1984 wasn't supposed to be a how to Manual-Wikipedia Shuts down edits on "Recession"

Seems like we got what we wanted, doesn't it sheep?

I never discussed my sons business.
A shot will stop you from getting Covid.
Our spike in fuel is caused by Putin even though it started increasing long before the Ukraine invasion.
A person can be any gender they want.
The border is secure.
Two negative growth quarters is not a recession.
Why would you want a recession? Is it the same reason you want vets to not get healthcare for service related injuries?

Politics. Winning. Doesn’t matter who gets hurt.
Why would you want a recession? Is it the same reason you want vets to not get healthcare for service related injuries?

Politics. Winning. Doesn’t matter who gets hurt.

So where did I ever state I don't want vets to get services? My father is a 91 year old Korean vet. Why would I not want him to get help if he needs it?

Wanting a recession and being in a recession are two different things. I don't want a recession, but we are in one. We've used the same metrics do define recession for generations. Now this dementia patient is lying to the American people so he doesn't have to face facts or take responsibility.
So where did I ever state I don't want vets to get services? My father is a 91 year old Korean vet. Why would I not want him to get help if he needs it?

Wanting a recession and being in a recession are two different things. I don't want a recession, but we are in one. We've used the same metrics do define recession for generations. Now this dementia patient is lying to the American people so he doesn't have to face facts or take responsibility.
Everyone on the right is salivating for a depression. They’re begging for it. They’re attacking anyone who says that we might not be in a recession.

They know a recession is good for their politics.
Everyone on the right is salivating for a depression. They’re begging for it. They’re attacking anyone who says that we might not be in a recession.

They know a recession is good for their politics.

it’s sad you feel attacked by someone pointing out facts to you…it’s even more sad that you all have to change the definition of things to fit your fantasy
it’s sad you feel attacked by someone pointing out facts to you…it’s even more sad that you all have to change the definition of things to fit your fantasy
The definition was not changed.

I have the facts, not you.

I know we all thought a recession was two negative quarters, but that’s an unofficial rule of thumb. It never was the actual definition of a recession.

How people react to new information tells us about their character. Inability to respond to new information is a sign of being closed minded and intellectually incurious.
Are we in a recession?

Yes, but this recession feels different for me and I feel this has more to do with the reality that the younger generation has caused it by self inflicting it because they do not want to work which is causing things to regress…

Just personal opinion but Biden will save the day…
download (12).png
The definition was not changed.

I have the facts, not you.

I know we all thought a recession was two negative quarters, but that’s an unofficial rule of thumb. It never was the actual definition of a recession.

How people react to new information tells us about their character. Inability to respond to new information is a sign of being closed minded and intellectually incurious.
yes it is

we are in a recession

you are trying to change the definition

we are in a deep recession coupled with record inflation, and skyrocketing interest rates

the economy hasn’t been this bad since carter
haha yes…two qtrs is more then a few months..it’s 6 in fact

but wow…that article is telling…do you agree with the writers? that the xiden recession is gong to get a lot worse?
Where in the article do the writers claim that the supppsed “Biden recession” is going to get a lot worse?
Where in the article do the writers claim that the supppsed “Biden recession” is going to get a lot worse?
last paragraph of first section

i think they are likely right…xiden’s recession coupled with xiden’s inflation and skyrocketing interest rates is something we never had to deal with
last paragraph of first section

i think they are likely right…xiden’s recession coupled with xiden’s inflation and skyrocketing interest rates is something we never had to deal with
The article is from March 2009.

GDP went down 1.6% and 0.9% in the first two quarters.

We added millions of jobs to the same economy. Unemployment is historically low.

Calling it a “deep recession” is totally delusional.
The article is from March 2009.

GDP went down 1.6% and 0.9% in the first two quarters.

We added millions of jobs to the same economy. Unemployment is historically low.

Calling it a “deep recession” is totally delusional.
why are you referencing a article from 13 years ago??

UE isn’t historically low…but it’s true many americans are being forced to take second jobs to keep up with xiden inflation just to take care of their basic needs

this has been the worst 6 months for the market in decades

the xiden recession is getting worse….especially with the tax increase the dems are passing.
why are you referencing a article from 13 years ago??

UE isn’t historically low…but it’s true many americans are being forced to take second jobs to keep up with xiden inflation just to take care of their basic needs

this has been the worst 6 months for the market in decades

the xiden recession is getting worse….especially with the tax increase the dems are passing.
I’m referencing an article from 13 years ago to show you that the definition of a recession hasn’t changed. 13 years ago, the definition is not two quarters of negative growth.

Having two jobs isn’t a sign of a recession. A recession is when people can’t get jobs. Every recession comes with job losses. We are adding jobs. You can’t deny it. It’s facts. Multiple job holders was higher under Trump than now anyway.
I’m referencing an article from 13 years ago to show you that the definition of a recession hasn’t changed. 13 years ago, the definition is not two quarters of negative growth.

Having two jobs isn’t a sign of a recession. A recession is when people can’t get jobs. Every recession comes with job losses. We are adding jobs. You can’t deny it. It’s facts. Multiple job holders was higher under Trump than now anyway.
and two qtrs of negative growth fits that definition you provided

job losses typical come with recessions but recessions are abou negative growth

having to take two jobs to make ends meet is not a good thing at all…people are paying nearly 10 percent more for things then they did. just a year ago..that hammers demand, and slows growth which is driving the xiden recession
and two qtrs of negative growth fits that definition you provided

job losses typical come with recessions but recessions are abou negative growth

having to take two jobs to make ends meet is not a good thing at all…people are paying nearly 10 percent more for things then they did. just a year ago..that hammers demand, and slows growth which is driving the xiden recession
It doesn’t and the article specifically says that GDP is too narrow of a marker to call a recession. Name one recession that didn’t have job losses?

The NBER’s Business Cycle Dating Committee defines a recession as “a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, last- ing more than a few months, normally visible in production, employment, real income, and other indicators. A recession begins when the economy reaches a peak of activity and ends when the economy reaches its trough.”

We don’t fit that definition yet.

People on the right sometimes call Trump’s economy the best we’ve ever had, yet more people were working two jobs then than they are now.
I’m referencing an article from 13 years ago to show you that the definition of a recession hasn’t changed. 13 years ago, the definition is not two quarters of negative growth.

Having two jobs isn’t a sign of a recession. A recession is when people can’t get jobs. Every recession comes with job losses. We are adding jobs. You can’t deny it. It’s facts. Multiple job holders was higher under Trump than now anyway.

You have a reliable link to back up your claims?
It doesn’t and the article specifically says that GDP is too narrow of a marker to call a recession. Name one recession that didn’t have job losses?

The NBER’s Business Cycle Dating Committee defines a recession as “a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, last- ing more than a few months, normally visible in production, employment, real income, and other indicators. A recession begins when the economy reaches a peak of activity and ends when the economy reaches its trough.”

We don’t fit that definition yet.

People on the right sometimes call Trump’s economy the best we’ve ever had, yet more people were working two jobs then than they are now.
of course we do…we have had 6 months (more then. a few months) of negative economic activity…

i can’t think of one , but UE is not part of the definition…but usually follows as the economy slows down.

working two jobs because you want to, is different then working two jobs because you can’t afford your rent, and groceries is something different
Everyone on the right is salivating for a depression. They’re begging for it. They’re attacking anyone who says that we might not be in a recession.

They know a recession is good for their politics.

Have you looked at the polls lately? We don't need a recession to takeover Congress in a few months. We're doing just fine, it's your side that's going to be sweating it out in November. Yes, we are in a recession that we didn't create. Never in our history has a Congress went after a former President over a year and a half out of office. It's the Communist party that's scared to death, not the Republicans.

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