2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th

Voting no three times for God and Jerusalem was almost as golden as "You didn't build that!"....lol

The "You didn't build that!" was distorted NaziCon bullshit taken totally out of context.

However, the "God and Jerusalem" thingy was a RNC clusterfuck. I was embarassed.
The DNC fucked up and had a vote like that live, with a video record... and YOU blame the RNC???

You should be embarrassed. Your stupidity is mind boggling.

EDIT... I see you corrected your RNC mistake. Kudos. Maybe you're not as completely mind bogglingly stupid as we all think.
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Voting no three times for God and Jerusalem was almost as golden as "You didn't build that!"....lol

The "You didn't build that!" was distorted NaziCon bullshit taken totally out of context.

However, the "God and Jerusalem" thingy was a RNC clusterfuck. I was embarassed.
The DNC fucked up and had a vote like that live, on video record... and YOU blame the RNC???

You should be embarrassed. Your stupidity is mind boggling.

It was a typo, retard. I've already corrected it.
Quite a different speech from Hope N' Change Obama in 08

His speech in '08 got him elected in '08 and his speech in '12 will get him re-elected in '12. His three convention speeches are all core Obama. I think the main difference from '08 is that now he is has an established team.
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Voting no three times for God and Jerusalem was almost as golden as "You didn't build that!"....lol

The "You didn't build that!" was distorted NaziCon bullshit taken totally out of context.
No it wasn't... 0bama even admitted he fucked up saying that...

It is currently his "Dukakis in a Tank" moment...:thup:

However, the "God and Jerusalem" thingy was a DNC clusterfuck. I was embarassed.

It's GOLD for commercial fodder... Going to go down as one of the biggest fuckups at any convention - evah....:lol:
+4 points within two weeks for Obama. Romney has peaked, and his convention performance sucked. I suspect that Romney will lose 2 points. Obama by 6 in two weeks.

you willing to bet your account on that, Dickless?

You've shown yourself to be without honor. I wouldn't gamble with you.

you wouldn't know honor if it fucked you up the ass and bought you breaksfast.

I already have a bet on the election outcome with Salt Jones. I guess the board racist has more courage in their convictions than the board dipshit (that's you, btw).

Your fear is noted.
Quite a different speech from Hope N' Change Obama in 08

His speech in '08 got him elected in '08 and his speech in '12 will get him re-elected in '12. His three convention speeches are all core Obama. I think the main difference from '08 is that now he is has an established team.

The "youts" have abandoned him...

The enthusiasm from 2008 just isn't there...

That's trouble for Barry....

Did they bring out the "new and improved" Barack Obama tonight? I couldn't really stand to listen to the B.S. again. Personally I think they should wrap every speech he's made during his life and start using them as a new enhanced interrogation procedure (torture) for terrorists. It would probably work better than waterboarding.

At any rate--this community organizer--in no way deserves another 4 years. We are at 8.3% unemployment with real unemployment at 11% if you count those that no longer receive unemployment benefits. 23 million Americans either unemployed or underemployed. 46 million Americans on food stamps. 16 trillion in red ink--with another 5 trillion to be added to this tab within the next decade just for the interest on this bill. 1/2 of college students can't find work in their fields of study--their living at home with their parents--and flipping hamburgers at McDonald's. If they get lucky and find a decent job--they're expected to pay $224,000.00 just in interest on this bill. Medium household yearly incomes are down $4000.00 since Obama took office. Gas prices are up--food prices are up--and consumer confidence is in the tank. This is what Obama's trickle down Government economic policies have done to the middle class.

SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center
Household income is below recession levels, report says - The Washington Post
National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012

The 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill turned out to be an epic failure. What jobs were "created" were created in China and Finland.
Obama's Stimulus Money Spent Overseas, Jobs in China - ABC News
Obama Administration Gave Half-Billion-Dollar Loan to Al Gore-Connected Electric Car Company Fisker to Build in Finland | TheBlaze.com

Then he gives BRAZIL 3 billion dollars so they can drill oil for us--while he said NO to the only real "shovel" ready project that would have put 10's of thousands of Americans to work the next day--The Keystone pipeline.
President Obama Finances Offshore Drilling in Brazil - WSJ.com

Then the scandals:
Solyndra--Fast and Furious

After watching our community organizer in action over the last 4 years--one begins to wonder just who's side is he really on.


"When you don't have a record to run on you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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Obama is done. One week ago he jumped on the RNC for not laying out a clear plan on how they intended to fix things. Tonight, not only did he not address why his first plan failed, he didn't offer a new one.

The drea..., eh nightmare, is finally over!
Well it's hard to talk policy when your track record is just one failed policy after another.
Could have just played a recording of Obama's campaign phrases all mixed up and sat this on stage:


It would have been the same. Just a boring, uninformative bunch of rambling. His worst performance yet.
Meh, I thought the presidents speech was disappointing. Too much hope and change and not enough policy IMO.

He didn't address the job issue, that was surprising. He is a good speaker though.

I was surprised about that too. Honestly, I think people will be referencing Clintons speech and Obamas will mostly fade into the background.
Well, thank goodness the DNC took that awful RNC shit taste out of my mouth.

Will the Romney/Ryan NaziCons continue to spew their same old disproven lies, or will they conjure up some new ones? I'm betting on both...
Meh, I thought the presidents speech was disappointing. Too much hope and change and not enough policy IMO.

We are going to hear about the policy's during the debates from both sides I hope.
I feel the DNC's most important thing to do was to charge up the base which I think they did a good job at.
Now on to the debates.
I would say side by side, the DNC was the winner. Clinton and Michelle knocked it out of the park, and overall the DNC did a better job of defending policies and drawing clear contrasts.

However, not sure conventions really accomplish much. *shrug*

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