2:00....Trump and Iran

Why would they strike a deal with a country that will have a reputation for reneging?

Why would anyone?
Why would anyone strike a deal with the worlds leading state sponsor of terror? Even after they said no deal will stop their destruction?

Who said that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terror? Where does that claim come from?

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I've seen some of your posts: it isn't possible for you to NOT look like an idiot.

Sweet nothings aside, are you taking the word of the Deep State and the enemies of Trump as to Iran's support of terrorism?

Make your argument that it's not true.

I love it when fools smash the custard pie in their own kissers.

"Iran and state-sponsored terrorism"
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

I don't know if it's true any more than you do. I'm just trying to verify that Trump supporters believe the State Dept, the intel community, and the MSM when it suits you. Is that about right?

Can we agree that you're a moron?

We can agree you believe what Trump tells you to believe. Although I gotta say, putting your trust in the biggest liar of his generation isn't smart.

I don't think she trusts Hillary or Obama. both much bigger liars than Trump.
The other partners will not follow if Trump leaves. Further reducing our influence and weakening the Western Alliance. Guess who benefits the most if he does?
Why would they strike a deal with a country that will have a reputation for reneging?

Why would anyone?
Why would anyone strike a deal with the worlds leading state sponsor of terror? Even after they said no deal will stop their destruction?

Who said that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terror? Where does that claim come from?

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The us. Many other countries.
Why would they strike a deal with a country that will have a reputation for reneging?

Why would anyone?
Why would anyone strike a deal with the worlds leading state sponsor of terror? Even after they said no deal will stop their destruction?
We strike deals all the time with hostile countries to achieve certain goals.

We have a deal where everyone involved is saying works in achieving its goals. Iran reduced its store of nuclear fuel, centrifuges and most importantly opened its facilities to outside inspection. The deal wasn’t about terrorism, human rights, regional aspirations, it was about one specific goal only, nukes.

Now what?
The Great Obama got Iran to give up its nuclear program

Crooked Donnie is giving it back

You're behind the times. The latest harebrained bullshit is Obama "awarded" nuclear weapons to Iran.

Swear to God, I read it right here.

what do you think the Iranians did with the pallets of cash that Obama sent them. they spent it on their nuclear program, moron.
Why would they strike a deal with a country that will have a reputation for reneging?

Why would anyone?
Why would anyone strike a deal with the worlds leading state sponsor of terror? Even after they said no deal will stop their destruction?

Who said that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terror? Where does that claim come from?

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Who said that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terror? Where does that claim come from?

Every Marine knows most of our Marines in Iraq died via Iranian supplied munitions.
Why would they strike a deal with a country that will have a reputation for reneging?

Why would anyone?
Why would anyone strike a deal with the worlds leading state sponsor of terror? Even after they said no deal will stop their destruction?

Who said that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terror? Where does that claim come from?

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The us. Many other countries.

So, the government told us. The same government for which there are 20 threads a day on this forum that tell us how screwed up it is and how they lie to us all the time...yet nobody ever questions this claim...

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Why would they strike a deal with a country that will have a reputation for reneging?

Why would anyone?
Why would anyone strike a deal with the worlds leading state sponsor of terror? Even after they said no deal will stop their destruction?

Who said that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terror? Where does that claim come from?

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Maybe he was talking about the U.S.
Why would they strike a deal with a country that will have a reputation for reneging?

Why would anyone?
Why would anyone strike a deal with the worlds leading state sponsor of terror? Even after they said no deal will stop their destruction?

Who said that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terror? Where does that claim come from?

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The us. Many other countries.

So, the government told us. The same government for which there are 20 threads a day on this forum that tell us how screwed up it is and how they lie to us all the time...yet nobody ever questions this claim...

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I will personally pay your one way air fare to Tehran so you can give us a first hand account of what it is like in Iran,
Why would they strike a deal with a country that will have a reputation for reneging?

Why would anyone?
Why would anyone strike a deal with the worlds leading state sponsor of terror? Even after they said no deal will stop their destruction?
We strike deals all the time with hostile countries to achieve certain goals.

We have a deal where everyone involved is saying works in achieving its goals. Iran reduced its store of nuclear fuel, centrifuges and most importantly opened its facilities to outside inspection. The deal wasn’t about terrorism, human rights, regional aspirations, it was about one specific goal only, nukes.

Now what?
It must be nice to have so much faith in terrorists.
Why would they strike a deal with a country that will have a reputation for reneging?

Why would anyone?
Why would anyone strike a deal with the worlds leading state sponsor of terror? Even after they said no deal will stop their destruction?

Who said that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terror? Where does that claim come from?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The us. Many other countries.

So, the government told us. The same government for which there are 20 threads a day on this forum that tell us how screwed up it is and how they lie to us all the time...yet nobody ever questions this claim...

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Hezbollah has admitted iran funds them.

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