1st US AG Censured In US History Disappointed In US AG Barr


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Former Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday said he is ā€œsurprised and extremely disappointedā€ by current Attorney General William Barrā€™s performance under the Trump administration."

ā€œIā€™m both surprised and extremely disappointed,ā€ Holder
said of Barr in an appearance on Iowa Public Televisionā€™s Iowa Press. ā€œI actually thought that he was an institutionalist and I thought that he would actually be at odds with President Trump relatively soon in his tenure, and he has proved to be anything but that.ā€

So Obama's formal US AG - the guy who was caught committing Felony Perjury under oath before Congress while attempting to participate in the cover-up of the Obama 'Fast and Furious' scandal, who was protected from indictment / prosecution for those crimes, yet who was still held accountable by a bi-partisan Congress who voted to Censure him, making him the 1st US AG Presidential Cabinet Member to be Censured in US history - is disappointed in the current US AG?!


Holder, who participated in several scandal cover-ups during the Obama administration - to include protecting Hillary from her proven crimes, is 'disappointed' in Barr for having the morals, ethics, and commitment to objectively up-holding and enforcing existing laws and equally dispensing Justice.

It is 'amusing' to hear Holder hypocritically accuse the current US AG of betraying his responsibility as the United States Attorney General and instead choose to be President Trump's Attorney General...when in 2013 he declared himself to be President Obama's 'WINGMAN' as US AG rather than claim he was / would act objectively as AG for the entire country:

"Holder has similarly found himself on the receiving end of such criticism, having described himself in 2013 as former President Barack Obamaā€™s ā€œwingman.ā€

Holder is also extremely glad to have left the Obama administration when he did, with only the historic Congressional Censure on his record instead of the potential indictments that his replacement Loretta Lynch and Deputy US AGs Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein now possibly face for their exposed involvement in the (illegal" FBI Russian Collusion investigation overseen by former President Obama and select members of his Cabinet.

Holder is attempting to provide support to the Democrats' attempt to discredit US AG Barr before the US IG's report on FISA Court abuses come out and before the US AG's numerous investigations of former Obama administration Cabinet Members and Agency Directors start resulting in indictments and prosecutions...

Eric Holder: I'm 'Extremely Disappointed' in AG William Barr


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