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2.5 Trillion barrels of Oil Shale Oil

Again, why are those federal and international agencies lying? I'm still waiting for anyone on this forum and many others to actually answer that question. No one dares, with good reason.

Maybe its because there is no evidence of "lying?"

Exactly... They're not lying.... They're all telling the truth in their models of predicted 10 million b/d shortfall within 5 years... Every one of them. ... And that's why no one from the "nothing to see here" camp can dispute their findings.

Again, why are those federal and international agencies lying? I'm still waiting for anyone on this forum and many others to actually answer that question. No one dares, with good reason.

Maybe its because there is no evidence of "lying?"

Exactly... They're not lying.... They're all telling the truth in their models of predicted 10 million b/d shortfall within 5 years... Every one of them. ... And that's why no one from the "nothing to see here" camp can dispute their findings.



um...how do you know if a prediction is true or not.

Do you know what a forecast is?
Actually, moron, oil supports economics, not the other way around...

:doh: you just can't get it.

Yes, of course, genius... Because anything that doesn't happen overnight for a field that holds a total of about 16 hours of energy must not be happening.

"You'd think.... " Yeah, you're brilliant.

Real 'overnight'... uh huh... 100 days of crisis, with a full on media blitz, saboteur federal government and toxic dispersants all trying to bankrupt BP... you'd think there would have been SOMETHING in the speculator market with how rare and precious light sweet crude is. You'd think we only had a thimblefull left with the caterwauling you've been doing.
So, because you can still afford your internet connection and haven't lost your particular job (yet), it's not happening. Noted.

They all said it takes a few years after peak before economic shock sets it. Just because it didn't happen overnight, doesn't mean its not dead ahead.

They also predicted a "bumpy plateau" condition, which is exactly what has happened. That being, oil price volatility causes recession, which crushes demand, which lowers prices, which gives the illusion of recovery, which increases demand again, which outstrips existing supply... -- rinse - repeat.

No, they were dead-on correct, and continue to be. You're pretending otherwise because you don't see $6 gas yet. Meanwhile, we're simply skimming off a brief surplus, and new capacity is not coming close to keep up with dying existing capacity. Again, where is the light crude oil?

Also, again, why are those federal and international agencies lying? The IEA, the DoE, the Pentagon, the EIA, Total Oil in France, all predicting huge shortfall by 2015? I'm still waiting for anyone on this forum and many others to actually answer that question. No one dares, with good reason.

Oil is controlled around the world by government politics because oil controls the population. The only reason we peaked in the USA in the 70's was because of government restricting access, leases, & piplines. You may think Lindsy Williams is a kook. Actually I think so also, but he was a witness to history. His facts are good but his political logic is wacked. Politics & unions nearly prevented the Trans Alaska Pipeline from being built & nearly took down the oil companies involved. It most certainly prevented a second pipeline for natural gas from being constructed. Many areas were strategically made off limits. There are no USGS map scans made public for those areas. Government is slowing the US oil production. Other countries nationalized their oil supplies. This is all about global oil control. There is no free market oil otherwise we would not have a Drill Here Drill Now movement to force the government to let us drill. Study OPEC & Petro-Dollar. Petro-Dollar recycling is real power.
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um...how do you know if a prediction is true or not.

Do you know what a forecast is?

Yeah, ummm, that's how policy is made. Forecasts... The point is, are those entities lying when they forecast such an imminent shortfall? ... If what I'm saying is hogwash, then the IEA, Pentagon, DoE, and EIA all must just be pumping the fear card, yes?
Real 'overnight'... uh huh... 100 days of crisis, with a full on media blitz, saboteur federal government and toxic dispersants all trying to bankrupt BP... you'd think there would have been SOMETHING in the speculator market with how rare and precious light sweet crude is. You'd think we only had a thimblefull left with the caterwauling you've been doing.

You're an idiot. And officially irrelevant to the entire energy forum.

Oil is controlled around the world by government politics because oil controls the population. The only reason we peaked in the USA in the 70's was because of government restricting access, leases, & piplines. You may think Lindsy Williams is a kook. Actually I think so also, but he was a witness to history. His facts are good but his political logic is wacked. Politics & unions nearly prevented the Trans Alaska Pipeline from being built & nearly took down the oil companies involved. It most certainly prevented a second pipeline for natural gas from being constructed. Many areas were strategically made off limits. There are no USGS map scans made public for those areas. Government is slowing the US oil production. Other countries nationalized their oil supplies. This is all about global oil control. There is no free market oil otherwise we would not have a Drill Here Drill Now movement to force the government to let us drill. Study OPEC & Petro-Dollar. Petro-Dollar recycling is real power.


Ok, so it's all a big conspiracy by the government... 40 years since US production peaked, it's has nothing to do with how much oil there ever was... Just restrictions put on by regulatory initiatives. Right... So we have a society utterly based on perpetual growth, and we somehow "choose" to restrict access to the foundation of growth -- energy.

Makes sense.


You guys just work backwards from a conslusion, and have been since WMD fraud. To hell with the data, government reports, petroleum geologists and economists.

Again, where is the new oil? In what amount? Saying, essentially, "it's there because i FEEL it's there," isn't winning you the debate.
Government Restrictions on Domestic Energy Development Contribute to U.S. Dependence on Foreign Oil
Although the U.S. has about 20 billion barrels of proved reserves, most Americans would be pleasantly surprised to learn that experts believe the nation probably has more than 110 billion barrels of recoverable oil, five times the estimated current supply. A 1995 National Assessment of U.S. Oil and Gas Resources prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) concluded that, in addition to the 20 billion barrels of proved reserves, there are another 30 billion barrels of undiscovered oil that could be recovered using conventional drilling and exploration technology. There are at least 60 billion barrels of inferred reserves which can be recovered with new technology. Including the oil that can be extracted from shale and other unconventional sources, the USGS believes the U.S. has 112.3 billion barrels of oil.

Since 1983, federal land available for oil and gas exploration in the western U.S. - where 67% of the nation's onshore oil reserves and 40% of natural gas reserves are located - has decreased by more than 60%. In total, more than 300 million onshore acres of federal land have been effectively removed from the market for oil exploration. The Clinton Administration's proposal to prohibit new road construction on 43 million acres of federal land will further reduce oil development as the roadless ban will affect areas where oil and gas exploration is being conducted.

The numbers are similarly disturbing for offshore oil development. Over the years, Congress has prohibited exploration and production on more than 460 million offshore acres, which includes virtually all of the best prospects for major new offshore discoveries outside the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico. This relatively narrow portion of the Gulf of Mexico produces the majority of current offshore oil and gas, but new reserves are increasingly short-lived. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the federal portion of offshore drilling, which currently comprises 18% of U.S. production, will rise to nearly a third of domestic oil and gas supply within a decade. Failure to relax federal restrictions in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean and on the Pacific coast would amount to a de facto strangulation of domestic oil production capacity.

By far, the most dramatic example of the federal government's war against domestic oil production is the prohibition on development of the oil-rich Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). The American Association of Petroleum Geologists estimates that ANWR contains at least 9.2 billion barrels of oil. Other estimates show that ANWR probably contains as much as 16 billion barrels, making ANWR the single most important oil reserve in the nation. But environmentalists, citing ecological concerns, have successfully stopped drilling in ANWR even though oil drilling equipment would cover just 2,000 of ANWR's 19 million acres.

um...how do you know if a prediction is true or not.

Do you know what a forecast is?

Yeah, ummm, that's how policy is made. Forecasts... The point is, are those entities lying when they forecast such an imminent shortfall? ... If what I'm saying is hogwash, then the IEA, Pentagon, DoE, and EIA all must just be pumping the fear card, yes?

Forecasts are educated guesses.

I can forecast that it may rain tomorrow, but you can't call me a "Liar" today.
Ever seen what proper land/enviro management looks like where strip mining has been done and finished?

Your bringing up past stuff, that isn't allowed, and is monitored by the EPA.

Some of the most beautiful areas of re-planting, and soil restoration is being done where strip mining has been completed.
Bringing up the past, just kills what good can and is being done.

What bull have you been reading? I live in eastern KY.
I have seen the streams run as black slurries from strip mining.

I also remember the last time the shale oil bollocks ran rampant here.
Lots ripped off and nothing came of it.

Your part of the country doesn't have oil shale reserves..........That yuck in your streams is from unregulated coal, and other types of strip mining.

Again, is past atrocities of unregulated mining...........

The EPA won't and doesn't allow that now. Have you seen what good, and wise land management techniques result-in after strip mining is completed? If you did, you wouldn't be posting the past yuck of unregulation of mining.

You can't be serious. Republicans deregulated OSHA and the EPA early in Bush's first term and replaced said regulations with "Volentary Compliance". No way they would allow those industries to be re-regulated. Not gonna happen.
What bull have you been reading? I live in eastern KY.
I have seen the streams run as black slurries from strip mining.

I also remember the last time the shale oil bollocks ran rampant here.
Lots ripped off and nothing came of it.

Your part of the country doesn't have oil shale reserves..........That yuck in your streams is from unregulated coal, and other types of strip mining.

Again, is past atrocities of unregulated mining...........

The EPA won't and doesn't allow that now. Have you seen what good, and wise land management techniques result-in after strip mining is completed? If you did, you wouldn't be posting the past yuck of unregulation of mining.

You can't be serious. Republicans deregulated OSHA and the EPA early in Bush's first term and replaced said regulations with "Volentary Compliance". No way they would allow those industries to be re-regulated. Not gonna happen.

"Republicans deregulated OSHA and the EPA"

OSHA and EPA are regulatory agencies.

How do regulatory agencies become "deregulated?"
Again, why are those federal and international agencies lying? I'm still waiting for anyone on this forum and many others to actually answer that question. No one dares, with good reason.

Maybe its because there is no evidence of "lying?"

Exactly... They're not lying.... They're all telling the truth in their models of predicted 10 million b/d shortfall within 5 years... Every one of them. ... And that's why no one from the "nothing to see here" camp can dispute their findings.

Malthus, John Kenneth Galbraith and Paul Ehrlich used the same kinds of models to predict the downfall of mankind, by outstripping its ability to feed and economically sustain itself.

How'd those predictions pan out?
This Peak Oil scam has been going around for almost 100 years. What drove oil prices up to $145.29? Here is a clue. This coincided with the "Peak Oil" media blitz. Similar to the Enron Power Scam. Oil traders leased most of the oil tankers tying them up to restrict the transportation of oil to markets. They stored their oil in these tankers & parked them offshore so they would not count in inventory creating the illusion of an oil shortage. This is called "Floating Storage"

Oil Stored at Sea Washes Out Rallies
More oil is being produced than recession-stricken economies need, and prices have fallen as the extra crude fills storage terminals world-wide. Crude-futures prices are down 72% from the record hit in July... The oil sitting at sea adds an extra layer of uncertainty about the supply overhang, which traders said must be whittled down for oil prices to rebound. Tankers carrying up to two million barrels each aren't counted in official statistics. Ship trackers estimate that as many as 80 million barrels may be on the water, or more than twice the amount kept in the largest commercial storage center in the U.S., in Cushing, Okla.

What Event Happened on the very day oil stopped climbing past $145.29 & began its decline all the way down to $33.87? That is a $112 drop in oil prices!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FusqAtX0OJ8"]Oil Drops $112 because of this![/ame]

Amazing I Tell You, Utterly Amazing! If you think I am lying about the cause of the $112 drop, Check the date against the oil price charts. Now you see "Drill Baby Drill" worked. Don't you just hate it when Sarah Palin is smarter than you. This stuck all those Enron type traders with ship loads of oil that they lost their ass on. Now what event happened on the very day Oil Prices started to climb again from the $33 dollar low. Hint (New Administration). Check The Charts!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89CohSC3Odo&feature=related"]The Origins of Oil[/ame]

If Peak Oil was real it would be getting far more press than Global Warming, yet you hardly ever hear about it. You can't get more global warming if you had peak oil.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo12pxjT_uw"]More Oil Found in Arctic[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHD4U2q_p4c&feature=related"]Myth: The World is Running Out of Oil 1[/ame]

Ever notice every time an oil company strikes a huge billion+ oil field it later gets revised down to only like 50 million barrels. Then years later they end up producing nearly what the original estimate was. Have they been hiding something?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukW9zveKKwk&feature=related"]Peak Oil Scam 1[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX8Ih9N-JT0&feature=related"]Peak Oil Scam 2[/ame]

After congress got us into 2 wars I talked with a Democrat US congressman back in 2003 about how we need to produce here & stop funding terrorist & fighting for it in the Middle East. He told me that we were holding back on our US production in order to strategical use up all the cheap foreign oil first. This way we would get top dollar for our oil & pay off all our debt in the end. We also create a world of consumers of US products through Petro Dollar Recycling because of agreement with OPEC to only sell oil in US dollars. It is a crazy world ran by liers.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3kvrFUdc-0&feature=related"]Peak Oil is a fraud[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXzFvlIgPwo"]War on Peak Oil[/ame]
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What's telling is exchange that you're learning about this topic as you go. It's clear you just The Googled "Peak Oil Myth" and posted whatever random videos you could find, working backwards from your hope-based conclusion.

Wow... your witnesses are George Bush, Rev. and kook Lindsay Graham, Alex Jones and some conspiracy-addled retired Air Force colonel who insists on long-debunked abiotic oil theory. How long did it take you to put together that amalgam of utter fail?

This Peak Oil scam has been going around for almost 100 years.

I love when posters like you just throw out random time references, and don't make any effort to back up what you're saying, by whom, and in what context. Hollow much?

Either way, 100 years ago, we didn't consume 85 million barrels of it per day. Regardless, it wasn't hard to fathom that the stuff was quite finite, and it is, as we're seeing today.

What drove oil prices up to $145.29? Here is a clue. This coincided with the "Peak Oil" media blitz.

And yet, just a few paragraphs later, you squawked that it would be getting "far more press" if true. So which is it? A "blitz" or a lack of coverage? You seem to be arguing both sides of the media coin.

The reality is, the mainstream media is corporate, and the corporate media doesn't cover tangible unpleasant realities like this. Tends to cause market panic. And no, climate change is not nearly as tangible, not that the TV media gives it much coverage at all either.

Similar to the Enron Power Scam. Oil traders leased most of the oil tankers tying them up to restrict the transportation of oil to markets. They stored their oil in these tankers & parked them offshore so they would not count in inventory creating the illusion of an oil shortage. This is called "Floating Storage"

Yawn. A seperate sub-topic altogether, and completely irrelevant to the topic of global field depletion. You keep making allusions to peripheral aspects,

All the 4,200 tankers in the world, filled to the hilt, wouldn't amount to but a couple months of energy at current rates of consumption. So to pretend there's some longterm glut just because a few haven't gone through the transaction process and sit off shore is really rather laughable. But, considering your entire premise in this forum has been laughable, it's hardly surprising.

"Floating Storage" says absolutely nothing of longer-term oil field depletion. Sorry. Good try.

Oil Stored at Sea Washes Out Rallies
More oil is being produced than recession-stricken economies need, and prices have fallen as the extra crude fills storage terminals world-wide. Crude-futures prices are down 72% from the record hit in July... The oil sitting at sea adds an extra layer of uncertainty about the supply overhang, which traders said must be whittled down for oil prices to rebound. Tankers carrying up to two million barrels each aren't counted in official statistics. Ship trackers estimate that as many as 80 million barrels may be on the water, or more than twice the amount kept in the largest commercial storage center in the U.S., in Cushing, Okla.

"Oh my god!!! A whole ONE DAY'S worth of oil is still sitting in port!!! That proves it's all a scam!!!!"


I'll get the rest of your reverse-logic goofiness a little later...
In 1919 the director of the U.S. Bureau of Mines predicted that "within the next two to five years the oil fields of this country will reach their maximum production, and from that time on we will face an ever-increasing decline."

That same year, National Geographic magazine predicted that oil shales in Colorado and Utah would be exploited to produce oil, because the demand for oil could not be met by existing production.

In January 1920, Dr. George Otis Smith, Director of the United States Geological Survey, in commenting upon our oil supply stated: "The position of the United States in regard to oil can best be characterized as precarious."

In May 1920, Dr. Smith said: "Americans will have to depend on foreign sources or use less oil, or perhaps both.

In 1920, David White, of the United States Geological Survey, stated: "On the whole, therefore, we must expect that, unless our consumption is checked, we shall by 1925 be dependent on foreign oil fields to the extent of 150,000,000 barrels and possibly as much as 200,000,000 of crude each year, except insofar as the situation may at that time, perhaps, be helped to a slieht extent by shale oil. Add to this probability that within 5 years--perhaps 3 years only--our domestic production will begin to fall off with increasing rapidity, due to the exhaustion of our reserves"

:lol::lol: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :lol::lol:
In 1919 the director of the U.S. Bureau of Mines predicted that "within the next two to five years the oil fields of this country will reach their maximum production, and from that time on we will face an ever-increasing decline."

Undoubtedly true, considering he was talking about existing fields. He makes no mention of new discoveries. The difference today is that they're NOT FINDING NEW DISCOVERIES of any significance. Get it yet?

That same year, National Geographic magazine predicted that oil shales in Colorado and Utah would be exploited to produce oil, because the demand for oil could not be met by existing production.

Ok, what's inaccurate about that? Have we not attempted to lean more heavily on shale and sands? Again, he mentions "existing production."

In January 1920, Dr. George Otis Smith, Director of the United States Geological Survey, in commenting upon our oil supply stated: "The position of the United States in regard to oil can best be characterized as precarious."

In May 1920, Dr. Smith said: "Americans will have to depend on foreign sources or use less oil, or perhaps both.

Once more, what was he wrong about? We have leaned much more heavily on foreign oil for decades, and that increases each year.

In 1920, David White, of the United States Geological Survey, stated: "On the whole, therefore, we must expect that, unless our consumption is checked, we shall by 1925 be dependent on foreign oil fields to the extent of 150,000,000 barrels and possibly as much as 200,000,000 of crude each year, except insofar as the situation may at that time, perhaps, be helped to a slieht extent by shale oil. Add to this probability that within 5 years--perhaps 3 years only--our domestic production will begin to fall off with increasing rapidity, due to the exhaustion of our reserves"

Again, they're talking about existing capacity back then. Surely oil exploration was in its infancy, and there were obviously far more discoveries to be unveiled, discoveries which peaked in the 50s and 60s. Unfortunately for your half-story argument, this continent has been scoured for new oil using technology that would make your head hurt and they are not finding new reserves to keep up with today's demand rate.

Do better.

Where is the oil? In what amount to "offset" 85 million barrels per day of consumption? How about 95 million barrels in 7-10 years?

You seem unwilling to provide those statistics. That's because they don't exist. There is no new capacity that is going to support 85-95 million barrels of consumption per day. We are skimming off the top of existing fields that are rapidly dying, all while nations are exploding with new demand. That is why the world economy is floundering, and will get far worse.

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