19 year-old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer

Most of the kidnapping / murders that are never solved are done by satanic covens, Holly. They have connections to law enforcement, State Senators, Congressman, Senate Presidents, Child protection agencies, etc that cover their tracks for them.. They are set up like a drug cartel or mafia- under the radar - satan is very organized - so are his followers.
I don't doubt it.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Sadly Satan is a person that I am no stranger to, the little crap. I wish that I could blow his head in half. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Unless she leads them to bodies, her story is suspect.

Lieutenant Rathbun said rumors of satanic cults where not unheard of in Alaska, but he has never actually come across anything, 'active.'

He added: 'I started here in 1994 and have worked all over the state of Alaska. There are always small rumors, but have we come across a practicing satanic cult? No.

'Have we seen teenagers who draw satanic stuff on their notebook, absolutely, but it is not prevalent here it. We are a very church based community.

'We have typical individual teenage kids, who may dress up as a goth, but it is not a problem as far as I have seen.'

Real-life Dexter 'serial killer' Miranda Barbour reveals locations of alleged murders | Mail Online

Unless they find something, her story is slowly falling apart.

Satanic cults are all over. The prince of darkness even has his own website. If you got creative with your Googleing you could likely find it. I know the name and location of one in middle TN. No, I won't tell you. But I can tell you this from experience because I looked it up once. If you do locate that website you will soon begin receiving emails from an individual inviting you to discuss interesting and unusual ideas.

Isn't that what the "delete" button is for? I wish I knew about it...it sounds like it could be entertaining. (A weakness of mine: I enjoy watching religious nuts-of any and all persuasions-have conniptions.)
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for the people claiming the cops are doing a bad job b/c she killed so many.

she traveled, thus no patterns

Killed people she didn't know. People tend to kill people they know

depending on what kind of person she killed, it may take a long time, if ever, for that person to be missed.

She could lead them to bodies if her story is true. I would bet the cyber dollar she is like some of the patients I had who were involved in satanic cults, and trying to get into prison to get away from them.

I know of a couple of ministries that assist satanists in escaping from their cults and the cults are pretty adamant about keeping them and destroying the reputations of those who assist them in getting to freedom.

One of the largest drawbacks with satanism is they have help inside NGO's like Bilderberg ( head of Bilderberg - Etienne Davignon is a Solvay by birth and a hard core satanist ) IMF has satanists in head positions - then on lower levels ---> law enforcement, FBI, CIA, Govt officials, Judges, Lawyers, Doctors, very powerful connections are also made through child sex parties / blackmail of politicians -look up Regina Louf and the Monster of Belgium for European satanism and then for USA look up Franklin coverup story - Also the McMartin Daycare of child sexual abuse was done by satanists which is why they sold the building and buried the tunnels before the trial began - then Ted Gunderson found the new owner - gained permission to dig up the tunnels and found the satanic altars, disney lunch bags from the children being there - everything the McMartin children found was verified and Gunderson said his own FBI shut him down and refused to allow him to proceed in his investigation. Gunderson - who was in law enforcement for many years - said he was convinced that the satanists in the higher echelons of FBI had prevented the truth about McMartin Daycare satanism from getting out. They blocked Ted Gunderson at every turn before he finally figured it out.

There are many unsolved cases of parents who suspected satanic abuse of their children at daycares and have found their complaints fall on deaf ears. The people who file these complaints are treated as if they are delusional. Some even had CPS take their children - which is another one child protection services - that has been infiltrated by satanists on both the east coast and west coast. I've seen cases of satanists getting gov jobs after their time in prison for murder. What a promotion / reward for murderers. Go figure.

In every case of hard core Satanism I've read the rituals not only included animal sacrifice but human sacrifice. So animal sacrifice is their initiation into satanism but it definitely doesn't stay there. They believe sacrificing to Satan gives them power - that they are tapping into that energy of life leaving the body - which is why human sacrifice is the norm for these folks. * (They do gain powers from these rituals but at what cost? Their soul? Not worth it and besides all the ex occult members I've spoken to said they were powerless against a blood bought christian that pleaded the blood of Jesus Christ. They have no weapon powerful enough to stand against the Blood of Christ. ( I already knew that but nice of them to admit it! Ha! ha!! )

From speaking with those who are in the occult and also those no longer in it - converted to Christianity - they tell me that Satan promised them rewards in death - that they would not be subjected to the torments of hell like others because he was in charge... he didn't bother to mention to them his time is coming up shortly and they will suffer greater torments in hell than those who didn't delve into satanism.

These people are facing the ultimate double cross when it comes to pay up time. They are just too deceived by the demons they have taken on to realize the truth. Nothing brings joy to my heart like hearing about a satanist coming to Christ. I am praying for this girl that she will encounter Christ and accept His love and forgiveness for all she has done. She was 13 yrs. old. The satanists who recruited her knew what they were doing. God loves this girl and we need to all be praying protection over her and that she is set free from the demons that gained access to her through satanism. If intercessors really take this seriously - we may very well see this thing break wide open and the adults running these cults exposed. I can't wait. :eusa_angel:


* I found Chucks statement that the Church of Satan denies knowing her to be comical. As if the Church of Satan is a paragon of virtue and never tells a lie! Oh my gosh. Too funny. She knows who she says she knows and you can take that one to the bank. This gal is the real deal and they are going to do their best to make her look insane. That is their MO. Look at what they tried to do to Rebecca Brown's reputation - and the satanist she rescued - a girl named Elaine - she really laid out the agenda of satanists in America including their headquarters.. North Carolina being first. This girl listed the States that head up Satanism in each region - she knows plenty. Let's pray she tells it ALL.

Dude...the "conspiracy theory" kook forum is that way. >>>>>>>>>>>
The "Craigslist Killer's" latest doubter has surfaced: her dad.

Murder suspect Miranda Barbour's heartbroken father shot down her claims that she was a satanic serial killer, telling a Pennsylvania newspaper the 19-year-old "lives in a fantasy world."

Father of ?Craigslist Killer? Miranda Barbour says ?no way? she?s a serial killer: report - NY Daily News

Sonny Dean added that he believes his 19-year-old daughter may have been involved in one other murder besides the November 11 fatal stabbing of Troy LaFerrara, 42, in Sunbury.

But he denied that she has killed 22 people - as she claims - and branded her a 'manipulator'.

Read more: Miranda Barbour's father admits her sensational tales are 'possible' | Mail Online

Dean told The Daily Item that his daughter was a heroin addict and is a liar and manipulator, but he doesn't think she is a mass murderer.

'Miranda lives in a fantasy world,' he said.

Miranda Barbour's father admits her sensational tales are 'possible' | Mail Online

Yeah, she sounds like your garden variety psychotic to me.

Satanic cults are all over. The prince of darkness even has his own website. If you got creative with your Googleing you could likely find it. I know the name and location of one in middle TN. No, I won't tell you. But I can tell you this from experience because I looked it up once. If you do locate that website you will soon begin receiving emails from an individual inviting you to discuss interesting and unusual ideas.

Isn't that what the "delete" button is for? I wish I knew about it...it sounds like it could be entertaining. (A weakness of mine: I enjoy watching religious nuts-of any and all persuasions-have conniptions.)

Well, I did delete them. Just saying' that's what the MO is. I won't give the name of this cult, but if you are good with Google you can find it.
It was possible she participated in a killing in Alaska, Mr Dean told the newspaper.
"But I can promise you that she has only been to California once and Texas a few times and both times she wasn't out of my sight," said Mr Dean, who lives in Texas.

'Craigslist murder' suspect Miranda Barbour's father backs death penalty

It is becoming harder and harder to believe her story.

Barbour and her husband, Elytte Barbour, 22, in a Pennsylvania state court in December pleaded not guilty to killing LaFerrara, whose body was found dumped in an alley.

Father of suspected Craigslist killer calls daughter a liar | Reuters

It just seems to me that a woman who couldn't get away with a crime for dumping a body in an alley probably didn't have resources to hide 22-100 other crimes.

At some point, you have to ask where the evidence is.
It has been a week or more. No new news stories.

Guess she isn't the serial killer.

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