2/3 say ditch individual health care mandate

Responsibility and hard work are foreign concepts the many on the left.

I work 54 hours a week at my main job that has benefits and also own a landscape business. Two jobs. Gasp!
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A man can purchase health insurance....thats what it is there for.
If it means he cant have 2 cars, or a 3 bedroom home, or a 3 bedroom apartment for the first few years of his adult life, so be it.

But the man can purchase health insurance.

I did....and I was bagging groceries at a local supermarket in addition to starting my own company..and my wife working....and handling my administrative work for my venture at night while I was bagging groceries....

I did without a car...livbed in a basement apartment...my TV was a black and White Zenith form the 60's....and I used every dam coupon we could find for food.

I did what I had to do.

As for your piss ass argument.....you seemed to have left out the part where the guy can buy health insurance.
your argument assumes that everyone without health insurance has the means to do so.

how do you suggest a man making $45,000 supporting a family of 4 come up with $1000 a month to pay for insurance for his family?
Average family health insurance policy: $13,375, up 5% - USATODAY.com

lets assume hes in the 15% tax bracket for arguments sake, that means he takes home $3,187 per month.

Mortgage / Rent - $1200
Food - $1000
Utilities - $100

hmmmm without any retirement, gas, car, insurance, clothes or anything else that means he has $887 left to spend each month. you wanna take the majority of what he has left to provide for his family and put it into health insurance.

it seems the point I made went completely over your head.

You cite a guy with a 45K salary with 4 kids, a 1200 rent/mortgage, a car, etc.

at 25 years old, I started my own company...with no money... a service company...
My fiance at the time ands I took a small studio apartrment at a cost of 300 a month...We did not have a car...and we did not even talk about children...

I worked nights to supplement my income.....my wife worked days..and at nights she handled my administrative stuff for my new venture so I can go bag groceries.

We did not buy a TV.

Our entertainment was walks along the beach....our nights out were drinks with friends at friends homes or ours. We struggled...not to survivie....we struggled so we can have down the road.

We did not buy our first home until we had 2 years of mortgage payments saved up.
We3 did not buy a car until we had 6 months of car payments saved up.

We did not have children until we were able to afford them.

In the meantime, my healthcvare costs (insurance) was a monthly cost incorporated into my lifesatyle...it was like rent..and food...and clothes....

And when I started to make more?

We had kids.

Bought a TV

Bought a car....

It is not rocket science.
a family of 4 (for you slow people that 2 adults and 2 kids) making $45k is the average american jackass. that average american is not 25 without any an children
A man can purchase health insurance....thats what it is there for.
If it means he cant have 2 cars, or a 3 bedroom home, or a 3 bedroom apartment for the first few years of his adult life, so be it.

But the man can purchase health insurance.

I did....and I was bagging groceries at a local supermarket in addition to starting my own company..and my wife working....and handling my administrative work for my venture at night while I was bagging groceries....

I did without a car...livbed in a basement apartment...my TV was a black and White Zenith form the 60's....and I used every dam coupon we could find for food.

I did what I had to do.

As for your piss ass argument.....you seemed to have left out the part where the guy can buy health insurance.
your argument assumes that everyone without health insurance has the means to do so.

how do you suggest a man making $45,000 supporting a family of 4 come up with $1000 a month to pay for insurance for his family?
Average family health insurance policy: $13,375, up 5% - USATODAY.com

lets assume hes in the 15% tax bracket for arguments sake, that means he takes home $3,187 per month.

Mortgage / Rent - $1200
Food - $1000
Utilities - $100

hmmmm without any retirement, gas, car, insurance, clothes or anything else that means he has $887 left to spend each month. you wanna take the majority of what he has left to provide for his family and put it into health insurance.

it seems the point I made went completely over your head.

You cite a guy with a 45K salary with 4 kids, a 1200 rent/mortgage, a car, etc.

at 25 years old, I started my own company...with no money... a service company...
My fiance at the time ands I took a small studio apartrment at a cost of 300 a month...We did not have a car...and we did not even talk about children...

I worked nights to supplement my income.....my wife worked days..and at nights she handled my administrative stuff for my new venture so I can go bag groceries.

We did not buy a TV.

Our entertainment was walks along the beach....our nights out were drinks with friends at friends homes or ours. We struggled...not to survivie....we struggled so we can have down the road.

We did not buy our first home until we had 2 years of mortgage payments saved up.
We3 did not buy a car until we had 6 months of car payments saved up.

We did not have children until we were able to afford them.

In the meantime, my healthcvare costs (insurance) was a monthly cost incorporated into my lifesatyle...it was like rent..and food...and clothes....

And when I started to make more?

We had kids.

Bought a TV

Bought a car....

It is not rocket science.

Yeah, but that was your situation. How long ago were you 25 years old? What kind of apartment do you think someone is getting for $300/month now? You act like everyone should follow the route you took. We both that's not even in the realm of possibility. We're talking about the real world now and people do have kids, people do have rent to pay, people do need a car to get to work, people do work hard, and people still make little money for their efforts. This is the real world and just because someone doesn't do everything perfect, they shouldn't be made an example of and left out in the cold.
A man can purchase health insurance....thats what it is there for.
If it means he cant have 2 cars, or a 3 bedroom home, or a 3 bedroom apartment for the first few years of his adult life, so be it.

But the man can purchase health insurance.

I did....and I was bagging groceries at a local supermarket in addition to starting my own company..and my wife working....and handling my administrative work for my venture at night while I was bagging groceries....

I did without a car...livbed in a basement apartment...my TV was a black and White Zenith form the 60's....and I used every dam coupon we could find for food.

I did what I had to do.

As for your piss ass argument.....you seemed to have left out the part where the guy can buy health insurance.
your argument assumes that everyone without health insurance has the means to do so.

how do you suggest a man making $45,000 supporting a family of 4 come up with $1000 a month to pay for insurance for his family?
Average family health insurance policy: $13,375, up 5% - USATODAY.com

lets assume hes in the 15% tax bracket for arguments sake, that means he takes home $3,187 per month.

Mortgage / Rent - $1200
Food - $1000
Utilities - $100

hmmmm without any retirement, gas, car, insurance, clothes or anything else that means he has $887 left to spend each month. you wanna take the majority of what he has left to provide for his family and put it into health insurance.

Paying for health insurance IS providing for his family.

Should a man have a family if he can not afford to feed them?

The answer is no.

Should a man have a family if he can not afford to keep them healthy?

The answer is no.

It is tryuly about personal responsibility. You ridicule that statement....but that is becuase you cant get a grasp of what it means...which is evident of ther "pity" you show for a man with 4 kids, a mortgage yet making only 45K a year with no health insurance.

He was not a very respoinsible person.

You pity the irresponsible and ridicule the responsible.

I find that pathetic thinking.
so a family of 4 making $45k a year (which is the average american household) is not responsible enough to have children now......

fantastic argument.
A man can purchase health insurance....thats what it is there for.
If it means he cant have 2 cars, or a 3 bedroom home, or a 3 bedroom apartment for the first few years of his adult life, so be it.

But the man can purchase health insurance.

I did....and I was bagging groceries at a local supermarket in addition to starting my own company..and my wife working....and handling my administrative work for my venture at night while I was bagging groceries....

I did without a car...livbed in a basement apartment...my TV was a black and White Zenith form the 60's....and I used every dam coupon we could find for food.

I did what I had to do.

As for your piss ass argument.....you seemed to have left out the part where the guy can buy health insurance.
your argument assumes that everyone without health insurance has the means to do so.

how do you suggest a man making $45,000 supporting a family of 4 come up with $1000 a month to pay for insurance for his family?
Average family health insurance policy: $13,375, up 5% - USATODAY.com

lets assume hes in the 15% tax bracket for arguments sake, that means he takes home $3,187 per month.

Mortgage / Rent - $1200
Food - $1000
Utilities - $100

hmmmm without any retirement, gas, car, insurance, clothes or anything else that means he has $887 left to spend each month. you wanna take the majority of what he has left to provide for his family and put it into health insurance.

it seems the point I made went completely over your head.

You cite a guy with a 45K salary with 4 kids, a 1200 rent/mortgage, a car, etc.

at 25 years old, I started my own company...with no money... a service company...
My fiance at the time ands I took a small studio apartrment at a cost of 300 a month...We did not have a car...and we did not even talk about children...

I worked nights to supplement my income.....my wife worked days..and at nights she handled my administrative stuff for my new venture so I can go bag groceries.

We did not buy a TV.

Our entertainment was walks along the beach....our nights out were drinks with friends at friends homes or ours. We struggled...not to survivie....we struggled so we can have down the road.

We did not buy our first home until we had 2 years of mortgage payments saved up.
We3 did not buy a car until we had 6 months of car payments saved up.

We did not have children until we were able to afford them.

In the meantime, my healthcvare costs (insurance) was a monthly cost incorporated into my lifesatyle...it was like rent..and food...and clothes....

And when I started to make more?

We had kids.

Bought a TV

Bought a car....

It is not rocket science.

You were lucky. Lucky in the respect you didn't break a leg, requiring surgery and a week in the hospital. Lucky that you didn't get cancer, have a heart attack or develop diabetes and not know it.
A man can purchase health insurance....thats what it is there for.
If it means he cant have 2 cars, or a 3 bedroom home, or a 3 bedroom apartment for the first few years of his adult life, so be it.

But the man can purchase health insurance.

I did....and I was bagging groceries at a local supermarket in addition to starting my own company..and my wife working....and handling my administrative work for my venture at night while I was bagging groceries....

I did without a car...livbed in a basement apartment...my TV was a black and White Zenith form the 60's....and I used every dam coupon we could find for food.

I did what I had to do.

As for your piss ass argument.....you seemed to have left out the part where the guy can buy health insurance.
your argument assumes that everyone without health insurance has the means to do so.

how do you suggest a man making $45,000 supporting a family of 4 come up with $1000 a month to pay for insurance for his family?
Average family health insurance policy: $13,375, up 5% - USATODAY.com

lets assume hes in the 15% tax bracket for arguments sake, that means he takes home $3,187 per month.

Mortgage / Rent - $1200
Food - $1000
Utilities - $100

hmmmm without any retirement, gas, car, insurance, clothes or anything else that means he has $887 left to spend each month. you wanna take the majority of what he has left to provide for his family and put it into health insurance.

Paying for health insurance IS providing for his family.

Should a man have a family if he can not afford to feed them?

The answer is no.

Should a man have a family if he can not afford to keep them healthy?

The answer is no.

It is tryuly about personal responsibility. You ridicule that statement....but that is becuase you cant get a grasp of what it means...which is evident of ther "pity" you show for a man with 4 kids, a mortgage yet making only 45K a year with no health insurance.

He was not a very respoinsible person.

You pity the irresponsible and ridicule the responsible.

I find that pathetic thinking.

So someone who has kids and then loses his job but decided to takes whatever he can get so that at least he is making something is irresponsible? You don't think that scenario doesn't play out all over this country? You're being awfully idealistic and short sighted.
Responsibility and hard work are foreign concepts the many on the left.

I work 54 hours a week at my main job that has benefits and also own a landscape business. Two jobs. Gasp!

So how long until you made your first million dollars?
your argument assumes that everyone without health insurance has the means to do so.

how do you suggest a man making $45,000 supporting a family of 4 come up with $1000 a month to pay for insurance for his family?
Average family health insurance policy: $13,375, up 5% - USATODAY.com

lets assume hes in the 15% tax bracket for arguments sake, that means he takes home $3,187 per month.

Mortgage / Rent - $1200
Food - $1000
Utilities - $100

hmmmm without any retirement, gas, car, insurance, clothes or anything else that means he has $887 left to spend each month. you wanna take the majority of what he has left to provide for his family and put it into health insurance.

it seems the point I made went completely over your head.

You cite a guy with a 45K salary with 4 kids, a 1200 rent/mortgage, a car, etc.

at 25 years old, I started my own company...with no money... a service company...
My fiance at the time ands I took a small studio apartrment at a cost of 300 a month...We did not have a car...and we did not even talk about children...

I worked nights to supplement my income.....my wife worked days..and at nights she handled my administrative stuff for my new venture so I can go bag groceries.

We did not buy a TV.

Our entertainment was walks along the beach....our nights out were drinks with friends at friends homes or ours. We struggled...not to survivie....we struggled so we can have down the road.

We did not buy our first home until we had 2 years of mortgage payments saved up.
We3 did not buy a car until we had 6 months of car payments saved up.

We did not have children until we were able to afford them.

In the meantime, my healthcvare costs (insurance) was a monthly cost incorporated into my lifesatyle...it was like rent..and food...and clothes....

And when I started to make more?

We had kids.

Bought a TV

Bought a car....

It is not rocket science.
a family of 4 (for you slow people that 2 adults and 2 kids) making $45k is the average american jackass. that average american is not 25 without any an children

resorting to name calling.

Im ok with that.

Anyway....yes, I know that is the average American....

That is the point.

Americans have become irresponsible.

An income of 45K is not enough to have a house, 2 kids, 2 cars, 3 TV's, and 2 nights out a week.

And by the way...

If wife makes 30K and husband makes 30K...that is already 60K.

Now....before you jump down my throat....

10 an hour is 21K a year....so both are at 10 an hour to start, they are already making 42K a year......but not ready to have kids.

You are way too narrow minded to grasp the concept of personal respoinsibility.

It is people like you that is wronmg with America.
your argument assumes that everyone without health insurance has the means to do so.

how do you suggest a man making $45,000 supporting a family of 4 come up with $1000 a month to pay for insurance for his family?
Average family health insurance policy: $13,375, up 5% - USATODAY.com

lets assume hes in the 15% tax bracket for arguments sake, that means he takes home $3,187 per month.

Mortgage / Rent - $1200
Food - $1000
Utilities - $100

hmmmm without any retirement, gas, car, insurance, clothes or anything else that means he has $887 left to spend each month. you wanna take the majority of what he has left to provide for his family and put it into health insurance.

it seems the point I made went completely over your head.

You cite a guy with a 45K salary with 4 kids, a 1200 rent/mortgage, a car, etc.

at 25 years old, I started my own company...with no money... a service company...
My fiance at the time ands I took a small studio apartrment at a cost of 300 a month...We did not have a car...and we did not even talk about children...

I worked nights to supplement my income.....my wife worked days..and at nights she handled my administrative stuff for my new venture so I can go bag groceries.

We did not buy a TV.

Our entertainment was walks along the beach....our nights out were drinks with friends at friends homes or ours. We struggled...not to survivie....we struggled so we can have down the road.

We did not buy our first home until we had 2 years of mortgage payments saved up.
We3 did not buy a car until we had 6 months of car payments saved up.

We did not have children until we were able to afford them.

In the meantime, my healthcvare costs (insurance) was a monthly cost incorporated into my lifesatyle...it was like rent..and food...and clothes....

And when I started to make more?

We had kids.

Bought a TV

Bought a car....

It is not rocket science.

You were lucky. Lucky in the respect you didn't break a leg, requiring surgery and a week in the hospital. Lucky that you didn't get cancer, have a heart attack or develop diabetes and not know it.

I had health insurance.

I sacrificed several years of a nice place to live with new TVs and a car...but I ALWAYS had health insurance.

If I needed to be in the hospital for a week, I would have cashed in on my disibility insurance.

You diont want Americans to earn...you weant them to coast.

Whatever works for you.
it seems the point I made went completely over your head.

You cite a guy with a 45K salary with 4 kids, a 1200 rent/mortgage, a car, etc.

at 25 years old, I started my own company...with no money... a service company...
My fiance at the time ands I took a small studio apartrment at a cost of 300 a month...We did not have a car...and we did not even talk about children...

I worked nights to supplement my income.....my wife worked days..and at nights she handled my administrative stuff for my new venture so I can go bag groceries.

We did not buy a TV.

Our entertainment was walks along the beach....our nights out were drinks with friends at friends homes or ours. We struggled...not to survivie....we struggled so we can have down the road.

We did not buy our first home until we had 2 years of mortgage payments saved up.
We3 did not buy a car until we had 6 months of car payments saved up.

We did not have children until we were able to afford them.

In the meantime, my healthcvare costs (insurance) was a monthly cost incorporated into my lifesatyle...it was like rent..and food...and clothes....

And when I started to make more?

We had kids.

Bought a TV

Bought a car....

It is not rocket science.
a family of 4 (for you slow people that 2 adults and 2 kids) making $45k is the average american jackass. that average american is not 25 without any an children

resorting to name calling.

Im ok with that.

Anyway....yes, I know that is the average American....

That is the point.

Americans have become irresponsible.

An income of 45K is not enough to have a house, 2 kids, 2 cars, 3 TV's, and 2 nights out a week.

And by the way...

If wife makes 30K and husband makes 30K...that is already 60K.

Now....before you jump down my throat....

10 an hour is 21K a year....so both are at 10 an hour to start, they are already making 42K a year......but not ready to have kids.

You are way too narrow minded to grasp the concept of personal respoinsibility.

It is people like you that is wronmg with America.
who says every family has 2 incomes? ohhh that right you do, so since you say it, that makes it true...... :cuckoo:

so youre blaming the american working family for wages being low and stagnant..... guess the right has finally shown its true colors.

yup im whats wrong with america, i since i believe health care is a right, and every american deserves to have access to affordable health care. unlike you, who thinks that access to health care should only be afforded to those with the most money.

im rooted right in here reality with the facts and statistics to back it up. it is you who is living in the fantasy world of rainbows and unicorns.
your argument assumes that everyone without health insurance has the means to do so.

how do you suggest a man making $45,000 supporting a family of 4 come up with $1000 a month to pay for insurance for his family?
Average family health insurance policy: $13,375, up 5% - USATODAY.com

lets assume hes in the 15% tax bracket for arguments sake, that means he takes home $3,187 per month.

Mortgage / Rent - $1200
Food - $1000
Utilities - $100

hmmmm without any retirement, gas, car, insurance, clothes or anything else that means he has $887 left to spend each month. you wanna take the majority of what he has left to provide for his family and put it into health insurance.

Paying for health insurance IS providing for his family.

Should a man have a family if he can not afford to feed them?

The answer is no.

Should a man have a family if he can not afford to keep them healthy?

The answer is no.

It is tryuly about personal responsibility. You ridicule that statement....but that is becuase you cant get a grasp of what it means...which is evident of ther "pity" you show for a man with 4 kids, a mortgage yet making only 45K a year with no health insurance.

He was not a very respoinsible person.

You pity the irresponsible and ridicule the responsible.

I find that pathetic thinking.

So someone who has kids and then loses his job but decided to takes whatever he can get so that at least he is making something is irresponsible? You don't think that scenario doesn't play out all over this country? You're being awfully idealistic and short sighted.

Spin...dont know why you do that...but there is a lot I am seeing I did noty see in the past......my fault....

I did not say that......

Taking whatever he can get is being RESPONSIBLE.

Having kids and a mortgage and 2 cars and 3 TV's before he had enough saved up in case he lost his job....THAT was irresponsible.
a family of 4 (for you slow people that 2 adults and 2 kids) making $45k is the average american jackass. that average american is not 25 without any an children

resorting to name calling.

Im ok with that.

Anyway....yes, I know that is the average American....

That is the point.

Americans have become irresponsible.

An income of 45K is not enough to have a house, 2 kids, 2 cars, 3 TV's, and 2 nights out a week.

And by the way...

If wife makes 30K and husband makes 30K...that is already 60K.

Now....before you jump down my throat....

10 an hour is 21K a year....so both are at 10 an hour to start, they are already making 42K a year......but not ready to have kids.

You are way too narrow minded to grasp the concept of personal respoinsibility.

It is people like you that is wronmg with America.
who says every family has 2 incomes? ohhh that right you do, so since you say it, that makes it true...... :cuckoo:

so youre blaming the american working family for wages being low and stagnant..... guess the right has finally shown its true colors.

yup im whats wrong with america, i since i believe health care is a right, and every american deserves to have access to affordable health care. unlike you, who thinks that access to health care should only be afforded to those with the most money.

im rooted right in here reality with the facts and statistics to back it up. it is you who is living in the fantasy world of rainbows and unicorns.

Open up your mind....

I did not say they do.

What I am saying is they CAN....AND SHOULD...before they have kids and a house and all the other things I WANTED but was smart enough to hold off on.

It is about making smart decisions early on.

Yep...too narrow minded for me.
it seems the point I made went completely over your head.

You cite a guy with a 45K salary with 4 kids, a 1200 rent/mortgage, a car, etc.

at 25 years old, I started my own company...with no money... a service company...
My fiance at the time ands I took a small studio apartrment at a cost of 300 a month...We did not have a car...and we did not even talk about children...

I worked nights to supplement my income.....my wife worked days..and at nights she handled my administrative stuff for my new venture so I can go bag groceries.

We did not buy a TV.

Our entertainment was walks along the beach....our nights out were drinks with friends at friends homes or ours. We struggled...not to survivie....we struggled so we can have down the road.

We did not buy our first home until we had 2 years of mortgage payments saved up.
We3 did not buy a car until we had 6 months of car payments saved up.

We did not have children until we were able to afford them.

In the meantime, my healthcvare costs (insurance) was a monthly cost incorporated into my lifesatyle...it was like rent..and food...and clothes....

And when I started to make more?

We had kids.

Bought a TV

Bought a car....

It is not rocket science.

You were lucky. Lucky in the respect you didn't break a leg, requiring surgery and a week in the hospital. Lucky that you didn't get cancer, have a heart attack or develop diabetes and not know it.

I had health insurance.

I sacrificed several years of a nice place to live with new TVs and a car...but I ALWAYS had health insurance.

If I needed to be in the hospital for a week, I would have cashed in on my disibility insurance.

You diont want Americans to earn...you weant them to coast.

Whatever works for you.
you still havent answered in what year you were 25 that allowed you to pay $300 a month in rent.. 1975?

how do you expect americans to earn with wages being flat? you cant change the facts that the average american family is a family of 4 making $45k.
a family of 4 (for you slow people that 2 adults and 2 kids) making $45k is the average american jackass. that average american is not 25 without any an children

resorting to name calling.

Im ok with that.

Anyway....yes, I know that is the average American....

That is the point.

Americans have become irresponsible.

An income of 45K is not enough to have a house, 2 kids, 2 cars, 3 TV's, and 2 nights out a week.

And by the way...

If wife makes 30K and husband makes 30K...that is already 60K.

Now....before you jump down my throat....

10 an hour is 21K a year....so both are at 10 an hour to start, they are already making 42K a year......but not ready to have kids.

You are way too narrow minded to grasp the concept of personal respoinsibility.

It is people like you that is wronmg with America.
who says every family has 2 incomes? ohhh that right you do, so since you say it, that makes it true...... :cuckoo:

so youre blaming the american working family for wages being low and stagnant..... guess the right has finally shown its true colors.

yup im whats wrong with america, i since i believe health care is a right, and every american deserves to have access to affordable health care. unlike you, who thinks that access to health care should only be afforded to those with the most money.

im rooted right in here reality with the facts and statistics to back it up. it is you who is living in the fantasy world of rainbows and unicorns.

Never ever ever said that. You must have a reading comprehension issue.

If your salary is too low to have children and a ahouse and all the other things you want....dont have them.

End of conversation....cant deal with your childish debate style
resorting to name calling.

Im ok with that.

Anyway....yes, I know that is the average American....

That is the point.

Americans have become irresponsible.

An income of 45K is not enough to have a house, 2 kids, 2 cars, 3 TV's, and 2 nights out a week.

And by the way...

If wife makes 30K and husband makes 30K...that is already 60K.

Now....before you jump down my throat....

10 an hour is 21K a year....so both are at 10 an hour to start, they are already making 42K a year......but not ready to have kids.

You are way too narrow minded to grasp the concept of personal respoinsibility.

It is people like you that is wronmg with America.
who says every family has 2 incomes? ohhh that right you do, so since you say it, that makes it true...... :cuckoo:

so youre blaming the american working family for wages being low and stagnant..... guess the right has finally shown its true colors.

yup im whats wrong with america, i since i believe health care is a right, and every american deserves to have access to affordable health care. unlike you, who thinks that access to health care should only be afforded to those with the most money.

im rooted right in here reality with the facts and statistics to back it up. it is you who is living in the fantasy world of rainbows and unicorns.

Open up your mind....

I did not say they do.

What I am saying is they CAN....AND SHOULD...before they have kids and a house and all the other things I WANTED but was smart enough to hold off on.

It is about making smart decisions early on.

Yep...too narrow minded for me.
so now your pigeon holing the average american into the box that having kids and a mortgage and 2 cars and 3 TV's, without $45k in the bank is irresponsible?

you probably dont have $45k in the bank, guess that makes your irresponsible.
it seems the point I made went completely over your head.

You cite a guy with a 45K salary with 4 kids, a 1200 rent/mortgage, a car, etc.

at 25 years old, I started my own company...with no money... a service company...
My fiance at the time ands I took a small studio apartrment at a cost of 300 a month...We did not have a car...and we did not even talk about children...

I worked nights to supplement my income.....my wife worked days..and at nights she handled my administrative stuff for my new venture so I can go bag groceries.

We did not buy a TV.

Our entertainment was walks along the beach....our nights out were drinks with friends at friends homes or ours. We struggled...not to survivie....we struggled so we can have down the road.

We did not buy our first home until we had 2 years of mortgage payments saved up.
We3 did not buy a car until we had 6 months of car payments saved up.

We did not have children until we were able to afford them.

In the meantime, my healthcvare costs (insurance) was a monthly cost incorporated into my lifesatyle...it was like rent..and food...and clothes....

And when I started to make more?

We had kids.

Bought a TV

Bought a car....

It is not rocket science.

You were lucky. Lucky in the respect you didn't break a leg, requiring surgery and a week in the hospital. Lucky that you didn't get cancer, have a heart attack or develop diabetes and not know it.

I had health insurance.

I sacrificed several years of a nice place to live with new TVs and a car...but I ALWAYS had health insurance.

If I needed to be in the hospital for a week, I would have cashed in on my disibility insurance.

You diont want Americans to earn...you weant them to coast.

Whatever works for you.

And now a straw man. No one cares what you did (or pretend to have done). This is the internet where anyone can be anything they want to be. Life is much different and your story is just that, a story. Even if true, it proves nothing.
resorting to name calling.

Im ok with that.

Anyway....yes, I know that is the average American....

That is the point.

Americans have become irresponsible.

An income of 45K is not enough to have a house, 2 kids, 2 cars, 3 TV's, and 2 nights out a week.

And by the way...

If wife makes 30K and husband makes 30K...that is already 60K.

Now....before you jump down my throat....

10 an hour is 21K a year....so both are at 10 an hour to start, they are already making 42K a year......but not ready to have kids.

You are way too narrow minded to grasp the concept of personal respoinsibility.

It is people like you that is wronmg with America.
who says every family has 2 incomes? ohhh that right you do, so since you say it, that makes it true...... :cuckoo:

so youre blaming the american working family for wages being low and stagnant..... guess the right has finally shown its true colors.

yup im whats wrong with america, i since i believe health care is a right, and every american deserves to have access to affordable health care. unlike you, who thinks that access to health care should only be afforded to those with the most money.

im rooted right in here reality with the facts and statistics to back it up. it is you who is living in the fantasy world of rainbows and unicorns.

Never ever ever said that. You must have a reading comprehension issue.

If your salary is too low to have children and a ahouse and all the other things you want....dont have them.

End of conversation....cant deal with your childish debate style
your name speaks volumes, you really do have your head in a jar
who says every family has 2 incomes? ohhh that right you do, so since you say it, that makes it true...... :cuckoo:

so youre blaming the american working family for wages being low and stagnant..... guess the right has finally shown its true colors.

yup im whats wrong with america, i since i believe health care is a right, and every american deserves to have access to affordable health care. unlike you, who thinks that access to health care should only be afforded to those with the most money.

im rooted right in here reality with the facts and statistics to back it up. it is you who is living in the fantasy world of rainbows and unicorns.

Open up your mind....

I did not say they do.

What I am saying is they CAN....AND SHOULD...before they have kids and a house and all the other things I WANTED but was smart enough to hold off on.

It is about making smart decisions early on.

Yep...too narrow minded for me.
so now your pigeon holing the average american into the box that having kids and a mortgage and 2 cars and 3 TV's, without $45k in the bank is irresponsible?

you probably dont have $45k in the bank, guess that makes your irresponsible.

I am retired at the age of 54.

I was homeless 31 years ago.

I never said they should have 45K in the bank.

You have a reading comprehension issue.
Since the "average" American is as likely to be unmarried as married, the family of four scenario is bogus. Look up average American, not American family.

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