2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th

As I understand it, there is an "ignore" feature here. If I'm causing you this much distress, please utilize that feature before any further damage is done.

I'm not non-partisan, I'm anti-partisan. I believe that absolutist partisan ideologues like you are part of the problem. And my little crusade is to point that out. I sure as hell don't expect someone like you to agree.


You are here to stroke your own and ignore is for pussies. If you have a problem with what I have to say about you I suggest you take your own advice.

You aren't very observent either. I'm not an absolutist, partisan ideologue. My views on the issues are all over the spectrum but I will give you that I have an anti GOP partisan streak because right now I identify more with the dems and feel that the GOP has gone totally off the derp end and needs to be kept in check. Ideology has nothing to do with it.

I have a copyright on that phrase. You owe me $5.00.

Put it on my tab. I'm good for it, I swear.
Oh my, are you making "sure we all know how non partisan-y and above the bullshit" you think you are?

Just correcting you, Barry, I don't feel the need to say something about it in every other post like your self-aggrandizing ass does.

You're either going to have to put me on ignore or live with it.

Either way, this is getting a little creepy.


I'm going with option C) saying what I want, when I want. You, sir, are the one who is going to have to learn to live with it.
I bet you did watch some old man yell at a chair. I understand that was deemed to be the highlight of the GOP convention.

I also noticed you are very prone toward hyperbole.

Not at all. I've read the reviews and the polls, and watched the old dude yell at the chair. The old dude yelling at an inanimate object was much more entertaining and informative than Romney's speech. Romney's speech was watching paint dry.

When did he yell at the chair?

I don't remember him raising his voice once.

Making shit up again Dick Hurts?
Just correcting you, Barry, I don't feel the need to say something about it in every other post like your self-aggrandizing ass does.

You're either going to have to put me on ignore or live with it.

Either way, this is getting a little creepy.


I'm going with option C) saying what I want, when I want. You, sir, are the one who is going to have to learn to live with it.

Wow, that was a dynamite come-back......:lame2:
Just correcting you, Barry, I don't feel the need to say something about it in every other post like your self-aggrandizing ass does.

You're either going to have to put me on ignore or live with it.

Either way, this is getting a little creepy.


I'm going with option C) saying what I want, when I want. You, sir, are the one who is going to have to learn to live with it.

Okay, let's make a deal.

It's my passionate belief that the significant problems this country faces cannot and will not be solved until and unless both ends of the political spectrum can be honest, civil and mature. And that any "fixes" that come about as a result of lies and partisan zealotry are temporary at best and ultimately destructive. So as long as intellectual honesty, maturity and civility are given the low priorities they currently have, our beloved nation will continue to decay.

I'm going to continue droning on and on about this passionate belief.

You can continue to attack me for that belief.

Fair enough?

I have to go to the office now, have a great day.

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Name them.

Mac1958, g5000 are two that I know for sure off hand.

The list is too long for folks that know the facts and have decided which side they're on.

Interesting. You didn't mention yourself.

Are you willing to have either of ( or both of ) those two people judge you regarding YOUR ability to discuss politics using facts? Do you think they would judge you fairly?

I have to admit I'm a bit biased......but being a Libra I tend to be fair.

Oh, and being judgmental is a slippery-slope....but sometimes it's necessary.
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The nutters are asking for details. Nice development.

The DNC was a success. Apart from the moment of weakness and stupidity that led to that embarrassing amendment of the platform, they kicked ass.

The successes of Obama's leadership were clearly outlined over the three days.....as well as the clear choices that we have in the two candidates.

Today we will get the August jobs report. It will show that we have had 30 consecutive months of PRIVATE SECTOR job growth without a massive increase in the size of government. These two facts will upset the nutters here......and they will not offer acceptance.

While nobody is jumping up and down over the pace of recovery............we are, in fact, recovering. We are better off than we were 4 years ago.

The question remaining is.................how effective can 500 million dollars of advertising be in frightening people and getting them to believe lies? That is the only chance that Romney has.

lone clown boy maybe you can translate obamanation for those who don't understand it. Where exactly in his speech was his jobs plans?
I also noticed you are very prone toward hyperbole.

Not at all. I've read the reviews and the polls, and watched the old dude yell at the chair. The old dude yelling at an inanimate object was much more entertaining and informative than Romney's speech. Romney's speech was watching paint dry.

When did he yell at the chair?

I don't remember him raising his voice once.

Making shit up again Dick Hurts?

I don't remember anyone going "Bravo" at Romney's speech. The highlight of the GOP convention was some old man yelling at a chair.
Did he use too many big words??

You only need one question mark. :lol:

I hear that often from your pals. But I have always done that and I am not going to stop because right wingers don't like it!!! Hello no!!!!!!!!!! :)

Do you really think your shameless nuthugging here has anything to do with the election? Are you doing this song and dance for the benefit of someone?

This is the DNC thread stupid ass. Go and relieve your gas somewhere else

I'm sorry, did I disturb your little circle-jerk?

You are so pissed because the DNC was such a success and I think you know that the RNC was not. Neither is their ticket. So take your gloom and doom and be gone. You have no power here.
Mac1958, g5000 are two that I know for sure off hand.

The list is too long for folks that know the facts and have decided which side they're on.

Interesting. You didn't mention yourself.

Are you willing to have either of ( or both of ) those two people judge you regarding YOUR ability to discuss politics using facts? Do you think they would judge you fairly?

I have to admit I'm a bit biased......but being a Libra I tend to be fair.

Oh, and being judgmental is a slippery-slope....but sometimes it's necessary.

I'm sorry. I missed the part where you answered my question.
Hey, Dickless... where are the details on jobs????

cricket... cricket... cricket...

Suckit... suckit... suckit....

How do American Corporations make record profits, and still fail to give the average American a good paying job?

asked and answered, dumb ass.

look up my previous post answering. I'm not going to hunt through the threads to find it just because you're too busy masturbating to pictures of Obama to go find the answer I posted yourself.
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