2/3 say ditch individual health care mandate

Paying for health insurance IS providing for his family.

Should a man have a family if he can not afford to feed them?

The answer is no.

Should a man have a family if he can not afford to keep them healthy?

The answer is no.

It is tryuly about personal responsibility. You ridicule that statement....but that is becuase you cant get a grasp of what it means...which is evident of ther "pity" you show for a man with 4 kids, a mortgage yet making only 45K a year with no health insurance.

He was not a very respoinsible person.

You pity the irresponsible and ridicule the responsible.

I find that pathetic thinking.

So someone who has kids and then loses his job but decided to takes whatever he can get so that at least he is making something is irresponsible? You don't think that scenario doesn't play out all over this country? You're being awfully idealistic and short sighted.

Spin...dont know why you do that...but there is a lot I am seeing I did noty see in the past......my fault....

I did not say that......

Taking whatever he can get is being RESPONSIBLE.

Having kids and a mortgage and 2 cars and 3 TV's before he had enough saved up in case he lost his job....THAT was irresponsible.

Why does everyone making 45k a year have 2 cars and three tvs? Is your entire argument based upon that? Pretty shaky if you ask me.

What exactly did I spin? You're being ridiculous now, pigeon-holing everyone who is lower middle class as buying luxury goods at the expense of basic needs. Does it happen? Sure it does. But is it everyone doing that or even a majority? I think we both know that's not the case.

I wish you wouldn't make your entire viewpoint based upon the worse examples you can find and then generalize about the rest of the population, simply because it helps state your case in a nice clean package. Unfortunately the picturing you're painting isn't whats happening in the real world.
You were lucky. Lucky in the respect you didn't break a leg, requiring surgery and a week in the hospital. Lucky that you didn't get cancer, have a heart attack or develop diabetes and not know it.

I had health insurance.

I sacrificed several years of a nice place to live with new TVs and a car...but I ALWAYS had health insurance.

If I needed to be in the hospital for a week, I would have cashed in on my disibility insurance.

You diont want Americans to earn...you weant them to coast.

Whatever works for you.

And now a straw man. No one cares what you did (or pretend to have done). This is the internet where anyone can be anything they want to be. Life is much different and your story is just that, a story. Even if true, it proves nothing.

tell the truth man...

Your post is saying this...

I dont want to hear how it can be done any other way than the way I think it should be done.

So I will assume you are a liar.

Quite childish of you.
So someone who has kids and then loses his job but decided to takes whatever he can get so that at least he is making something is irresponsible? You don't think that scenario doesn't play out all over this country? You're being awfully idealistic and short sighted.

Spin...dont know why you do that...but there is a lot I am seeing I did noty see in the past......my fault....

I did not say that......

Taking whatever he can get is being RESPONSIBLE.

Having kids and a mortgage and 2 cars and 3 TV's before he had enough saved up in case he lost his job....THAT was irresponsible.

Why does everyone making 45k a year have 2 cars and three tvs? Is your entire argument based upon that? Pretty shaky if you ask me.

What exactly did I spin? You're being ridiculous now, pigeon-holing everyone who is lower middle class as buying luxury goods at the expense of basic needs. Does it happen? Sure it does. But is it everyone doing that or even a majority? I think we both know that's not the case.

I wish you wouldn't make your entire viewpoint based upon the worse examples you can find and then generalize about the rest of the population, simply because it helps state your case in a nice clean package. Unfortunately the picturing you're painting isn't whats happening in the real world.


Dont bother respoinding to me anymore.

You proved to me what you are all about a few weeks back.

I was disappointed....saddened to be honest.

Put me on ignoire if you wish. I am OK with it.

Open up your mind....

I did not say they do.

What I am saying is they CAN....AND SHOULD...before they have kids and a house and all the other things I WANTED but was smart enough to hold off on.

It is about making smart decisions early on.

Yep...too narrow minded for me.
so now your pigeon holing the average american into the box that having kids and a mortgage and 2 cars and 3 TV's, without $45k in the bank is irresponsible?

you probably dont have $45k in the bank, guess that makes your irresponsible.

I am retired at the age of 54.

I was homeless 31 years ago.

I never said they should have 45K in the bank.

You have a reading comprehension issue.
so youre 54 which mean you were 25 in 1983.

so tell everyone what the cost of living was in 1983.... how much was food, rent, even health insurance??

ohhh thats right it was $45..... not $450 like today....
A Look at Employers' Costs of Providing health Benefits

you said a responsible adult would not have kids unless that had enough money in the bank to support them of they lost their job. well $45k would be one years salary. thats not exactly a fantasy number. what is your magic number then. $5k? $10k, $25K? what number does an american need to have in their bank account to make them responsible enough to have a family? because apparently you have all the answers and live in the world of rainbows and unicorns.
Responsibility and hard work are foreign concepts the many on the left.

I work 54 hours a week at my main job that has benefits and also own a landscape business. Two jobs. Gasp!

So how long until you made your first million dollars?

Why is that suppose to be the goal?

Because you are trying to make it seem that all it takes is hard work and everyone can be as successful as they want. So, since you told us how hard you work, you must be a millionaire by now. No?
So how long until you made your first million dollars?

Why is that suppose to be the goal?

Because you are trying to make it seem that all it takes is hard work and everyone can be as successful as they want. So, since you told us how hard you work, you must be a millionaire by now. No?

You seem to be capable of looking at success merely in terms of money. Is that the only measure? Cannot hard work be its own reward?
Since the "average" American is as likely to be unmarried as married, the family of four scenario is bogus. Look up average American, not American family.
the average family takes into account people both with and without families.

thats why its called an "average"
some people have 1 kid, some of 5, some have none. some are married, some are single.
Why is that suppose to be the goal?

Because you are trying to make it seem that all it takes is hard work and everyone can be as successful as they want. So, since you told us how hard you work, you must be a millionaire by now. No?

You seem to be capable of looking at success merely in terms of money. Is that the only measure? Cannot hard work be its own reward?
so being successful has nothing to do with how much money you make?

if that is the case, they why do you have 2 jobs and work over 54 hours a week? if money isnt a measure of success what are you doing? torturing yourself?
Spin...dont know why you do that...but there is a lot I am seeing I did noty see in the past......my fault....

I did not say that......

Taking whatever he can get is being RESPONSIBLE.

Having kids and a mortgage and 2 cars and 3 TV's before he had enough saved up in case he lost his job....THAT was irresponsible.

Why does everyone making 45k a year have 2 cars and three tvs? Is your entire argument based upon that? Pretty shaky if you ask me.

What exactly did I spin? You're being ridiculous now, pigeon-holing everyone who is lower middle class as buying luxury goods at the expense of basic needs. Does it happen? Sure it does. But is it everyone doing that or even a majority? I think we both know that's not the case.

I wish you wouldn't make your entire viewpoint based upon the worse examples you can find and then generalize about the rest of the population, simply because it helps state your case in a nice clean package. Unfortunately the picturing you're painting isn't whats happening in the real world.


Dont bother respoinding to me anymore.

You proved to me what you are all about a few weeks back.

I was disappointed....saddened to be honest.

Put me on ignoire if you wish. I am OK with it.


What? Seriously? What's your problem? Retirement has turned you in to an asshole. I'm trying to have a conversation with you and you don't even respond with an intelligent response anymore.

If that's how you want it though, have it your way. I'll be here when you de-grouch yourself.
Because you are trying to make it seem that all it takes is hard work and everyone can be as successful as they want. So, since you told us how hard you work, you must be a millionaire by now. No?

You seem to be capable of looking at success merely in terms of money. Is that the only measure? Cannot hard work be its own reward?
so being successful has nothing to do with how much money you make?

if that is the case, they why do you have 2 jobs and work over 54 hours a week? if money isnt a measure of success what are you doing? torturing yourself?

Your strawman production is remarkable. Do you consider that hard work?
Why is that suppose to be the goal?

Because you are trying to make it seem that all it takes is hard work and everyone can be as successful as they want. So, since you told us how hard you work, you must be a millionaire by now. No?

You seem to be capable of looking at success merely in terms of money. Is that the only measure? Cannot hard work be its own reward?

Sure it can, tell that to the people who think that those who make $45k don't deserve to have a family.
So someone who has kids and then loses his job but decided to takes whatever he can get so that at least he is making something is irresponsible? You don't think that scenario doesn't play out all over this country? You're being awfully idealistic and short sighted.

Spin...dont know why you do that...but there is a lot I am seeing I did noty see in the past......my fault....

I did not say that......

Taking whatever he can get is being RESPONSIBLE.

Having kids and a mortgage and 2 cars and 3 TV's before he had enough saved up in case he lost his job....THAT was irresponsible.

Why does everyone making 45k a year have 2 cars and three tvs? Is your entire argument based upon that? Pretty shaky if you ask me.

What exactly did I spin? You're being ridiculous now, pigeon-holing everyone who is lower middle class as buying luxury goods at the expense of basic needs. Does it happen? Sure it does. But is it everyone doing that or even a majority? I think we both know that's not the case.

I wish you wouldn't make your entire viewpoint based upon the worse examples you can find and then generalize about the rest of the population, simply because it helps state your case in a nice clean package. Unfortunately the picturing you're painting isn't whats happening in the real world.
funny thing is fox news did exactly that. they called out the poor because 99.6% have "refigerators"

99.6% have refrigerators
97.7% have televisions
97.7% have stoves and ovens
81.4% have microwaves
78.3% have air conditioning

99.6 % of the Poor in America Have REFRIGERATORS!?!!??!! | The Culture Zone

in the words of Bill O’Reilly, “So how can you be so poor and have all this stuff?”
So how long until you made your first million dollars?

Why is that suppose to be the goal?

Because you are trying to make it seem that all it takes is hard work and everyone can be as successful as they want. So, since you told us how hard you work, you must be a millionaire by now. No?

it is not just about hard work.

It is about doing without when you are younger.

Nowasyas, our younger generation wants a career, a house, an ipod, and much more......not thinking about saving for their future.
Spin...dont know why you do that...but there is a lot I am seeing I did noty see in the past......my fault....

I did not say that......

Taking whatever he can get is being RESPONSIBLE.

Having kids and a mortgage and 2 cars and 3 TV's before he had enough saved up in case he lost his job....THAT was irresponsible.

Why does everyone making 45k a year have 2 cars and three tvs? Is your entire argument based upon that? Pretty shaky if you ask me.

What exactly did I spin? You're being ridiculous now, pigeon-holing everyone who is lower middle class as buying luxury goods at the expense of basic needs. Does it happen? Sure it does. But is it everyone doing that or even a majority? I think we both know that's not the case.

I wish you wouldn't make your entire viewpoint based upon the worse examples you can find and then generalize about the rest of the population, simply because it helps state your case in a nice clean package. Unfortunately the picturing you're painting isn't whats happening in the real world.
funny thing is fox news did exactly that. they called out the poor because 99.6% have "refigerators"

99.6% have refrigerators
97.7% have televisions
97.7% have stoves and ovens
81.4% have microwaves
78.3% have air conditioning

99.6 % of the Poor in America Have REFRIGERATORS!?!!??!! | The Culture Zone

in the words of Bill O’Reilly, “So how can you be so poor and have all this stuff?”

I did without a TV
I did without air conditioning
I did without a microwave.

And I never considered myself poor.

I considered myself on the rise.

And it worked.
Why is that suppose to be the goal?

Because you are trying to make it seem that all it takes is hard work and everyone can be as successful as they want. So, since you told us how hard you work, you must be a millionaire by now. No?

it is not just about hard work.

It is about doing without when you are younger.

Nowasyas, our younger generation wants a career, a house, an ipod, and much more......not thinking about saving for their future.

I'd respond, but you told me to ignore you. Let me know when it's ok to reply to you. :bye1:
You seem to be capable of looking at success merely in terms of money. Is that the only measure? Cannot hard work be its own reward?
so being successful has nothing to do with how much money you make?

if that is the case, they why do you have 2 jobs and work over 54 hours a week? if money isnt a measure of success what are you doing? torturing yourself?

Your strawman production is remarkable. Do you consider that hard work?
if youre not making a high wage and taking him good pay, then i call it a fools errand.

i can be more productive in 40 hours than you can in 54.... does that mean i work harder? nope it means i work smarter....
Spin...dont know why you do that...but there is a lot I am seeing I did noty see in the past......my fault....

I did not say that......

Taking whatever he can get is being RESPONSIBLE.

Having kids and a mortgage and 2 cars and 3 TV's before he had enough saved up in case he lost his job....THAT was irresponsible.

Why does everyone making 45k a year have 2 cars and three tvs? Is your entire argument based upon that? Pretty shaky if you ask me.

What exactly did I spin? You're being ridiculous now, pigeon-holing everyone who is lower middle class as buying luxury goods at the expense of basic needs. Does it happen? Sure it does. But is it everyone doing that or even a majority? I think we both know that's not the case.

I wish you wouldn't make your entire viewpoint based upon the worse examples you can find and then generalize about the rest of the population, simply because it helps state your case in a nice clean package. Unfortunately the picturing you're painting isn't whats happening in the real world.
funny thing is fox news did exactly that. they called out the poor because 99.6% have "refigerators"

99.6% have refrigerators
97.7% have televisions
97.7% have stoves and ovens
81.4% have microwaves
78.3% have air conditioning

99.6 % of the Poor in America Have REFRIGERATORS!?!!??!! | The Culture Zone

in the words of Bill O’Reilly, “So how can you be so poor and have all this stuff?”

If a person's needs are met, are they poor? If a person's wants are met are they rich?
Why is that suppose to be the goal?

Because you are trying to make it seem that all it takes is hard work and everyone can be as successful as they want. So, since you told us how hard you work, you must be a millionaire by now. No?

it is not just about hard work.

It is about doing without when you are younger.

Nowasyas, our younger generation wants a career, a house, an ipod, and much more......not thinking about saving for their future.
there are plenty of people from "your generation" who rely solely on SS and Medicare.

apparently those people didnt work hard or save for the future either....
so being successful has nothing to do with how much money you make?

if that is the case, they why do you have 2 jobs and work over 54 hours a week? if money isnt a measure of success what are you doing? torturing yourself?

Your strawman production is remarkable. Do you consider that hard work?
if youre not making a high wage and taking him good pay, then i call it a fools errand.

i can be more productive in 40 hours than you can in 54.... does that mean i work harder? nope it means i work smarter....

Since you know little of my situation, that would be a pure fabrication on your part.

For instance, what do you produce?

(besides strawman agruments I mean)
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Why does everyone making 45k a year have 2 cars and three tvs? Is your entire argument based upon that? Pretty shaky if you ask me.

What exactly did I spin? You're being ridiculous now, pigeon-holing everyone who is lower middle class as buying luxury goods at the expense of basic needs. Does it happen? Sure it does. But is it everyone doing that or even a majority? I think we both know that's not the case.

I wish you wouldn't make your entire viewpoint based upon the worse examples you can find and then generalize about the rest of the population, simply because it helps state your case in a nice clean package. Unfortunately the picturing you're painting isn't whats happening in the real world.
funny thing is fox news did exactly that. they called out the poor because 99.6% have "refigerators"

99.6% have refrigerators
97.7% have televisions
97.7% have stoves and ovens
81.4% have microwaves
78.3% have air conditioning

99.6 % of the Poor in America Have REFRIGERATORS!?!!??!! | The Culture Zone

in the words of Bill O’Reilly, “So how can you be so poor and have all this stuff?”

I did without a TV
I did without air conditioning
I did without a microwave.

And I never considered myself poor.

I considered myself on the rise.

And it worked.
as much as you dont want to admit it, you were poor at that time. no one ever wants to admit they are poor, but that doesnt change the fact that at that point in time you actually were. you also admitted to being homeless 31 years ago, does that mean you werent poor then either?

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