2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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Romney won't answer the question on pay equity.

he spoke around it, ala flexible time, there really is no way to answer it in that format, its a discussion that takes you into the weeds and they don't have the time, but I hear you.

He basically said that he will lower taxes and make so many jobs that employers will have no choice but to hire women.
alan1 was wrong anyways... I wourked in manufacturing at GE and there are a ton of grads working in that industry.
What does he think all the engineers I worked with were... :confused:

They ALL graduated college.

Are you sure you're talking about manufacturing jobs? Grads don't generally work on the production line and those are what are counted as manufacturing jobs. Go look it up at BLS.

Yes... manufacturing.

There were engineers crawling all over our generators.

Hell, I am a college grad, and I worked in sourcing.
Simply yes....

Oh, and nearly every one of the men on production line were grads.

Your experience is not the norm and it's not what politicians mean when they discuss "manufacturing jobs."

Industries at a Glance: Manufacturing: NAICS 31-33

The occupations listed are not for college grads. Those are jobs in the trades.
Obama doesn't seem to get that tax dollars are my money. He thinks it's his.

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