19 year-old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Her and her new husband just got busted for killing a 42 year-old man for kicks. She said she's killed men from Alaska, California, South Carolina as well. She said she quit counting after 22nd murder, said it was under a hundred though. She said her first was at age 13.

There was something about her being in the church of Satan, which doesn't condemn murder.

19 year old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer - WEAR ABC Channel 3 - Top Stories
Her and her new husband just got busted for killing a 42 year-old man for kicks. She said she's killed men from Alaska, California, South Carolina as well. She said she quit counting after 22nd murder, said it was under a hundred though. She said her first was at age 13.

There was something about her being in the church of Satan, which doesn't condemn murder.

19 year old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer - WEAR ABC Channel 3 - Top Stories


When they tell you what they are, believe them.
She's full of shit if you ask me. At one point Henry Lee Lucas "admitted" to thousands of murders, yet he can only be directly connected to 15 or less.

This girl is looking for her own fifteen minutes.
This is the consequences of parents being too busy with their careers to raise their kids.
She's full of shit if you ask me. At one point Henry Lee Lucas "admitted" to thousands of murders, yet he can only be directly connected to 15 or less.

This girl is looking for her own fifteen minutes.

Oh, only 15. That's no big deal, huh.
She's full of shit if you ask me. At one point Henry Lee Lucas "admitted" to thousands of murders, yet he can only be directly connected to 15 or less.

This girl is looking for her own fifteen minutes.

Oh, only 15. That's no big deal, huh.

The issue was not whether 15 is a lot of murders, the issue is these mental defectives like to create an image that is usually mostly lies. Did I say 15 is no big deal? No, I did not.

Lucas at one point claimed 3,000. 3,000 versus 15. I believe this girl is looking for attention and some time in the spotlight.
Her and her new husband just got busted for killing a 42 year-old man for kicks. She said she's killed men from Alaska, California, South Carolina as well. She said she quit counting after 22nd murder, said it was under a hundred though. She said her first was at age 13.

There was something about her being in the church of Satan, which doesn't condemn murder.

19 year old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer - WEAR ABC Channel 3 - Top Stories

Befriend her, encourage her to keep talking, you never know what might be discovered.
She said she could pin point on a map where she buried them. I'm sure it will be checked. If they find the bodies, it's not just a fantasy. But it will show how useless the cops are.
She said she could pin point on a map where she buried them. I'm sure it will be checked. If they find the bodies, it's not just a fantasy. But it will show how useless the cops are.

Well if she can show graves she's on the level. I'd be shocked if it were true. Females just generally do not engage in this kind activity, especially at age 13. My money is still on bullshit, but we shall see. If true, her case would be so unique that it would effect the study of serial killing in a major way.
joined a satanic cult at 13?


Unless mom and dad were going as well..

Something tells me she's seen too many movies. A nice Satanic cult these days would be retro. They kind of went out of fashion in the 90's after all the hysteria and false prosecutions.
She said she could pin point on a map where she buried them. I'm sure it will be checked. If they find the bodies, it's not just a fantasy. But it will show how useless the cops are.
If she does indeed pin point the bodies, I would have her take a polygraph test to see if she actually participated in the murders. I realize that the test is not admissible in court, but it will help investigators gather evidence. If the test confirms that she was involved, and given the fact that PA does have the death penalty, I would try her for Capital Murder.
I believe her. Why would she lie? I saw the interview with her husband and he didn't deny it either. They did it for fun. After losing count after 2 dozen murders I'd say they were practicing satanism - hard core - expect to see this story swept under the rug with claims of mental imbalance, delusions, anything to divert the truth that their 6 year involvment with satanism resulted in over 2 dozen people dead.

I had to laugh when they said no cult has stepped forward to claim them. Why would they? Their biggest hope is that others will not believe a word of it. These are cold blooded murderers, folks. ..and only the tip of the iceberg for what's out there. Satanism is bad news.
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She said she could pin point on a map where she buried them. I'm sure it will be checked. If they find the bodies, it's not just a fantasy. But it will show how useless the cops are.
If she does indeed pin point the bodies, I would have her take a polygraph test to see if she actually participated in the murders. I realize that the test is not admissible in court, but it will help investigators gather evidence. If the test confirms that she was involved, and given the fact that PA does have the death penalty, I would try her for Capital Murder.

That may not ever happen. They may cover up everything - there are satanists in law enforcement, the FBI ( how do you think Franklin cover up remained so? ) CIA, elected officials, on every level, doctors, lawyers, ... you can bet they will all work together on this and her claims may never be properly investigated.
She said she could pin point on a map where she buried them. I'm sure it will be checked. If they find the bodies, it's not just a fantasy. But it will show how useless the cops are.

Well if she can show graves she's on the level. I'd be shocked if it were true. Females just generally do not engage in this kind activity, especially at age 13. My money is still on bullshit, but we shall see. If true, her case would be so unique that it would effect the study of serial killing in a major way.

You're not paying attention. Women get away with this shit all the time. The woman in Texas the drowned her five kids. The woman in Montana that pushed her new husband off the cliff. Lizzy Bordon.

She'll probably claim the devil made her do it, and get to go to the funny farm.
Her and her new husband just got busted for killing a 42 year-old man for kicks. She said she's killed men from Alaska, California, South Carolina as well. She said she quit counting after 22nd murder, said it was under a hundred though. She said her first was at age 13.

There was something about her being in the church of Satan, which doesn't condemn murder.

19 year old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer - WEAR ABC Channel 3 - Top Stories

When I was asked my opinion if religious freedom applied to Satanists who didn't believe murder was wrong, my reply was such members had rights to be murdered, or to murder others who agree to it.

Someone else argued this was too easily abused, because once someone is murdered you cannot prove they consented. And they do not have room to "change their minds."

Too easily coerced or abused; otherwise, I'd say yes to euthanasia and murder if only people who consent to being killed are killed (ie fully informed and not coerced or under duress or oppression or denied other options).

My understanding is by the time you work out a consensual agreement, that eliminates the reason behind most killing or murders to begin with, and would only leave very few cases where people truly consent and there is no better option where they could change their mind. If people really want to die, they can generally do so on their own.

Since these are so few cases, and the risk of abuse is too great for the vast majority,
that is why it becomes impractical to allow murder to be legal for religious beliefs.

(Well, except in the case of abortion or the death penalty which many believe is murder.)

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