1896 Film of Palestine and Jerusalem.

The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

Oh for crying out loud!!!! How many times are you going to bring this one out???? No body believes it but you. Everyone else sees right through it.

As it clearly shows who paid the most taxes and therefore were most productive!

He has this bullshit chart from a Moooslem site that he keeps posting. That's all he has, repetitive garbage propaganda.

No, it is the 1946 Survey of Palestine a UN document available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, a Jewish site. Why are you always lying?

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

The material assembled in this publication is a survey of Palestine and was prepared between the middle of December, 1945, and the end of January, 1946. The object of the survey was to examine the conditions in Palestine with special attention to subjects bearing on absorptive capacity.
Topic: History, Israeli-Arab Relations, Farming, Demography, Refugees, Politics, Israeli Settlements,Political Behavior, Arab-Israeli Relations, Management and Administration, Agriculture, Immigration,Law, Finance, Geography, Government

Genre: Report

Coverage: Israel

Language: English

Copyright Holder: Publisher

Copyright Information: Download for personal use, freely distribute link

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

Is that the same entity that controled Palestine and decided to create a Jewish homeland in it? Ha ha ha. God you are so stupid.

Well, that doesn't change the fact that the land was stolen by the European Jews. Since the Palestinians have never stopped demanding that their land be returned, not even squatter's rights come into the picture for the Jews. Oh dear.
The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.
Yeah, all of them settling-squatting "sheiks"! Hilarious!

As it says, the Arabs, not sure how many of them were titular sheiks, owned more than 90% of the land. Since they had the deeds and the land was registered as their property, the Arabs cannot possibly be squatters, the Jews are the thieves and squatters, as the record demonstrates.
The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

Oh for crying out loud!!!! How many times are you going to bring this one out???? No body believes it but you. Everyone else sees right through it.

As it clearly shows who paid the most taxes and therefore were most productive!

He has this bullshit chart from a Moooslem site that he keeps posting. That's all he has, repetitive garbage propaganda.

Yeah, notice he had to post it again in the reply. Tell the lie enough times . . . .
Since the Palestinians have never stopped demanding that their land be returned, not even squatter's rights come into the picture for the Jews. Oh dear.
Arab settlers, calling others settlers.

As the Mandatory confirms, the Jews are the settlers (invaders), the Christian and Muslims have always been there whatever their religion was prior to conversion to their current religions:

There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921

We are talking about Israel proper. Jews make up 75% of the population. What does the West Bank and Gaza have to do with it ?

You mean the Zionists still aren't building "Settlements" in the West bank?

>>At no time in modern history did the Palestinians have legal control over their land until the creation of the Palestinian Authority in 1994. Now their representatives have control of land ownership in the territories from which Israel has withdrawn; that is, zones A and B (30% of the West Bank and 70% of Gaza).<<

This information predates the withdrawal of gaza

>>However, in terms of preventing Palestinians from selling land to Israelis, the PA has been less successful. In addition to the confiscated land, much West Bank land was sold to Israelis during the occupation. Purchases by the Hemanuta company, a subsidiary of the Jewish National Fund, began in 1971 and sales to private Israelis started in 1979. The company claims, in particular, to own the land on which stands the Palestinian refugee camp of Deheisheh, near Bethlehem, as well as a large area between the town and the settlement of Gilo (1). Statistics are hard to find, but some 100 sq km was sold between 1971-83 alone. Sometimes land was sold knowingly, with the Palestinian vendors provided with new homes in the West Bank, Jordan or even abroad. On other occasions, the sales took place through forged documents.

Sales have continued after the establishment of the PA. For instance, the Tel Aviv-based Bat-Hen Tshuva Group raised $35m from foreign Jews in autumn 1996 to buy land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It also made purchases in and near Hebron and East Jerusalem at astronomical prices.<< Who owns what - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

>>... judicial and administrative structure assumed Israeli control over 52% of the area of the West Bank by 1986 (Benvenisti et al., 1986). 41% of this area is under direct Israeli possession, while
the other II % is placed under severe restrictions<< http://scholar.najah.edu/sites/default/files/conference-paper/historical-review-land-tenure.pdf

So the land is legally owned by the Jews and as such they can build on it. So were is the problem in this.
Ok. You're full of shit then.

You provide definitions (after much obfuscation) that sound pretty in theory. Yet you can't answer a simple direct question and give real life examples..

No obfuscation, and the descriptions I offered are well recognized as forming the distinctions between the two actions.

Like any Pallywood propagandist, though, you are a lowlife who is unwilling to apply consistent standards to evaluate actions because doing so would cause your entire lowlife house of cards to come crashing down.

More talking point insults and still unable to provide any examples of "freedom fighters".

Definitions look pretty on paper - kind of like Communism sounds great in theory. But in real life they are usually messy and far less clear cut. That's why I'm curious to see who you consider to be legitimate "freedom fighters". Why are you so unwilling to provide some examples Dogma?

I gave my answer, not my fault it wasn't the one you wanted to see

Is your name Dogma?

Did you address the poster by name ?
The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.
Yeah, all of them settling-squatting "sheiks"! Hilarious!
As it says, the Arabs, not sure how many of them were titular sheiks, owned more than 90% of the land. Since they had the deeds and the land was registered as their property, the Arabs cannot possibly be squatters, the Jews are the thieves and squatters, as the record demonstrates.
Cool! Show us the deeds! hehe
Ok. You're full of shit then.

You provide definitions (after much obfuscation) that sound pretty in theory. Yet you can't answer a simple direct question and give real life examples..

No obfuscation, and the descriptions I offered are well recognized as forming the distinctions between the two actions.

Like any Pallywood propagandist, though, you are a lowlife who is unwilling to apply consistent standards to evaluate actions because doing so would cause your entire lowlife house of cards to come crashing down.

More talking point insults and still unable to provide any examples of "freedom fighters".

Definitions look pretty on paper - kind of like Communism sounds great in theory. But in real life they are usually messy and far less clear cut. That's why I'm curious to see who you consider to be legitimate "freedom fighters". Why are you so unwilling to provide some examples Dogma?

I gave my answer, not my fault it wasn't the one you wanted to see

Is your name Dogma?

Did you address the poster by name ?

You make no sense. I made no response to your answer and you are answering a question presented to another member as if it were relevant to you.

It wasn't. :)

Now is your confusion eased?
No, it is the 1946 Survey of Palestine a UN document available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, a Jewish site. Why are you always lying?

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

The material assembled in this publication is a survey of Palestine and was prepared between the middle of December, 1945, and the end of January, 1946. The object of the survey was to examine the conditions in Palestine with special attention to subjects bearing on absorptive capacity.
Topic: History, Israeli-Arab Relations, Farming, Demography, Refugees, Politics, Israeli Settlements,Political Behavior, Arab-Israeli Relations, Management and Administration, Agriculture, Immigration,Law, Finance, Geography, Government

Genre: Report

Coverage: Israel

Language: English

Copyright Holder: Publisher

Copyright Information: Download for personal use, freely distribute link

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner
Monti, none of those links gets me to the table you keep posting.
The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

Oh for crying out loud!!!! How many times are you going to bring this one out???? No body believes it but you. Everyone else sees right through it.

As it clearly shows who paid the most taxes and therefore were most productive!

Of course the Israel Firsters won't accept the facts. This is from the final survey of Palestine before partition and the deeds and land registries. What can you see through? Jews owned more valuable land based on more recent sales price information (this happens where land value is based on actual sales price, not assessments), so they paid higher real estate taxes, it has nothing to do with productivity. The fact is, the Arabs owned more than 90% of the land prior to partition:

View attachment 32857

Gee, the Arabs "owned" land in Ottoman territory, wow, who woulda thunk that?

Now show us how that makes "Palestine" an Arab entity? It doesn't, moron. Actually Arabs didn't have much say in what happens to territory the Ottomans, their enemies, invaded and conquered, did they?

And why did Jews pay more taxes? Could it be because the Moooooslems were intolerant apartheid like assholes towards the Jooooooos? Yup, that's it. They charged the "dirty" Jooooos more taxes. Maybe that's why the Arabs invaded, eh? They squat on Ottoman land, and get to pay no taxes. Ha ha ha. Oh Gawd, you are too easy.
Last edited:
No, it is the 1946 Survey of Palestine a UN document available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, a Jewish site. Why are you always lying?

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

The material assembled in this publication is a survey of Palestine and was prepared between the middle of December, 1945, and the end of January, 1946. The object of the survey was to examine the conditions in Palestine with special attention to subjects bearing on absorptive capacity.
Topic: History, Israeli-Arab Relations, Farming, Demography, Refugees, Politics, Israeli Settlements,Political Behavior, Arab-Israeli Relations, Management and Administration, Agriculture, Immigration,Law, Finance, Geography, Government

Genre: Report

Coverage: Israel

Language: English

Copyright Holder: Publisher

Copyright Information: Download for personal use, freely distribute link

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner
Monti, none of those links gets me to the table you keep posting.

The table comes from an Arab propaganda bullshit site. google "search this document" and it will take you straight to the POS site.
The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

Oh for crying out loud!!!! How many times are you going to bring this one out???? No body believes it but you. Everyone else sees right through it.

As it clearly shows who paid the most taxes and therefore were most productive!

He has this bullshit chart from a Moooslem site that he keeps posting. That's all he has, repetitive garbage propaganda.

No, it is the 1946 Survey of Palestine a UN document available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, a Jewish site. Why are you always lying?

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

The material assembled in this publication is a survey of Palestine and was prepared between the middle of December, 1945, and the end of January, 1946. The object of the survey was to examine the conditions in Palestine with special attention to subjects bearing on absorptive capacity.
Topic: History, Israeli-Arab Relations, Farming, Demography, Refugees, Politics, Israeli Settlements,Political Behavior, Arab-Israeli Relations, Management and Administration, Agriculture, Immigration,Law, Finance, Geography, Government

Genre: Report

Coverage: Israel

Language: English

Copyright Holder: Publisher

Copyright Information: Download for personal use, freely distribute link

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

Is that the same entity that controled Palestine and decided to create a Jewish homeland in it? Ha ha ha. God you are so stupid.

Well, that doesn't change the fact that the land was stolen by the European Jews. Since the Palestinians have never stopped demanding that their land be returned, not even squatter's rights come into the picture for the Jews. Oh dear.

"Stolen"? The British decide what to do with territory they conquered from the Ottomans. The Arabs have no say in land they don't control, moron. The British could have given Palestine to Martians from Area 51 if they felt like it. LOL
No, it is the 1946 Survey of Palestine a UN document available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, a Jewish site. Why are you always lying?

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

The material assembled in this publication is a survey of Palestine and was prepared between the middle of December, 1945, and the end of January, 1946. The object of the survey was to examine the conditions in Palestine with special attention to subjects bearing on absorptive capacity.
Topic: History, Israeli-Arab Relations, Farming, Demography, Refugees, Politics, Israeli Settlements,Political Behavior, Arab-Israeli Relations, Management and Administration, Agriculture, Immigration,Law, Finance, Geography, Government

Genre: Report

Coverage: Israel

Language: English

Copyright Holder: Publisher

Copyright Information: Download for personal use, freely distribute link

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner
Monti, none of those links gets me to the table you keep posting.

The table comes from an Arab propaganda bullshit site. google "search this document" and it will take you straight to the POS site.

No, it is a Jewish site from which you can download the document in pdf. Nothing Arab about it. Quit lying. Everyone can see you are lying.

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner
Oh for crying out loud!!!! How many times are you going to bring this one out???? No body believes it but you. Everyone else sees right through it.

As it clearly shows who paid the most taxes and therefore were most productive!

He has this bullshit chart from a Moooslem site that he keeps posting. That's all he has, repetitive garbage propaganda.

No, it is the 1946 Survey of Palestine a UN document available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, a Jewish site. Why are you always lying?

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

The material assembled in this publication is a survey of Palestine and was prepared between the middle of December, 1945, and the end of January, 1946. The object of the survey was to examine the conditions in Palestine with special attention to subjects bearing on absorptive capacity.
Topic: History, Israeli-Arab Relations, Farming, Demography, Refugees, Politics, Israeli Settlements,Political Behavior, Arab-Israeli Relations, Management and Administration, Agriculture, Immigration,Law, Finance, Geography, Government

Genre: Report

Coverage: Israel

Language: English

Copyright Holder: Publisher

Copyright Information: Download for personal use, freely distribute link

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

Is that the same entity that controled Palestine and decided to create a Jewish homeland in it? Ha ha ha. God you are so stupid.

Well, that doesn't change the fact that the land was stolen by the European Jews. Since the Palestinians have never stopped demanding that their land be returned, not even squatter's rights come into the picture for the Jews. Oh dear.

"Stolen"? The British decide what to do with territory they conquered from the Ottomans. The Arabs have no say in land they don't control, moron. The British could have given Palestine to Martians from Area 51 if they felt like it. LOL

The Arabs owned over 90% of the land as per below. The Mandatory did not own the land. The land was clearly stolen by the Jews.

land ownership only.jpg
He has this bullshit chart from a Moooslem site that he keeps posting. That's all he has, repetitive garbage propaganda.

No, it is the 1946 Survey of Palestine a UN document available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, a Jewish site. Why are you always lying?

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

The material assembled in this publication is a survey of Palestine and was prepared between the middle of December, 1945, and the end of January, 1946. The object of the survey was to examine the conditions in Palestine with special attention to subjects bearing on absorptive capacity.
Topic: History, Israeli-Arab Relations, Farming, Demography, Refugees, Politics, Israeli Settlements,Political Behavior, Arab-Israeli Relations, Management and Administration, Agriculture, Immigration,Law, Finance, Geography, Government

Genre: Report

Coverage: Israel

Language: English

Copyright Holder: Publisher

Copyright Information: Download for personal use, freely distribute link

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

Is that the same entity that controled Palestine and decided to create a Jewish homeland in it? Ha ha ha. God you are so stupid.

Well, that doesn't change the fact that the land was stolen by the European Jews. Since the Palestinians have never stopped demanding that their land be returned, not even squatter's rights come into the picture for the Jews. Oh dear.

"Stolen"? The British decide what to do with territory they conquered from the Ottomans. The Arabs have no say in land they don't control, moron. The British could have given Palestine to Martians from Area 51 if they felt like it. LOL

The Arabs owned over 90% of the land as per below. The Mandatory did not own the land. The land was clearly stolen by the Jews.

View attachment 32865

Ha ha ha. You is funny. Are you telling us that the Ottomans didn't own and control that territory? What an ignorant, lying, shameless dipshit you are.

Last edited:
I wonder where Joe Blow gets his facts? From the same place as Monty I bet. In his world "all the Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe". Ha ha ha. What entertainment, and imagine its FREE!

My question is, which asylum is it that allows patients like Joe Blow such unrestricted computer access?

Which is it, guy. Are the Zionists Middle Eastern Jews wanting to breathe free or just the Jews of Europe who stole someone else's land?

The land did not belong to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years, and after that fell under the control if the British. And majority of Israelis today are Jews who fled Muslim shitholes, or descendants of. That is a fact, look it up. Parroting Islamist propaganda out of Uranus won't make it true.

And oh, can you show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"' , Joe Blow? Can't wait to see that one.

The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

So? They invaded and squatted. Doesn't make them the "owners of the land" as much as it doesn't make Mexicans the owners of Arizona, California, or Texas, just because they immigrated and populated certain areas of these states in abnormally high numbers.

The LAND was owned by the Ottoman Turks, that is indisputable historical fact. And I'm still waiting on Joe Blow to show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"'?

No, they owned the land as per the land ownership registries and deeds, as audited by the British prior to partition. They owned the land for over 2 millenia. The squatters are the Jews that invaded from Europe and stole the land from the rightful and legal owners.

It is not Islamist propaganda, it is fact as reported by the Mandatory, as requested by the UN, prior to partition. As reported, the land was not owned by the Ottomans, it was owned by the Palestinian Arabs, over 9% of it was. As documented. You see little punk Ruddy, you scream and stamp your feet all you want, but the facts are the facts and none of your silly propaganda is fact, just Zionist lies.

Land registration in the Ottoman did not even exist till the 19th century. Land ownership was simply recorded as transfers as part of death records through the churches. Though still incomplete and missing pages, many of the tapu, BMLRR, DLS in Amman and UNCCP records are now digital. Locals arabs did not register land to avoid conscription or taxation. Many that did register land lost title due to unpaid taxes.
Most of the early jews that bought land when the Ottoman permitted acquired land that was uncultivated and uninhabited. There were limits on the amount of land any one could own. Land sold by churches and land holders from arabs in Beirut, Damascus, Cairo, Amman and even Jerusalem sold to land companies on behalf of jews and not directly to private jewish individuals.
The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.
Yeah, all of them settling-squatting "sheiks"! Hilarious!

As it says, the Arabs, not sure how many of them were titular sheiks, owned more than 90% of the land. Since they had the deeds and the land was registered as their property, the Arabs cannot possibly be squatters, the Jews are the thieves and squatters, as the record demonstrates.

no, just that it was not owned by "jews". It does not by default mean all the land was privately owned by (palestinian) arabs.
No, it is the 1946 Survey of Palestine a UN document available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, a Jewish site. Why are you always lying?

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

The material assembled in this publication is a survey of Palestine and was prepared between the middle of December, 1945, and the end of January, 1946. The object of the survey was to examine the conditions in Palestine with special attention to subjects bearing on absorptive capacity.
Topic: History, Israeli-Arab Relations, Farming, Demography, Refugees, Politics, Israeli Settlements,Political Behavior, Arab-Israeli Relations, Management and Administration, Agriculture, Immigration,Law, Finance, Geography, Government

Genre: Report

Coverage: Israel

Language: English

Copyright Holder: Publisher

Copyright Information: Download for personal use, freely distribute link

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner
Monti, none of those links gets me to the table you keep posting.

The table comes from an Arab propaganda bullshit site. google "search this document" and it will take you straight to the POS site.

No, it is a Jewish site from which you can download the document in pdf. Nothing Arab about it. Quit lying. Everyone can see you are lying.

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

Why can't you admit you got it from a bullshit Arab site? The link you posted doesn't show the chart, however, interestingly, it contains articles like this. What an ignoramus you are:


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