2 million more registered voters than there are elegible voters in the U.S. ?

Actually, I'm on your side politically, but speaking as a litigation attorney, he's correct. You posited the theory that there are 2 million more registered voters than eligible voters. He simply asked how do you know the number of eligible voters, and what is the source. That's not a positive assertion, it's a question. Perhaps it implies incredulity, but that's not an affirmative claim.

I would also be interested in knowing these numbers and the source data, as it would be fascinating if true and would speak volumes about election abuse. I'm going to watch the video and see what he's basing the numbers on.
Sorry, counseorl but you are wrong.
In my OP I asked (asked):
Is it true that there are nearly 2 million more registered voters than there are eligible voters?
the ony assertion so far is by Agit8r:
The answer is you have no authoritative source, and therefore the assertions made are phony baloney

Ok true, to clarify, it was the author of the video that made the assertion, not you specifically. I'd still like to know what data his assertion is based on. Haven't watched yet. And yes, agit8r's message that you quoted did essentially make an adverse inference assertion. I missed that.
.... to clarify, it was the author of the video that made the assertion ....I'd still like to know what data his assertion is based on. ...
Me too. I was hoping to find some contribution to help out on that. That's why I started the thread.
Is it true that there are nearly 2 million more registered voters than there are eligible voters?


When my parents died, the last thing on my mind was calling the County Clerk to remove them from the voter rolls.

Counties receive their information same as SSA etc.

Stand up if you called the county when your parents died.

Is it necessary to "call" the country for that? Isn't it (in this day of split-second computer tech) automatically factored in? In the case of the dear beloved voting from the grave, it seems pretty obvious that the dead have been resurrected for the purpose of voter fraud and not a mere unintentional snafu. I know mistakes can and are made though. A woman here in town couldn't make a withdrawal from her bank account a few years ago because the bank said that she was dead! It turns out that it was her husband who died and somebody screwed up. But the numbers of alleged trans-living who voting in this election seems to be more likely intentional rather than a 'cock-up'.
Actually, I'm on your side politically, but speaking as a litigation attorney, he's correct. You posited the theory that there are 2 million more registered voters than eligible voters. He simply asked how do you know the number of eligible voters, and what is the source. That's not a positive assertion, it's a question. Perhaps it implies incredulity, but that's not an affirmative claim.

I would also be interested in knowing these numbers and the source data, as it would be fascinating if true and would speak volumes about election abuse. I'm going to watch the video and see what he's basing the numbers on.
Sorry, counsellor but you are wrong.
In my OP I asked (asked):
Is it true that there are nearly 2 million more registered voters than there are eligible voters?
The only assertion so far is by Agit8r:
The answer is you have no authoritative source, and therefore the assertions made are phony baloney

Change my mind :tongue:
Change your mind about what?

The fact is that nobody knows exactly how many eligible voters there are. What empiracle source do you have which that proves otherwise?
Is it true that there are nearly 2 million more registered voters than there are eligible voters?


When my parents died, the last thing on my mind was calling the County Clerk to remove them from the voter rolls.

Counties receive their information same as SSA etc.

Stand up if you called the county when your parents died.

Is it necessary to "call" the country for that? Isn't it (in this day of split-second computer tech) automatically factored in? In the case of the dear beloved voting from the grave, it seems pretty obvious that the dead have been resurrected for the purpose of voter fraud and not a mere unintentional snafu. I know mistakes can and are made though. A woman here in town couldn't make a withdrawal from her bank account a few years ago because the bank said that she was dead! It turns out that it was her husband who died and somebody screwed up. But the numbers of alleged trans-living who voting in this election seems to be more likely intentional rather than a 'cock-up'.

No, it's absolutely not necessary. Matter of fact once the govt. gets wind of someone's death many institutions receive word of it to prevent fraud.

Once PROGS opened the door to mail-in voting they compromised the election process. That's in addition to the other problems. That was exactly their intent. First off they understand the lazy, ignorant & mentally weak are more likely to vote Demonicrat.
Is it true that there are nearly 2 million more registered voters than there are eligible voters?


When my parents died, the last thing on my mind was calling the County Clerk to remove them from the voter rolls.

Counties receive their information same as SSA etc.

Stand up if you called the county when your parents died.

Is it necessary to "call" the country for that? Isn't it (in this day of split-second computer tech) automatically factored in? In the case of the dear beloved voting from the grave, it seems pretty obvious that the dead have been resurrected for the purpose of voter fraud and not a mere unintentional snafu. I know mistakes can and are made though. A woman here in town couldn't make a withdrawal from her bank account a few years ago because the bank said that she was dead! It turns out that it was her husband who died and somebody screwed up. But the numbers of alleged trans-living who voting in this election seems to be more likely intentional rather than a 'cock-up'.

No, it's absolutely not necessary. Matter of fact once the govt. gets wind of someone's death many institutions receive word of it to prevent fraud.

Yes, that was my assumption. It seems logical.

Once PROGS opened the door to mail-in voting they compromised the election process. That's in addition to the other problems. That was exactly their intent. First off they understand the lazy, ignorant & mentally weak are more likely to vote Demonicrat.
Is it true that there are nearly 2 million more registered voters than there are eligible voters?


When my parents died, the last thing on my mind was calling the County Clerk to remove them from the voter rolls.

Counties receive their information same as SSA etc.

Stand up if you called the county when your parents died.

Is it necessary to "call" the country for that? Isn't it (in this day of split-second computer tech) automatically factored in? In the case of the dear beloved voting from the grave, it seems pretty obvious that the dead have been resurrected for the purpose of voter fraud and not a mere unintentional snafu. I know mistakes can and are made though. A woman here in town couldn't make a withdrawal from her bank account a few years ago because the bank said that she was dead! It turns out that it was her husband who died and somebody screwed up. But the numbers of alleged trans-living who voting in this election seems to be more likely intentional rather than a 'cock-up'.

No, it's absolutely not necessary. Matter of fact once the govt. gets wind of someone's death many institutions receive word of it to prevent fraud.

Yes, that was my assumption. It seems logical.

Once PROGS opened the door to mail-in voting they compromised the election process. That's in addition to the other problems. That was exactly their intent. First off they understand the lazy, ignorant & mentally weak are more likely to vote Demonicrat.

What's so funny about it, what do you think mainstream media does all day every day? It's called propaganda, people literally hated Trump because he said grab a pussy. What's pathetic is PROGS can't add 2+2, it's all they had on Trump.

And then Trump went onto be the most accomplished POTUS, NONE reported, and he did NONE of the things PROGS "predicted" or narratives (e.g., racist & traitor). A teeny tiny research & critical thought shows they only project but do much worse than the accusation in action. There's your mentally weak, never mind the CORRUPT as FUCK media. The media runs the govt. accountability dept. now, hang that in your hat.

Denying those too lazy and high lean Democrats kissed by entitlements & victim roles loaded up on 24/7 BS is foolish.
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What's so funny about it ...
This >>>

... they understand the lazy, ignorant & mentally weak are more likely to vote Demonicrat.

... what do you think mainstream media does all day every day?
This >>>

It's called propaganda,

...people literally hated Trump because he said grab a pussy.
Everyone's grabbed a pussy at least once in their life. Nothing's wrong with it. Sometimes it's the quickest way to get my wife in the mood.

And then Trump went onto be the most accomplished POTUS, NONE reported, and he did NONE of the things PROGS "predicted" or narratives (e.g., racist & traitor). A teeny tiny research & critical thought shows they only project but do much worse than the accusation in action. There's your mentally weak, never mind the CORRUPT as FUCK media. The media runs the govt. accountability dept. now, hang that in your hat.

Denying those too lazy and high lean Democrats kissed by entitlements & victim roles loaded up on 24/7 BS is foolish.
I know.
Is it true that there are nearly 2 million more registered voters than there are eligible voters?

Trump is registered in two separate states.

People move.

I'm surprised the number isn't bigger.
The big question is, are there any methods of cheating that Democrats didn't use during this election? Effin' lowlifes pulled every trick in the book and now they're apalled that they are being questioned. This is what commies do. Better dead than Red. Trump is the President elect, not Biden.
The big question is, are there any methods of cheating that Democrats didn't use during this election? Effin' lowlifes pulled every trick in the book and now they're apalled that they are being questioned. This is what commies do. Better dead than Red. Trump is the President elect, not Biden.
This could be the collapse of the U.S. and if there aren't some reforms put in place then a collapse might be in the near future. the USSR has already met its fate and now the U.S.

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