2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th

Oh goody, now the personal attacks.

Priceless irony.

I know a few Sioux.....I also know they get about 2 Grand a month from their Casino's...is that what supprorts you?

My buddy gets that cash...but speaks 7 languages and is in Law School now...what is your excuse?

Why would my personal life be any of your business?

It's not, but it illustrates what a lazy little fuck you are as opposed to many of your brethren.

We conquered you, get over it.
I tuned into MSNBC this afternoon and Barney Fwank was talking about how the Repugs don't like it when he sucks cock and he thinks they want to stop all cock-sucking and ass-reaming.

Yes, the Dems want everyone to be able to blow anyone or bugger anyone they choose. Except Catholic priests and little boys. That is right out.
The people would erase you.

You are the antithesis to everything a true Sioux Warrior stood for.

Oh goody, now the personal attacks.

Priceless irony.

I know a few Sioux.....I also know they get about 2 Grand a month from their Casino's...is that what supprorts you?

My buddy gets that cash...but speaks 7 languages and is in Law School now...what is your excuse?

In fairness there are many whites who do just as you do, suck up whatever the Gov gives them.
Oh goody, now the personal attacks.

Priceless irony.

I know a few Sioux.....I also know they get about 2 Grand a month from their Casino's...is that what supprorts you?

My buddy gets that cash...but speaks 7 languages and is in Law School now...what is your excuse?

In fairness there are many whites who do just as you do, suck up whatever the Gov gives them.

So what happen to you in your life to be such a asshole. Having a different view is one thing and what this board is about, but to attack someone that you don't even know except for their heritage is down right fucked up.
I am sure you have gone far with that dysfunctional personality
Priceless irony.

I know a few Sioux.....I also know they get about 2 Grand a month from their Casino's...is that what supprorts you?

My buddy gets that cash...but speaks 7 languages and is in Law School now...what is your excuse?

In fairness there are many whites who do just as you do, suck up whatever the Gov gives them.

So what happen to you in your life to be such a asshole. Having a different view is one thing and what this board is about, but to attack someone that you don't even know except for their heritage is down right fucked up.
I am sure you have gone far with that dysfunctional personality

Errr....well, yes.

Lakhota does that pretty much all the time.
Priceless irony.

I know a few Sioux.....I also know they get about 2 Grand a month from their Casino's...is that what supprorts you?

My buddy gets that cash...but speaks 7 languages and is in Law School now...what is your excuse?

In fairness there are many whites who do just as you do, suck up whatever the Gov gives them.

So what happen to you in your life to be such a asshole. Having a different view is one thing and what this board is about, but to attack someone that you don't even know except for their heritage is down right fucked up.
I am sure you have gone far with that dysfunctional personality

Sorry dude, you aren't paying attention :)

It is precisely his heritage that is judging him.


I go to work every day, I work hard...and unlike Shitting Bull I don't whine about what I think everyone should do for me.

He is a lazy pissant who doesn't think his 2 grand a month form the "Tribe" is enough.
What to Expect at the Democratic Convention

Posted by Bruce Thornton
Sep 3rd, 2012


Watch any episode of “Walking Dead” and you’ll get a preview. Progressive ideas are beyond old. They’re dead. Yet they’re still walking around, mindless zombies reflexively moaning left-wing clichés and petrified orthodoxy. And just as the victims of zombies also become zombies when gnawed on by the undead, progressivism has spread by taking over schools, popular culture, the mainstream media, and for now the White House and Senate. With a record of failure and a total absence of any plan for turning the economy out of the path of the fiscal iceberg, all the Dems can do in Charlotte is set those rotting ideas loose to hunt down any still uninfected voters and chew away at their brains.

So expect the Dems to unleash the zombies, those reeking ideas like the “war on women.” The Convention will feature a whole slate of privileged women repeating feminist bromides that had some currency maybe in 1970. Expect hysterical charges about “taking away our right to choose,” which is zombie-speak for slandering and bullying Catholic institutions trying to protect religious freedom from government mandates to pay for birth control, or for demonizing those state legislatures trying to restrict infanticide disguised as third-trimester or partial-birth abortions. Creaky feminist clichés about “fearing strong women” and “silencing women’s voices” will also be on hand, coming from extremely vocal women who enjoy greater wealth, education, privilege, political power, influence, and leisure than most of the men in this country.


What to Expect at the Democratic Convention | FrontPage Magazine


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Oh goody, now the personal attacks.

Priceless irony.

I know a few Sioux.....I also know they get about 2 Grand a month from their Casino's...is that what supprorts you?

My buddy gets that cash...but speaks 7 languages and is in Law School now...what is your excuse?

Why would my personal life be any of your business?

well you've made it the boards business for with your hysterical rantings and spamming
This is the theme

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1D5Sa2Yq-2g]Circus Theme music - YouTube[/ame]
Michelle will talk about Barack's values.......

That shouldn't take long if she's honest.

And I heard they were going to do a Jimmy Carter tribute.


I guess they figure if they could make Obama look nice they can do the same for that asshole.
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Michelle will talk about Barack's values.......

That shouldn't take long if she's honest.

And I heard they were going to do a Jimmy Carter tribute.


I guess they figure if they could make Obama look nice they can do the same for that asshole.
They said she did a practice run yesterday about 2 mins long.
The first few seconds of the DNC will focus on Obama's accomplishments:

He got Bin Laden
He dropped his score from 115 to 95
He ripped up the bowling alley and built a basketball court in the WH
He got Bin Laden

Gonna be a short evening.

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