19 year-old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer

I believe her. Why would she lie? I saw the interview with her husband and he didn't deny it either. They did it for fun. After losing count after 2 dozen murders I'd say they were practicing satanism - hard core - expect to see this story swept under the rug with claims of mental imbalance, delusions, anything to divert the truth that their 6 year involvment with satanism resulted in over 2 dozen people dead.

I had to laugh when they said no cult has stepped forward to claim them. Why would they? Their biggest hope is that others will not believe a word of it. These are cold blooded murderers, folks. ..and only the tip of the iceberg for what's out there. Satanism is bad news.

she's facing the death penalty now, so she's trying to buy some extra time with more trials and/or get committed as crazy
She said she could pin point on a map where she buried them. I'm sure it will be checked. If they find the bodies, it's not just a fantasy. But it will show how useless the cops are.

Well if she can show graves she's on the level. I'd be shocked if it were true. Females just generally do not engage in this kind activity, especially at age 13. My money is still on bullshit, but we shall see. If true, her case would be so unique that it would effect the study of serial killing in a major way.

You're not paying attention. Women get away with this shit all the time. The woman in Texas the drowned her five kids. The woman in Montana that pushed her new husband off the cliff. Lizzy Bordon.

She'll probably claim the devil made her do it, and get to go to the funny farm.

I was paying attention ----> she said she participated in murders from the age of 13 to now ( practicing satanism ) and that she lost count at two dozen? When did she lose count? We don't know how many she has killed and as her husband joined her in these murders it is not only speaking about a woman. The issue is not her being a woman. Nor is it him being a man. The issue is they both delved into satanism and this is where it took them. How many are dead?
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She said she could pin point on a map where she buried them. I'm sure it will be checked. If they find the bodies, it's not just a fantasy. But it will show how useless the cops are.

Well if she can show graves she's on the level. I'd be shocked if it were true. Females just generally do not engage in this kind activity, especially at age 13. My money is still on bullshit, but we shall see. If true, her case would be so unique that it would effect the study of serial killing in a major way.

You're not paying attention. Women get away with this shit all the time. The woman in Texas the drowned her five kids. The woman in Montana that pushed her new husband off the cliff. Lizzy Bordon.

She'll probably claim the devil made her do it, and get to go to the funny farm.

Andrea Yates really was sick, with demonic voices in her head.

These conditions, even in severe longterm schizophrenic cases, have been healed using a combination of deliverance therapy and longer term mental therapy, and sometimes medication after the person is well enough to become compliant.

If you want to read of cases of curing schizophrenic and demonic voices:
* Glimpses of the Devil by Dr. Scott M. Peck
* HEALING by Francis MacNutt (edition 1999 or later cites a study on rheumatoid
arthritis being healed in prayer teams yielding better results than medication
which only placates symptoms)

the problem with medication for schizophrenia is that it placates or dulls the symptoms,
but doesn't cure the cause of the demonic voices or obsessions. the spiritual healing
diagnoses the spiritual wounds and unforgiven conflicts in the person's spiritual past, mind and memories so these negative addictions can be uprooted and the person can heal.
It can still require years of therapy after the demon voices are removed; but at least people are able to receive and follow treatment. Without the deliverance process they won't respond but refuse and reject help. So this rejection needs to be treated first, spiritually.

this can be diagnosed and treated by early intervention, instead of waiting until someone gets hurt or killed. all the people I know who offer free help with spiritual healing can detect and diagnose when people have demonic sickness, if anything they may overdiagnose instead of underdiagnose. but science and medicine can help make the diagnostic process more exact. Dr. Peck's book advocates for formal medical research
to develop this method as a valid step in treating mental disorders with demonic voices.
I believe her. Why would she lie? I saw the interview with her husband and he didn't deny it either. They did it for fun. After losing count after 2 dozen murders I'd say they were practicing satanism - hard core - expect to see this story swept under the rug with claims of mental imbalance, delusions, anything to divert the truth that their 6 year involvment with satanism resulted in over 2 dozen people dead.

I had to laugh when they said no cult has stepped forward to claim them. Why would they? Their biggest hope is that others will not believe a word of it. These are cold blooded murderers, folks. ..and only the tip of the iceberg for what's out there. Satanism is bad news.

she's facing the death penalty now, so she's trying to buy some extra time with more trials and/or get committed as crazy

I'm not buying it. Lots of desperate folks running around claiming she is crazy and must have lied. After all! Satanists aren't serial killers. Right? Wrong. That is an ongoing requirement. I'm glad the story has gained as much publicity as it has but seriously do not expect it to continue. They'll shut this down as quickly as possible. They haven't even got the map yet and they are already claiming she isn't telling the truth. What's the big hurry?
Her and her new husband just got busted for killing a 42 year-old man for kicks. She said she's killed men from Alaska, California, South Carolina as well. She said she quit counting after 22nd murder, said it was under a hundred though. She said her first was at age 13.

There was something about her being in the church of Satan, which doesn't condemn murder.

19 year old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer - WEAR ABC Channel 3 - Top Stories

i believe her
Her and her new husband just got busted for killing a 42 year-old man for kicks. She said she's killed men from Alaska, California, South Carolina as well. She said she quit counting after 22nd murder, said it was under a hundred though. She said her first was at age 13.

There was something about her being in the church of Satan, which doesn't condemn murder.

19 year old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer - WEAR ABC Channel 3 - Top Stories

Fifteen minutes of fame, I'll bet.
Her and her new husband just got busted for killing a 42 year-old man for kicks. She said she's killed men from Alaska, California, South Carolina as well. She said she quit counting after 22nd murder, said it was under a hundred though. She said her first was at age 13.

There was something about her being in the church of Satan, which doesn't condemn murder.

19 year old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer - WEAR ABC Channel 3 - Top Stories


When they tell you what they are, believe them.

Nuttier than a sack of cashews?
Batshit insane?
Crazier than a shithouse rat?

She sounds like all four!
She said she could pin point on a map where she buried them. I'm sure it will be checked. If they find the bodies, it's not just a fantasy. But it will show how useless the cops are.
If she does indeed pin point the bodies, I would have her take a polygraph test to see if she actually participated in the murders. I realize that the test is not admissible in court, but it will help investigators gather evidence. If the test confirms that she was involved, and given the fact that PA does have the death penalty, I would try her for Capital Murder.

That may not ever happen. They may cover up everything - there are satanists in law enforcement, the FBI ( how do you think Franklin cover up remained so? ) CIA, elected officials, on every level, doctors, lawyers, ... you can bet they will all work together on this and her claims may never be properly investigated.

And speaking of delusional...
She's full of shit if you ask me. At one point Henry Lee Lucas "admitted" to thousands of murders, yet he can only be directly connected to 15 or less.

This girl is looking for her own fifteen minutes.

That could be true. But any time I had a patient who mentioned a murder, I certainly asked the questions. Some people have delusional illnesses that cause them to believe things like that. But you can't dismiss out of hand something like this.
I don't trust their governemnt as far as I can throw it but it gave me food for thought.

Back on topic and I find it pretty hard to believe that someone can kill so many times without it going wrong somewhere and her getting caught far sooner.
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Well if she can show graves she's on the level. I'd be shocked if it were true. Females just generally do not engage in this kind activity, especially at age 13. My money is still on bullshit, but we shall see. If true, her case would be so unique that it would effect the study of serial killing in a major way.

You're not paying attention. Women get away with this shit all the time. The woman in Texas the drowned her five kids. The woman in Montana that pushed her new husband off the cliff. Lizzy Bordon.

She'll probably claim the devil made her do it, and get to go to the funny farm.

I was paying attention ----> she said she participated in murders from the age of 13 to now ( practicing satanism ) and that she lost count at two dozen? When did she lose count? We don't know how many she has killed and as her husband joined her in these murders it is not only speaking about a woman. The issue is not her being a woman. Nor is it him being a man. The issue is they both delved into satanism and this is where it took them. How many are dead?

This is what you're not paying attention to.
Her and her new husband just got busted for killing a 42 year-old man for kicks. She said she's killed men from Alaska, California, South Carolina as well. She said she quit counting after 22nd murder, said it was under a hundred though. She said her first was at age 13.

There was something about her being in the church of Satan, which doesn't condemn murder.

19 year old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer - WEAR ABC Channel 3 - Top Stories

Put me down for I don't buy it, either. Sounds like a play crazy scheme. If they can verify any of it that's great. But, I am not going to hold my breath.
Her and her new husband just got busted for killing a 42 year-old man for kicks. She said she's killed men from Alaska, California, South Carolina as well. She said she quit counting after 22nd murder, said it was under a hundred though. She said her first was at age 13.

There was something about her being in the church of Satan, which doesn't condemn murder.

19 year old Pennsylvania girl claims to be serial killer - WEAR ABC Channel 3 - Top Stories

Put me down for I don't buy it, either. Sounds like a play crazy scheme. If they can verify any of it that's great. But, I am not going to hold my breath.
Well it's a definite, that she killed at least one just for fun. So the crazy is for real.

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