1984 wasn't supposed to be a how to Manual-Wikipedia Shuts down edits on "Recession"

of course we do…we have had 6 months (more then. a few months) of negative economic activity…

i can’t think of one , but UE is not part of the definition…but usually follows as the economy slows down.

working two jobs because you want to, is different then working two jobs because you can’t afford your rent, and groceries is something different
Employment is part of the definition. I just quoted the definition for you. I’ll do it again.

“a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, last- ing more than a few months, normally visible in production, employment, real income, and other indicators. A recession begins when the economy reaches a peak of activity and ends when the economy reaches its trough.”

First quarter negative GDP was largely driven by trade imbalance. We imported a lot of stuff. Second quarter was negative because of inventories. These were only slightly negative. There’s been no significant drop in production.

In 1947, we had two negative quarters of GDP growth but it wasn’t a recession.

You can’t name a recession where we didn’t see job losses but I can name a time that we had two quarters of negative GDP and no recession.

I have the facts on my side. You don’t.
Employment is part of the definition. I just quoted the definition for you. I’ll do it again.

“a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, last- ing more than a few months, normally visible in production, employment, real income, and other indicators. A recession begins when the economy reaches a peak of activity and ends when the economy reaches its trough.”

First quarter negative GDP was largely driven by trade imbalance. We imported a lot of stuff. Second quarter was negative because of inventories. These were only slightly negative. There’s been no significant drop in production.

In 1947, we had two negative quarters of GDP growth but it wasn’t a recession.

You can’t name a recession where we didn’t see job losses but I can name a time that we had two quarters of negative GDP and no recession.

I have the facts on my side. You don’t.
haha that’s not part of the definition…that is listed as one of the visible signs. of the slow down in economic activity over months.

We have now had 6 months of negative economic activity…hence a recession

i agree that job losses is often one of the results of it
Have you looked at the polls lately? We don't need a recession to takeover Congress in a few months. We're doing just fine, it's your side that's going to be sweating it out in November. Yes, we are in a recession that we didn't create. Never in our history has a Congress went after a former President over a year and a half out of office. It's the Communist party that's scared to death, not the Republicans.
Actually the polls are showing a significant jump in Democratic generic ballot. You’re desperate for bad news. A recession makes the right giddy. They’re already sad that gas prices are going down. The right wants people to suffer so they get more political power. It’s obvious just by watching them speak.

Never in our history has a president tried to overturn an election. Sunshine is the greatest disinfectant. The people deserve to know what Trump was trying to do to our country. It’s also why his popularity is failing. No one is even trying to defend him anymore. There’s no defense.

haha that’s not part of the definition…that is listed as one of the visible signs. of the slow down in economic activity over months.

We have now had 6 months of negative economic activity…hence a recession

i agree that job losses is often one of the results of it
Being listed as one of the elements of a recession does indeed make it part of the definition.

The definition is broader than 6 months of negative economic activity. The article says: “Al- though this definition is a useful rule of thumb, it has draw- backs. A focus on GDP alone is narrow, and it is often better to consider a wider set of measures of economic activity to determine whether a country is indeed suffering a recession.”

Drop in employment isn’t “often” part of a recession. As you have realized it’s always part of a recession.
Being listed as one of the elements of a recession does indeed make it part of the definition.

The definition is broader than 6 months of negative economic activity. The article says: “Al- though this definition is a useful rule of thumb, it has draw- backs. A focus on GDP alone is narrow, and it is often better to consider a wider set of measures of economic activity to determine whether a country is indeed suffering a recession.”

Drop in employment isn’t “often” part of a recession. As you have realized it’s always part of a recession.
that’s like saying losing your hair is part of the definition of cancer…it’s. not but can be listed as sign someone has cancer

we have has several months of negative economic activity…literally the entire year is all negative growth … we are in a recession
that’s like saying losing your hair is part of the definition of cancer…it’s. not but can be listed as sign someone has cancer

we have has several months of negative economic activity…literally the entire year is all negative growth … we are in a recession
Losing hair is not part of the definition of cancer and never has been.

It’s possible to have 6 months of negative GDP growth and not be in a recession. In fact, it’s happened before!

It’s like saying that an elephant has four legs and a long nose. That’s a good rule of thumb until someone tries to call an anteater an elephant. Imaging someone complaining that you told them an anteater isn’t an elephant and being told you changed the definition of an elephant. That’s you.
Losing hair is not part of the definition of cancer and never has been.

It’s possible to have 6 months of negative GDP growth and not be in a recession. In fact, it’s happened before!

It’s like saying that an elephant has four legs and a long nose. That’s a good rule of thumb until someone tries to call an anteater an elephant. Imaging someone complaining that you told them an anteater isn’t an elephant and being told you changed the definition of an elephant. That’s you.
1) agreed like UE isn’t part of rhe definition of a recession nor has it ever been. It’s a sign we are in one but not a recession
2) i suppose in theory its possible…but 6 months is serval months…like we have now
3) an elephant and anteater are two different things…if you are confused on that i can see why you are confused as to the definition of a recession.
1) agreed like UE isn’t part of rhe definition of a recession nor has it ever been. It’s a sign we are in one but not a recession
2) i suppose in theory its possible…but 6 months is serval months…like we have now
3) an elephant and anteater are two different things…if you are confused on that i can see why you are confused as to the definition of a recession.
I quoted the NBER definition for you twice which included employment in it.

It’s not a theory. It’s actually happened. 1947.

You thought you knew the definition of a recession but you only knew a rule of thumb. Now you’re mad because you were wrong and can’t admit it.
I quoted the NBER definition for you twice which included employment in it.

It’s not a theory. It’s actually happened. 1947.

You thought you knew the definition of a recession but you only knew a rule of thumb. Now you’re mad because you were wrong and can’t admit it.
you did quote it but apparently don’t understand it. Employment is not part of it.

2 qtrs is the rule of thumb because it fits the definition
you did quote it but apparently don’t understand it. Employment is not part of it.

2 qtrs is the rule of thumb because it fits the definition
They literally use the word employment in the definition but you claim it’s not part of it.

Dude, you are willfully blind. No one can reach you until you decide to open your mind and let the sunshine in.
They literally use the word employment in the definition but you claim it’s not part of it.

Dude, you are willfully blind.
no they don’t. They highlight that it’s a sign of one…how is this going over your head?
no they don’t. They highlight that it’s a sign of one…how is this going over your head?

The NBER uses key monthly indicators of economic output, including employment, industrial production, real personal income, and wholesale and retail sales - to determine when economic growth has turned negative, rather than relying solely on two quarterly declines in GDP.

The definition has not changed.
The NBER uses key monthly indicators of economic output, including employment, industrial production, real personal income, and wholesale and retail sales - to determine when economic growth has turned negative, rather than relying solely on two quarterly declines in GDP.

The definition has not changed.
GDP measures economic activity we literally have been negative all year

argee the definition hasn’t changed..we are in a recession
GDP measures economic activity we literally have been negative all year

argee the definition hasn’t changed..we are in a recession
The definition of a recession has not yet been met which is why the NBER has yet to declare it a recession.
when they said a recession. was months of negative economic activity…we just had half a year of that.
They didn’t say that thought. They explicitly say that’s not how they decide whether we are in a recession.

So where did the NBER declare it was a recession?
They didn’t say that thought. They explicitly say that’s not how they decide whether we are in a recession.

So where did the NBER declare it was a recession?
you literally provided the quote!!
you literally provided the quote!!
I know! And you still got it wrong.

“The NBER uses key monthly indicators of economic output, including employment, industrial production, real personal income, and wholesale and retail sales - to determine when economic growth has turned negative, rather than relying solely on two quarterly declines in GDP.

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