2 year old taken by alligator at Disney

Why? Is Disney really able to suspend reality in the adult mind?

The reality is it's unrealistic to expect everyone flying into Orlando to visit Disney World be familiar with the local wildlife. Creating beaches with chairs next to a lagoon with boats going by, light shows in the water, movies and of course a great view of the Magic Kingdom is enough to lull anyone into a false sense of security. I just can't put that much blame on the parents. I think Disney needs to educate people better while on their property. Last time I was there the boat operator for our hotel told us Disney hires contractors to locate and remove alligators from the lagoon and surrounding property. So they are clearly aware they are present. Why not just post a sign that says so instead of "No Swimming"?
Again, if a sign says no swimming I would not be in the water nor would my baby. What Disney will do now is remove access to this and all waterfront beaches. Course you could meet an alligator on the golf course. Should we sue them over that too?
If it eats a two year old, sure. Not that two year olds hang out on golf courses.
Don't you live in Fla? Do you have aa sign in your front yard?
Nope, I don't have a beach with beach chairs overlooking a lake with alligators. If I did and a kid got eaten I'd be in deep shit for having what they call an attractive nuisance unless it was posted and fenced off from the public.
You have a sidewalk inviting those to your front door?
The amount of insensitivity from people on the internet is stunning. I was reading an article on this last night the comments were horrifying. I wonder if it's just a small subset of idiots that do this or is this really our society?
It really is our society. Rejecting a basic moral foundation, by rejecting religion as a whole, leads to self-centered, narcissistic, irreverent behaviors as the rule. We can either wise up now and change that trend. Or we can go with the push from the New Church of Atheists (dogmatically adhering to complete rejection of morality, evangelizing that to the masses and punishing heretics within & "infidels" (those with a moral mooring) outside their ranks).

This gator attack was predictable and terrible. Just like the night club. The bait was too irresistible for the practiced predator. And if you go near the swamp's edge in the South, splashing around with your 2 year old in the shallows near the bank, you are tempting a terrible fate. Word to the wise. And, my sympathies to the parents of that child. My God.

False equivalency. You're comparing a killer with a gun to an alligator, an animal in the wild? Oh wait I guess you really don't understand the concept of the human mind and will as opposed to instinct

This man-made lake is built inside a man-made park. This family was not wandering around in a swamp in the Everglades. Disney is facing a lawsuit of unimaginable proportions since they allow wild carnivorous animals to mingle with their guests.
Oh brother. Allow? Yes, they hand out permits. Dumb,

Yes, allow. I've posted on this thread about living on a lake in Florida for several years with a resident alligator. Disney could control them by removing them. It will be an ongoing process because alligators migrate to areas where they sense a vacancy, such as a small lake, where there are no fellow reptiles.

This is a terrible publicity blow to Disney World and they will most likely take action.....after they pay millions to the parents of the kid.
I feel sorry for the little boy.

But I've been to Disney World, they have signs EVERYWHERE

stupid parents.

The signs say "No Swimming" which is an entirely different message than "Stay away from water due to wildlife". The toddler wasn't swimming, he was standing just inside the edge of the water. I can't pile on the parents on this one. Not everyone understands Florida wildlife and no doubt when your on Disney property there's a false sense of security around the water.

Absolutely, you are spot on. He was just about one foot into the water's edge, if the reports are correct. The alligator on our lake was something we rarely saw. We had a canoe and we'd paddle out to try to spot him, but they are also very shy. They are so fast and so quiet that you usually only hear a splash and maybe some tall grass moving. But he could take a duck off the surface of the water in less than a second.
The reality is it's unrealistic to expect everyone flying into Orlando to visit Disney World be familiar with the local wildlife. Creating beaches with chairs next to a lagoon with boats going by, light shows in the water, movies and of course a great view of the Magic Kingdom is enough to lull anyone into a false sense of security. I just can't put that much blame on the parents. I think Disney needs to educate people better while on their property. Last time I was there the boat operator for our hotel told us Disney hires contractors to locate and remove alligators from the lagoon and surrounding property. So they are clearly aware they are present. Why not just post a sign that says so instead of "No Swimming"?
Again, if a sign says no swimming I would not be in the water nor would my baby. What Disney will do now is remove access to this and all waterfront beaches. Course you could meet an alligator on the golf course. Should we sue them over that too?
If it eats a two year old, sure. Not that two year olds hang out on golf courses.
Don't you live in Fla? Do you have aa sign in your front yard?
Nope, I don't have a beach with beach chairs overlooking a lake with alligators. If I did and a kid got eaten I'd be in deep shit for having what they call an attractive nuisance unless it was posted and fenced off from the public.
You have a sidewalk inviting those to your front door?
I don't understand your question.

This happened right next to a play area, Willow. Are you seriously excusing Disney for having a play area where alligators hang out and not warning people?
This ranks right up there with the dumb bitch who spilled hot coffee on her and then sued McDonalds for selling her hot coffee.

People we have to start letting Darwin do his thing.
I feel sorry for the little boy.

But I've been to Disney World, they have signs EVERYWHERE

stupid parents.

The signs say "No Swimming" which is an entirely different message than "Stay away from water due to wildlife". The toddler wasn't swimming, he was standing just inside the edge of the water. I can't pile on the parents on this one. Not everyone understands Florida wildlife and no doubt when your on Disney property there's a false sense of security around the water.
Why? Is Disney really able to suspend reality in the adult mind?

Um, it is called "The Magical Kingdom", dumbass.
Again, if a sign says no swimming I would not be in the water nor would my baby. What Disney will do now is remove access to this and all waterfront beaches. Course you could meet an alligator on the golf course. Should we sue them over that too?
If it eats a two year old, sure. Not that two year olds hang out on golf courses.
Don't you live in Fla? Do you have aa sign in your front yard?
Nope, I don't have a beach with beach chairs overlooking a lake with alligators. If I did and a kid got eaten I'd be in deep shit for having what they call an attractive nuisance unless it was posted and fenced off from the public.
You have a sidewalk inviting those to your front door?
I don't understand your question.

This happened right next to a play area, Willow. Are you seriously excusing Disney for having a play area where alligators hang out and not warning people?

They WERE warned. I've been to that exact spot several times, There are literally signs everywhere " Beware of alligators" "do not get in the water"
Yes, allow. I've posted on this thread about living on a lake in Florida for several years with a resident alligator. Disney could control them by removing them. It will be an ongoing process because alligators migrate to areas where they sense a vacancy, such as a small lake, where there are no fellow reptiles.

This is a terrible publicity blow to Disney World and they will most likely take action.....after they pay millions to the parents of the kid.
That would demand that Disney be 100 percent efficient at removing them as soon as they entered the property. That would be impossible. On the golf course videos, are they responsible as well?

Horrible situation but this incessant blame game is not good for society and encourages a detachment from the reality of the matter. If you are going to visit an area you bear some responsibility in leaning something about it.

These days people cross the street without a care in the world, assuming everyone will stop for them.
Not much hope held out for missing toddler...

'No question' boy dead after gator attack at Florida Disney resort
Wed Jun 15, 2016 - Authorities searched for the body of a 2-year-old boy on Wednesday after the toddler was dragged into a lagoon by an alligator in front of his family during a vacation at Walt Disney World resort in Florida.
The boy was snatched as he played at the water's edge on Tuesday night, despite his parents' effort to save him, by an alligator believed to be between 4 and 7 feet (1.2 and 2 meters) long. Wildlife officials captured and euthanized five alligators from the lagoon to examine them for traces of the child but found no evidence they were involved, said Nick Wiley, head of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The resort closed its beaches and recreational marinas on Wednesday as search teams worked the Seven Seas Lagoon, a man-made lake reaching 14 feet in depth.

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings, speaking at a news conference about 15 hours after the boy was taken, said, "We know that we are working on recovering the body of a child at this point. "Our ultimate goal is to try to bring some closure to the family," he said. The family, which was vacationing from Nebraska, was not named. There are "no swimming" signs at the lagoon but the alligator grabbed the boy while his family relaxed nearby on the shore, authorities said.

The boy's father rushed into the water after the alligator struck and fought to wrestle his child from its grasp, Jeff Williamson, a spokesman for the sheriff's office, said earlier. "The father did his best," he said. "He tried to rescue the child, however, to no avail." The father suffered minor cuts on his arm in the struggle with the gator. Authorities said the boy's mother tried to rescue him too. A lifeguard who was on duty by the lagoon also was unable to reach the toddler in time. "The gator swam away with the child," Williamson said.


Dozens of sheriff's deputies and wildlife officials were searching for the boy on Wednesday and expected to use sonar technology, helicopters and a team of divers. Alligators are not uncommon in the Seven Seas Lagoon, Wiley said. The wildlife commission works with the resort to remove "nuisance alligators" when they are reported, Wiley said. Demings said Disney has operated in the area for 45 years and has never had this type of incident occur before. "We know this is Florida and alligators are indigenous to this region," Demings said. "Disney has a wildlife management system that is in place and they have worked diligently to ensure that their guests are not unduly exposed to the wildlife here in this area."

They should just give in and put up signs with pictures of alligators all along the water.

Byngo! No Swimming means no swimming - not the same thing as wading in 6 inches of water. What they should do is stop pretending their property borders the Atlantic ocean by installing beaches with chairs along side lagoon with alligators. Here, sit on this nice chair in the sun just feet away from a killer that can actually leave the water. It really makes no sense. They've already killed FIVE alligators in the same lagoon and still haven't found the one.
Well, here is the facts. Florida has gators lots of them and just because you are in Disney you are not away from gators. Gators don't care about Disney.

Or golf courses.

And Disney World was specifically designed FOR HUMANS. And specifically for humans who want to wander around an outdoor resort where there are artificially built lakes. I think in the insurance business it's called an attractive hazard or nuisance. You can bet Disney's insurance carriers are getting drunk right now and readying themselves to pay through the nose.
Yes, allow. I've posted on this thread about living on a lake in Florida for several years with a resident alligator. Disney could control them by removing them. It will be an ongoing process because alligators migrate to areas where they sense a vacancy, such as a small lake, where there are no fellow reptiles.

This is a terrible publicity blow to Disney World and they will most likely take action.....after they pay millions to the parents of the kid.
That would demand that Disney be 100 percent efficient at removing them as soon as they entered the property. That would be impossible. On the golf course videos, are they responsible as well?

Horrible situation but this incessant blame game is not good for society and encourages a detachment from the reality of the matter. If you are going to visit an area you bear some responsibility in leaning something about it.

These days people cross the street without a care in the world, assuming everyone will stop for them.

No, it's not impossible. It's done all the time in Florida, especially when one wanders into a suburban neighborhood.
I feel sorry for the little boy.

But I've been to Disney World, they have signs EVERYWHERE

stupid parents.

The signs say "No Swimming" which is an entirely different message than "Stay away from water due to wildlife". The toddler wasn't swimming, he was standing just inside the edge of the water. I can't pile on the parents on this one. Not everyone understands Florida wildlife and no doubt when your on Disney property there's a false sense of security around the water.
Why? Is Disney really able to suspend reality in the adult mind?

Um, it is called "The Magical Kingdom", dumbass.
And you believe that moron? That it is magic?
If it eats a two year old, sure. Not that two year olds hang out on golf courses.
Don't you live in Fla? Do you have aa sign in your front yard?
Nope, I don't have a beach with beach chairs overlooking a lake with alligators. If I did and a kid got eaten I'd be in deep shit for having what they call an attractive nuisance unless it was posted and fenced off from the public.
You have a sidewalk inviting those to your front door?
I don't understand your question.

This happened right next to a play area, Willow. Are you seriously excusing Disney for having a play area where alligators hang out and not warning people?

They WERE warned. I've been to that exact spot several times, There are literally signs everywhere " Beware of alligators" "do not get in the water"

Really now? This is the scene of the attack. See the sign in the middle? It says all that, does it?


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