2:00....Trump and Iran

His mind was made up before he was elected, Obama did it..... So he hates it.

When Iran develops nukes now, Is America suppose to protect Israel from Iranian attack? Yes or no?

1) Obama was an obvious supporter of Islamists across the ME. His policy decisions consistently supported their interests. He fairly drooled when Morsi took over Egypt. That, of course, was a failure.

2) The point is to prevent Iran from developing nukes. With this agreement, they can resume their program within a very short time and lose nothing.
And what will not having it do to stop it?

And what will this cancelling do to the Korean deal?

the Iran deal was a one sided cave by Obama and Kerry, Iran got billions (some in cash on pallets) and we got nothing. apparently Obama wanted Iran to have nukes because his deal virtually assured that they will.

What this will do to the Korean deal is show Un that Trump means business and that he will not make a bad deal or allow anyone to renig on an agreement.

If we were going into business together to open a pizza parlor and about to finalize the agreement in June…
And I see that in May, you tore up your agreement with the last guy you went into business with…
I’d think twice about going into business with someone so mentally unstable…

Here's a question that will leave you speechless:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Sure, I could have said, "I was told by Trump", but Trump is such a notorious liar, I'd look like an idiot if I believed him.

I've seen some of your posts: it isn't possible for you to NOT look like an idiot.

Sweet nothings aside, are you taking the word of the Deep State and the enemies of Trump as to Iran's support of terrorism?

Make your argument that it's not true.

I love it when fools smash the custard pie in their own kissers.

"Iran and state-sponsored terrorism"
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

I don't know if it's true any more than you do. I'm just trying to verify that Trump supporters believe the State Dept, the intel community, and the MSM when it suits you. Is that about right?

Can we agree that you're a moron?

We can agree you believe what Trump tells you to believe. Although I gotta say, putting your trust in the biggest liar of his generation isn't smart.
The Great Obama got Iran to give up its nuclear program

Crooked Donnie is giving it back
His mind was made up before he was elected, Obama did it..... So he hates it.

When Iran develops nukes now, Is America suppose to protect Israel from Iranian attack? Yes or no?

1) Obama was an obvious supporter of Islamists across the ME. His policy decisions consistently supported their interests. He fairly drooled when Morsi took over Egypt. That, of course, was a failure.

2) The point is to prevent Iran from developing nukes. With this agreement, they can resume their program within a very short time and lose nothing.
And what will not having it do to stop it?

And what will this cancelling do to the Korean deal?

the Iran deal was a one sided cave by Obama and Kerry, Iran got billions (some in cash on pallets) and we got nothing. apparently Obama wanted Iran to have nukes because his deal virtually assured that they will.

What this will do to the Korean deal is show Un that Trump means business and that he will not make a bad deal or allow anyone to renig on an agreement.

If we were going into business together to open a pizza parlor and about to finalize the agreement in June…
And I see that in May, you tore up your agreement with the last guy you went into business with…
I’d think twice about going into business with someone so mentally unstable…

Here's a question that will leave you speechless:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

"Awarding". A girl after Goebbels own heart.
The Great Obama got Iran to give up its nuclear program

Crooked Donnie is giving it back

You're behind the times. The latest harebrained bullshit is Obama "awarded" nuclear weapons to Iran.

Swear to God, I read it right here.
The mainstream media reports that the intelligence community says Iran is the world's greatest sponsor of terrorism.

So, I'm curious, Trumplodytes. How do we know when to trust the MSM and the Intel Community? Should we take Trump's word for it?

Verify, then trust.

Whose verification service do you use?

I don't use a verification service. You?

Then how do you verify? Do you have your own private sources?

Past performance. Current behaviors. Friends and enemies. Cause and effect. Multiple sources both foreign and domestic. Logic. Common sense. History.

Knowledge is power.
So, I'm curious, Trumplodytes. How do we know when to trust the MSM and the Intel Community? Should we take Trump's word for it?

Verify, then trust.

Whose verification service do you use?

I don't use a verification service. You?

Then how do you verify? Do you have your own private sources?

Past performance. Current behaviors. Friends and enemies. Cause and effect. Multiple sources both foreign and domestic. Logic. Common sense. History.

Knowledge is power.

No. Verification establishes truth. At best, your approach establishes a pattern. Patterns can, and do, change.
The Great Obama got Iran to give up its nuclear program

Crooked Donnie is giving it back

You're behind the times. The latest harebrained bullshit is Obama "awarded" nuclear weapons to Iran.

Swear to God, I read it right here.

Iran gave up its enriched uranium and centerfuges because of the Graet Obama

Trump is tearing up the deal to allow them to build them back
Verify, then trust.

Whose verification service do you use?

I don't use a verification service. You?

Then how do you verify? Do you have your own private sources?

Past performance. Current behaviors. Friends and enemies. Cause and effect. Multiple sources both foreign and domestic. Logic. Common sense. History.

Knowledge is power.

No. Verification establishes truth. At best, your approach establishes a pattern. Patterns can, and do, change.

Shrug. I have complete confidence in my abilities.

How do you get "pattern" from the elements listed?
Now, Fat Donnie is going to N Korea to try to get a nuclear deal

Trump will tear up the deal before the ink is dry. Who would trust him?
Why would they strike a deal with a country that will have a reputation for reneging?

Why would anyone?
Whose verification service do you use?

I don't use a verification service. You?

Then how do you verify? Do you have your own private sources?

Past performance. Current behaviors. Friends and enemies. Cause and effect. Multiple sources both foreign and domestic. Logic. Common sense. History.

Knowledge is power.

No. Verification establishes truth. At best, your approach establishes a pattern. Patterns can, and do, change.

Shrug. I have complete confidence in my abilities.

How do you get "pattern" from the elements listed?

"Past performance. Current behaviors. Friends and enemies." Those indicate patterns. I disregarded "multiple sources both foreign and domestic, because you and I don't have those. Logic and common sense rely on reliable information, and we haven't agreed on that. Trump indicates our primary information sources - the State Dept., the media, and the IC are dishonest. History is past perfomance (redundant). There is nothing that a layman could "verify".
Trump is simultaneously sabotaging the Iran and N Korea nuclear deals
Why would they strike a deal with a country that will have a reputation for reneging?

Why would anyone?
Why would anyone strike a deal with the worlds leading state sponsor of terror? Even after they said no deal will stop their destruction?

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