostage, like they did in 1973 when the Arabs were going to push them into the sea, and they threatened to use nukes if Nixon didn't bale them out. (The thing Tricky Dick should have been impeached for.)

Israel will be eliminated, sooner or later, and the world will cheer when it happens.

Yeah, amazing, how dare the Jews defending themselves from savage IslamoNazis.

You anti Semites keep jerking off to Israel's destruction. Been keeping up with the news, have you? Muslims are too busy killing themselves by the hundreds of thousands in a sectarian war, as usual. This one may even last a few centuries, and will decimate the entire region with no real "states", infrastructure and militaries left standing.

And the only ones that will remain, will be naturally become Israel's allies.

That means Israel will still be here many generations after dogs are done peeing on your grave. :clap2:

Can you believe this idiot Nazi Joe? He asked why didn't the Jews leave when they were threatened by Arabs.
Maybe because they aren't pussies like him. What an idiot.
Let you masturbate to Israel's destruction like he always has. You can't debate with a person as hateful as him.

Yeah what's wrong with those Jews? Why are they fighting and winning? Why can't they be like before, just get up and leave, or better yet, let people annihilate them. This is basically what has dumbfounded all the Jew haters out there.
More talking point insults and still unable to provide any examples of "freedom fighters".

Definitions look pretty on paper - kind of like Communism sounds great in theory. But in real life they are usually messy and far less clear cut. That's why I'm curious to see who you consider to be legitimate "freedom fighters". Why are you so unwilling to provide some examples Dogma?

If you consider my telling the truth to be an insult, perhaps it is time for you to do a little soul searching as to why that is. I would recommend a course of action where you develop truth as your goal rather than deception.

At that point, you cease to be a lowlife and begin your path towards something better.

For now, though, you can continue all your Arab bullshit all you want, but at the end of the day, the intentional killing of innocent people is still terrorism, and targeting those who are doing this intentional killing isn't -- even if the demands of your hateful propaganda tries to say otherwise.
More talking point insults and still unable to provide any examples of "freedom fighters".

Definitions look pretty on paper - kind of like Communism sounds great in theory. But in real life they are usually messy and far less clear cut. That's why I'm curious to see who you consider to be legitimate "freedom fighters". Why are you so unwilling to provide some examples Dogma?

If you consider my telling the truth to be an insult, perhaps it is time for you to do a little soul searching as to why that is. I would recommend a course of action where you develop truth as your goal rather than deception.

At that point, you cease to be a lowlife and begin your path towards something better.

For now, though, you can continue all your Arab bullshit all you want, but at the end of the day, the intentional killing of innocent people is still terrorism, and targeting those who are doing this intentional killing isn't -- even if the demands of your hateful propaganda tries to say otherwise.

Still at it with the childish insults I see

" the intentional killing of innocent people is still terrorism, and targeting those who are doing this intentional killing isn't" - I agree, I don't think I've said anything different in that regard. Feel free to provide some quotes of my "hateful propaganda". As I recall, that is another one of your typical failures. Make claims about a person then fail to back it up.

So what examples of freedom fighters can you come up with?
So when the Arabs eventually drive them out- and they will - you will be cool with that?

Defensive war my ass. Israel started the war and it was not pre-emptive (which is an excuse warmongering nations like Nazi Germany and Israel use to justify starting wars)

Israel’s attack on Egypt in June ’67 was not ‘preemptive’
by Jeremy R. Hammond | July 4, 2010

It is often claimed that Israel’s attack on Egypt that began the June 1967 “Six Day War” was a “preemptive” one. Implicit in that description is the notion that Israel was under imminent threat of an attack from Egypt. Yet this historical interpretation of the war is not sustained by the documentary record.....the CIA assessed that Nasser’s military presence in the Sinai was defensive"

Israel s attack on Egypt in June 67 was not preemptive - Foreign Policy Journal

I forgot to mention that Egypt also closed the Straits of Tiran, which itself is an act of war and Israel had said previously that doing so would be an act of aggression.

Gee Toastie,Israel are so caring and understanding to everyone except themselves.....shit how could I have been SO WRONG......I may owe you a profound apologie.........NOT..steve

WTF are you blabbing about now ? You are such a waste of space.

No.......just sarcastically reminding you how inaccurate some of your outrageous comments really are.....it was the Israelis that pre-empted and started the 6 Day War...steve,I think you have good motive but your knowledge of Israeli-Arab History has a lot to be desired


No, far from it.

We have a list of names, and they're conveniently "civilians" on those reports, but also "Activists" in others.

That's factually the case. I don't believe Natanyahu's propaganda, I can do my own self checking.

Maybe YOU'RE the one believing Palestinian propaganda. Sounds more logical.

Wow, seriously? Someone is an "activist", that makes it okay to kill them?

And Zionists wonder why the whole world hates you.

"Activists" means Hamas people.

No, the whole world doesn't hate us. Clueless people do.

West Bank as in Judeah and Samaria of ancient Israel, the name for that land for 3000 years until the Arabs changed it to "West Bank" after 1948?

What right do Jews have to build in their ancient homeland, a land they won in a defensive war in 1967?!

Build baby build!

So when the Arabs eventually drive them out- and they will - you will be cool with that?

Nobody will drive the Jews out.

So land back in reality. Sorry, but your dreams about another Exodus won't happen
No, the whole world doesn't hate us. Clueless people do.

Some are certainly clueless, but I would say malevolence is also a reason.

It usually boils down to some combination of stupid and evil. The more of one, the less necessary the other.
[QUOTE="Coyote, post: 9963525, member: 19170" ]

So what examples of freedom fighters can you come up with?[/QUOTE]

You are certainly as belligerent as you are dishonest..

AS to one example, however, I will offer something that would only result in their being killed were it to occur in Arab lands, but the Stonewall riots are a good example of freedom fighting.

Yeah, amazing, how dare the Jews defending themselves from savage IslamoNazis.

You anti Semites keep jerking off to Israel's destruction. Been keeping up with the news, have you? Muslims are too busy killing themselves by the hundreds of thousands in a sectarian war, as usual. This one may even last a few centuries, and will decimate the entire region with no real "states", infrastructure and militaries left standing.

And the only ones that will remain, will be naturally become Israel's allies.

That means Israel will still be here many generations after dogs are done peeing on your grave. :clap2:

Israel will be gone by the end of the century. And good riddance.

And the Jews wouldn't have a problem with "IslamoNazis"" (Seriously do you read comic books or something) if they stayed the fuck in Europe and didn't steal their land.

At this point, a majority of Israelis are Sephardic (Jews from the Middle East or descendants of) who fled Muslim savagery. The Palestinians are Arab invaders from neighboring countries and are no more natives of the land than the Jews that migrated from Europe.

Well, true. to a degree, the Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe, leaving those poor people holding the bag for the inevitable ass-kicking.

"Activists" means Hamas people.

No, the whole world doesn't hate us. Clueless people do.

Hamas is a political party.

So 9/11 was okay as an act of war becaue most of the folks in that building were either Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, sorry, Israel is really hated in those parts of the world where the Zionists don't control the media like this one.

Even the Jerusalem Post admits this.

Israel retained its position as one of the world's most negatively-viewed countries, according to BBC's annual poll published Wednesday night.

With 50 percent of respondents ranking Israel negatively, Israel keeps company with North Korea, and places ahead of only Iran (55% negative) and Pakistan (51% negative).

This was BEFORE the latest slaughter in Gaza, BTW.

Yeah, amazing, how dare the Jews defending themselves from savage IslamoNazis.

You anti Semites keep jerking off to Israel's destruction. Been keeping up with the news, have you? Muslims are too busy killing themselves by the hundreds of thousands in a sectarian war, as usual. This one may even last a few centuries, and will decimate the entire region with no real "states", infrastructure and militaries left standing.

And the only ones that will remain, will be naturally become Israel's allies.

That means Israel will still be here many generations after dogs are done peeing on your grave. :clap2:

Israel will be gone by the end of the century. And good riddance.

And the Jews wouldn't have a problem with "IslamoNazis"" (Seriously do you read comic books or something) if they stayed the fuck in Europe and didn't steal their land.

Vegas money has it that Moooslems will keep slaughtering each other like they have been for the last 1400 years, until the entire region turns into failed states and Mooooslem supremacists too busy trying to figure out new ways to kill more of each other to determine which version of barbaric Islamic is the true one. :clap2:

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