2012 Election


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
One thing every single person can agree on is that this election is a choice between two visions for America.

A.) We stop kicking the can down the road for future generations to deal with, stop trading handouts for power, and make the tough decisions now. We do the unpopular things to save America and future generations. We end the national collapsing gravy-train for the parasite class. We decide to let those who aren't willing to provide for themselves (the Lahkota's, JoeB.'s, Chris's, etc.) fall by the way side so that America can thrive. We ask 18 year olds to sacrifice for this country every day in the military - up to and including - sacrificing their life. If we can ask that of 18 year olds, we can ask the same thing of 40+ year old's who are not willing to work and make their own way in life. This option ends with a few who are not willing to work falling by the way side, but ultimately ends with America thriving once again.

B.) We continue the redistributive policies of communism/marxism/socialism that ultimately ends with the collapse of America. This appeases the parasite class and buys their votes. It sustains power for those who are only concerned with their own power. And although it ends with the complete collapse of America, it does so with all of us "equal" in poverty and misery.
One thing every single person can agree on is that this election is a choice between two visions for America.

A.) We stop kicking the can down the road for future generations to deal with, stop trading handouts for power, and make the tough decisions now.
You do realize that the Republican plan the budget won't be balanced until 30 years from now right? In fact according to the plan cuts don't take place until 2016, where he'd have to have a second term to even have the effects of it. Why not do it during HIS term? I wish I could find that link again, it was someone here that posted it. That's from Mitts own website.

B.) We continue the redistributive policies of communism/marxism/socialism that ultimately ends with the collapse of America. This appeases the parasite class and buys their votes. It sustains power for those who are only concerned with their own power. And although it ends with the complete collapse of America, it does so with all of us "equal" in poverty and misery.
A shit option in it's own right.
The Democrats can switch to their ball-control game now, pounding it out on the ground with low-risk plays and running out the clock. The Democratic convention will be professional, positive, free of surprises and very effective. When you're ahead and you have a good ground game, you can play ball control. In contrast, the Republicans are already resorting to hail mary passes like Ryan and Eastwood.

Romney is the first candidate in recent history to not get any significant convention bump. Obama is ahead in all but one swing state, even before the Democratic convention. At the presidential level, this thing is pretty much already over. Now it's become a question of how many congressional seats the Democrats can pick up.
The Democrats can switch to their ball-control game now, pounding it out on the ground with low-risk plays and running out the clock. The Democratic convention will be professional, positive, free of surprises and very effective. When you're ahead and you have a good ground game, you can play ball control. In contrast, the Republicans are already resorting to hail mary passes like Ryan and Eastwood.

Romney is the first candidate in recent history to not get any significant convention bump. Obama is ahead in all but one swing state, even before the Democratic convention. At the presidential level, this thing is pretty much already over. Now it's become a question of how many congressional seats the Democrats can pick up.

Well, the electoral college is controlled by the GOP thanks to the November 2010 elections. Now, you can wish all you want for Obama, but it doesn't change reality. So the real question is, will you have the backbone to show up on USMB the day after Romney has won the election in a landslide? :lol:
One thing every single person can agree on is that this election is a choice between two visions for America.

A.) We stop kicking the can down the road for future generations to deal with, stop trading handouts for power, and make the tough decisions now. We do the unpopular things to save America and future generations. We end the national collapsing gravy-train for the parasite class. We decide to let those who aren't willing to provide for themselves (the Lahkota's, JoeB.'s, Chris's, etc.) fall by the way side so that America can thrive. We ask 18 year olds to sacrifice for this country every day in the military - up to and including - sacrificing their life. If we can ask that of 18 year olds, we can ask the same thing of 40+ year old's who are not willing to work and make their own way in life. This option ends with a few who are not willing to work falling by the way side, but ultimately ends with America thriving once again.

B.) We continue the redistributive policies of communism/marxism/socialism that ultimately ends with the collapse of America. This appeases the parasite class and buys their votes. It sustains power for those who are only concerned with their own power. And although it ends with the complete collapse of America, it does so with all of us "equal" in poverty and misery.

Interesting way to frame this election, although an extremely biased one. I guess if the choice were between saving America or the complete collapse of our country, with all in poverty and misery, the decision would not be difficult. However, that is really not the choice, is it?

Also, you make the assumption that those who politically disagree with you are not willing to work and support themselves such as Lahkota, JoeB and Chris, but there is nothing of substance behind such assumption.
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The Democrats can switch to their ball-control game now, pounding it out on the ground with low-risk plays and running out the clock. The Democratic convention will be professional, positive, free of surprises and very effective. When you're ahead and you have a good ground game, you can play ball control. In contrast, the Republicans are already resorting to hail mary passes like Ryan and Eastwood.

Romney is the first candidate in recent history to not get any significant convention bump. Obama is ahead in all but one swing state, even before the Democratic convention. At the presidential level, this thing is pretty much already over. Now it's become a question of how many congressional seats the Democrats can pick up.

Well, the electoral college is controlled by the GOP thanks to the November 2010 elections. Now, you can wish all you want for Obama, but it doesn't change reality. So the real question is, will you have the backbone to show up on USMB the day after Romney has won the election in a landslide? :lol:

Last time I checked the election will be close, but the electoral vote is currently tilted towards President Obama. I do not see a landside either way.

I am not sure how the GOP controls the electoral college as a result of the 2010 elections. States are given electoral votes in accordance with their congressional representatives based on their populations.
One thing every single person can agree on is that this election is a choice between two visions for America.

A.) We stop kicking the can down the road for future generations to deal with, stop trading handouts for power, and make the tough decisions now. We do the unpopular things to save America and future generations. We end the national collapsing gravy-train for the parasite class. We decide to let those who aren't willing to provide for themselves (the Lahkota's, JoeB.'s, Chris's, etc.) fall by the way side so that America can thrive. We ask 18 year olds to sacrifice for this country every day in the military - up to and including - sacrificing their life. If we can ask that of 18 year olds, we can ask the same thing of 40+ year old's who are not willing to work and make their own way in life. This option ends with a few who are not willing to work falling by the way side, but ultimately ends with America thriving once again.

B.) We continue the redistributive policies of communism/marxism/socialism that ultimately ends with the collapse of America. This appeases the parasite class and buys their votes. It sustains power for those who are only concerned with their own power. And although it ends with the complete collapse of America, it does so with all of us "equal" in poverty and misery.

Interesting way to frame this election, although an extremely biased one. I guess if the choice were between saving America or the complete collapse of our country, with all in poverty and misery, the decision would not be difficult. However, that is really not the choice, is it?

Also, you make the assumption that those who politically disagree with you are not willing to work and support themselves such as Lakhota, JoeB and Chris, but there is nothing of substance behind such assumption.

No description of the contrast between the two choices can be unbiased! The truthful evaluation of Obama must include a study of his past...unlike what we got before the 2008 elections.

The OP description of the choices was spot on.

The choice is between turning back toward pursuit of the traditional American dream and continuing forward toward Marxism.
One thing every single person can agree on is that this election is a choice between two visions for America.

A.) We stop kicking the can down the road for future generations to deal with, stop trading handouts for power, and make the tough decisions now. We do the unpopular things to save America and future generations. We end the national collapsing gravy-train for the parasite class. We decide to let those who aren't willing to provide for themselves (the Lahkota's, JoeB.'s, Chris's, etc.) fall by the way side so that America can thrive. We ask 18 year olds to sacrifice for this country every day in the military - up to and including - sacrificing their life. If we can ask that of 18 year olds, we can ask the same thing of 40+ year old's who are not willing to work and make their own way in life. This option ends with a few who are not willing to work falling by the way side, but ultimately ends with America thriving once again.

B.) We continue the redistributive policies of communism/marxism/socialism that ultimately ends with the collapse of America. This appeases the parasite class and buys their votes. It sustains power for those who are only concerned with their own power. And although it ends with the complete collapse of America, it does so with all of us "equal" in poverty and misery.

Interesting way to frame this election, although an extremely biased one. I guess if the choice were between saving America or the complete collapse of our country, with all in poverty and misery, the decision would not be difficult. However, that is really not the choice, is it?

Also, you make the assumption that those who politically disagree with you are not willing to work and support themselves such as Lakhota, JoeB and Chris, but there is nothing of substance behind such assumption.

You've got nothing of substance that says they do, sorry.

Everything they post suggests that they are takers.
One thing every single person can agree on is that this election is a choice between two visions for America.

A.) We stop kicking the can down the road for future generations to deal with, stop trading handouts for power, and make the tough decisions now. We do the unpopular things to save America and future generations. We end the national collapsing gravy-train for the parasite class. We decide to let those who aren't willing to provide for themselves (the Lahkota's, JoeB.'s, Chris's, etc.) fall by the way side so that America can thrive. We ask 18 year olds to sacrifice for this country every day in the military - up to and including - sacrificing their life. If we can ask that of 18 year olds, we can ask the same thing of 40+ year old's who are not willing to work and make their own way in life. This option ends with a few who are not willing to work falling by the way side, but ultimately ends with America thriving once again.

B.) We continue the redistributive policies of communism/marxism/socialism that ultimately ends with the collapse of America. This appeases the parasite class and buys their votes. It sustains power for those who are only concerned with their own power. And although it ends with the complete collapse of America, it does so with all of us "equal" in poverty and misery.

Interesting way to frame this election, although an extremely biased one. I guess if the choice were between saving America or the complete collapse of our country, with all in poverty and misery, the decision would not be difficult. However, that is really not the choice, is it?

Also, you make the assumption that those who politically disagree with you are not willing to work and support themselves such as Lakhota, JoeB and Chris, but there is nothing of substance behind such assumption.

No description of the contrast between the two choices can be unbiased! The truthful evaluation of Obama must include a study of his past...unlike what we got before the 2008 elections.

The OP description of the choices was spot on.

The choice is between turning back toward pursuit of the traditional American dream and continuing forward toward Marxism.

Why the need for the fantasy examination of Obama's past? Obama has been president for four years, I believe that is the best guage of his ability as president for the next four years.

If Obama wins do you really believe we are heading towards marxism? Do you really believe that the Democratic party stands against the American dream?

It is hard to engage in meaningful conversation with such hyperbole.
One thing every single person can agree on is that this election is a choice between two visions for America.

A.) We stop kicking the can down the road for future generations to deal with, stop trading handouts for power, and make the tough decisions now. We do the unpopular things to save America and future generations. We end the national collapsing gravy-train for the parasite class. We decide to let those who aren't willing to provide for themselves (the Lahkota's, JoeB.'s, Chris's, etc.) fall by the way side so that America can thrive. We ask 18 year olds to sacrifice for this country every day in the military - up to and including - sacrificing their life. If we can ask that of 18 year olds, we can ask the same thing of 40+ year old's who are not willing to work and make their own way in life. This option ends with a few who are not willing to work falling by the way side, but ultimately ends with America thriving once again.

B.) We continue the redistributive policies of communism/marxism/socialism that ultimately ends with the collapse of America. This appeases the parasite class and buys their votes. It sustains power for those who are only concerned with their own power. And although it ends with the complete collapse of America, it does so with all of us "equal" in poverty and misery.

I saw an article by Janet Daley in The Telegraph yesterday which makes pretty much the same point:
Whatever the outcome of the American presidential election, one thing is certain: the fighting of it will be the most significant political event of the decade. Last week’s Republican national convention sharpened what had been until then only a vague, inchoate theme: this campaign is going to consist of the debate that all Western democratic countries should be engaging in, but which only the United States has the nerve to undertake. The question that will demand an answer lies at the heart of the economic crisis from which the West seems unable to recover. It is so profoundly threatening to the governing consensus of Britain and Europe as to be virtually unutterable here, so we shall have to rely on the robustness of the US political class to make the running.

What is being challenged is nothing less than the most basic premise of the politics of the centre ground: that you can have free market economics and a democratic socialist welfare system at the same time.

cont.... We should tune in to the Romney and Ryan show - Telegraph

(bold is mine)

All over Europe, we're seeing the failure of the democratic socialist welfare system. It is, as Daley writes, incompatible with free market capitalism. By its nature, it inhibits growth and production so we end up with all these free riders and not enough producers to support them all.

It's no accident that this country has enjoyed the marvelous success that it has. And it's amazing to me that we have all these leftists here who can't SEE why.
One thing every single person can agree on is that this election is a choice between two visions for America.

A.) We stop kicking the can down the road for future generations to deal with, stop trading handouts for power, and make the tough decisions now. We do the unpopular things to save America and future generations. We end the national collapsing gravy-train for the parasite class. We decide to let those who aren't willing to provide for themselves (the Lahkota's, JoeB.'s, Chris's, etc.) fall by the way side so that America can thrive. We ask 18 year olds to sacrifice for this country every day in the military - up to and including - sacrificing their life. If we can ask that of 18 year olds, we can ask the same thing of 40+ year old's who are not willing to work and make their own way in life. This option ends with a few who are not willing to work falling by the way side, but ultimately ends with America thriving once again.

B.) We continue the redistributive policies of communism/marxism/socialism that ultimately ends with the collapse of America. This appeases the parasite class and buys their votes. It sustains power for those who are only concerned with their own power. And although it ends with the complete collapse of America, it does so with all of us "equal" in poverty and misery.

Interesting way to frame this election, although an extremely biased one. I guess if the choice were between saving America or the complete collapse of our country, with all in poverty and misery, the decision would not be difficult. However, that is really not the choice, is it?

Also, you make the assumption that those who politically disagree with you are not willing to work and support themselves such as Lakhota, JoeB and Chris, but there is nothing of substance behind such assumption.

You've got nothing of substance that says they do, sorry.

Everything they post suggests that they are takers.

I do not require anything of substance because I am not the one making the allegations. For all we know they are millionaires or perhaps live in grandma's basement. How did you derive that they are takers from their posts? Did it involve the use of tarot cards, a wegie board, or reading tea leaves? In other words, posters who disagree with you politically must be deadbeats.
One thing every single person can agree on is that this election is a choice between two visions for America.

A.) We stop kicking the can down the road for future generations to deal with, stop trading handouts for power, and make the tough decisions now. We do the unpopular things to save America and future generations. We end the national collapsing gravy-train for the parasite class. We decide to let those who aren't willing to provide for themselves (the Lahkota's, JoeB.'s, Chris's, etc.) fall by the way side so that America can thrive. We ask 18 year olds to sacrifice for this country every day in the military - up to and including - sacrificing their life. If we can ask that of 18 year olds, we can ask the same thing of 40+ year old's who are not willing to work and make their own way in life. This option ends with a few who are not willing to work falling by the way side, but ultimately ends with America thriving once again.

B.) We continue the redistributive policies of communism/marxism/socialism that ultimately ends with the collapse of America. This appeases the parasite class and buys their votes. It sustains power for those who are only concerned with their own power. And although it ends with the complete collapse of America, it does so with all of us "equal" in poverty and misery.

And if actually believe Romney's going to do all that, then I've got some beach front property in North Dakota to sell you.

Most likely Romney will simply continue on the path we're on. Sure, he'll make some small changes that won't amount to jack shit in the long run; and the party hacks will eat it up. But 4/8 years of Romney will be little to no different than 8 years of Bush or 4/8 years of Obama.
The Democrats can switch to their ball-control game now, pounding it out on the ground with low-risk plays and running out the clock. The Democratic convention will be professional, positive, free of surprises and very effective. When you're ahead and you have a good ground game, you can play ball control. In contrast, the Republicans are already resorting to hail mary passes like Ryan and Eastwood.

Romney is the first candidate in recent history to not get any significant convention bump. Obama is ahead in all but one swing state, even before the Democratic convention. At the presidential level, this thing is pretty much already over. Now it's become a question of how many congressional seats the Democrats can pick up.

Well, the electoral college is controlled by the GOP thanks to the November 2010 elections. Now, you can wish all you want for Obama, but it doesn't change reality. So the real question is, will you have the backbone to show up on USMB the day after Romney has won the election in a landslide? :lol:

Whaaaaaa? :eusa_eh: You don't know how the EC works, do you?
One thing every single person can agree on is that this election is a choice between two visions for America.

A.) We stop kicking the can down the road for future generations to deal with, stop trading handouts for power, and make the tough decisions now. We do the unpopular things to save America and future generations. We end the national collapsing gravy-train for the parasite class. We decide to let those who aren't willing to provide for themselves (the Lahkota's, JoeB.'s, Chris's, etc.) fall by the way side so that America can thrive. We ask 18 year olds to sacrifice for this country every day in the military - up to and including - sacrificing their life. If we can ask that of 18 year olds, we can ask the same thing of 40+ year old's who are not willing to work and make their own way in life. This option ends with a few who are not willing to work falling by the way side, but ultimately ends with America thriving once again.

B.) We continue the redistributive policies of communism/marxism/socialism that ultimately ends with the collapse of America. This appeases the parasite class and buys their votes. It sustains power for those who are only concerned with their own power. And although it ends with the complete collapse of America, it does so with all of us "equal" in poverty and misery.

I do agree with all your statements, except the following: those who aren't willing to provide for themselves the Lahkota's, JoeB.'s, Chris's, etc.)

You see, I don't know if they "are" able and willing." They may not be. If they are though, then I agree with ALL of your statement. :D
Interesting way to frame this election, although an extremely biased one. I guess if the choice were between saving America or the complete collapse of our country, with all in poverty and misery, the decision would not be difficult. However, that is really not the choice, is it?

Also, you make the assumption that those who politically disagree with you are not willing to work and support themselves such as Lakhota, JoeB and Chris, but there is nothing of substance behind such assumption.

You've got nothing of substance that says they do, sorry.

Everything they post suggests that they are takers.

I do not require anything of substance because I am not the one making the allegations. For all we know they are millionaires or perhaps live in grandma's basement. How did you derive that they are takers from their posts? Did it involve the use of tarot cards, a wegie board, or reading tea leaves? In other words, posters who disagree with you politically must be deadbeats.

Frankly what they post tells you what they are, sorry.
You've got nothing of substance that says they do, sorry.

Everything they post suggests that they are takers.

I do not require anything of substance because I am not the one making the allegations. For all we know they are millionaires or perhaps live in grandma's basement. How did you derive that they are takers from their posts? Did it involve the use of tarot cards, a wegie board, or reading tea leaves? In other words, posters who disagree with you politically must be deadbeats.

Frankly what they post tells you what they are, sorry.

You are able to tell that they are takers from their posts? Was that post #1347 "I am on welfare because I don't feel like rolling out of bed?" What happened to conservatives. They seem to have devolved into people who make baseless accusations.

And don't call me Frankly.
The Democrats can switch to their ball-control game now, pounding it out on the ground with low-risk plays and running out the clock. The Democratic convention will be professional, positive, free of surprises and very effective. When you're ahead and you have a good ground game, you can play ball control. In contrast, the Republicans are already resorting to hail mary passes like Ryan and Eastwood.

Romney is the first candidate in recent history to not get any significant convention bump. Obama is ahead in all but one swing state, even before the Democratic convention. At the presidential level, this thing is pretty much already over. Now it's become a question of how many congressional seats the Democrats can pick up.

Well, the electoral college is controlled by the GOP thanks to the November 2010 elections. Now, you can wish all you want for Obama, but it doesn't change reality. So the real question is, will you have the backbone to show up on USMB the day after Romney has won the election in a landslide? :lol:

So are you saying that the fix is already in and electors are gonna vote for Romney no matter how many votes the Prez gets?
I do not require anything of substance because I am not the one making the allegations. For all we know they are millionaires or perhaps live in grandma's basement. How did you derive that they are takers from their posts? Did it involve the use of tarot cards, a wegie board, or reading tea leaves? In other words, posters who disagree with you politically must be deadbeats.

Frankly what they post tells you what they are, sorry.

You are able to tell that they are takers from their posts? Was that post #1347 "I am on welfare because I don't feel like rolling out of bed?" What happened to conservatives. They seem to have devolved into people who make baseless accusations.

And don't call me Frankly.

Shirley you jest?

If they'd work as hard as they cry they'd be alright.

What has happened to you Lefty's........why do you think we owe you anything?

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