20 Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In An America Controlled By Liberals Like Obama

Arrogance with a smidgen of truth. The OP is a teaper racist. She continually spews nonsense, hyperbole and hysteria. Americans are tired of the racial nonsense.

'smidgen'.....? so says the nutty koolaid drinker....

you couldn't refute one of the 20 if you tried...

Of course I could...its all hyperbolic nonsense spewed by the teapers who are still crying because we have a black President.

Arrogance with a smidgen of truth. The OP is a teaper racist. She continually spews nonsense, hyperbole and hysteria. Americans are tired of the racial nonsense.

'smidgen'.....? so says the nutty koolaid drinker....

you couldn't refute one of the 20 if you tried...

Then let's start with the very first one, shall we?

1) Abortion would be the only "choice." Almost everything else including light bulbs, TVs, health care plans, cars, and the schools your child goes to would be chosen for you by people in D.C.

I can chose to buy a hybrid car, a diesel, a gasoline engine, a turbocharged engine car.
I can buy a Chrysler, Ford,Mercedes, BMW, Toyota,Volvo,GM, Bentley, Maserati,Cooper, etc

Who in D.C. is making my choice for me???...:eusa_hand:

I can buy a big screen tv, a LED TV, Plasma TV, an Westinghouse, Sony, Panasonic, GE.

Who in D.C. is making a choice for me?

I can buy led bulbs, incandescent bulbs, 60 watt, 100 watt, 120 watt, etc.

Who in D.C. is making a choice for me?

Oh...excuse me, I just noticed something.

would be chosen

So in fact the o.p. is blathering about something that hasn't happened and has no evidence that it's going to happen.

Btw, the only folks that seem to want to control people choice to an abortion are Cons/tps
You're not very good with the concept of time, are you?

OP is showing what America would be like...IN THE FUTURE...under total progressive rule.
North Korea or any Islamic Republic would have policies that match the beliefs of the ODS crowd, so those would be good nations for the ODS crowd to emigrate to. It would be a win-win. They'd be happier about not having to deal with democracy or TheGays, and all the normal people would be happy to see them go.
You're really good at that projection thing.

North Korea is what progressives love:

Government has absolute control over individual lives.

Media and education 100% controlled by the government.

Dissent violently crushed.

Weak and ill-equipped military.

Leader venerated as god.

Religious activities repressed.

Centrally-planned economy.

No individual ownership of weapons allowed.

Disloyal persons and their families sent to prison camps.

The progressive wet dream!
Do you mean THIS tea party???

House Vote Roll Call on 2006 Patriot Act Renewal on March 7, 2006





And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

So why did Obama sign it......?

And why did Obama also sign the NDAA to allow for indefinite detention of American citizens...?

And why did Obama's Justice Department find it OK to assassinate U.S. citizens....?

And why does Obamacare allow for a 'civilian defense force'....? wtf is that about...?

the TPM is mainly a movement against taxes and too much government spending....

LOOK at the votes in 2006 and 2011...there would be no patriot act for any president to sign if you only counted the votes of Democrats. It would have been DEFEATED.

You folks on the right keep saying Democrats are for big government, and it is republicans, conservatives and tea partiers who want to reign in BIG government.

The very SAME right wingers who brought us the BIG government behemoth 'Fatherland Security'...

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke
Can you give us a timeline of the Democratic Party's efforts to defund DHS?

So why did Obama sign it......?

And why did Obama also sign the NDAA to allow for indefinite detention of American citizens...?

And why did Obama's Justice Department find it OK to assassinate U.S. citizens....?

And why does Obamacare allow for a 'civilian defense force'....? wtf is that about...?

the TPM is mainly a movement against taxes and too much government spending....

LOOK at the votes in 2006 and 2011...there would be no patriot act for any president to sign if you only counted the votes of Democrats. It would have been DEFEATED.

You folks on the right keep saying Democrats are for big government, and it is republicans, conservatives and tea partiers who want to reign in BIG government.

The very SAME right wingers who brought us the BIG government behemoth 'Fatherland Security'...

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke
Can you give us a timeline of the Democratic Party's efforts to defund DHS?


How can Democrats defund? Republicans have control of the House.
Theres nothing like a dose of rw hyperbole first thing in the morning :coffee: Thanks Stephie for the cut 'n paste :)

Dottikins.....why are you so terrified of me?.....im still waiting for you to prove that accusation you said about me.....come on i cant hurt you....if i do you can report me.....i promise....
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? - Christian Science Monitor

GOP Congressman Calls Obama 'Uppity'

GOP delegates throw nuts at African American CNN camerawoman: "This Is How We Feed Animals"

Republicans are really angry their right to incite racial strife is being "taken away". It infringes on their freedom when they can't wildly scream out racial taunts and epitaphs. They don't feel "free" and "safe" when they can't smear and demean. Their brand of hatred is protected under the constitution and it's their right.

And worst of all, they don't feel respected or taken seriously.

thats kinda like you Dean....well Dottie loves ya....
Do you mean THIS tea party???

House Vote Roll Call on 2006 Patriot Act Renewal on March 7, 2006





And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

So why did Obama sign it......?

And why did Obama also sign the NDAA to allow for indefinite detention of American citizens...?

And why did Obama's Justice Department find it OK to assassinate U.S. citizens....?

And why does Obamacare allow for a 'civilian defense force'....? wtf is that about...?

the TPM is mainly a movement against taxes and too much government spending....

LOOK at the votes in 2006 and 2011...there would be no patriot act for any president to sign if you only counted the votes of Democrats. It would have been DEFEATED.

You folks on the right keep saying Democrats are for big government, and it is republicans, conservatives and tea partiers who want to reign in BIG government.

The very SAME right wingers who brought us the BIG government behemoth 'Fatherland Security'...

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke

Democrats sure helped bring in big Govt here in California....just sayin....
LOOK at the votes in 2006 and 2011...there would be no patriot act for any president to sign if you only counted the votes of Democrats. It would have been DEFEATED.

You folks on the right keep saying Democrats are for big government, and it is republicans, conservatives and tea partiers who want to reign in BIG government.

The very SAME right wingers who brought us the BIG government behemoth 'Fatherland Security'...

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke
Can you give us a timeline of the Democratic Party's efforts to defund DHS?


How can Democrats defund? Republicans have control of the House.
Obama HAS a PEN and a PHONE...or didn't YOU get that MEMO? ("If Congress won't ACT...I will...")

My such fucking inattention here. And in that matter of course? WHY are YOU here again?
LOOK at the votes in 2006 and 2011...there would be no patriot act for any president to sign if you only counted the votes of Democrats. It would have been DEFEATED.

You folks on the right keep saying Democrats are for big government, and it is republicans, conservatives and tea partiers who want to reign in BIG government.

The very SAME right wingers who brought us the BIG government behemoth 'Fatherland Security'...

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke
Can you give us a timeline of the Democratic Party's efforts to defund DHS?


How can Democrats defund? Republicans have control of the House.
They can introduce amendments, can't they? They can preach fiery rhetoric on the talk shows, can't they? They can at least make a token attempt to do their damn jobs, can't they?

Show us.
So why did Obama sign it......?

Because Obama is not very liberal. But I KNOW for a FACT if he didn't sign it you and the rest of the right would be all over Obama. But you won't admit that fact, now will you?

And why did Obama also sign the NDAA to allow for indefinite detention of American citizens...?

First tell me why it was signed 52 consecutive years before Obama.

And why did Obama's Justice Department find it OK to assassinate U.S. citizens....?

Another one that you folks on the right would be all over Obama for not supporting under the special circumstance that allows it. And I KNOW if were Bush & Cheney, we wouldn't hear a PEEP from you.

And why does Obamacare allow for a 'civilian defense force'....? wtf is that about...?

Why do you parrot right wing BULLSHIT?

Obama's 'Private Army'

So why did Obama sign it......?

Because Obama is not very liberal.


that answer alone tells me you don't know wtf you are talking about...

President Obama is the most ideologically moderate Democratic president in the post-war period.

Is Barack Obama the most liberal president ever? - The Washington Post


no matter what he is.....he aint much of a leader.....
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? - Christian Science Monitor

GOP Congressman Calls Obama 'Uppity'

GOP delegates throw nuts at African American CNN camerawoman: "This Is How We Feed Animals"

Republicans are really angry their right to incite racial strife is being "taken away". It infringes on their freedom when they can't wildly scream out racial taunts and epitaphs. They don't feel "free" and "safe" when they can't smear and demean. Their brand of hatred is protected under the constitution and it's their right.

And worst of all, they don't feel respected or taken seriously.

thats kinda like you Dean....well Dottie loves ya....
Not sure what makes the respect of progressives a sought-after commodity. After all, they respect Castro, Marx, Pol Pot, Lenin, Stalin, Che -- all kinds of bloodthirsty assholes.

I see it as a badge of honor to be disrespected by progs. Means I'm a normal person.
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? - Christian Science Monitor

GOP Congressman Calls Obama 'Uppity'

GOP delegates throw nuts at African American CNN camerawoman: "This Is How We Feed Animals"

Republicans are really angry their right to incite racial strife is being "taken away". It infringes on their freedom when they can't wildly scream out racial taunts and epitaphs. They don't feel "free" and "safe" when they can't smear and demean. Their brand of hatred is protected under the constitution and it's their right.

And worst of all, they don't feel respected or taken seriously.

thats kinda like you Dean....well Dottie loves ya....
Not sure what makes the respect of progressives a sought-after commodity. After all, they respect Castro, Marx, Pol Pot, Lenin, Stalin, Che -- all kinds of bloodthirsty assholes.

I see it as a badge of honor to be disrespected by progs. Means I'm a normal person.
Any room on this train? Permission to come aboard...
Can you give us a timeline of the Democratic Party's efforts to defund DHS?


How can Democrats defund? Republicans have control of the House.
They can introduce amendments, can't they? They can preach fiery rhetoric on the talk shows, can't they? They can at least make a token attempt to do their damn jobs, can't they?

Show us.

The Democrats can make a token attempt, then get accused of wasting the taxpayers money?

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