2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th


Amelia Boynton Robinson, 101-Year-Old Voting Rights Activist, Attends The Democratic Convention
If Romney wins the General Election, he will have defeated the "fictional" Obama - not the "real" Obama. The "real" Obama deserves a 2nd term. The "real" Obama has earned a 2nd term. The "real" Obama not only has to worry about beating the "fictional" Obama - he also has to worry about voter suppression and another stolen election.

Regardless of the outcome, Romney/Ryan will be branded as running one of the most dishonest campaigns in American history.

President Obama and his supporters can only hope that truth prevails - and the mainstream media do their jobs fairly and honestly for the American people.
He didn't address the job issue, that was surprising. He is a good speaker though.

No shit Who would have thought that obama would not have left out JOBS

I guess you didn't watch. Obama made job creation a top priority.


I thought taxing the rich was his top priority.

I'm still waiting on how he plans to create jobs by fucking anyone that has a job to offer.

Oh I know, he plans on creating more teachers, policemen, and firefighters jobs......union jobs, government jobs.

That'll take care of that nasty debt. :eusa_whistle:
ah so the Dear leader made job creation his top priority, I guess that's nice after four years.

but, We can't afford Obama's IDEAS of job creation...His visions of job creation is GROWING GOVERNMENT BIGGER (take ObamaCare as a hint)

vote him out people, we can't afford him or his administration anymore
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The nutters are asking for details. Nice development.

The DNC was a success. Apart from the moment of weakness and stupidity that led to that embarrassing amendment of the platform, they kicked ass.

The successes of Obama's leadership were clearly outlined over the three days.....as well as the clear choices that we have in the two candidates.

Today we will get the August jobs report. It will show that we have had 30 consecutive months of PRIVATE SECTOR job growth without a massive increase in the size of government. These two facts will upset the nutters here......and they will not offer acceptance.

While nobody is jumping up and down over the pace of recovery............we are, in fact, recovering. We are better off than we were 4 years ago.

The question remaining is.................how effective can 500 million dollars of advertising be in frightening people and getting them to believe lies? That is the only chance that Romney has.
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I'd offer my opinion on the conventions, but having burned only about 10-12 minutes of my time between the two, my opinion would be worth even less than it usually is.

Six total days of partisan spin, hyperbole, distortion, dishonest omission, outright lies, talking points, phony cheering and mind-numbing platitudes? Is anyone here going to claim that their minds were changed?

Cripes, let's get this election over with.


The nutters are asking for details. Nice development.

The DNC was a success. Apart from the moment of weakness and stupidity that led to that embarrassing amendment of the platform, they kicked ass.

The successes of Obama's leadership were clearly outlined over the three days.....as well as the clear choices that we have in the two candidates.

Today we will get the August jobs report. It will show that we have had 30 consecutive months of PRIVATE SECTOR job growth without a massive in the size of government. These two facts will upset the nutters here......and they will not offer acceptance.

While nobody is jumping up and down over the pace of recovery............we are, in fact, recovering. We are better off than we were 4 years ago.

The question remaining is.................how effective can 500 million dollars of advertising be in frightening people and getting them to believe lies? That is the only chance that Romney has.

The DNC would be a success if the lies that were told during it actually changed anyone's mind.

I don't believe that is the case. You're looking for reasons to believe and I didn't see anything that I could believe in. However somebody like you who has already drank the Kool-aid cannot be changed.

You're dead to the truth.

People like me can't be persuaded because we know the whole thing was a pack of lies. I think most Independents saw it for what it was. A pep-rally. Obama's goal was simply to not lose votes. To him that is a success.
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