1st Quarter GDP lowest in 3 years

Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.
Obama was creating over 200,000 jobs a month
Trump creating 317,000 in three months is no great accomplishment

You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.
I'm afraid the horrible truth is politicians from any party can't really do much about the point in the economic cycle we currently live in.

Sure, you can really screw an economy with awful policies, see Venezuela. However in largely market systems (US, EU, Australia etc) you are at the mercy of the natural shift between growth and recession. Of course whoever is in the chair gets blamed for it whatever.....
I'm afraid the horrible truth is politicians from any party can't really do much about the point in the economic cycle we currently live in.

Sure, you can really screw an economy with awful policies, see Venezuela. However in largely market systems (US, EU, Australia etc) you are at the mercy of the natural shift between growth and recession. Of course whoever is in the chair gets blamed for it whatever.....
Oh, stop it. Realism is not in vogue on this Board.
If Trump is somehow responsible for the economy in the 1st quarter of 2017 that means Obama was responsible for the economy of the 1st quarter of 2009, eh Moon Bats?
That's partisan politics for ya.

Hypocritical. Worthless.

The Moon Bats blamed Obama's failures on Bush by claiming he inherited a terrible economy even though the problems only started when the Democrats took over Congress in 2009.

Obama went on to have an administration that created more poverty, less family income, tremendous debt, more welfare and dismal economic growth.

The fact of the matter is that Trump inherited a swamp of government inefficiency, mismanagement, catering to special interest groups and a bloated welfare state that isn't working. That mess was not created just by the Democrats. The Republicans knew better but they were enablers.

We will see if Trump is able to make significant improvements. He himself just recently said that the problems were deeper than even he imagined. He has a big job ahead of him. He is off to good start but he has big job ahead getting this filthy ass Federal government under control, improving the economy and returning Liberty to the American people. You know, making America great again. Trump has the right agenda. We should all pray that he succeeds because if he can't do it then probably nobody else can. An economy like Greece or maybe even a Venezuela is just around the counter for this country if he doesn't succeed.
If Trump is somehow responsible for the economy in the 1st quarter of 2017 that means Obama was responsible for the economy of the 1st quarter of 2009, eh Moon Bats?
That's partisan politics for ya.

Hypocritical. Worthless.

The Moon Bats blamed Obama's failures on Bush by claiming he inherited a terrible economy even though the problems only started when the Democrats took over Congress in 2009.

Obama went on to have an administration that created more poverty, less family income, tremendous debt, more welfare and dismal economic growth.

The fact of the matter is that Trump inherited a swamp of government inefficiency, mismanagement, catering to special interest groups and a bloated welfare state that isn't working. That mess was not created just by the Democrats. The Republicans knew better but they were enablers.

We will see if Trump is able to make significant improvements. He himself just recently said that the problems were deeper than even he imagined. He has a big job ahead of him. He is off to good start but he has big job ahead getting this filthy ass Federal government under control, improving the economy and returning Liberty to the American people. You, making America great again. Trump has the right agenda. We should all pray that he succeeds because if he can't do it then probably nobody else can. An economy like Greece or maybe even a Venezuela is just around the counter for this country if he doesn't succeed.
just keep spinning just keep spinning just keep spinning spinning spinning :spinner::spinner::spinner:
GDP Grew Just 0.7 Percent In First Quarter Of 2017

"The U.S. economy grew at just a 0.7 percent annual rate in the first quarter of this year, according to the latest report on the gross domestic product from the Commerce Department. That's below market expectations and indicates the economy grew at the slowest pace in three years.

Weak auto sales and lower home-heating bills dragged down consumer spending, offsetting a pickup in investment led by housing and oil drilling. Employment costs rose 0.8 percent in the first quarter."

Remember when numbers better than this were supposed to prove that Obama was a failure?

So Trump is a .......?
Trump is a conman and the first people he conned are the American working class who will continue their support of the bare-faced liar despite objective facts.
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.
Obama was creating over 200,000 jobs a month
Trump creating 317,000 in three months is no great accomplishment

You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs
The Moon Bats blamed Obama's failures on Bush by claiming he inherited a terrible economy even though the problems only started when the Democrats took over Congress in 2009.
What? That's just madness. The biggest problems began in roughly 2005/2006 with the unchecked proliferation of CMO's and CDO's. I'll go as deep as you want on this, but if you really think it started in 2009, there are a few books I can recommend.
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.
Obama was creating over 200,000 jobs a month
Trump creating 317,000 in three months is no great accomplishment

You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.

Thanks.....that was a good one
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.
Obama was creating over 200,000 jobs a month
Trump creating 317,000 in three months is no great accomplishment

You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs

Thats fake news.
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.
Obama was creating over 200,000 jobs a month
Trump creating 317,000 in three months is no great accomplishment

You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs

Thats fake news.
What Kind Of 'Jobs President' Has Obama Been — In 8 Charts
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.

Trump took over an economy creating 200,000 jobs a month and halved it. During the first 3 months of 2016, Obama created over 600,000 jobs.

For a guy who campaigned on all of the jobs he was going to create, to do half of what Obama achieved over the same time frame a year is pretty pathetic.
GDP Grew Just 0.7 Percent In First Quarter Of 2017

"The U.S. economy grew at just a 0.7 percent annual rate in the first quarter of this year, according to the latest report on the gross domestic product from the Commerce Department. That's below market expectations and indicates the economy grew at the slowest pace in three years.

Weak auto sales and lower home-heating bills dragged down consumer spending, offsetting a pickup in investment led by housing and oil drilling. Employment costs rose 0.8 percent in the first quarter."

Remember when numbers better than this were supposed to prove that Obama was a failure?

So Trump is a .......?
Which one of Trump's policies enacted caused that? LOL, your brain is gone.
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.

Trump took over an economy creating 200,000 jobs a month and halved it. During the first 3 months of 2016, Obama created over 600,000 jobs.

For a guy who campaigned on all of the jobs he was going to create, to do half of what Obama achieved over the same time frame a year is pretty pathetic.
Which one of Obama's policies enacted caused that?
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.
Obama was creating over 200,000 jobs a month
Trump creating 317,000 in three months is no great accomplishment

You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs
How? By hammering businesses with thousands and thousands of new regulations?
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.

Trump took over an economy creating 200,000 jobs a month and halved it. During the first 3 months of 2016, Obama created over 600,000 jobs.

For a guy who campaigned on all of the jobs he was going to create, to do half of what Obama achieved over the same time frame a year is pretty pathetic.
Which one of Obama's policies enacted caused that?
well his stimulus packages that saved the housing and auto industries cause a lot of that.
Creation of 317000 new jobs, dwarfing the past three presidents first 100 days. This without a full cabinet.
Obama was creating over 200,000 jobs a month
Trump creating 317,000 in three months is no great accomplishment

You are just making excuses for Obama. He couldn't get 300,000 new jobs in his first 100 days. He sucked. Trump showed him how it's done.
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs
How? By hammering businesses with thousands and thousands of new regulations?
Unregulated businesses are dangerous. As we saw in the 19th and early 20th century, bad for workers, bad for families, bad for environment etc etc.
It really is amazing, how many people think that an economy this large and complex, operating within an increasingly complex and competitive global economy, can whip around on the whims of someone as insignificant as a President.

Well, maybe "amazing" isn't the right term. "Deeply troubling" is probably better.

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