1st Quarter GDP lowest in 3 years

Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.

Trump took over an economy creating 200,000 jobs a month and halved it. During the first 3 months of 2016, Obama created over 600,000 jobs.

For a guy who campaigned on all of the jobs he was going to create, to do half of what Obama achieved over the same time frame a year is pretty pathetic.
Which one of Obama's policies enacted caused that?
well his stimulus packages that saved the housing and auto industries cause a lot of that.
LOL, yeaaaah. The "stimulus went mostly to state governments to keep from losing employees. Never heard ANYONE claim it created jobs, in fact was widely criticized for it. The GM bailout helped them the same way, bailed them out of employee obligations. You don't know what you're talking about.
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.
Obama was creating over 200,000 jobs a month
Trump creating 317,000 in three months is no great accomplishment

You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs
How? By hammering businesses with thousands and thousands of new regulations?
Unregulated businesses are dangerous. As we saw in the 19th and early 20th century, bad for workers, bad for families, bad for environment etc etc.
No one has said no regulations. You're a mindless puppet.
GDP Grew Just 0.7 Percent In First Quarter Of 2017

"The U.S. economy grew at just a 0.7 percent annual rate in the first quarter of this year, according to the latest report on the gross domestic product from the Commerce Department. That's below market expectations and indicates the economy grew at the slowest pace in three years.

Weak auto sales and lower home-heating bills dragged down consumer spending, offsetting a pickup in investment led by housing and oil drilling. Employment costs rose 0.8 percent in the first quarter."

Remember when numbers better than this were supposed to prove that Obama was a failure?

So Trump is a .......?

So three years ago Obama's economy was slower, good to know.
The Moon Bats blamed Obama's failures on Bush by claiming he inherited a terrible economy even though the problems only started when the Democrats took over Congress in 2009.
What? That's just madness. The biggest problems began in roughly 2005/2006 with the unchecked proliferation of CMO's and CDO's. I'll go as deep as you want on this, but if you really think it started in 2009, there are a few books I can recommend.

It started with the CRA passed by Carter. The bill that the used the government to pressure lenders to give credit to people that normally wouldn't qualify. You know, for social justice reasons. Those chickens came home to roost in 2007 and was exacerbated by the mismanagement at he oversight level by the Democrats in Congress like Barney Queerboy.

The economy was doing fine for six years under Bush, even after the trillion dollar hit to the economy because of 911. You can thank the Bush tax cuts for that. When the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 everything went to hell. Bush can be blamed for not being more aggressive in not doing away with he CRA when he had his Republican Congress but the root problem was caused by a misguided Democrat attempt to allow the Democrat special interest groups to get credit when they had neither the means or the inclination to ever pay the money back.

Obama inherited the mess caused by a failed Democrat policy. Liberal policies are always a disaster. Just look at Obamacare. Trump has inherited a mess caused by eight years of a failed Obama administration. An administration that created more poverty, less family income, dismal economic growth and tremendous debt.
The Moon Bats blamed Obama's failures on Bush by claiming he inherited a terrible economy even though the problems only started when the Democrats took over Congress in 2009.
What? That's just madness. The biggest problems began in roughly 2005/2006 with the unchecked proliferation of CMO's and CDO's. I'll go as deep as you want on this, but if you really think it started in 2009, there are a few books I can recommend.

It started with the CRA passed by Carter. The bill that the used pressure to pressure lenders to give credit to people that normally wouldn't qualify. You know, for social justice reasons. Those chickens came home to roost in 2007 and was exacerbated by the mismanagement at he oversight level by the Democrats in Congress like Barney Queerboy.

The economy was doing fine for six years under Bush, even after the trillion dollar hit to the economy because of 911. You can thank the Bush tax cuts for that. When the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 everything went to hell. Bush can be blamed for not being more aggressive in not doing away with he CRA when he had his Republican Congress but the root problem was caused by a misguided Democrat attempt to allow the Democrat special interest groups to get credit when they ad neither the means or the inclination to ever pay the money back.

Obama inherited the mess caused by a failed Democrat policy. Liberal policies are always a disaster. Just look at Obamacare. Trump has inherited a mess caused by eight years of a failed Obama administration. An administration that created more poverty, less family income, dismal economic growth and tremendous debt.
You're looking at this from a right wing perspective only. This was far, far more complicated than what was happening politically.
The democrats in congress obstruct everything. Great americans must ensure that there will be a republican supermajority after the midterm elections. Then trump will fix everything. Believe me.

Would be easier if he just became Emperor Trump and do away with the real enemy, The Canadians...
The Moon Bats blamed Obama's failures on Bush by claiming he inherited a terrible economy even though the problems only started when the Democrats took over Congress in 2009.
What? That's just madness. The biggest problems began in roughly 2005/2006 with the unchecked proliferation of CMO's and CDO's. I'll go as deep as you want on this, but if you really think it started in 2009, there are a few books I can recommend.

It started with the CRA passed by Carter. The bill that the used the government to pressure lenders to give credit to people that normally wouldn't qualify. You know, for social justice reasons. Those chickens came home to roost in 2007 and was exacerbated by the mismanagement at he oversight level by the Democrats in Congress like Barney Queerboy.

The economy was doing fine for six years under Bush, even after the trillion dollar hit to the economy because of 911. You can thank the Bush tax cuts for that. When the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 everything went to hell. Bush can be blamed for not being more aggressive in not doing away with he CRA when he had his Republican Congress but the root problem was caused by a misguided Democrat attempt to allow the Democrat special interest groups to get credit when they had neither the means or the inclination to ever pay the money back.

Obama inherited the mess caused by a failed Democrat policy. Liberal policies are always a disaster. Just look at Obamacare. Trump has inherited a mess caused by eight years of a failed Obama administration. An administration that created more poverty, less family income, dismal economic growth and tremendous debt.

you are trying to blame the 2007 crash on Carter...

What the fuck did Regan and two fucking Bushes do between that time...

Another fucking idiot comment...
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.
Obama was creating over 200,000 jobs a month
Trump creating 317,000 in three months is no great accomplishment

You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs

Thats fake news.
That's a Correct Fact, and your fake news, LL, is recognized for what it is: failed propaganda.
It really is amazing, how many people think that an economy this large and complex, operating within an increasingly complex and competitive global economy, can whip around on the whims of someone as insignificant as a President.

Well, maybe "amazing" isn't the right term. "Deeply troubling" is probably better.
Obama had an app on his phone where he could create jobs

Trump just tweets
The Moon Bats blamed Obama's failures on Bush by claiming he inherited a terrible economy even though the problems only started when the Democrats took over Congress in 2009.
What? That's just madness. The biggest problems began in roughly 2005/2006 with the unchecked proliferation of CMO's and CDO's. I'll go as deep as you want on this, but if you really think it started in 2009, there are a few books I can recommend.

It started with the CRA passed by Carter. The bill that the used the government to pressure lenders to give credit to people that normally wouldn't qualify. You know, for social justice reasons. Those chickens came home to roost in 2007 and was exacerbated by the mismanagement at he oversight level by the Democrats in Congress like Barney Queerboy.


The CRA said explicitly that no bank was required by this law to deviate from sound banking practices.

You should read the law sometime.
I did but there are more factors that MAKE BANKS do things detrimental to their bottom line, and cause them to withdraw FDIC money. The Growth dive is the dimshits because available capital holders thought the shitbitch was going to be elected and held their money. The stock market index is fueled by speculation on the future price of an investment. They have nothing to do with each other. I know you are stretching to find some reason to call TRUMP a failure, forget it, IT AINT HAPNEN MOFO!!!
Last edited:

you are trying to blame the 2007 crash on Carter...

What the fuck did Regan and two fucking Bushes do between that time...

Another fucking idiot comment...

No the idiots are the Moon Bats that get all of their news from Comedy Central and Rachael Maddow and who are unwilling to take responsibility for Liberal policy failures.

The crash in the housing market was definitely caused by easy credit and lax lending practices. The reason why we had the easy credit and lax lending practices is because of the Community Reinvestment Act that used the government to put pressure on lenders to give the easy credit.

The stupid Libtard mindset was that if these welfare queens (that mostly voted Democrat) had access to credit then they could go out and buy a home and enjoy the American Dream. Like all Libtard ideas it was a failure.

Carter put into motion the root of the economic collapse by initiating that stupid idea and pushing it through Congress. That idiot Slick Willy enhanced the provisions when he was President. You can put some blame on Reagan, Bush and Bush for not stooping the mess when they had the opportunity but most of that shit pie belonged to the Democrats. These welfare queens neither had the means nor the inclination to ever pay back the money but the lenders were pressured to give them the loans because of the CRA.

The Democrats were also in charge of the financial oversight committees when the shit hit the fan and really mismanaged the downfall of the market. This stupidity of sending messages to the lenders that the government would be around with bailouts to cover the losses was really some dumb ass shit, wasn't it? Of course Barney Queerboy being in the back pocket of the lenders and Fanniemae didn't help at all, did it? Remember that the Wall Street banks were giving tons of money to the Obama campaign in 2007 and 2008.

Democrats are always failure at everything they do. Also, shame on the Republicans for not doing the right thing and putting an end to Democrat stupidity when they had the opportunity.

Obama inherited the mess caused by Carter and Democrat stupidity and he really didn't do much of a recovery in eight years. That is the mess that Trump is faced with today.
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You're looking at this from a right wing perspective only. This was far, far more complicated than what was happening politically.

You are refusing to take responsibility for a Left Wing policy failure.

Actually It was really simple. The government put pressure on lenders to give credit to the mostly Democrat core constituency and it backfired and almost destroyed the economy. How it all played out was complicated but the core reason was government interference in the credit market in order to kiss the ass of the mostly Democrat voters. The Liberals felt they could just pass a law and then the people that normally couldn't qualify for loans would get the loans and everything would be peaches and cream. They forget that "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

You're looking at this from a right wing perspective only. This was far, far more complicated than what was happening politically.

You are refusing to take responsibility for a Left Wing policy failure.

Actually It was really simple. The government put pressure on lenders to give credit to the mostly Democrat core constituency and it backfired and almost destroyed the economy. How it all played out was complicated but the core reason was government interference in the credit market in order to kiss the ass of the mostly Democrat voters. The Liberals felt they could just pass a law and then the people that normally couldn't qualify for loans would get the loans and everything would be peaches and cream. They forget that "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".
What is your opinion on the role the following played in this mess:
  • CMO's
  • CDO's
  • Moody's
  • Fitch
  • Standard & Poor's
  • The regulation of derivatives
  • The regulation of mortgage products
  • The Fed and interest rates
  • Alan Greenspan and his power to regulate derivatives
Let's see how much you know about what happened.
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.
Obama was creating over 200,000 jobs a month
Trump creating 317,000 in three months is no great accomplishment

You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs

Thats fake news.
That's a Correct Fact, and your fake news, LL, is recognized for what it is: failed propaganda.

Dude......who am I?
Obama was creating over 200,000 jobs a month
Trump creating 317,000 in three months is no great accomplishment

You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs

Thats fake news.
That's a Correct Fact, and your fake news, LL, is recognized for what it is: failed propaganda.

Dude......who am I?
A failed propagandist.
You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs

Thats fake news.
That's a Correct Fact, and your fake news, LL, is recognized for what it is: failed propaganda.

Dude......who am I?
A failed propagandist.

Jake. Let's try again. Who am I. Who did I vote for in 2008, 2012 and 2016?

How long have you been here and have you been paying attention at all?

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