2 men attacked by a group of teens/men and stabbed in San Fran….no guns were involved...

Ask the guy who shot his own kid yesterday (because he thought he was a burglar), or the guy who was shot after being car-jacked and then the CC asshole who shot him picked up his brass and ran away before the cops arrived. Works both ways, hero.


I only ask because I'm sure you're lying...
I never lie here. No need.

Police: Ohio man mistakes teen son for intruder, kills him

Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away
it's solid, hey dumb fk, see this piece, you can walk away or get blowed up sir. your choice, but you have only that option today.
You live in a fantasy world, truly. I'll stick with, like those who wrote the instructions above, the real one.
yeah, ask those two dudes who yesterday got blowed up at a T-Mobile store in Chicago. hahahhahahahahaha, I love it. The more and more people see that it is ok to shoot em and stop them, the more and more T-Mobile outcomes will become reality. you gift all you want bubba, for others we will change the options today.
T-Mobile should fire him. The lawyers are less than pleased. It should have worked like this:

Dealing with armed robbers - ACT Policing
he owned the store and obviously had no intentions on gifting yesterday.
He was wrong, but luckily for him not dead wrong. Hope he likes lawyers.
BTW, I look forward to many more reports like the T-Mobile one. It will happen, we built it and they will come.
You live in a fantasy world, truly. I'll stick with, like those who wrote the instructions above, the real one.
yeah, ask those two dudes who yesterday got blowed up at a T-Mobile store in Chicago. hahahhahahahahaha, I love it. The more and more people see that it is ok to shoot em and stop them, the more and more T-Mobile outcomes will become reality. you gift all you want bubba, for others we will change the options today.
T-Mobile should fire him. The lawyers are less than pleased. It should have worked like this:

Dealing with armed robbers - ACT Policing
he owned the store and obviously had no intentions on gifting yesterday.
He was wrong, but luckily for him not dead wrong. Hope he likes lawyers.
why? He ain't worried about anything. He shot two punks and they are hurting fools. didn't kill them funny eh? all your dumb ass posts about death, he didn't kill them and defended what was his.
He's the one now facing the investigation and lawsuits, as well as dealing with corporate if he broke their policies. Have at it, John Wayne.
You live in a fantasy world, truly. I'll stick with, like those who wrote the instructions above, the real one.
yeah, ask those two dudes who yesterday got blowed up at a T-Mobile store in Chicago. hahahhahahahahaha, I love it. The more and more people see that it is ok to shoot em and stop them, the more and more T-Mobile outcomes will become reality. you gift all you want bubba, for others we will change the options today.
T-Mobile should fire him. The lawyers are less than pleased. It should have worked like this:

Dealing with armed robbers - ACT Policing
he owned the store and obviously had no intentions on gifting yesterday.
He was wrong, but luckily for him not dead wrong. Hope he likes lawyers.
BTW, I look forward to many more reports like the T-Mobile one. It will happen, we built it and they will come.
If they are worried about that they will simply shoot first. And, no witnesses. Win-win. Problem solved.
Ask the guy who shot his own kid yesterday (because he thought he was a burglar), or the guy who was shot after being car-jacked and then the CC asshole who shot him picked up his brass and ran away before the cops arrived. Works both ways, hero.


I only ask because I'm sure you're lying...
I never lie here. No need.

Police: Ohio man mistakes teen son for intruder, kills him

Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away
I'll bet the dude that got car jacked gets a gun for next time.
Ask the guy who shot his own kid yesterday (because he thought he was a burglar), or the guy who was shot after being car-jacked and then the CC asshole who shot him picked up his brass and ran away before the cops arrived. Works both ways, hero.


I only ask because I'm sure you're lying...
I never lie here. No need.

Police: Ohio man mistakes teen son for intruder, kills him

Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away
I'll bet the dude that got car jacked gets a gun for next time.
Assuming that he recovers enough, after being shot by a John Wayne Wannabe...
yeah, ask those two dudes who yesterday got blowed up at a T-Mobile store in Chicago. hahahhahahahahaha, I love it. The more and more people see that it is ok to shoot em and stop them, the more and more T-Mobile outcomes will become reality. you gift all you want bubba, for others we will change the options today.
T-Mobile should fire him. The lawyers are less than pleased. It should have worked like this:

Dealing with armed robbers - ACT Policing
he owned the store and obviously had no intentions on gifting yesterday.
He was wrong, but luckily for him not dead wrong. Hope he likes lawyers.
why? He ain't worried about anything. He shot two punks and they are hurting fools. didn't kill them funny eh? all your dumb ass posts about death, he didn't kill them and defended what was his.
He's the one now facing the investigation and lawsuits, as well as dealing with corporate if he broke their policies. Have at it, John Wayne.
it's his store, he sells T-Mobile devices and service. It's his, what part of that are you having issues with? There is no corporate fool. I'm sure he has the best lawyers a CC person can have for things just like this.
Ask the guy who shot his own kid yesterday (because he thought he was a burglar), or the guy who was shot after being car-jacked and then the CC asshole who shot him picked up his brass and ran away before the cops arrived. Works both ways, hero.


I only ask because I'm sure you're lying...
I never lie here. No need.

Police: Ohio man mistakes teen son for intruder, kills him

Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away
I'll bet the dude that got car jacked gets a gun for next time.
Assuming that he recovers enough, after being shot by a John Wayne Wannabe...
I guess you didn't read your own article. He's in stable condition.
T-Mobile should fire him. The lawyers are less than pleased. It should have worked like this:

Dealing with armed robbers - ACT Policing
he owned the store and obviously had no intentions on gifting yesterday.
He was wrong, but luckily for him not dead wrong. Hope he likes lawyers.
why? He ain't worried about anything. He shot two punks and they are hurting fools. didn't kill them funny eh? all your dumb ass posts about death, he didn't kill them and defended what was his.
He's the one now facing the investigation and lawsuits, as well as dealing with corporate if he broke their policies. Have at it, John Wayne.
it's his store, he sells T-Mobile devices and service. It's his, what part of that are you having issues with? There is no corporate fool. I'm sure he has the best lawyers a CC person can have for things just like this.
He represents them and sells their shit. Believe me, corporate will be involved, if they aren't already,
Ask the guy who shot his own kid yesterday (because he thought he was a burglar), or the guy who was shot after being car-jacked and then the CC asshole who shot him picked up his brass and ran away before the cops arrived. Works both ways, hero.


I only ask because I'm sure you're lying...
I never lie here. No need.

Police: Ohio man mistakes teen son for intruder, kills him

Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away
I'll bet the dude that got car jacked gets a gun for next time.
Assuming that he recovers enough, after being shot by a John Wayne Wannabe...
I guess you didn't read your own article. He's in stable condition.
Stable means not dying, it doesn't mean able to drive or even pass a firearms check. He's fine now for all I know. That doesn't change the fact that one of you gun-loving John Wayne Wannabes shot the crime victim in the head, and then ran away.
No….knives are less effective at dealing with one attacker let alone 10. Had the two men had guns…the attack would never have occurred, and even if they were completely surprised, the guns would have shut the attack down.
Why a gun, why not a baseball bat, a flamethrower, or a tank? Had they all had guns, these would have been required:

Hence the problem of guns.

Wrong…if you studied actual self defense with guns you would know you are wrong. Guns give the weak an equal chance at causing harm to the strong….the attacker then has to make the decision on wether to press the attack and risk death or injury or go and find another, unarmed democrat to rob.
Guns give you a decent chance kill those without guns, nothing more. If everyone in the fight has a gun, the odds are no longer in your favor.

If given the chance to be stabbed versus shot, go with the knife. You are much more likely to live.

And here, just today you are proven wrong…

T-Mobile store employee shoots 2 armed robbery suspects near 95th, Jeffrey

The T-Mobile store in the 2000-block of East 95th St. was left riddled with bullet holes. If not for the employee carrying a weapon with a concealed carry license, the manager of the store says he might be telling a different story.

"I think concealed carry is a great opportunity for managers, workers, employees to protect themselves in these cases. And our employee did a great job to protect themselves and the other employee," said Neil Tadros, store manager.

He says two men entered the store and acted like they were shopping for phones for a few minutes, then pulled out guns.

One employee ran to the back to call for help while the other pulled out his own gun and fired at the two suspects. He hit one of them in the groin and the arm, and the other in the abdomen and the arm.

The men ran from the store with the employee chasing them, on the phone giving a description to police.

The suspects then drove to a nearby hospital where police took them into custody.

Neighbors say the cell phone store has been robbed several times in the last month. Ed Brown was working in the salon next door.
Money is never worth killing someone over, ever.

I could not agree with you more...sadly, when two thugs put a gun in your face you do not know if they share the same sentiment as you do...do you?
Why a gun, why not a baseball bat, a flamethrower, or a tank? Had they all had guns, these would have been required:

Hence the problem of guns.

Wrong…if you studied actual self defense with guns you would know you are wrong. Guns give the weak an equal chance at causing harm to the strong….the attacker then has to make the decision on wether to press the attack and risk death or injury or go and find another, unarmed democrat to rob.
Guns give you a decent chance kill those without guns, nothing more. If everyone in the fight has a gun, the odds are no longer in your favor.

If given the chance to be stabbed versus shot, go with the knife. You are much more likely to live.

And here, just today you are proven wrong…

T-Mobile store employee shoots 2 armed robbery suspects near 95th, Jeffrey

The T-Mobile store in the 2000-block of East 95th St. was left riddled with bullet holes. If not for the employee carrying a weapon with a concealed carry license, the manager of the store says he might be telling a different story.

"I think concealed carry is a great opportunity for managers, workers, employees to protect themselves in these cases. And our employee did a great job to protect themselves and the other employee," said Neil Tadros, store manager.

He says two men entered the store and acted like they were shopping for phones for a few minutes, then pulled out guns.

One employee ran to the back to call for help while the other pulled out his own gun and fired at the two suspects. He hit one of them in the groin and the arm, and the other in the abdomen and the arm.

The men ran from the store with the employee chasing them, on the phone giving a description to police.

The suspects then drove to a nearby hospital where police took them into custody.

Neighbors say the cell phone store has been robbed several times in the last month. Ed Brown was working in the salon next door.
Money is never worth killing someone over, ever.

I could not agree with you more...sadly, when two thugs put a gun in your face you do not know if they share the same sentiment as you do...do you?
Nope, but like 7-11 and the banks, I know the odds. Hand it over and most likely, nearly without exception, you live.
the sign is lying btw

when it says robbers usually dont hurt people
Nope. That is absolutely true. The policy is based on math, not your love of deadly toys and dreams of playing the hero.

bs they come with the threat of bodily harm

the law justifies shooting them
Do you think that 7-11, banks, all major retail chains put their employees at risk by saying do as the robber says and hand it over? Or, do they know what you don't, trying to fight back is quick way to get very, very, dead...
Wrong…if you studied actual self defense with guns you would know you are wrong. Guns give the weak an equal chance at causing harm to the strong….the attacker then has to make the decision on wether to press the attack and risk death or injury or go and find another, unarmed democrat to rob.
Guns give you a decent chance kill those without guns, nothing more. If everyone in the fight has a gun, the odds are no longer in your favor.

If given the chance to be stabbed versus shot, go with the knife. You are much more likely to live.

And here, just today you are proven wrong…

T-Mobile store employee shoots 2 armed robbery suspects near 95th, Jeffrey

The T-Mobile store in the 2000-block of East 95th St. was left riddled with bullet holes. If not for the employee carrying a weapon with a concealed carry license, the manager of the store says he might be telling a different story.

"I think concealed carry is a great opportunity for managers, workers, employees to protect themselves in these cases. And our employee did a great job to protect themselves and the other employee," said Neil Tadros, store manager.

He says two men entered the store and acted like they were shopping for phones for a few minutes, then pulled out guns.

One employee ran to the back to call for help while the other pulled out his own gun and fired at the two suspects. He hit one of them in the groin and the arm, and the other in the abdomen and the arm.

The men ran from the store with the employee chasing them, on the phone giving a description to police.

The suspects then drove to a nearby hospital where police took them into custody.

Neighbors say the cell phone store has been robbed several times in the last month. Ed Brown was working in the salon next door.
Money is never worth killing someone over, ever.
yeah tell that to the criminals
I make no distinctions, and in most robberies no one dies, a very good thing.

And then there are the robberies where the criminal gets the money and then kills the victim...the big problem...you never know which kind of robbery you are in......
Had they been shot, you would have said the answer was more guns so, the answer in this case is more knives. Problem solved eh?

If the victims or bystanders had guns, there'd be a few less thugs. I know that would upset you, that would also be a few less Obama-voters.
If they all had guns there would be a few less people, and that is what I care about, period.
so it won't offend you when there are a few less criminals. Even helps the jail population.
Any gun death, no matter the reason, is a tragedy. Clear now?

I would agree with that as well...violent thugs begin their lives as innocent babies......and to see what they become is truly sad.
the sign is lying btw

when it says robbers usually dont hurt people
Nope. That is absolutely true. The policy is based on math, not your love of deadly toys and dreams of playing the hero.

bs they come with the threat of bodily harm

the law justifies shooting them
Do you think that 7-11, banks, all major retail chains put their employees at risk by saying do as the robber says and hand it over? Or, do they know what you don't, trying to fight back is quick way to get very, very, dead...

Do you think that 7-11, banks, all major retail chains put their employees at risk by saying do as the robber says and hand it over?


they put their employees at even more risk if they claim it is a gun free zone

obviously a robber is willing to shoot a clerk if they have a firearm on them
the sign is lying btw

when it says robbers usually dont hurt people
Nope. That is absolutely true. The policy is based on math, not your love of deadly toys and dreams of playing the hero.

bs they come with the threat of bodily harm

the law justifies shooting them
Do you think that 7-11, banks, all major retail chains put their employees at risk by saying do as the robber says and hand it over? Or, do they know what you don't, trying to fight back is quick way to get very, very, dead...

Most of the time that will work. Until the times that it doesn't. We had a 7-11 clerk. She was robbed at gun point, he took her in the back room and raped her......then we had the Brown's chicken massacre....they got the money, the took the entire shift into the cooler and exectuted them...

In a robbery situation you have to make that decision yourself....but if you don't have a gun, you don't have a decision to make....you can only hope...
Guns give you a decent chance kill those without guns, nothing more. If everyone in the fight has a gun, the odds are no longer in your favor.

If given the chance to be stabbed versus shot, go with the knife. You are much more likely to live.

And here, just today you are proven wrong…

T-Mobile store employee shoots 2 armed robbery suspects near 95th, Jeffrey

The T-Mobile store in the 2000-block of East 95th St. was left riddled with bullet holes. If not for the employee carrying a weapon with a concealed carry license, the manager of the store says he might be telling a different story.

"I think concealed carry is a great opportunity for managers, workers, employees to protect themselves in these cases. And our employee did a great job to protect themselves and the other employee," said Neil Tadros, store manager.

He says two men entered the store and acted like they were shopping for phones for a few minutes, then pulled out guns.

One employee ran to the back to call for help while the other pulled out his own gun and fired at the two suspects. He hit one of them in the groin and the arm, and the other in the abdomen and the arm.

The men ran from the store with the employee chasing them, on the phone giving a description to police.

The suspects then drove to a nearby hospital where police took them into custody.

Neighbors say the cell phone store has been robbed several times in the last month. Ed Brown was working in the salon next door.
Money is never worth killing someone over, ever.
yeah tell that to the criminals
I make no distinctions, and in most robberies no one dies, a very good thing.

And then there are the robberies where the criminal gets the money and then kills the victim...the big problem...you never know which kind of robbery you are in......
The math, which you reject, says you will live, in nearly all cases. In the real world we use math, not your fantasies.
the sign is lying btw

when it says robbers usually dont hurt people
Nope. That is absolutely true. The policy is based on math, not your love of deadly toys and dreams of playing the hero.

bs they come with the threat of bodily harm

the law justifies shooting them
Do you think that 7-11, banks, all major retail chains put their employees at risk by saying do as the robber says and hand it over? Or, do they know what you don't, trying to fight back is quick way to get very, very, dead...

Most of the time that will work. Until the times that it doesn't. We had a 7-11 clerk. She was robbed at gun point, he took her in the back room and raped her......then we had the Brown's chicken massacre....they got the money, the took the entire shift into the cooler and exectuted them...

In a robbery situation you have to make that decision yourself....but if you don't have a gun, you don't have a decision to make....you can only hope...

one does not know the intent of the bad guy in a situation like that

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