2012 NBA Playoffs

Now stop crying about the Celtics and join me in rooting for the Thunder to beat James' ass. The Heat don't have an answer for Perkins, Ibaka, Harden, Durant and Westbrook. Bosh and Wade don't scare me. Battier and Haslem don't scare me. Only James, and we know what happens to him in the finals. :lol:

OKC is a match up nightmare for Miami.

I'm really looking forward to the series.

God I hope/think you are right. But that game 6 in Boston scared me. Lebron is amazing. I can't believe he can't win a championship. God I hope that continues because I really fear that if/when he wins one, it will be multiple championships. But you got to win one before you can win 2, and he can't seem to get that monkey off his back. It does not look like this is his year. The Thunder have whipped Dallas, the Lakers and beat the Spurs 4 in a row after they spotted them 2 games. The Heat barely made it past Indiana and Boston.

No one is so sure who will win that they would bet their life or life savings on who will win, so until the Thunder are up 2-0 or 3-1, I'm going to be nervous. Even 2-0, they have to go win in Miami. But I don't think that will be a problem.

Lebron is weak mentally. If he can play half ass and lose game 5, he doesn't have the mental toughness to win it all. Until he learns that, he will continue to lose. He needs a Phil Jackson or Pat Riley to coach him. Not that young pussy they got. Eric Holstra?

OKC is much younger, has a stronger frontcourt, and better interior defense than Boston. They are deeper too. Like you mentioned Boston AND Indiana and both took Miami into deep water and OKC is unquestionably better than both of those teams.

Lebron isn't going to have such an easy time scoring against OKC plus he will have the extra burden of having to check Durant.

I like OKC in six.
Who was it that argued with me when I said thank God for sports because otherwise there would be some big scary criminals out there? Well funny I was watching on CENTRE the black channel and they are doing a show on hip hop and the guy said exactly the same thing that I did only he said it about hip hop, not sports. Odd a black can say it but its racism when I say the exact same thing. Black people need to stop being so sensitive and defensive.
This was all by design anyways, everyone was so phsyced about a Miami/OKC Finals people already started talking it halfway through the game Saturday, I have to give Stern credit he pulled this off masterfully, now he will get his cash cow Lebron v.s Durant Finals that everyone wanted to see, the NBA is going to make a MINT.
Joey Crawford was Stern's man in Game 6 of the WCF. He made sure to get him to Miami for Game 7 of the ECF. It's obvious what he does. He doesn't even try to hide it.

Of course was there ever any doubt? Sterns goons were pulling off all the stops to get Miami to the Finals and it worked.
This was all by design anyways, everyone was so phsyced about a Miami/OKC Finals people already started talking it halfway through the game Saturday, I have to give Stern credit he pulled this off masterfully, now he will get his cash cow Lebron v.s Durant Finals that everyone wanted to see, the NBA is going to make a MINT.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty damn excited for the Finals even with the Celtics out of it.
This was all by design anyways, everyone was so phsyced about a Miami/OKC Finals people already started talking it halfway through the game Saturday, I have to give Stern credit he pulled this off masterfully, now he will get his cash cow Lebron v.s Durant Finals that everyone wanted to see, the NBA is going to make a MINT.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty damn excited for the Finals even with the Celtics out of it.

I'm really excited. This is what everyone wanted. Although we WANTED Boston to beat Lebron, yes this is the best matchup we all really want to see.
This was all by design anyways, everyone was so phsyced about a Miami/OKC Finals people already started talking it halfway through the game Saturday, I have to give Stern credit he pulled this off masterfully, now he will get his cash cow Lebron v.s Durant Finals that everyone wanted to see, the NBA is going to make a MINT.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty damn excited for the Finals even with the Celtics out of it.

It will probably be exciting but I'm not going to watch it, I want Durant to win but it will be Miami that wins because losing again in the Finals would be too much for the Heat to take, it will be Miami in 6, book it.
This is a little off topic but I was wondering what the Celtics are going to do as far as rebuilding this summer, I have a feeling Ray Allen is pretty much gone, my personal dream is for him to come back to Boston, take a huge paycut and come off the bench for Avery Bradley, after Ray has the surgery on his ankles he will be a good sixth man. I am starting to regret the loss of Big Baby, I miss the way he used to take charges in the playoffs and have big games, thats something we sorely missed and Bass did not have 1 big game against Miami. I think Kevin Garnett has to come back, at this point with Perkins gone and we lose him the paint will be wide open like a bowling alley lane, there are so many decisions to think about, than again if we bring all of them back for another 82 game season we will probably hit a wall and end up getting knocked out in the first round, this group is getting tired and struggle to put the ball in the basket in big games. I don't know what to do.
This was all by design anyways, everyone was so phsyced about a Miami/OKC Finals people already started talking it halfway through the game Saturday, I have to give Stern credit he pulled this off masterfully, now he will get his cash cow Lebron v.s Durant Finals that everyone wanted to see, the NBA is going to make a MINT.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty damn excited for the Finals even with the Celtics out of it.

It will probably be exciting but I'm not going to watch it, I want Durant to win but it will be Miami that wins because losing again in the Finals would be too much for the Heat to take, it will be Miami in 6, book it.

Then you gotta watch so we can discuss it. Come on. Your two eyeballs won't make Stern a fortune. Plus I don't think Stern will be able to cheat. The collective fans are rooting and watching and stern has nothing to do with Lebron choking in the finals. You just know the Thunder are watching the Mavs Heat finals from last year and seeing what Dallas did to shut Lebron down. Stern wins either way, and no it won't be too much for Stern to take. It will add to the excitement and anticipation next year when Lebron still doesn't have a ring.

And like Tim Duncan, Stern can't beat someone as good as Durant. He can't make Battier and Haslem and Bosh better except for helping them out on fouls. The THunder will overcome that. No biggy. Want to see? Then watch! :eek:
This is a little off topic but I was wondering what the Celtics are going to do as far as rebuilding this summer, I have a feeling Ray Allen is pretty much gone, my personal dream is for him to come back to Boston, take a huge paycut and come off the bench for Avery Bradley, after Ray has the surgery on his ankles he will be a good sixth man. I am starting to regret the loss of Big Baby, I miss the way he used to take charges in the playoffs and have big games, thats something we sorely missed and Bass did not have 1 big game against Miami. I think Kevin Garnett has to come back, at this point with Perkins gone and we lose him the paint will be wide open like a bowling alley lane, there are so many decisions to think about, than again if we bring all of them back for another 82 game season we will probably hit a wall and end up getting knocked out in the first round, this group is getting tired and struggle to put the ball in the basket in big games. I don't know what to do.

1. Next season will be a longer season.

2. But they won't have as many back to back games like they had this year. I guess this year although short, was tiring. And isn't it easier to make the playoffs in a regular season vs. the short one we just had? Not so much every game counts. So maybe it will be easier for the Celtics to make the playoffs. And really, that's all they have to do. If they are good enough to win, home court shouldn't matter. They don't need home court if they are as good as we think they can be, WITH some changes. The Ray Allen idea is GREAT! He would be an amazing 6th man.

3. They FUCKED UP when they got rid of Big Baby and Perkins. This is what they need to fix to get back to the finals. Get them back, or get some guys to replace them, but this was their fatal mistake. Sorry but the Big 3 and Rondo is not enough. But should be enough to attract a couple good bigs that want to win a championship.

I'll show you the Pistons secret to winning next.
This is a little off topic but I was wondering what the Celtics are going to do as far as rebuilding this summer, I have a feeling Ray Allen is pretty much gone, my personal dream is for him to come back to Boston, take a huge paycut and come off the bench for Avery Bradley, after Ray has the surgery on his ankles he will be a good sixth man. I am starting to regret the loss of Big Baby, I miss the way he used to take charges in the playoffs and have big games, thats something we sorely missed and Bass did not have 1 big game against Miami. I think Kevin Garnett has to come back, at this point with Perkins gone and we lose him the paint will be wide open like a bowling alley lane, there are so many decisions to think about, than again if we bring all of them back for another 82 game season we will probably hit a wall and end up getting knocked out in the first round, this group is getting tired and struggle to put the ball in the basket in big games. I don't know what to do.

It wasn't only Rip, Chauncey, the two Wallaces and Prince that won the championship. They wouldn't have done it without a great supporting cast.

Chucky Atkins
Elden Campbell
Lindsey Hunter
Mike James
Mehmet Okur
Corliss Williamson

All played a HUGE part.

And it took a lot more than 6 guys to win in 1988/90

Mark Aguirre
Adrian Dantley
Joe Dumars
James Edwards
Vinnie Johnson
Bill Laimbeer
Rick Mahorn
Dennis Rodman
John Salley
Isiah Thomas

Its not Ray Allen, Rondo, Pierce or Garnetts fault. Its the jackass that traded Perkins and Big Baby. Were you thinking that Bass could fill that void? He's a good supporting cast member, but not that good.
This is a little off topic but I was wondering what the Celtics are going to do as far as rebuilding this summer, I have a feeling Ray Allen is pretty much gone, my personal dream is for him to come back to Boston, take a huge paycut and come off the bench for Avery Bradley, after Ray has the surgery on his ankles he will be a good sixth man. I am starting to regret the loss of Big Baby, I miss the way he used to take charges in the playoffs and have big games, thats something we sorely missed and Bass did not have 1 big game against Miami. I think Kevin Garnett has to come back, at this point with Perkins gone and we lose him the paint will be wide open like a bowling alley lane, there are so many decisions to think about, than again if we bring all of them back for another 82 game season we will probably hit a wall and end up getting knocked out in the first round, this group is getting tired and struggle to put the ball in the basket in big games. I don't know what to do.

1. Next season will be a longer season.

2. But they won't have as many back to back games like they had this year. I guess this year although short, was tiring. And isn't it easier to make the playoffs in a regular season vs. the short one we just had? Not so much every game counts. So maybe it will be easier for the Celtics to make the playoffs. And really, that's all they have to do. If they are good enough to win, home court shouldn't matter. They don't need home court if they are as good as we think they can be, WITH some changes. The Ray Allen idea is GREAT! He would be an amazing 6th man.

3. They FUCKED UP when they got rid of Big Baby and Perkins. This is what they need to fix to get back to the finals. Get them back, or get some guys to replace them, but this was their fatal mistake. Sorry but the Big 3 and Rondo is not enough. But should be enough to attract a couple good bigs that want to win a championship.

I'll show you the Pistons secret to winning next.

They also fucked up by letting Tony Allen and Delonte West go, those are tough guys and good defenders we could have used against Miami. Big Baby pissed me off with his poor play in the playoffs last year but I have to admit he is good for a monster playoff game every series and I love the way he steps up to take charges, that would have been nice to have against Miami since Bass doesn't really do that. Nothing against Bass I like him as a player but he really struggled to find his shot in the playoffs ESPECIALLY against Miami. We definently need to find another quality big or two, I really think this is as far as the big 3 can go, they really squandered an opportunity to play for the championship with Derrick Rose out, Dwight Howard out, Chris Bosh gone most of the Miami series etc. next year there is no way all these guys will be hurt, it will be a totally different play off picture next season.
This is a little off topic but I was wondering what the Celtics are going to do as far as rebuilding this summer, I have a feeling Ray Allen is pretty much gone, my personal dream is for him to come back to Boston, take a huge paycut and come off the bench for Avery Bradley, after Ray has the surgery on his ankles he will be a good sixth man. I am starting to regret the loss of Big Baby, I miss the way he used to take charges in the playoffs and have big games, thats something we sorely missed and Bass did not have 1 big game against Miami. I think Kevin Garnett has to come back, at this point with Perkins gone and we lose him the paint will be wide open like a bowling alley lane, there are so many decisions to think about, than again if we bring all of them back for another 82 game season we will probably hit a wall and end up getting knocked out in the first round, this group is getting tired and struggle to put the ball in the basket in big games. I don't know what to do.

It wasn't only Rip, Chauncey, the two Wallaces and Prince that won the championship. They wouldn't have done it without a great supporting cast.

Chucky Atkins
Elden Campbell
Lindsey Hunter
Mike James
Mehmet Okur
Corliss Williamson

All played a HUGE part.

And it took a lot more than 6 guys to win in 1988/90

Mark Aguirre
Adrian Dantley
Joe Dumars
James Edwards
Vinnie Johnson
Bill Laimbeer
Rick Mahorn
Dennis Rodman
John Salley
Isiah Thomas

Its not Ray Allen, Rondo, Pierce or Garnetts fault. Its the jackass that traded Perkins and Big Baby. Were you thinking that Bass could fill that void? He's a good supporting cast member, but not that good.

The Perkins trade totally discombobulated the chemistry on this team, we are STILL struggling to find someone to replace him ever since than. You are spot on this teams needs alot of help if they are going to try and make a decent run next year, where they will get that help is anyones guess, the word on the street is Kevin Garnett is retiring.
This was all by design anyways, everyone was so phsyced about a Miami/OKC Finals people already started talking it halfway through the game Saturday, I have to give Stern credit he pulled this off masterfully, now he will get his cash cow Lebron v.s Durant Finals that everyone wanted to see, the NBA is going to make a MINT.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty damn excited for the Finals even with the Celtics out of it.

It will probably be exciting but I'm not going to watch it, I want Durant to win but it will be Miami that wins because losing again in the Finals would be too much for the Heat to take, it will be Miami in 6, book it.

I wish I wasn't watching. Miami is playing well and the Thunder are not. James playing great, Battier has 11 pts and its only the start of the second.

Holy shit I can see Miami winning a championship this year. Maybe the Spurs should have played them instead of OKC. JK. I still have faith. But Westbrook is playing like shit and so is everyone else except Harden and Durant. The Thunder don't look right. But I have faith they'll find it.
Maybe Lebron couldn't beat the older Pistons, Celtics, Heat with Shaq, Lakers with Kobe, Spurs with Duncan or Mavs with Dirk but maybe he will be able to dominate the next generation. Maybe his style of ball is the new NBA. He just needed the older guys to get old. Its not great team basketball, but its super fast break and high flying. Fun for the kids maybe but not what us old school fans appreciate.
Its because my 91 year old Grandmother in Ft. Lauderdale is praying for the Heat.

I'm not worried. Wait till the Heat cool off and the Thunder heat up.

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