19 year-old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer

She was married before and authorities are looking into her husband's death to see if it was suspicious.

Real-life Dexter 'serial killer' Miranda Barbour reveals locations of alleged murders | Mail Online

As well they should. But some of it could be delusional or made up for the secondary gain of getting out of he cult. Just sayin'.

It is her word against the church of Satan:

The head of The Church Of Satan, Peter Gilmore, said confessed killer Miranda Barbour has never been a member of his congregation despite her claims, CNN reports.

Miranda Barbour, 19, confessed to killing close to 100 people, and said she did it as a member of the New York-based Church Of Satan. Head of the church, Peter Gilmore, says there’s no way in hell Miranda was ever affiliated with his congregation, according to details released by CNN.

Miranda Barbour Thrill Kills For Satanic Church?

Miranda is a confessed killer, claiming on Feb. 18 that she and her husband of just two weeks have been on a killing spree that started with becoming members of the Church Of Satan. The head of the New York-based church, which is the nation’s largest Satanic body, says she’s lying.

Do You Think Miranda Barbour Is A Serial Killer?

“Thorough investigation will likely demonstrate that this cult story is fiction,” said Peter.

Authorities are looking into Miranda’s claims and investigating any link she could possibly have to the church. But Gilmore says that the church has a “law and order philosophy” that does not condone killing.

Miranda Barbour Lying ? Craigslist Killer Is False, Says Satanic Leader - Hollywood Life

I never knew of the cult that is in Nashville killing actual people. They were more into the animal sacrifice thing as stated earlier. There would be rumors that a blonde, blue eyed virgin was going to be abducted and killed by them on such and such day, but that never panned out. Certainly this woman's story needs to be checked out. She is implicating a lot of people who may or may not have any kind of criminal history. So, they should not accept her word hands down.

I'm not much of a Dr. Phil fan, but Monday and Tuesday they had a woman on who was experiencing false memories that had been suggested to her by a therapist and then turned into her reality. She was accusing family members of several murders, rape, molestation, etc. She made a time line and put down names and dates. She said some had been buried in her mother's back yard. They searched the back yard, then they searched for and found the people who were supposedly killed. They were all alive and well. The family members she accused took polygraph tests and passed on the issue of the sex abuse. False memories are a new wrinkle in psychiatry. Delusions are not new. And I was taught in both my bachelor's and master's program to distinguish whether what the person is telling you is reality or delusional. That is not always easy. This sounds like a very sick woman. Yes, she may have killed someone. But she may also have delusions that she killed others. And before she is allowed to bring in other people to accuse, they need to determine the veracity of her story.
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for the people claiming the cops are doing a bad job b/c she killed so many.

she traveled, thus no patterns

Killed people she didn't know. People tend to kill people they know

depending on what kind of person she killed, it may take a long time, if ever, for that person to be missed.
I don't think it would take that long for the absence of her victims to be noticed, but if she didn't know them personally, then it would be harder for the law to connect her to each murder especially if she did continue to travel.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wonder if anyone happened to witness any of the murders.
I don't trust their governemnt as far as I can throw it but it gave me food for thought.

Back on topic and I find it pretty hard to believe that someone can kill so many times without it going wrong somewhere and her getting caught far sooner.

It's easier than you think.
for the people claiming the cops are doing a bad job b/c she killed so many.

she traveled, thus no patterns

Killed people she didn't know. People tend to kill people they know

depending on what kind of person she killed, it may take a long time, if ever, for that person to be missed.

She could lead them to bodies if her story is true. I would bet the cyber dollar she is like some of the patients I had who were involved in satanic cults, and trying to get into prison to get away from them.

I know of a couple of ministries that assist satanists in escaping from their cults and the cults are pretty adamant about keeping them and destroying the reputations of those who assist them in getting to freedom.

One of the largest drawbacks with satanism is they have help inside NGO's like Bilderberg ( head of Bilderberg - Etienne Davignon is a Solvay by birth and a hard core satanist ) IMF has satanists in head positions - then on lower levels ---> law enforcement, FBI, CIA, Govt officials, Judges, Lawyers, Doctors, very powerful connections are also made through child sex parties / blackmail of politicians -look up Regina Louf and the Monster of Belgium for European satanism and then for USA look up Franklin coverup story - Also the McMartin Daycare of child sexual abuse was done by satanists which is why they sold the building and buried the tunnels before the trial began - then Ted Gunderson found the new owner - gained permission to dig up the tunnels and found the satanic altars, disney lunch bags from the children being there - everything the McMartin children found was verified and Gunderson said his own FBI shut him down and refused to allow him to proceed in his investigation. Gunderson - who was in law enforcement for many years - said he was convinced that the satanists in the higher echelons of FBI had prevented the truth about McMartin Daycare satanism from getting out. They blocked Ted Gunderson at every turn before he finally figured it out.

There are many unsolved cases of parents who suspected satanic abuse of their children at daycares and have found their complaints fall on deaf ears. The people who file these complaints are treated as if they are delusional. Some even had CPS take their children - which is another one child protection services - that has been infiltrated by satanists on both the east coast and west coast. I've seen cases of satanists getting gov jobs after their time in prison for murder. What a promotion / reward for murderers. Go figure.

In every case of hard core Satanism I've read the rituals not only included animal sacrifice but human sacrifice. So animal sacrifice is their initiation into satanism but it definitely doesn't stay there. They believe sacrificing to Satan gives them power - that they are tapping into that energy of life leaving the body - which is why human sacrifice is the norm for these folks. * (They do gain powers from these rituals but at what cost? Their soul? Not worth it and besides all the ex occult members I've spoken to said they were powerless against a blood bought christian that pleaded the blood of Jesus Christ. They have no weapon powerful enough to stand against the Blood of Christ. ( I already knew that but nice of them to admit it! Ha! ha!! )

From speaking with those who are in the occult and also those no longer in it - converted to Christianity - they tell me that Satan promised them rewards in death - that they would not be subjected to the torments of hell like others because he was in charge... he didn't bother to mention to them his time is coming up shortly and they will suffer greater torments in hell than those who didn't delve into satanism.

These people are facing the ultimate double cross when it comes to pay up time. They are just too deceived by the demons they have taken on to realize the truth. Nothing brings joy to my heart like hearing about a satanist coming to Christ. I am praying for this girl that she will encounter Christ and accept His love and forgiveness for all she has done. She was 13 yrs. old. The satanists who recruited her knew what they were doing. God loves this girl and we need to all be praying protection over her and that she is set free from the demons that gained access to her through satanism. If intercessors really take this seriously - we may very well see this thing break wide open and the adults running these cults exposed. I can't wait. :eusa_angel:


* I found Chucks statement that the Church of Satan denies knowing her to be comical. As if the Church of Satan is a paragon of virtue and never tells a lie! Oh my gosh. Too funny. She knows who she says she knows and you can take that one to the bank. This gal is the real deal and they are going to do their best to make her look insane. That is their MO. Look at what they tried to do to Rebecca Brown's reputation - and the satanist she rescued - a girl named Elaine - she really laid out the agenda of satanists in America including their headquarters.. North Carolina being first. This girl listed the States that head up Satanism in each region - she knows plenty. Let's pray she tells it ALL.
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Sunshine, you may be interested in reading the book called Sunshine. It is the true story of a mother recounting her grown Christian daughters murder at the hands of satanists. Sunshine was a very pure hearted Christian who found a job as a construction secretary in another state. She had no idea the ad had been posted by satanists ( satanists use ads in newspapers, sexual offers, offers of jobs, anything to lure the unsuspecting victim they intend to sacrifice ) and that her life was in danger.

The satanists were seeking a christian to sacrifice to satan. Once the girl arrived and these satanists picked her up at airport she began to suspect something was wrong.

The end of story is that Sunshine was taken to a cave (many satanic rituals are done in caves because of the privacy it affords them ) sacrificed on a satanic altar and they bashed her head and face in with a claw hammer ( another tool of satanists ) until she was unrecognizable - although the eyewitnesses said she was still praising God even though her mouth was torn to shreds - it was impossible to see what they were seeing yet she was still alive praising God. This led to the conversion of satanists present and their story is included in the book. So one Christian died but more than one satanist converted to Jesus Christ over it after seeing the power of God in Sunshines last moments alive. Your screen name made me think of her. note * I think the prosecutors in the state this happened in were satanists and the story was buried quickly. It was the book that brought the story out. Many prosecutors / lawyers / judges / law enforcement involved in satanism - who better to cover for the guilty than their own? Right?
She didn't do the other murders alone. She was participating in satanic rituals with other satanists. The names of those satanists need to be released. I wonder why we haven't seen any CNN reports - any live searches from the air by helicopter - search teams - neighbors helping out- absolutely nothing - where is the live press on this breaking story?

If it were a Christian who had confessed to losing count after 21 murders do you think we would have heard more? Of course we would have! We've got 5 states searching these satanic ritual sites and not a single photo of them doing it, no big search teams - this is being handled completely backwards. Think about it and start asking questions. I believe we are witnessing a cover up of epic proportions.
Satanism in Atlanta today -
Atlanta is currently the home of Fay Yager, founder of the Sanctuary
Movement in the United States. Mrs. Yager has taken upon herself the painful
task of organizing resources for parents who are seeking to protect their
children from child abuse by their spouses or former spouses. She was drawn
into this activity as she herself, and then her friends, found that the courts
not only turned against them, and refused protection to their children, but
actively supported the abusers.
At first, she believed that the problem was primarily pedophiliac child
abuse; only gradually did she begin to realize that three-quarters of the
children who came to her attention for help, were in fact the victims of abuse
by practicing Satanists.

Read more facts on Satanism and crime in the USA here:

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Satanism in Atlanta today -
Atlanta is currently the home of Fay Yager, founder of the Sanctuary
Movement in the United States. Mrs. Yager has taken upon herself the painful
task of organizing resources for parents who are seeking to protect their
children from child abuse by their spouses or former spouses. She was drawn
into this activity as she herself, and then her friends, found that the courts
not only turned against them, and refused protection to their children, but
actively supported the abusers.
At first, she believed that the problem was primarily pedophiliac child
abuse; only gradually did she begin to realize that three-quarters of the
children who came to her attention for help, were in fact the victims of abuse
by practicing Satanists.

Read more facts on Satanism and crime in the USA here:

totse.com | Atlanta child murders, Satanism, etc.

I've no time for reading up on Satanists, not with the Illuminati after me.
Neither has the FBI evidently. This is how they keep the good FBI agents from investigating satanism for what it is. They tie their hands. Read up. A mind is a terrible thing to waste...


This was authored by a satanist! For the FBI to use as instruction on how to be sensitive in their dealings with satanists and their SRA crimes! Oh! The irony of that one! ha! ha!
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for the people claiming the cops are doing a bad job b/c she killed so many.

she traveled, thus no patterns

Killed people she didn't know. People tend to kill people they know

depending on what kind of person she killed, it may take a long time, if ever, for that person to be missed.
I don't think it would take that long for the absence of her victims to be noticed, but if she didn't know them personally, then it would be harder for the law to connect her to each murder especially if she did continue to travel.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wonder if anyone happened to witness any of the murders.

Most of the kidnapping / murders that are never solved are done by satanic covens, Holly. They have connections to law enforcement, State Senators, Congressman, Senate Presidents, Child protection agencies, etc that cover their tracks for them.. They are set up like a drug cartel or mafia- under the radar - satan is very organized - so are his followers.
Jeri, the thing that has to happen is that people not get crazy. It was hysteria over 'witches' which caused many innocent people to be killed and tortured during the colonial days of this country. I will look into that book, but we have to acknowledge at the outset that parents of a dead child have to say whatever will make them feel better.

I know about the cult in middle TN. They function in barns mostly in the remote areas. And in attics in urban areas. The most anyone has found is animal sacrifice, and there was one prosecution for child abuse as I posted earlier. And of course the usual rumors of the plan to sacrifice a blonde, blue eyed, teenage virgin if such a creature even exists in this day and age. We got patients from time to time who had become involved with them and who had gone psychotic. They had convoluted stories of elaborate schemes which were simply impossible to follow, and which, once their psychosis was under control, they didn't even remember.

This is still the United States of America. There is still that matter of habeas corpus, even with the 'confessing Sams.' No body, no crime. Usually. Certainly, a person who confesses to something like this needs to be evaluated and treated BEFORE proceeding with any type of prosecution. If there is evidence she killed one, and if she did indeed kill one, then there is a strong likelihood she went psychotic because she couldn't deal with her act. That possibility, in my professional opinion, is far more likely than her story of having killed dozens of people. I have had patients who did horrendous things and then they retreat into their little psychotic world never to be heard from again because even they cannot accept the things they have done.

The most important thing in all this is that sane, rational people stay sane and rational. It is not sane and rational for law enforcement and the judiciary to divide crimes into cult and non cult. People of all types and beliefs commit crimes.
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This is still the United States of America. There is still that matter of habeas corpus, even with the 'confessing Sams.' No body, no crime. Usually. Certainly, a person who confesses to something like this needs to be evaluated and treated BEFORE proceeding with any type of prosecution. If there is evidence she killed one, and if she did indeed kill one, then there is a strong likelihood she went psychotic because she couldn't deal with her act. That possibility, in my professional opinion, is far more likely than her story of having killed dozens of people. I have had patients who did horrendous things and then they retreat into their little psychotic world never to be heard from again because even they cannot accept the things they have done.

I agree with you and I seem to doubt her story after reading this in the news:

Since then, Miranda Barbour told a newspaper reporter that she had killed more than 22 but fewer 100 people over the past six years. Based on that information relayed to Daily Item reporter Francis Scarcella, she would have killed a different person every three weeks to three months, on average, starting around age 13.

Jailed husband of self-professed serial killer: 'I still love her' - CNN.com

She would have basically have had to target homeless people whom probably aren't kept track of because I think the police would have been hot on her trail.

I'm willing to wait to see if there is any evidence that comes out but her story has not panned out yet.
I don't believe a word of anything she has said.

She might have killed one person, maybe - no more than that and probably none at all. Most people who have confessed to murder when they were not a suspect, are liars.

Upwards of 50 people confessed to the Black Dahlia murder - It's actually quite common.
This is still the United States of America. There is still that matter of habeas corpus, even with the 'confessing Sams.' No body, no crime. Usually. Certainly, a person who confesses to something like this needs to be evaluated and treated BEFORE proceeding with any type of prosecution. If there is evidence she killed one, and if she did indeed kill one, then there is a strong likelihood she went psychotic because she couldn't deal with her act. That possibility, in my professional opinion, is far more likely than her story of having killed dozens of people. I have had patients who did horrendous things and then they retreat into their little psychotic world never to be heard from again because even they cannot accept the things they have done.

I agree with you and I seem to doubt her story after reading this in the news:

Since then, Miranda Barbour told a newspaper reporter that she had killed more than 22 but fewer 100 people over the past six years. Based on that information relayed to Daily Item reporter Francis Scarcella, she would have killed a different person every three weeks to three months, on average, starting around age 13.

Jailed husband of self-professed serial killer: 'I still love her' - CNN.com

She would have basically have had to target homeless people whom probably aren't kept track of because I think the police would have been hot on her trail.

I'm willing to wait to see if there is any evidence that comes out but her story has not panned out yet.

You would be surprised at how vigorously the police will pursue the killer of a homeless person. They see that as the ultimate injustice because the person is already down and out. I saw that play out when a homeless person was killed in Nashville. The judiciary, not in much of a position to actually help a homeless person other than with charitable contributions, like the rest of us do, simply will not abide their being abused and/or killed by people who are in a stronger place in life.

And many homeless people ARE kept track of. I've treated enough of them to know that many of them have families who know where they are and have exhausted all venues to help the person get off the street. All families don't know where they are, but a lot of them do.

29-year-old charged with homicide in killing of homeless man | Nashville City Paper
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I don't believe a word of anything she has said.

She might have killed one person, maybe - no more than that and probably none at all. Most people who have confessed to murder when they were not a suspect, are liars.

Upwards of 50 people confessed to the Black Dahlia murder - It's actually quite common.

When there is a crime investigation, the police withhold details in order to sort out the wheat from the chaff.
I don't believe a word of anything she has said.

She might have killed one person, maybe - no more than that and probably none at all. Most people who have confessed to murder when they were not a suspect, are liars.

Upwards of 50 people confessed to the Black Dahlia murder - It's actually quite common.

When there is a crime investigation, the police withhold details in order to sort out the wheat from the chaff.

Sometimes though, police actually feed the confessor information, so that they can close a case, e.g., Henry Lee Lucas.
I don't believe a word of anything she has said.

She might have killed one person, maybe - no more than that and probably none at all. Most people who have confessed to murder when they were not a suspect, are liars.

Upwards of 50 people confessed to the Black Dahlia murder - It's actually quite common.

When there is a crime investigation, the police withhold details in order to sort out the wheat from the chaff.

Sometimes though, police actually feed the confessor information, so that they can close a case, e.g., Henry Lee Lucas.

More the case before DNA testing.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KMwSHj12Tk]Satanic High Priest's Daughter (Warning: Not for Children) - YouTube[/ame]
The "Craigslist Killer's" latest doubter has surfaced: her dad.

Murder suspect Miranda Barbour's heartbroken father shot down her claims that she was a satanic serial killer, telling a Pennsylvania newspaper the 19-year-old "lives in a fantasy world."

Father of ?Craigslist Killer? Miranda Barbour says ?no way? she?s a serial killer: report - NY Daily News

Sonny Dean added that he believes his 19-year-old daughter may have been involved in one other murder besides the November 11 fatal stabbing of Troy LaFerrara, 42, in Sunbury.

But he denied that she has killed 22 people - as she claims - and branded her a 'manipulator'.

Read more: Miranda Barbour's father admits her sensational tales are 'possible' | Mail Online

Dean told The Daily Item that his daughter was a heroin addict and is a liar and manipulator, but he doesn't think she is a mass murderer.

'Miranda lives in a fantasy world,' he said.

Miranda Barbour's father admits her sensational tales are 'possible' | Mail Online

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