20 year goes clubbing - leaves 3 babies alone

i was not discussing any of that. I was discussing sperm.

no one should be allowed to weasel out of child support.

Isn't that exactly what a woman does when she has an abortion for any reason other than life-threatening emergency (eg: ectopic pregnancy)?

At the risk of derailing this into an abortion squabble, do you have a similar attitude to adoption?

What 'attitude' are you referring to?

I'm just stating the reality of the situation.
I notice none of the women came back and said "yes I would like to do something about the number of fathers who abandon their children." No great surprise. Ravi , HB , how come you don't care about what's best for KIDS?
Isn't that exactly what a woman does when she has an abortion for any reason other than life-threatening emergency (eg: ectopic pregnancy)?

At the risk of derailing this into an abortion squabble, do you have a similar attitude to adoption?

What 'attitude' are you referring to?

I'm just stating the reality of the situation.
What I meant is do you consider putting the baby up for adoption weaseling your way out of responsibilities or child support?
i was not discussing any of that. I was discussing sperm.

no one should be allowed to weasel out of child support.

Isn't that exactly what a woman does when she has an abortion for any reason other than life-threatening emergency (eg: ectopic pregnancy)?

Actually if you believed a ZEF (zygote/embryo/fetus) was a child, it would simply be murder. But since it's not really a child, it's more like a medical procedure for a preventable parasitic infection.

Weaseling out of child support would be more like giving a child up for adoption. At least the mom has that option.
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No one forced him to have sex.

Your implication is that someone forced her, because CLEARLY any woman with three children out of wedlock before she is 20 would say no to sex.

And there's nothing preferential about it. You either care about living children or you use them as tools...you fall into the latter category.
Everything about your attitude is preferential treatment for women. Get over it.

My point is rather clear: either men have an opinion when it comes to the birth of the child, or they shouldn't be made responsible for children they don't want. You want men to have no opinion on whether or not the child is born AND you want them to be responsible for the children they don't want. Again, fuck your double standards.
No, I was talking about your stupid belief that men somehow can't use a condom or refrain from sex.

I don't think anyone forced her...I think she has a screw loose. No one of sound mind has three children by age twenty with no partner.
it is simply amazing the lengths men will go to ...to refuse responsiblity for them selves....

That's funny in a thread where people are saying a female's not responsible for her actions when she leaves her kids alone because it's all the man's fault that she went clubbing while her seven-month-old child is left crying on the bed with nobody around to watch after them.
Except no one said that. Jeesh, you are really sensitive about this aren't you?
No, I was talking about your stupid belief that men somehow can't use a condom or refrain from sex.

Yes, because that's clearly MY stance on this issue. Obviously, I've been arguing that men should be able to screw whomever they please, unprotected, and have no repercussions for it.

Oh, no, wait, that's YOUR argument for women. How silly of me.


Face it. When it comes to the issue of birth, you want women to have all the power over men, and you want women to be able to choose their course of action. You further want men to be at the woman's mercy depending on her decisions, regardless of what he wants. You somehow have this notion that it's a man's fault a woman gets pregnant, when in all reality both are to blame. Your only argument is that men should keep it in their pants or use protection, but fail to ever mention that women have the same option.

Congratulations, you officially have no logical argument to back up your stance.
Actually if you believed a ZEF (zygote/embryo/fetus) was a child, it would simply be murder. But since it's not really a child, it's more like a medical procedure for a preventable parasitic infection.

I'll be sure to tell that to all the women who have suffered miscarriages early in their pregnancies and who felt like they lost someone they loved. I love how people completely discount the experience those women go through by simply saying that it was nothing more than a parasite. My mother had a miscarriage in her first pregnancy, very early in the pregnancy. It still upsets her more than 30 years later.

So, if you don't mind my saying, you're a jackass. And the only parasitic infection I see here is you.
Good for you, Sanders...you finally admit that men are equally responsible for a pregnancy. That is a big step for you. :clap2:
At the risk of derailing this into an abortion squabble, do you have a similar attitude to adoption?

What 'attitude' are you referring to?

I'm just stating the reality of the situation.
What I meant is do you consider putting the baby up for adoption weaseling your way out of responsibilities or child support?

That's the reason a great many persons give their child up for adoption, especially younger women. Nowadays, though, they tend to get abortions instead.
i was not discussing any of that. I was discussing sperm.

no one should be allowed to weasel out of child support.

Isn't that exactly what a woman does when she has an abortion for any reason other than life-threatening emergency (eg: ectopic pregnancy)?

Actually if you believed a ZEF (zygote/embryo/fetus) was a child, it would simply be murder.


Main Entry: child
Pronunciation: \ˈchī(-ə)ld\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural chil·dren \ˈchil-drən, -dərn\
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cild; akin to Gothic kilthei womb, and perhaps to Sanskrit jaṭhara belly
Date: before 12th century

1 a : an unborn or recently born person b dialect : a female infant\


Main Entry: 1mur·der
Pronunciation: \ˈmər-dər\
Function: noun
Etymology: partly from Middle English murther, from Old English morthor; partly from Middle English murdre, from Anglo-French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English morthor; akin to Old High German mord murder, Latin mort-, mors death, mori to die, mortuus dead, Greek brotos mortal
Date: before 12th century
1 : the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

But since it's not really a child,
It is by definition.
it's more like a medical procedure for a preventable parasitic infection.

You fail biology forever.
it is simply amazing the lengths men will go to ...to refuse responsiblity for them selves....

That's funny in a thread where people are saying a female's not responsible for her actions when she leaves her kids alone because it's all the man's fault that she went clubbing while her seven-month-old child is left crying on the bed with nobody around to watch after them.
Except no one said that. Jeesh, you are really sensitive about this aren't you?

Have you not seen your own posts?
it is simply amazing the lengths men will go to ...to refuse responsiblity for them selves....

That's funny in a thread where people are saying a female's not responsible for her actions when she leaves her kids alone because it's all the man's fault that she went clubbing while her seven-month-old child is left crying on the bed with nobody around to watch after them.
Except no one said that. Jeesh, you are really sensitive about this aren't you?

That's exactly what you said you dishonest bitch, you said you wanted the man charged with a crime for what this woman did. My God you are a piece of shit.
That's funny in a thread where people are saying a female's not responsible for her actions when she leaves her kids alone because it's all the man's fault that she went clubbing while her seven-month-old child is left crying on the bed with nobody around to watch after them.
Except no one said that. Jeesh, you are really sensitive about this aren't you?

Have you not seen your own posts?
Show me where I said the female's not responsible.
Except no one said that. Jeesh, you are really sensitive about this aren't you?

Have you not seen your own posts?
Show me where I said the female's not responsible.

When you say "let's get the father who wasn't even in the picture" Ravi no one is fooled, you were CLEARLY saying man bad woman good.

I am literally scared shitless thinking that you might be responsible for making decisions which affect anyone. You are the single most dishonest, dumbest, most racist person I have ever communicated with.
You couldn't find it either I see.

Ravi , the simple fact that you have yet to say the woman should be punished at all proves you don't think she should be.

Why are you so dishonest?
Isn't that exactly what a woman does when she has an abortion for any reason other than life-threatening emergency (eg: ectopic pregnancy)?

Actually if you believed a ZEF (zygote/embryo/fetus) was a child, it would simply be murder.


Main Entry: child
Pronunciation: \ˈchī(-ə)ld\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural chil·dren \ˈchil-drən, -dərn\
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cild; akin to Gothic kilthei womb, and perhaps to Sanskrit jaṭhara belly
Date: before 12th century

1 a : an unborn or recently born person b dialect : a female infant\


Main Entry: 1mur·der
Pronunciation: \ˈmər-dər\
Function: noun
Etymology: partly from Middle English murther, from Old English morthor; partly from Middle English murdre, from Anglo-French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English morthor; akin to Old High German mord murder, Latin mort-, mors death, mori to die, mortuus dead, Greek brotos mortal
Date: before 12th century
1 : the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

But since it's not really a child,
It is by definition.
it's more like a medical procedure for a preventable parasitic infection.

You fail biology forever.


Take it outside you two, we really don't need another one of these endless abortion debates (and I use that word loosely).
Good for you, Sanders...you finally admit that men are equally responsible for a pregnancy. That is a big step for you. :clap2:

Men are only equally responsible for a pregnancy if they are involved in the lives of the woman and the baby....If the man leaves the woman before she knows she is pregnant and she doesn't tell him how is he responsible?

If this woman has custody of the kids and the father is out of the picture and she leaves them alone......

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