20/20 Show tonight was enlightening

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State Dept Official: We Don’t Prioritize Christian Syrian Refugees over Other Religions
December 18, 2015 | A State Department official told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Thursday that the U.S. does not prioritize Christian Syrian refugees just because of their religion. “We’re not going to change the program, somehow bring more of one particular religion than another,” Anne Richard, assistant secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, told the committee.
During the hearing on foreign travelers and national security, Richard said the U.S. is bringing Christians in from Syria, but she said “they are underrepresented in part because they make up a small part of the refugees from Syria.” “And that’s the problem,” said chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who noted that only 29 Christian Syrian refugees have been admitted to the U.S. during the year. Richard said that most Christian Syrian refugees are not fleeing, because they feel safe.


Syrian refugees arrived on the island of Lesbos, Greece.

Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) asked, “You said they’re not fleeing, because they feel safe. Ms. Richard, how many Christians have we brought in, in the last five years? “Four percent of all the Syrians we have brought have been Christian or other minorities,” said Richard. “You’ve brought in 53. You tell me that’s four percent? Because according to the numbers that aren’t hard to find – you can look this up on CNN, Wikipedia, or any place else – there are 2 million Christians decimated, okay? Two million Christians. According to Pope Francis, he calls it genocide,” said Walker.

As CNSNews.com previously reported, the U.S. has only admitted 53 Christians (2.4 percent) out of the 2,184 Syrian refugees it has admitted since the civil war in Syria began in 2011. There were 2,098 Muslim refugees admitted during that time period. “Just last month, an Assyrian bishop was pleading for ransom money, 200 hostages held - some young ladies. Do you know what ISIS does to the young females? It’s brutal. I’m sure you’re aware of that working for the State Department. So please tell me why that we have brought in 53 Christians. How do you know they’re Christians? What’s the process?” asked Walker. “We had just checked the number. It’s four percent of the 2,400 total Syrians brought in since 2011 have been Christians or other minorities. They are brought in because they feel that they are in danger because of that. We agree with you 100 percent that these people should be given a chance for resettlement if they present a case,” said Richard. “But you said today that Christians are not fleeing Syria, because they feel safer. Would you like to retract that?” asked Walker.

Obama claimed he was a Christian but everyone knows is heart belongs to Mohammed.

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