20 Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In An America Controlled By Liberals Like Obama

Damn....these threads are lame

If you are going to do something like this, at least put some thought into it

Hint: if it appeals to Stephanie, it is probably pretty damned lame
When YOU learn to think? Please let us know?
NO...truth. Try it some time.


The OP is not journalism. It is childish hyperbolic propaganda. It just shows how immature the right wing mind is. You turds lap it up.

lol, now you all care about journalism..
funny as hell after everything we get on this board from:
mother Jones
freakoutnation etc etc
It's called diversion/Obfuscation...BuFu is quite adept at it and he thinks he's smart and no one will notice.:lol:
NO...truth. Try it some time.


The OP is not journalism. It is childish hyperbolic propaganda. It just shows how immature the right wing mind is. You turds lap it up.

You are going to have to stop comparing teapers to conservatives. Please be sure to qualify your statement.

Teapers or Right wing nutters

YOu sound like Joe's sock.

Dude, the only true conservative is a strict Muslim. The rest of us are just moderates in comparison.
this thread must of hit a nerve with all the whining....:badgrin::eusa_clap:

Several threads of the same meme bring the criminal supporters out of the woodwork like the fucking cockroaches that they are.

It's their duty for the PARTY
must distract, reject, and steer people away as they might see some truth..
Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate, Defer...Terms that have no meaning to the truth...these idiots will wallow aimlessly on until the Truth finally comes to call...and these idiots will just fold like a cheap card table and wonder what happened.
The Tea Party covers alot of ground.

People who want to stop the growth of government, stop the constant bailouts, the corruption, the lies.

Some people are members and don't even know it.

Do you mean THIS tea party???

House Vote Roll Call on 2006 Patriot Act Renewal on March 7, 2006





And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

So why did Obama sign it......?

And why did Obama also sign the NDAA to allow for indefinite detention of American citizens...?

And why did Obama's Justice Department find it OK to assassinate U.S. citizens....?

And why does Obamacare allow for a 'civilian defense force'....? wtf is that about...?

the TPM is mainly a movement against taxes and too much government spending....

So why did Obama sign it......?

Because Obama is not very liberal. But I KNOW for a FACT if he didn't sign it you and the rest of the right would be all over Obama. But you won't admit that fact, now will you?

And why did Obama also sign the NDAA to allow for indefinite detention of American citizens...?

First tell me why it was signed 52 consecutive years before Obama.

And why did Obama's Justice Department find it OK to assassinate U.S. citizens....?

Another one that you folks on the right would be all over Obama for not supporting under the special circumstance that allows it. And I KNOW if were Bush & Cheney, we wouldn't hear a PEEP from you.

And why does Obamacare allow for a 'civilian defense force'....? wtf is that about...?

Why do you parrot right wing BULLSHIT?

Obama's 'Private Army'
Do you mean THIS tea party???

House Vote Roll Call on 2006 Patriot Act Renewal on March 7, 2006





And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

So why did Obama sign it......?

And why did Obama also sign the NDAA to allow for indefinite detention of American citizens...?

And why did Obama's Justice Department find it OK to assassinate U.S. citizens....?

And why does Obamacare allow for a 'civilian defense force'....? wtf is that about...?

the TPM is mainly a movement against taxes and too much government spending....

So why did Obama sign it......?

Because Obama is not very liberal. But I KNOW for a FACT if he didn't sign it you and the rest of the right would be all over Obama. But you won't admit that fact, now will you?

And why did Obama also sign the NDAA to allow for indefinite detention of American citizens...?

First tell me why it was signed 52 consecutive years before Obama.

And why did Obama's Justice Department find it OK to assassinate U.S. citizens....?

Another one that you folks on the right would be all over Obama for not supporting under the special circumstance that allows it. And I KNOW if were Bush & Cheney, we wouldn't hear a PEEP from you.

And why does Obamacare allow for a 'civilian defense force'....? wtf is that about...?

Why do you parrot right wing BULLSHIT?

Obama's 'Private Army'

So why did Obama sign it......?

Because Obama is not very liberal.


that answer alone tells me you don't know wtf you are talking about...
Elections have consequences. You libs voted for it; your minions changed things to suit the agenda. But when they're gone the rules they created will remain in place to be used with great fervor by the replacement government.
So why did Obama sign it......?

And why did Obama also sign the NDAA to allow for indefinite detention of American citizens...?

And why did Obama's Justice Department find it OK to assassinate U.S. citizens....?

And why does Obamacare allow for a 'civilian defense force'....? wtf is that about...?

the TPM is mainly a movement against taxes and too much government spending....

So why did Obama sign it......?

Because Obama is not very liberal. But I KNOW for a FACT if he didn't sign it you and the rest of the right would be all over Obama. But you won't admit that fact, now will you?

And why did Obama also sign the NDAA to allow for indefinite detention of American citizens...?

First tell me why it was signed 52 consecutive years before Obama.

And why did Obama's Justice Department find it OK to assassinate U.S. citizens....?

Another one that you folks on the right would be all over Obama for not supporting under the special circumstance that allows it. And I KNOW if were Bush & Cheney, we wouldn't hear a PEEP from you.

And why does Obamacare allow for a 'civilian defense force'....? wtf is that about...?

Why do you parrot right wing BULLSHIT?

Obama's 'Private Army'

So why did Obama sign it......?

Because Obama is not very liberal.


that answer alone tells me you don't know wtf you are talking about...

President Obama is the most ideologically moderate Democratic president in the post-war period.

Is Barack Obama the most liberal president ever? - The Washington Post

look in a mirror when you say that
come on what's NOT TURE about it? I'll pull the lefties games
try and DEBUNK IT

I don't even know why I respond but here it goes.

1. If abortion was the ONLY choice, how would DC have any children to regulate as your article states? That makes no sense.

2. Redskins is a racial slur. Indians and Seminoles are not. In fact, the Seminole nation gave Florida State the permission to use their name.

3. Democrats had the presidency, the house and a filibuster proof majority in the senate. Did any legislation get proposed or enacted banning conservative news networks and websites? No. Why not? Because many liberals are staunch defenders of a free press and free, open use of the internet. Ever hear of open source? The issue with Fox News and conservative media is they publish stories on sheer hearsay and no facts. They just regurgitate the same narrative just in different ways.

The narrative of Benghazi is Obama wanted the ambassador dead and the IRS scandal is that Obama wanted to shut down conservative groups for good by having a few agents ask for additional paperwork from anti tax group who might be trying to avoid paying their taxes.

Guess you didn't hear about all of the children that are flooding across the border from Central America.

The Redskins isn't a racial slur because Native Americans were the first to use the name, and if it was the only target of the left then why have they gone after other teams as well?

Oh, Democrats tried to institute laws that require radio stations to show balanced coverage. They called it The Fairness Doctrine. All it is, is federal government censorship. Instead, the Obama Administration quietly instituted new regulations that does the same thing. We have two right wing stations here, and they usually are the worst frequencies in town, and every 20 mins CBS gets to push their propaganda down our throats during the news. NPR has no interference from right-wing news. They can talk about income inequality all they want. During the IRS, VA, and Iraqi scandals all they talked about was income concentrations, how to tax them through the UN, and can robots become more human.

During H.S. basketball and baseball playoffs, Sean Hannity is preempted. Glenn Beck has been completely removed from the air. The only thing we have left on that station is Rush Limbaugh during the day for 3 hours, and even he has to put up with CBS's nonsensical idea of the news.

How did they do this? By threatening to take their FCC license away.

Benghazi was a total screwup by the administration that turned into a coverup. Now they're hiding witnesses and evidence of the coverup. This alone would be grounds for impeachment, but then there's the IRS destruction of hard-drives to obstruct an investigation, the screw ups over Iraq and the Ukraine, Obama ignoring our immigration laws and the result is a flood of illegal children over the border, and the list goes on and on. There are getting to be so many things this administration has screwed up that it's hard to count them all.

If Redskins is not offensive then you should have no problem going up to a group of native americans and saying,"What's up Redskins!"
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We'd also have to change our name. ObamaNation! oh well you voted for it

The only thing more disturbing than the arrogance, incompetence, and lawlessness of Barack Obama's administration is that most liberals are perfectly fine with everything he's doing. It's shocking that there are so many Americans who don't care about the Constitution, the rule of law, or even what happens to the country just as long as someone they agree with ideologically is in charge. In fact, the only time liberals seem to get really upset these days is if someone criticizes Barack Obama or tries to put ANY KIND of restraint on his power. Want to know how America would look if liberals like Barack Obama had complete control of the country?

1) Abortion would be the only "choice." Almost everything else including light bulbs, TVs, health care plans, cars, and the schools your child goes to would be chosen for you by people in D.C.

2) You could be sued for failing to warn people that you are about to say something that could conceivably be offensive to women, gays, transsexuals, or minorities.

3) Every sports fan of teams like the Redskins, Braves, Chiefs, Indians, Blackhawks, and Seminoles would be branded as a bigot and all of those teams would be forced to change their names.

4) We would have open borders and anyone who walks across would be welcome to sign up as a citizen and collect welfare, food stamps, and Social Security.

5) It would be illegal to say the Pledge of Allegiance or fly an American flag because it might "offend people."

6) All criticism of black and Hispanic politicians would be shrugged off and treated as racism.

7) Government investigations of liberal wrongdoing would be handled by friends, associates, or campaign contributors of the liberal being charged.

8) So many nuclear and coal plants would be shut down that we'd end up with regularly scheduled blackouts in many parts of the country.

9) Anyone could choose not to work and get a monthly stipend from the state -- well, until the money runs out.

10) Cities, states, and even well-connected big businesses that spend irresponsibly and go broke could always be bailed out by the federal government.

11) Women would have to get mandatory abortion counseling from Planned Parenthood before giving birth just to make sure they are ready to have a child.

12) Conservative talk radio, blogs, websites and especially Fox News would be regulated out of existence and only government-approved media sources would be allowed.

13) Christians and conservatives would have to hide their beliefs to get government jobs.

ALL of it here:
20 Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In An America Controlled By Liberals Like Obama - John Hawkins - Page 1

So lets get this straight

Before Obama you didn't live in an trailer , you were educated back then?

Seems like whoever is in office you live in a white trash trailer world :eusa_whistle:

To call Stephanie trash is to give trash a bad name.

"we are calling out for the long departed common sense of stephanie. Are you there???"
The OP is at least one of twenty reasons we won't see a Republican president in the near future. :cool:

Yes, I can guarantee that for the next two and a half years, the US will be Republican-President-free.


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