2012 Election

the radical marxist dictator called Barack Obama

Wow - so now Obama is Kim Il Jung as well?!

Let me guess, Rottweiler - you have never in your life been to a country which suffers genuine oppression, right?

I do think that if you spent a little time in genuinely oppressed countries you might be able to tell the difference between Kansas and Korea.

Wonderful, wonderful posting!

  • Obama illegally shoved through socialized medicine by purchasing votes (the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase). When you shove your ideology through against the will of the people, that is a dictator.

  • He has illegally bypassed Congress many dozens of times. When you bypass the balance of power, you are a dictator.

  • He is unconstitutionally forcing the American people to purchase health care. The federal government does NOT have the power to force American's to purchase a good or service. If that's not oppression, what is?
Sorry asshole, but like the typical foreigner, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about when it comes to what is going on inside of America. So go the fuck away and find a European message board to spread your ignorance and misinformation on....

. Illegal?, Illegal?, Unconstitutional?
How on earth did he get them through?
Why weren't they struck down?
Why isn't he in gaol?
The people should know!!!!!!
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Well, the electoral college is controlled by the GOP thanks to the November 2010 elections. Now, you can wish all you want for Obama, but it doesn't change reality. So the real question is, will you have the backbone to show up on USMB the day after Romney has won the election in a landslide? :lol:

So are you saying that the fix is already in and electors are gonna vote for Romney no matter how many votes the Prez gets?

There is no "fix" stupid - they were sent to Washington for the express purpose to stop the radical marxist dictator called Barack Obama. Do you think conservatives won in epic, historical landslide numbers because America supports Barack Obama? :cuckoo:

Whatever...are you saying, though, that if the Prez gets enough votes in all the states he needs to be re-elected, electors are gonna still cast votes for the other guy?
. Illegal?, Illegal?, Unconstitutional?
How on earth did he get them through?
Why weren't they struck down?
Why isn't he in gaol?
The people should know!!!!!!

This may come as a surprise to an idealistic fool such as yourself, but justice is not always served.

  • How did Bill Clinton lie before a Grand Jury but never spend a single day in prison (you and I would have for committing perjury)?

  • How did OJ Simpson brutally murder 2 people but never spend a single day in prison?

  • How did the Kennedy's get away with dozens upon dozens of illegal activities, all the way up to and including, murder - and not spend a single day in prison?

You have to be one really naive jack-ass to not understand how money, power, and influence buys you anything and everything.

As far as your question "how" - I already told you. By engaging in other illegal activities such as the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase.

See how debt continues to rise regardless of which party is in power? Does anybody really believe either Obama or Romney is going to turn that around?

I certainly hope not.

That's the spirit KK - complete and total defeatism!

Yes, history has taught us that both party's have been irresponsible with the American people's tax dollars. But that was when we only had a choice between big-government liberals (aka Republicans) and radical communists/socialists/marxists (aka Dumbocrats). Then the American people finally reached their breaking point and sent conservatives to Washington (aka Tea Party).

If Mitt Romney is given a conservative majority in both the House & Senate, I have no doubt you will see significant change in how Washington spends.

Ahh, I see. So now that we have Tea Party Republicans in office the era of big government Republicans is over, correct? Then can you explain to me why the Republican controlled House has passed the Ryan budget, which increases government spending and in a best case scenario doesn't balance until the year 2040, which is to say that it never balances?
So are you saying that the fix is already in and electors are gonna vote for Romney no matter how many votes the Prez gets?

There is no "fix" stupid - they were sent to Washington for the express purpose to stop the radical marxist dictator called Barack Obama. Do you think conservatives won in epic, historical landslide numbers because America supports Barack Obama? :cuckoo:

Whatever...are you saying, though, that if the Prez gets enough votes in all the states he needs to be re-elected, electors are gonna still cast votes for the other guy?

Well, unlike liberals, I don't pretend to be Nostradamus. I can't say for sure what they would vote for under that scenario. I do know that these individuals won the November 2010 elections because the voters in their districts were dead-set against the radical marxist agenda of Obama. Since Obama has not changed his radical agenda one single bit since that election, it would go to reason that the voters would not change their opposition to him one single bit.

However, to answer your highly unlikely "what if" scenario of the American people voting for Obama, I cannot say for certain what these representatives would do.
Not all over Europe - Mediterranaen Europe would be more correct, and I'll think you'll find it is the type of societies they are that causes the problems, not the poltics. The Scandinavian and other northern European countries have also had left-leaning but aren't suffering the same.

Free market capitalism is why were are in the shit in the first place. So that doesn't work either....

First of all, who is this "we" shit? You're an idiot fucking Aussie. You don't even belong here since this is the United States Message Board.

Second, the lack of Free Market Capitalism is "why were are in the shit in the first place". The government has been regulating the hell out of the market for over a century now, so it is far from "free" stupid.

How do you even think about calling it "free" when both Bill Clinton AND Barack Obama forced banks to give loans to people who couldn't afford them? Yet another glaring example of how stupid and biased you are....

Obama pushed banks to give subprime loans to Chicago blacks | The Daily Caller

That's the spirit, attack Grump for not being an American citizen to make up for your own intellectual inadequacies.

Also, since there is no rule against non-American citizens posting here I would say Grump, and anybody else, belongs here as much as you do.
. Illegal?, Illegal?, Unconstitutional?
How on earth did he get them through?
Why weren't they struck down?
Why isn't he in gaol?
The people should know!!!!!!

This may come as a surprise to an idealistic fool such as yourself, but justice is not always served.

  • How did Bill Clinton lie before a Grand Jury but never spend a single day in prison (you and I would have for committing perjury)?

  • How did OJ Simpson brutally murder 2 people but never spend a single day in prison?

  • How did the Kennedy's get away with dozens upon dozens of illegal activities, all the way up to and including, murder - and not spend a single day in prison?

You have to be one really naive jack-ass to not understand how money, power, and influence buys you anything and everything.
Even an election?

As far as your question "how" - I already told you. By engaging in other illegal activities such as the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase.
If Mitt Romney is given a conservative majority in both the House & Senate, I have no doubt you will see significant change in how Washington spends.


Reagan, Bushs Snr and Jnr both borrowed and spent like drunks.

The GOP's record on spending is no better than the Democrats across the past 50 years, and I don't see denying that helps the cause terribly much.

Ahh but see, those were just the WRONG Republicans. Now they're going to elect the right Republicans. You'll see.


See how debt continues to rise regardless of which party is in power? Does anybody really believe either Obama or Romney is going to turn that around?

I certainly hope not.

That's the spirit KK - complete and total defeatism!

Yes, history has taught us that both party's have been irresponsible with the American people's tax dollars. But that was when we only had a choice between big-government liberals (aka Republicans) and radical communists/socialists/marxists (aka Dumbocrats). Then the American people finally reached their breaking point and sent conservatives to Washington (aka Tea Party).

If Mitt Romney is given a conservative majority in both the House & Senate, I have no doubt you will see significant change in how Washington spends.

Ahh, I see. So now that we have Tea Party Republicans in office the era of big government Republicans is over, correct? Then can you explain to me why the Republican controlled House has passed the Ryan budget, which increases government spending and in a best case scenario doesn't balance until the year 2040, which is to say that it never balances?

Rome wasn't built in a day my friend. If you really believe anyone can pay off the debt, solve world hunger, and bring peace through out the lands in 2013 alone, there's not a whole lot I can say to you.

I never gave a time frame for when we would solve the problems. I simply stated that you would see a change in how Washington spends if Romney is elected and gets a conservative House & Senate.

If you don't think people like Rand Paul are a drastic change from the typical Republican sent to Washington in years past, you're not paying attention. America has realized the slow migration of Republicans to liberals and liberals to marxists/socialists/communists. They are sending a new breed of true conservatives to Washington. That's just a fact.
That's the spirit KK - complete and total defeatism!

Yes, history has taught us that both party's have been irresponsible with the American people's tax dollars. But that was when we only had a choice between big-government liberals (aka Republicans) and radical communists/socialists/marxists (aka Dumbocrats). Then the American people finally reached their breaking point and sent conservatives to Washington (aka Tea Party).

If Mitt Romney is given a conservative majority in both the House & Senate, I have no doubt you will see significant change in how Washington spends.

Ahh, I see. So now that we have Tea Party Republicans in office the era of big government Republicans is over, correct? Then can you explain to me why the Republican controlled House has passed the Ryan budget, which increases government spending and in a best case scenario doesn't balance until the year 2040, which is to say that it never balances?

Rome wasn't built in a day my friend. If you really believe anyone can pay off the debt, solve world hunger, and bring peace through out the lands in 2013 alone, there's not a whole lot I can say to you.

I never gave a time frame for when we would solve the problems. I simply stated that you would see a change in how Washington spends if Romney is elected and gets a conservative House & Senate.

If you don't think people like Rand Paul are a drastic change from the typical Republican sent to Washington in years past, you're not paying attention. America has realized the slow migration of Republicans to liberals and liberals to marxists/socialists/communists. They are sending a new breed of true conservatives to Washington. That's just a fact.

Mitt Romney says cutting $1 trillion in government spending would hurt the economy, which is a Keynesian argument. Since cutting $1 trillion of government spending is merely a start to solving our problems, how in the world am I going to see any difference?
the radical marxist dictator called Barack Obama

Wow - so now Obama is Kim Il Jung as well?!

Let me guess, Rottweiler - you have never in your life been to a country which suffers genuine oppression, right?

I do think that if you spent a little time in genuinely oppressed countries you might be able to tell the difference between Kansas and Korea.

Wonderful, wonderful posting!

Raising tobacco taxes, fining the hell out of you if you don't buy health insurance, supressing religious beliefs through the health care act(requiring Catholics to provide contraception)...should I go on?

It cracks me up

You liberals destroy the middle class and lower class then claim to be their champions.

Simple fact...

the middle class has lost more than $4000 dollars in average earnings and the poor has become poorer.

Yet the richer has become richer under the Obama administration.

Hand outs are given
But freedom is hardly seen
Ahh, I see. So now that we have Tea Party Republicans in office the era of big government Republicans is over, correct? Then can you explain to me why the Republican controlled House has passed the Ryan budget, which increases government spending and in a best case scenario doesn't balance until the year 2040, which is to say that it never balances?

Rome wasn't built in a day my friend. If you really believe anyone can pay off the debt, solve world hunger, and bring peace through out the lands in 2013 alone, there's not a whole lot I can say to you.

I never gave a time frame for when we would solve the problems. I simply stated that you would see a change in how Washington spends if Romney is elected and gets a conservative House & Senate.

If you don't think people like Rand Paul are a drastic change from the typical Republican sent to Washington in years past, you're not paying attention. America has realized the slow migration of Republicans to liberals and liberals to marxists/socialists/communists. They are sending a new breed of true conservatives to Washington. That's just a fact.

Mitt Romney says cutting $1 trillion in government spending would hurt the economy, which is a Keynesian argument. Since cutting $1 trillion of government spending is merely a start to solving our problems, how in the world am I going to see any difference?

Because people like him and Paul Ryan are giving real, honest solutions to the problem. Not promising the moon and delivering hell like Barack Obama does. Liberals (even GOP liberals) have burried us in a catastrophic problem. It's going to take serious efforts and a whole lot of years to beging to dig out from under them.
. Illegal?, Illegal?, Unconstitutional?
How on earth did he get them through?
Why weren't they struck down?
Why isn't he in gaol?
The people should know!!!!!!

This may come as a surprise to an idealistic fool such as yourself, but justice is not always served.

  • How did Bill Clinton lie before a Grand Jury but never spend a single day in prison (you and I would have for committing perjury)?

  • How did OJ Simpson brutally murder 2 people but never spend a single day in prison?

  • How did the Kennedy's get away with dozens upon dozens of illegal activities, all the way up to and including, murder - and not spend a single day in prison?

You have to be one really naive jack-ass to not understand how money, power, and influence buys you anything and everything.

As far as your question "how" - I already told you. By engaging in other illegal activities such as the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase.

In other words it's simply your opinion.
Why didn't you say that in the first place - I wouldn't have been so panicked?
That's the spirit KK - complete and total defeatism!

Yes, history has taught us that both party's have been irresponsible with the American people's tax dollars. But that was when we only had a choice between big-government liberals (aka Republicans) and radical communists/socialists/marxists (aka Dumbocrats). Then the American people finally reached their breaking point and sent conservatives to Washington (aka Tea Party).

If Mitt Romney is given a conservative majority in both the House & Senate, I have no doubt you will see significant change in how Washington spends.

Ahh, I see. So now that we have Tea Party Republicans in office the era of big government Republicans is over, correct? Then can you explain to me why the Republican controlled House has passed the Ryan budget, which increases government spending and in a best case scenario doesn't balance until the year 2040, which is to say that it never balances?

Rome wasn't built in a day my friend. If you really believe anyone can pay off the debt, solve world hunger, and bring peace through out the lands in 2013 alone, there's not a whole lot I can say to you.

I never gave a time frame for when we would solve the problems. I simply stated that you would see a change in how Washington spends if Romney is elected and gets a conservative House & Senate.

If you don't think people like Rand Paul are a drastic change from the typical Republican sent to Washington in years past, you're not paying attention. America has realized the slow migration of Republicans to liberals and liberals to marxists/socialists/communists. They are sending a new breed of true conservatives to Washington. That's just a fact.

So, are these "new breed" of conservatives actually Republicans at all - rather than your argument that the current Republicans are really liberals and marxists etc??
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If Mitt Romney is given a conservative majority in both the House & Senate, I have no doubt you will see significant change in how Washington spends.


Reagan, Bushs Snr and Jnr both borrowed and spent like drunks.

The GOP's record on spending is no better than the Democrats across the past 50 years, and I don't see denying that helps the cause terribly much.

Actually, he is spot on and you know it. Just look at the history, when Bush had the House and Senate we radically changed how Washington spends. The government increased at an unprecedented rate. If the GOP manages this again (very unlikely IMHO) you will see the exact same thing happen. Not only that, but the massive expansions will be on a few different programs than the ones Obama would have managed.

Of course, if the dems get the same deal, the same shit is going to happen. A unified government is NOT a good thing.
the thread is a true testament to right wing stupidity.

OP. I work with Europeans on a daily basis (EAS, European Space Agency). You should show a bit more respect to our allies over seas. And the constant put downs and horrid choice of words only makes all of Americans look like you, and im not even going to tell you what that is. Ill keep the high ground.
. Illegal?, Illegal?, Unconstitutional?
How on earth did he get them through?
Why weren't they struck down?
Why isn't he in gaol?
The people should know!!!!!!

This may come as a surprise to an idealistic fool such as yourself, but justice is not always served.

  • How did Bill Clinton lie before a Grand Jury but never spend a single day in prison (you and I would have for committing perjury)?

  • How did OJ Simpson brutally murder 2 people but never spend a single day in prison?

  • How did the Kennedy's get away with dozens upon dozens of illegal activities, all the way up to and including, murder - and not spend a single day in prison?

You have to be one really naive jack-ass to not understand how money, power, and influence buys you anything and everything.

As far as your question "how" - I already told you. By engaging in other illegal activities such as the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase.

In other words it's simply your opinion.
Why didn't you say that in the first place - I wouldn't have been so panicked?

Uh, the "Cornhusker Kickback" and "Louisiana Purchase" are not "opinions". They are facts you can't dispute (look them up and become informed for once). Just like everything I posted above. Which is why you have not even attempted to dispute them, but rather, attempted to change the conversation to me. Sorry, didn't work my ill-informed friend....
the thread is a true testament to right wing stupidity.

OP. I work with Europeans on a daily basis (EAS, European Space Agency). You should show a bit more respect to our allies over seas. And the constant put downs and horrid choice of words only makes all of Americans look like you, and im not even going to tell you what that is. Ill keep the high ground.

And this is a large reason why we have the problems we do. You're much more interested in how you look than what gets accomplished (reminds me of a great quote from the old movie "White Men Can't Jump" - "You'd rather look good and lose than look bad and win".

The fact is, I have tremendous respect for our allies. But the two assholes in question here are not our allies. They are true communists/marxists/socialists. Just because they happen to reside in nations that are our allies does not make them our allies. You do realize that both of those nations have harbored Al Qaeda operatives at one point or another. Would you refer to Al Qaeda as our "alllies"?

The fact is, anyone who supports redistribution of wealth because they are too fucking lazy to work are serious assholes. Anyone who feels the need to go to another country's websites and spread that form of idiotic ideology are even bigger assholes. You can take your snobby "high road" all you want - I'll call it like I see it and take great pride in calling out these assholes.

They don't have a stake in our nation. They don't have a vote in our nation. They don't pay taxes in our nation. Therefore, they should shut the fuck up, get the fuck out, and not have an opinion about our nation.
So, are these "new breed" of conservatives actually Republicans at all - rather than your argument that the current Republicans are really liberals and marxists etc??

You really need to learn how to read (or go away - but I would suggest learning to read since it is a critical life skill). At no point did I ever call Republican's "marxists". However, as the political scale has shifted drastically to the left, the GOP has slowly mutated to the true definition of liberal. George W. Bush grew government to an alarming rate and spent like a drunken sailor. Is that not the very definition of a liberal?!?!

The scale has shifted so far to the left, if you believe in Constitutional government (ie standing firmly in the exact place as our founders), you are labeled as a "radical". The Tea Party wants Constitutional government, nothing less, nothing more. Yet assholes just like you label them as "radical". So that means George Washinton, Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin were "radical wing-nuts" by your idiot definition.

Furthermore, the liberal golden boy - John F. Kennedy - said the only way to fix a bad economy is to cut taxes. Yet when someone says that today, once again you radicals call them "radical wing nuts". It's just further proof that today's GOP is actually the Kennedy era liberals and today's liberals are just communists, marxists, and socialists.
the thread is a true testament to right wing stupidity.

OP. I work with Europeans on a daily basis (EAS, European Space Agency). You should show a bit more respect to our allies over seas. And the constant put downs and horrid choice of words only makes all of Americans look like you, and im not even going to tell you what that is. Ill keep the high ground.

By the way, you're post is a true testament to typical liberal left wing stupidity. You go off to college, get brainwashed (because you're weak willed, weak minded) by professors who have never joined the rest of us in the real world. They went to grade school, then junior high school, then high school, then college, then graduate school, and what did they do next? Turned right around and went back to school - only this time sitting on the other side of the desk.

Their entire life revolves around ideological philosophy. "What if everybody had the best healthcare money could buy? How great would the world be?". Well, pretty great my pot smoking philosophical professor - but how exactly do we pay for that when the money doesn't exist for it, and - even worse - there are not enough physicians to meet the demand for that.

See, that's the difference between you left-wing idiots and conservatives. We live, think, and operate in the real world. You hide behind the world of "higher education" which is just code word for "get high and then theorize about a utopia that could never exist, even under theoritcal circumstances".

But hey, if you love Europe so much my Seminole friend, feel free to go live there and enjoy the misery, poverty, and collapse that socialism has brought all of those counties. I assue you of one thing my friend, Bobby Bowden would be disgusted that you're a Seminole fan. Bowden is an old school American to his core. Socialism/Marxism/Communism has no place in his world.

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