2 weeks too long


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
Is a 2 week notice of leaving an employer unnecessary? I believe 2 days is more than sufficient. Those days are o v e r.
Notice period is a lot of shit in most positions. If you're off sick or worse (die) they'll ALWAYS survive and plod on.

The only issue can be if they decide to withhold pay that's due to you in the form of weeks worked, vacation pay or benefits.
Is a 2 week notice of leaving an employer unnecessary? I believe 2 days is more than sufficient. Those days are o v e r.
Depends on your position, and what company you work for.
If you play a critical role in a small company, you are an asshole if you don't give them time to replace you. PERIOD.
That of course is negated if you were wronged. Then all agreements are off.
Hedley Lamarr gave me glowing references.

Is a 2 week notice of leaving an employer unnecessary? I believe 2 days is more than sufficient. Those days are o v e r.
I think they should have a 2 week notice, everybody knows you need to train the other person in.
Ya got it backwards......... However Hedy was much better looking.........
She sued Brooks. They settled for a small sum and Brooks apologized for "almost" using her name.

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Some employers don't want you there if you have given notice for anything other than moving, retiring or baby having. They are afraid you will use that two weeks for mischief like downloading the company database, stealing all the post it notes, not working, etc. Just depends on the company and your position I suppose. If I were flipping burgers or delivering pizza I wouldn't give them any notice. If I were the IT guy upon whom they were heavily dependent because nobody else knew how to manage a server, then yes I would give them notice.

I gave a week's notice once and got a big pay raise to stay. I didn't want to stay but didn't have another job lined up. It was just too much money to say no to at the time otherwise I would have taken a burger flipping job if need be to escape that place. I was just pissed that they decided they couldn't afford pay raises that year and had to reduce their health insurance contributions but then proceeded a few months later to start spending a mint on new pointless projects like redecorating/relandscaping and hiring a chef whose main responsibility was to make ice sculptures. I used the time they bought to actually find a step up job in another city and still quit about 8 months later. Still pisses me off to think about it. It went from a great place to work to a completely toxic place to work with the hiring of a single head of operations.
Some employers don't want you there if you have given notice for anything other than moving, retiring or baby having. They are afraid you will use that two weeks for mischief like downloading the company database, stealing all the post it notes, not working, etc. Just depends on the company and your position I suppose.

AN employer should have the right to terminate, or refuse the 2 week notice.
For instance Bonzi (my wife in case you don't know her here) when she use to work at a bank. When she left they accepted her 2 week notice. However, a co-worker gave notice and it was refused and she was required to leave immediately. Reason being, she was going to work for a competitor and Bonzi wasn't.
I gave notice one time at this transmission shop after securing a new job. The boss lady begged me not to quit because they needed me. Blah blah blah. So I told her ok, I would stay awhile. I went to lunch and when I came back the sorry bitch fired me. I lost two jobs in one day. Never made that mistake again.
AN employer should have the right to terminate, or refuse the 2 week notice.
For instance Bonzi (my wife in case you don't know her here) when she use to work at a bank. When she left they accepted her 2 week notice. However, a co-worker gave notice and it was refused and she was required to leave immediately. Reason being, she was going to work for a competitor and Bonzi wasn't.

I live in an at will state. An employer can fire you for any reason they want whenever they want unless you are under contract.
Guy walks on me without at least explaining the dire conditions that require him to just leave no notice, his ass better not put me as a reference.

"Would not hire again"

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