$20,000,000,000,000.00 Decit...What is Hillary's Plan to REDUCE it?

$20,000,000,000,000.00 Decit...What is Hillary's Plan to REDUCE it?

She has no plan and neither does Trump

Raise the minimum wage.

Yes the go to response for far left drones!

It would cause prices to rise!

Do these far left drones never learn?

Then again all the far left companies/politicians could do this and lead the way..

Greed is the reasons price increases. Businesses today are making record profits while employees are getting fucked. Except mine.
Hillary Clinton on the issues

All tried and failed.
No tariffs to diminish the profits gained by leaving America.
Job training but not forcing companies in any way whatever to hire Americans.
Raising taxes on the rich...so they'll leave the US even sooner.

Somebody please explain to me how all of a sudden Directors and CEOs are going to be MOVED by these programs to all of a sudden love Americans and make America prosper.
The deficit isn't 20 trillion. The debt is.

Facts. Doy!

I stand corrected.
It's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG day.
Now please explain how Hillary's plan will reduce or eliminate it.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.

Funny stuff ....

The DoD budget can't be cut any longer without further impacting the security of the nation. In fact, it needs to be increased.

Closing corporate tax loopholes? Seriously? You're talking about $180 billion annually - Corporate Tax Breaks Cost U.S. Government $180 Billion Per Year: GAO Report | Huffington Post

That isn't enough to buy toilet paper for the government. The national debt increases about $3 billion per day ---- that means, we can stop the bleeding for TWO WHOLE MONTHS! Then, we go right back to losing $3 billion a day.

You cannot - can NOT - decrease the debt by increasing the income. We passed that point about 6 years ago. Now, there is only ONE way to reduce the debt - decrease spending below income - use the extra money to pay against the debt.

It ain't rocket science -but you sure need to stop listening to those people who benefit from the deficit. Their empires are built on that debt.
We spend more on defense than all of our allies COMBINED. We have pointless bases in Europe. We build a ridiculous amount of tanks for no reason. It's all about dick size to republicans. That's the point of it.

Lol are you so dense to not consider 180 billion per year a lot of money? That adds up you know that right? Obviously when it comes to keeping the debt from getting bigger, we must close those loopholes.
$20,000,000,000,000.00 Decit...What is Hillary's Plan to REDUCE it?

She has no plan and neither does Trump

Wrong as always!


Oh, so you mean stiff people for the money they're owed like he's been doing for the past 30 years?

No you claimed that Trump had NO plan, I showed he did using the far left NYT..

That doesn't do a whole lot of good when they'll continue spending money we don't have

We don't have the money because American workers continue to get fucked.
Hillary Clinton on the issues

All tried and failed.
No tariffs to diminish the profits gained by leaving America.
Job training but not forcing companies in any way whatever to hire Americans.
Raising taxes on the rich...so they'll leave the US even sooner.

Somebody please explain to me how all of a sudden Directors and CEOs are going to be MOVED by these programs to all of a sudden love Americans and make America prosper.

she has already told us, do more of what Obama has done. Obama told us what he was going to do and he was elected any way. Let that not happen again with Hillary.
Hillary Clinton on the issues

All tried and failed.
No tariffs to diminish the profits gained by leaving America.
Job training but not forcing companies in any way whatever to hire Americans.
Raising taxes on the rich...so they'll leave the US even sooner.

Somebody please explain to me how all of a sudden Directors and CEOs are going to be MOVED by these programs to all of a sudden love Americans and make America prosper.

she has already told us, do more of what Obama has done. Obama told us what he was going to do and he was elected any way. Let that not happen again with Hillary.

Obama wanted to raise wages for workers. Republicans shot him down.
Hillary Clinton on the issues

All tried and failed.
No tariffs to diminish the profits gained by leaving America.
Job training but not forcing companies in any way whatever to hire Americans.
Raising taxes on the rich...so they'll leave the US even sooner.

Somebody please explain to me how all of a sudden Directors and CEOs are going to be MOVED by these programs to all of a sudden love Americans and make America prosper.

she has already told us, do more of what Obama has done. Obama told us what he was going to do and he was elected any way. Let that not happen again with Hillary.

Obama wanted to raise wages for workers. Republicans shot him down.

Can you tell me how and what he was proposing on doing?
Two great examples of socialism working are Cuba and North Korea. Can you think of any more?

It is functioning in a lot of places, but it is unsustainable and irresponsible.

More often than not it creates an artificial debt based economy, and even when it doesn't, it depletes wealth which is in fact a limited resource.

Interestingly enough, "communist" states (better known as left-wing totalitarian dictatorships) have historically been fiscally responsible and conservative about their spending. This is probably because in these countries the ruling class consists entirely of members of the state, and therefore they are protecting their own wealth.
Hillary's plan has been scored by Independent think tanks, and over 10 years, will add $200 billion to the national debt. Trump's plan over 10 years will add $10 Trillion MORE to the National debt, making it $30 Trillion....

If you take the National Debt seriously, then you would HAVE to support Hillary and Hillary's plan, over the Donald's plan which ADDS nearly $10 Trillion more to the National Debt than her plan.
yes. Is there now some notion that Donald will reduce the debt with tariffs?
No...tariffs will reduce the sales of companies that have left the US.
The companies come back or someone else will fill the void.
Nearly all of our RTW and accessory merchandise is made overseas, and some things exclusively, and tariffs are added to these imports, the only people paying for the tariffs are the customers themselves.....and....

And if there is no USA ability to manufacture these products for less than the tariff plus shipping and cost of goods price, there still would be no reason for the importers not raising the price of their products to cover the tariffs, due to having no competition in the USA that would make them be retail price conscious....if customers want or need something, there will be no where to get it for less, so prices will simply go up for all of us, on most of our purchases and the businesses importing won't be hurt a bit....or not enough to make them come home...

When I was buying shoes directly from the manufactures in China, the average woman's cost around $6 a pair, and only half of the price was labor, plus owner's profit and the rest was the cost of materials...

now, on that $6 we had to add freight/shipping and Duties/Tariff costs....We usually placed a shipping container's worth at a time per vendor....and when we estimated what we would label as the "Landed Cost" for the shoes, would be the vendor's price sold to us, plus 10% more for freight/shipping and if the shoe were leather another 17% in tariff duties, and if it were fabric, then 27 1/2% more and if the shoe was mostly polyurethane then the duty was only an additional 6% of costs in tariff duties....so we still landed in the USA, the pair of shoe if leather, for $7.62 including these tariffs and freight costs....if this woman's shoe was bought from a USA vendor at the time, it would have been $15.00 at wholesale.

there was, (when I was Buying for a Brand and for department stores) so so so so so so so so much savings in the cost of the product by purchasing it in a place like China, even with high tariffs on the product, the savings was still greater than having them made here in the USA, thus all the shoe factories making shoes in the USA closed, hundreds and hundreds of them, mostly in the 70's and 80's....I think their might be 5 Brands that still make some of their products in the USA....with maybe 10 small line shoe factories in all of the USA now....

Back then shoes made in the USA were at least $15-$20 more a pair at retail, for the same quality of product....and even lesser quality because all of the factories in china had all upgraded their factories with the help of the USA VENDOR'S ADVICE on how to increase their productivity. This retail saving, mostly went in to your pockets, the consumers....that's the truth, not so much more in to the company's profit margin, but more in profit dollars due to the increased sales from having the shoes at a lower retail price than they would have been if we continued to make shoes in the USA....the better the value, the more pairs we sold.

I've been out of the Industry and work force for a bit now, but this is how it was when I was working and the whole shoe industry is this way.... yes, factories were overseas, but lots of people running retail divisions, and lots of accountants and comptrollers to handle the Letter credits required to purchase overseas, and lots of people buying different leathers and lots of people buying whole sale and their assistants,and long shore man, AND Distribution Center workers, and a whole shebang of infrastructure workers all still worked here in the USA...

plus lot's and lots and lots and lots of money has been spent on these shipping ports to automate them bringing more productivity and ease of loading and unloading and getting the goods to trains or truckers as fast as possible...

this is much more complicated than meets the eye...it truly is....
Last edited:
I miss Palin. She was unintentionally hilarious. Trump is just annoying as hell. He is the Eddie Haskell of his time.

Hillary Clinton on the issues

All tried and failed.
No tariffs to diminish the profits gained by leaving America.
Job training but not forcing companies in any way whatever to hire Americans.
Raising taxes on the rich...so they'll leave the US even sooner.

Somebody please explain to me how all of a sudden Directors and CEOs are going to be MOVED by these programs to all of a sudden love Americans and make America prosper.
Just erase some of the zeros like they were emails?
Hillary Clinton on the issues

All tried and failed.
No tariffs to diminish the profits gained by leaving America.
Job training but not forcing companies in any way whatever to hire Americans.
Raising taxes on the rich...so they'll leave the US even sooner.

Somebody please explain to me how all of a sudden Directors and CEOs are going to be MOVED by these programs to all of a sudden love Americans and make America prosper.
The deficit isn't 20 trillion. The debt is.

Facts. Doy!

I stand corrected.
It's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG day.
Now please explain how Hillary's plan will reduce or eliminate it.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.
The deficit isn't 20 trillion. The debt is.

Facts. Doy!

I stand corrected.
It's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG day.
Now please explain how Hillary's plan will reduce or eliminate it.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.

I think that Trump will add jobs. I sent him a resume for being his agent to third world countries for establishing plants to manufacture his products. I've always wanted to see the Far East....
The deficit isn't 20 trillion. The debt is.

Facts. Doy!

I stand corrected.
It's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG day.
Now please explain how Hillary's plan will reduce or eliminate it.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.
You would have a point except that the official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. It's the EFFECTIVE tax rate that matters which is at 12%. That's the result of deduction and loopholes created by republicans.
The deficit isn't 20 trillion. The debt is.

Facts. Doy!

I stand corrected.
It's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG day.
Now please explain how Hillary's plan will reduce or eliminate it.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.
At one time, Corporations were paying around 60% of ALL Federal income taxes collected....now, mainly due to tax cuts given to them via lower marginal rates and via all of the tax code deductions and credits added to ease their tax burdens, they contribute less than 10% of our federal income tax revenues....

this lowering of taxes on them, did NOT stop them from leaving....

It's the labor cost saving alone, that has made most all of them choose to go overseas to manufacture their products....

on a large corporation, you could reduce their taxes to zero, and it still would not give them the savings they are getting on Labor in a place like China or Taiwan or Korea, or viet Nam or all of the Indonesian countries... I don't think it is income taxes and there is no evidence it is income taxes, that has made them move....it simply is the cost of Labor being so much cheaper....the only thing Americans can still beat them on is productivity, we get paid more, but we can make more per hour than them....HOWEVER, the factory workers in china work 12 to 15 hours a day, so they still end up making more for less money vs the 8 hour day in the USA.
Doe Hillary have a plan to "force" Mexicans to not have forks, too? Please elaborate.


You know the deal. This isn't new.

How is Trump going to “force” companies to hire Americans? For the 2nd time. Either answer or shut the fuck up.

He will close down the companies that don't hire Americans.

Every tech company in the U.S.?
How will they survive?
The same way they survived when they fired all the non-Business Visas ALL IN ONE DAY.
You see how that works?
Isn't it interesting that if you fire all non-H1-Bs in one day you'll be fine.
BUT...if you fire all H1-Bs in one day and hire all Americans on that same day, you'll somehow go out of business.

What' even funnier is that people think these H1-Bs KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING.
They don't...that's why most software has to be updated every day.

Forks. They are more dangerous than spoons in my opinion.

They're life threatening in the hands of Mexicans according to Obama and candycorn

??? Never said any such thing….

Yup. You went full-on for Obama disarming Mexicans of their forks.

I have no idea what you’re talking about…as always.

It's only us in on this pretty much. Lying just makes you look weak, dude.
The deficit isn't 20 trillion. The debt is.

Facts. Doy!

I stand corrected.
It's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG day.
Now please explain how Hillary's plan will reduce or eliminate it.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.
Nope...The US Effective Tax is one of the lowest in the world.
Wages, benefits, 24/7 slave labor.
Hillary Clinton on the issues

All tried and failed.
No tariffs to diminish the profits gained by leaving America.
Job training but not forcing companies in any way whatever to hire Americans.
Raising taxes on the rich...so they'll leave the US even sooner.

Somebody please explain to me how all of a sudden Directors and CEOs are going to be MOVED by these programs to all of a sudden love Americans and make America prosper.
The deficit isn't 20 trillion. The debt is.

Facts. Doy!

I stand corrected.
It's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG day.
Now please explain how Hillary's plan will reduce or eliminate it.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.

Funny stuff ....

The DoD budget can't be cut any longer without further impacting the security of the nation. In fact, it needs to be increased.

Closing corporate tax loopholes? Seriously? You're talking about $180 billion annually - Corporate Tax Breaks Cost U.S. Government $180 Billion Per Year: GAO Report | Huffington Post

That isn't enough to buy toilet paper for the government. The national debt increases about $3 billion per day ---- that means, we can stop the bleeding for TWO WHOLE MONTHS! Then, we go right back to losing $3 billion a day.

You cannot - can NOT - decrease the debt by increasing the income. We passed that point about 6 years ago. Now, there is only ONE way to reduce the debt - decrease spending below income - use the extra money to pay against the debt.

It ain't rocket science -but you sure need to stop listening to those people who benefit from the deficit. Their empires are built on that debt.
We spend more on defense than all of our allies COMBINED. We have pointless bases in Europe. We build a ridiculous amount of tanks for no reason. It's all about dick size to republicans. That's the point of it.

Lol are you so dense to not consider 180 billion per year a lot of money? That adds up you know that right? Obviously when it comes to keeping the debt from getting bigger, we must close those loopholes.

Your ignorance is only exceeded by the stupidity of opening your mouth when you don't know what you're talking about.

Name one pointless base in Europe - just one.

How many tanks do we have in service - how many are replaced annually?

$Sadly, $180 billion is a pissant amount when you're talking about the debt Obama created. Explain to me how breaking even for 60 days is going to pay off the debt. Simple - it isn't. It merely means the debt explodes 1/6 slower than it is now. In fact, the current deficit is about $500 billion. That means you would have to have 5 more "loophole closings" simply to break even.

Bullshit like "closing corporate tax loopholes" is nothing more than a placebo fed to you by political parties that depends on an ever increasing government expenditure to buy its votes.

Cut spending --- it's the only answer. Anything else is pablum fed to you to keep you distracted from reality.

People in government are no different than anybody else - they want to succeed, they want to get a pay raise, they want to get promoted. Since they have no profit by which to measure their performance, they can only 'excel' - stand out when compared to their peers - is by expanding their area of responsibility, making the programs bigger, and creating a larger budget. Nobody gets promoted for eliminating their job. As long as the money spigot is open, government will keep growing.

Cut spending - it's the only answer.

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