1896 Film of Palestine and Jerusalem.

Where do you get your

At this point, a majority of Israelis are Sephardic (Jews from the Middle East or descendants of) who fled Muslim savagery. The Palestinians are Arab invaders from neighboring countries and are no more natives of the land than the Jews that migrated from Europe.

Well, true. to a degree, the Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe, leaving those poor people holding the bag for the inevitable ass-kicking.

At this point, a majority of Israelis are Sephardic (Jews from the Middle East or descendants of) who fled Muslim savagery. The Palestinians are Arab invaders from neighboring countries and are no more natives of the land than the Jews that migrated from Europe.

Well, true. to a degree, the Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe, leaving those poor people holding the bag for the inevitable ass-kicking.

I wonder where Joe Blow gets his facts? From the same place as Monty I bet. In his world "all the Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe". Ha ha ha. What entertainment, and imagine its FREE!

My question is, which asylum is it that allows patients like Joe Blow such unrestricted computer access?

Vegas money has it that Moooslems will keep slaughtering each other like they have been for the last 1400 years, until the entire region turns into failed states and Mooooslem supremacists too busy trying to figure out new ways to kill more of each other to determine which version of barbaric Islamic is the true one. :clap2:

Wow, I imagine a Nazi saying something like that about the Jews and other "Untermensch".

Lovely. After years of denouncing the Nazis, the Zionists have become the Nazis. Awesome.

the Star of David will be as hated as the Swastika some day.
I wonder where Joe Blow gets his facts? From the same place as Monty I bet. In his world "all the Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe". Ha ha ha. What entertainment, and imagine its FREE!

My question is, which asylum is it that allows patients like Joe Blow such unrestricted computer access?

Which is it, guy. Are the Zionists Middle Eastern Jews wanting to breathe free or just the Jews of Europe who stole someone else's land?

Vegas money has it that Moooslems will keep slaughtering each other like they have been for the last 1400 years, until the entire region turns into failed states and Mooooslem supremacists too busy trying to figure out new ways to kill more of each other to determine which version of barbaric Islamic is the true one. :clap2:

Wow, I imagine a Nazi saying something like that about the Jews and other "Untermensch".

Lovely. After years of denouncing the Nazis, the Zionists have become the Nazis. Awesome.

the Star of David will be as hated as the Swastika some day.

Nope, it's the Muslims that are trying to complete what the Nazis couldn't. After all they were best buddies, and nazism has been blended with Islamism perfectly, thanks to the Palestinian Mufti.

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
I wonder where Joe Blow gets his facts? From the same place as Monty I bet. In his world "all the Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe". Ha ha ha. What entertainment, and imagine its FREE!

My question is, which asylum is it that allows patients like Joe Blow such unrestricted computer access?

Which is it, guy. Are the Zionists Middle Eastern Jews wanting to breathe free or just the Jews of Europe who stole someone else's land?

The land did not belong to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years, and after that fell under the control if the British. And majority of Israelis today are Jews who fled Muslim shitholes, or descendants of. That is a fact, look it up. Parroting Islamist propaganda out of Uranus won't make it true.

And oh, can you show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"' , Joe Blow? Can't wait to see that one.
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[QUOTE="Coyote, post: 9963525, member: 19170" ]

You are certainly as belligerent as you are dishonest..

AS to one example, however, I will offer something that would only result in their being killed were it to occur in Arab lands, but the Stonewall riots are a good example of freedom fighting.

Belligerant? Dishonest? That's funny coming from you :)

Yup. That is a good example - thanks for providing one. Finally.

Here is my opinion on the whole thing - there is little difference many so-called "freedom fighters" and terrorists. Most "freedom fighters" - particularly those with nationalistic aims - end up resorting to terrorist tactics at some point in their campaign. Once that happens - they've lost any claim to their being a "distinction" because there isn't. What ends up happening is that the victor gets to white-wash his side in history and the loser becomes the "terrorist". My argument (and despite your assholery it has been consistent) - is that there is no moral justification for targeting civilian populations for the sole purpose of terrorizing a group into complying with an agenda. There is no moral justification in bombing public markets, shooting buses of school children, shooting or bombing churches, synagogues ,mosques or other places of worship, suicide bombing public cafes or kidnapping and beheading journalists. If a group is going to use terrorist tactics then be honest about it - don't white wash it in "freedom fighter" clothing.
200 Million Arabs vs. 6 Million Jews. Yeah, that's going to work out really well for you

The problem with that theory is that many of the Arabs are too busy arguing and fighting amongst themselves. The rest are getting sick and tired of Hamas' antics.

<SNIP> And they'll hold the rest of the world hostage, like they did in 1973 when the Arabs were going to push them into the sea, and they threatened to use nukes if Nixon didn't bale them out.

A tiny stretch of the truth there? Maybe?
I wonder where Joe Blow gets his facts? From the same place as Monty I bet. In his world "all the Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe". Ha ha ha. What entertainment, and imagine its FREE!

My question is, which asylum is it that allows patients like Joe Blow such unrestricted computer access?

Which is it, guy. Are the Zionists Middle Eastern Jews wanting to breathe free or just the Jews of Europe who stole someone else's land?

The land did not belong to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years, and after that fell under the control if the British. And majority of Israelis today are Jews who fled Muslim shitholes, or descendants of. That is a fact, look it up. Parroting Islamist propaganda out of Uranus won't make it true.

And oh, can you show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"' , Joe Blow? Can't wait to see that one.

The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

land ownership only.jpg
So 9/11 was okay as an act of war becaue most of the folks in that building were either Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, sorry, Israel is really hated in those parts of the world where the Zionists don't control the media like this one.

Even the Jerusalem Post admits this.

Israel retained its position as one of the world's most negatively-viewed countries, according to BBC's annual poll published Wednesday night.

With 50 percent of respondents ranking Israel negatively, Israel keeps company with North Korea, and places ahead of only Iran (55% negative) and Pakistan (51% negative).

This was BEFORE the latest slaughter in Gaza, BTW.

Do you have any links to back these claims?
The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

Oh for crying out loud!!!! How many times are you going to bring this one out???? No body believes it but you. Everyone else sees right through it.

As it clearly shows who paid the most taxes and therefore were most productive!

Of course the Israel Firsters won't accept the facts. This is from the final survey of Palestine before partition and the deeds and land registries. What can you see through? Jews owned more valuable land based on more recent sales price information (this happens where land value is based on actual sales price, not assessments), so they paid higher real estate taxes, it has nothing to do with productivity. The fact is, the Arabs owned more than 90% of the land prior to partition:

land ownership only.jpg
take away foreign owned, church and public land it is more like a 4/1 of arab owned land, yet jews are paying 4 times the tax.

what people seem to forget is the map of the world as we know it was a post war creation. It was not just a division of mandate land but africa, southern asia, europe and even south/central america.
Jordan, Israel and the offer of a palestine was just a part of the changes after the fall of the axis powers. There had never been a state of palestine with a palestinian people. It was an offer that the arabs refuse.

In 1943 the war was still going on. It was a time of people from the region, arab and jew, seeking refuge in the european mandate. They also moved seeking jobs in the oil industry. Oil vital to the war effort, both axis and ally.

Lebanon had autonomy since the 19th C. The rest of the middle east was a creation after the fall of the empire. Those states are no less legitimate that Israel or any post WWI or WWII country. Maps changed with the fall of the USSR and still in flux with the Islamist movements.

Palestine can exist but the PA needs to sit down with Israel and negotiate what the state will consist of. It is not for the PA to lay down demands, especially not that might threaten the security of Israel.
A palestine cannot have an armed militia (hamas) in gaza and Israel must be recognized by palestinians and the arab world. It should also not be a "jew free" apartheid state. Jews were forced out of the arab world and from the west bank under jordan. Jews that returned to those palestinian lands should be allowed to stay, but as palestinian jews. They should be allowed if they choose to return to gaza. Christians should also be protected. Hostility of other religions must be loudly condemned.
I wonder where Joe Blow gets his facts? From the same place as Monty I bet. In his world "all the Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe". Ha ha ha. What entertainment, and imagine its FREE!

My question is, which asylum is it that allows patients like Joe Blow such unrestricted computer access?

Which is it, guy. Are the Zionists Middle Eastern Jews wanting to breathe free or just the Jews of Europe who stole someone else's land?

The land did not belong to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years, and after that fell under the control if the British. And majority of Israelis today are Jews who fled Muslim shitholes, or descendants of. That is a fact, look it up. Parroting Islamist propaganda out of Uranus won't make it true.

And oh, can you show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"' , Joe Blow? Can't wait to see that one.

The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

So? They invaded and squatted. Doesn't make them the "owners of the land" as much as it doesn't make Mexicans the owners of Arizona, California, or Texas, just because they immigrated and populated certain areas of these states in abnormally high numbers.

The LAND was owned by the Ottoman Turks, that is indisputable historical fact. And I'm still waiting on Joe Blow to show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"'?
The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

Oh for crying out loud!!!! How many times are you going to bring this one out???? No body believes it but you. Everyone else sees right through it.

As it clearly shows who paid the most taxes and therefore were most productive!

He has this bullshit chart from a Moooslem site that he keeps posting. That's all he has, repetitive garbage propaganda.
I wonder where Joe Blow gets his facts? From the same place as Monty I bet. In his world "all the Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe". Ha ha ha. What entertainment, and imagine its FREE!

My question is, which asylum is it that allows patients like Joe Blow such unrestricted computer access?

Which is it, guy. Are the Zionists Middle Eastern Jews wanting to breathe free or just the Jews of Europe who stole someone else's land?

The land did not belong to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years, and after that fell under the control if the British. And majority of Israelis today are Jews who fled Muslim shitholes, or descendants of. That is a fact, look it up. Parroting Islamist propaganda out of Uranus won't make it true.

And oh, can you show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"' , Joe Blow? Can't wait to see that one.

The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

So? They invaded and squatted. Doesn't make them the "owners of the land" as much as it doesn't make Mexicans the owners of Arizona, California, or Texas, just because they immigrated and populated certain areas of these states in abnormally high numbers.

The LAND was owned by the Ottoman Turks, that is indisputable historical fact. And I'm still waiting on Joe Blow to show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"'?

No, they owned the land as per the land ownership registries and deeds, as audited by the British prior to partition. They owned the land for over 2 millenia. The squatters are the Jews that invaded from Europe and stole the land from the rightful and legal owners.

It is not Islamist propaganda, it is fact as reported by the Mandatory, as requested by the UN, prior to partition. As reported, the land was not owned by the Ottomans, it was owned by the Palestinian Arabs, over 9% of it was. As documented. You see little punk Ruddy, you scream and stamp your feet all you want, but the facts are the facts and none of your silly propaganda is fact, just Zionist lies.
The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

Oh for crying out loud!!!! How many times are you going to bring this one out???? No body believes it but you. Everyone else sees right through it.

As it clearly shows who paid the most taxes and therefore were most productive!

He has this bullshit chart from a Moooslem site that he keeps posting. That's all he has, repetitive garbage propaganda.

No, it is the 1946 Survey of Palestine a UN document available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, a Jewish site. Why are you always lying?

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

The material assembled in this publication is a survey of Palestine and was prepared between the middle of December, 1945, and the end of January, 1946. The object of the survey was to examine the conditions in Palestine with special attention to subjects bearing on absorptive capacity.
Topic: History, Israeli-Arab Relations, Farming, Demography, Refugees, Politics, Israeli Settlements,Political Behavior, Arab-Israeli Relations, Management and Administration, Agriculture, Immigration,Law, Finance, Geography, Government

Genre: Report

Coverage: Israel

Language: English

Copyright Holder: Publisher

Copyright Information: Download for personal use, freely distribute link

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner
I wonder where Joe Blow gets his facts? From the same place as Monty I bet. In his world "all the Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe". Ha ha ha. What entertainment, and imagine its FREE!

My question is, which asylum is it that allows patients like Joe Blow such unrestricted computer access?

Which is it, guy. Are the Zionists Middle Eastern Jews wanting to breathe free or just the Jews of Europe who stole someone else's land?

The land did not belong to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years, and after that fell under the control if the British. And majority of Israelis today are Jews who fled Muslim shitholes, or descendants of. That is a fact, look it up. Parroting Islamist propaganda out of Uranus won't make it true.

And oh, can you show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"' , Joe Blow? Can't wait to see that one.

The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

So? They invaded and squatted. Doesn't make them the "owners of the land" as much as it doesn't make Mexicans the owners of Arizona, California, or Texas, just because they immigrated and populated certain areas of these states in abnormally high numbers.

The LAND was owned by the Ottoman Turks, that is indisputable historical fact. And I'm still waiting on Joe Blow to show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"'?

No, they owned the land as per the land ownership registries and deeds, as audited by the British prior to partition. They owned the land for over 2 millenia. The squatters are the Jews that invaded from Europe and stole the land from the rightful and legal owners.

It is not Islamist propaganda, it is fact as reported by the Mandatory, as requested by the UN, prior to partition. As reported, the land was not owned by the Ottomans, it was owned by the Palestinian Arabs, over 9% of it was. As documented. You see little punk Ruddy, you scream and stamp your feet all you want, but the facts are the facts and none of your silly propaganda is fact, just Zionist lies.

Blah blah blah. It was Ottoman territory for 600 years, you fucking ignorant moron. And then when the Ottoman Empire collapsed after WWI, the conquerers, IE the British and the French, decided to do whatever they pleased with conquered land. That means the land had not been Arab controlled or owned for about 700 years. Out of this conquered land, 99.99% ended up becoming Arab Muslim shitholes, and ONE tiny Jewish state.

You assholes are upset about that? Too fucking bad.
The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

Oh for crying out loud!!!! How many times are you going to bring this one out???? No body believes it but you. Everyone else sees right through it.

As it clearly shows who paid the most taxes and therefore were most productive!

He has this bullshit chart from a Moooslem site that he keeps posting. That's all he has, repetitive garbage propaganda.

No, it is the 1946 Survey of Palestine a UN document available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, a Jewish site. Why are you always lying?

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

The material assembled in this publication is a survey of Palestine and was prepared between the middle of December, 1945, and the end of January, 1946. The object of the survey was to examine the conditions in Palestine with special attention to subjects bearing on absorptive capacity.
Topic: History, Israeli-Arab Relations, Farming, Demography, Refugees, Politics, Israeli Settlements,Political Behavior, Arab-Israeli Relations, Management and Administration, Agriculture, Immigration,Law, Finance, Geography, Government

Genre: Report

Coverage: Israel

Language: English

Copyright Holder: Publisher

Copyright Information: Download for personal use, freely distribute link

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner
And yet, it was the Anglo-British, the people who controlled the land, that decided it would be fair and rightful to create a Jewish state. Ha ha ha. God you are so stupid.
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Wow, I imagine a Nazi saying something like that about the Jews and other "Untermensch". Lovely. After years of denouncing the Nazis, the Zionists have become the Nazis. Awesome. the Star of David will be as hated as the Swastika some day.
Which is it, guy. Are the Zionists Middle Eastern Jews wanting to breathe free or just the Jews of Europe who stole someone else's land?

The land did not belong to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years, and after that fell under the control if the British. And majority of Israelis today are Jews who fled Muslim shitholes, or descendants of. That is a fact, look it up. Parroting Islamist propaganda out of Uranus won't make it true.

And oh, can you show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"' , Joe Blow? Can't wait to see that one.

The Arabs owned more than 90% of the land, bozo.

View attachment 32854

So? They invaded and squatted. Doesn't make them the "owners of the land" as much as it doesn't make Mexicans the owners of Arizona, California, or Texas, just because they immigrated and populated certain areas of these states in abnormally high numbers.

The LAND was owned by the Ottoman Turks, that is indisputable historical fact. And I'm still waiting on Joe Blow to show us how "Europeans who started Zionism have moved back to Europe"'?

No, they owned the land as per the land ownership registries and deeds, as audited by the British prior to partition. They owned the land for over 2 millenia. The squatters are the Jews that invaded from Europe and stole the land from the rightful and legal owners.

It is not Islamist propaganda, it is fact as reported by the Mandatory, as requested by the UN, prior to partition. As reported, the land was not owned by the Ottomans, it was owned by the Palestinian Arabs, over 9% of it was. As documented. You see little punk Ruddy, you scream and stamp your feet all you want, but the facts are the facts and none of your silly propaganda is fact, just Zionist lies.

Blah blah blah. It was Ottoman territory for 600 years, you fucking ignorant moron. And then when the Ottoman Empire collapsed after WWI, the conquerers, IE the British and the French, decided to do whatever they pleased with conquered land. That means the land had not been Arab controlled or owned for about 700 years. Out of this conquered land, 99.99% ended up becoming Arab Muslim shitholes, and ONE tiny Jewish state.

You assholes are upset about that? Too fucking bad.

You are making things up, with nothing to back up your claims. I am linking to an actual survey, performed by an independent organization that determined who owned the land and reported this to the UN prior to partition. Let me remind you. Arabs owned more than 90% of the land prior to partition. This land was stolen from them by the European settlers. This is just a fact, see below and reconfirm, if you like by going to this Jewish site that hosts the survey:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

land ownership only.jpg

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