2016 Arctic sea ice thread

Gipper, must you always demonstrate that you are such a dumb fuck?

Arctic - Ice extent still well below normal in Arctic

Arctic sea-ice extent in April was probably at a record low for the month, continuing this year’s trend of record or near-record lows, the National Snow and Ice Data Center said on Tuesday.

Though mechanical glitches have made information from the NSIDC’s satellite temporarily unavailable, other satellite data collected by Japanese and German programs shows Arctic sea ice is much sparser now than it once was at this time of the year.

“We are way, way down on sea ice,” said NSIDC director Mark Serreze. “There’s no indication of any kind of recovery.”

He and his colleagues stopped short of declaring last month a record-low April, because the ice-extent information borrowed from the other programs is produced using a slightly different methodology than that used by the Colorado-based center, making a correlation with U.S. historical data inexact.

However, it is clear April sea ice extent as measured by the Japanese Aeronautical Exploration Agency was the lowest ever for the month in that program’s record, which goes back a little over a decade, Serreze said.

It was also the lowest in the record kept by a University of Bremen program, which uses the same Japanese satellite, the NSIDC reported in its monthly status report.

Sea-ice extent, which grows during the winter and shrinks in the summer, is a much-watched indicator of Arctic climate. In March the ice reached its maximum extent for the year -- thelowest maximum in the satellite record that dates to 1979. That followed record-low monthly extents for February and for January and the fourth-lowest sea-ice annual minimum, reached last September.
The sky is falling....the sky is falling....so thinks chicken little Old Socks.
So Matti, where did you get that info from?

I know:

oh, oh, oh it's magic, you know.......better believe that it's so, it's magic, you know,
Poor Elektra, she is so dumb that she thinks that there is only one satellite observing the Arctic Ice.
Link, or you are a Filthy Liar Old Crock, your rules Old Crock. My link is to the NSIDS, they are the ones measuring the ice, on a daily basis, so I guess you are calling the National Snow and Ice Data center, dumb. It is there statement, they quit measuring the ice. Of course you could be right Old Crock, there is more than one satellite, and the NSIDS has suspended measuring the ice because the ice grew, they lied, and pretending they have no satellite data covers up the lie that the ice is declining.

Sensor on F-17 experiencing difficulties, sea ice time series temporarily suspended | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
You wanna make a bet?
So, jc denies the existance of the Japanese satellite, and Gipper replies with his usual stupid nonsense. Typical.
Oh Old Crock...you are such a typical Liberal AGW believer...just no sense of humor and here I thought we could enjoy a beer together.
So, jc denies the existance of the Japanese satellite, and Gipper replies with his usual stupid nonsense. Typical.

From the Japanese satellite over the arctic: hmmmm seems like a lot of ice boys!
So, jc denies the existance of the Japanese satellite, and Gipper replies with his usual stupid nonsense. Typical.
Old Crock, correct me if I am wrong, but you are ignoring your fail supporting your comment that the Tesla S is in the same class as the Original Ford GT-40 race car that won Le Mans 4 times in a row! I mean I see you adding comments here and you were pretty active making outrageous claims about the Tesla .

If the Japanese satellite is being used, why does the NSIDC state the opposite? You have used this organization in the past Old Crock so it must be valid?

Sensor on F-17 experiencing difficulties, sea ice time series temporarily suspended | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
Silly ass Elektra, they stated why they are not showing the data from the Japanese satellite right now. They have to get the correlation to the data platform they have been using right.

Arctic - Ice extent still well below normal in Arctic

Arctic sea-ice extent in April was probably at a record low for the month, continuing this year’s trend of record or near-record lows, the National Snow and Ice Data Center said on Tuesday.

Though mechanical glitches have made information from the NSIDC’s satellite temporarily unavailable, other satellite data collected by Japanese and German programs shows Arctic sea ice is much sparser now than it once was at this time of the year.
As for the Tesla, no, it is not in the same class as the GT 40 Ford. The GT is an uncomfortable beautiful car set up for the race track. But is was a first for a major American Automaker. An American sports car that could beat the socks off of Ferraris and McClarens on the long races. And the Tesla is the first American luxury car that can meet the Europeans on an equal footing in the luxury sports sedan class. And even beat the original GT 40 from 0 to the legal limit. Now your other tit is twisted. LOL
As for the Tesla, no, it is not in the same class as the GT 40 Ford. The GT is an uncomfortable beautiful car set up for the race track. But is was a first for a major American Automaker. An American sports car that could beat the socks off of Ferraris and McClarens on the long races. And the Tesla is the first American luxury car that can meet the Europeans on an equal footing in the luxury sports sedan class. And even beat the original GT 40 from 0 to the legal limit. Now your other tit is twisted. LOL
Another Crock from Old Crock. Everybody sees you hiding from your original posts Old Crock.
Silly ass Elektra, they stated why they are not showing the data from the Japanese satellite right now. They have to get the correlation to the data platform they have been using right.

Arctic - Ice extent still well below normal in Arctic

Arctic sea-ice extent in April was probably at a record low for the month, continuing this year’s trend of record or near-record lows, the National Snow and Ice Data Center said on Tuesday.

Though mechanical glitches have made information from the NSIDC’s satellite temporarily unavailable, other satellite data collected by Japanese and German programs shows Arctic sea ice is much sparser now than it once was at this time of the year.
Silly ass Elektra, they stated why they are not showing the data from the Japanese satellite right now. They have to get the correlation to the data platform they have been using right.

Arctic - Ice extent still well below normal in Arctic

Arctic sea-ice extent in April was probably at a record low for the month, continuing this year’s trend of record or near-record lows, the National Snow and Ice Data Center said on Tuesday.

Though mechanical glitches have made information from the NSIDC’s satellite temporarily unavailable, other satellite data collected by Japanese and German programs shows Arctic sea ice is much sparser now than it once was at this time of the year.
No scholarly google search?

F17 is not working, they are busy trying to use F18, a satellite from 2009, and it just so happens, the ssmis is not working on the F18 satellite, either.

Easy to read the NSIDC statement in the link, Sensor down!
Sensor on F-17 experiencing difficulties, sea ice time series temporarily suspended | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

F18 failed in 2009, resulting in bad data, which was why the falsely reported no ice where there was ice.
WMO OSCAR  |  Satellite: DMSP-F18
SSMIS Special Sensor Microwave - Imager/Sounder 15 Mar 2010 ≥2016 Degraded No Channel 150 GHz failed in February 2014. Since 28 July 2015, only 10 channels are operational, the 7 of SSM/I and the 3 in the 183 GHz band.

If I follow the link from the above link, to the sensors and check how well the expected data quality of Sea Ice is, we find that it is coarse! Add that to the degraded sensor and what can we expect?
WMO OSCAR  |  Details for Instrument SSMIS
Sea-ice cover 4-fair Coarse resolution Consolidated methodology
So you believe Arctic ice is growing at a record pace with no end in sight. Right?
This year, 2016, will see a new record low Arctic ice extent and volume. This year will see significantly lower total ice mass than the last record low in 2012. This loss of Arctic sea ice cover will profoundly affect weather patterns in the northern hemisphere. Denier cultists will commit suicide in despair as their crackpot cult of reality denial crumbles into well deserved oblivion.

Canada wildfire could be the kickoff to a record-setting summer for Earth’s northern reaches
The same warmth that fueled the Fort McMurray wildfire has been setting up the Arctic for extraordinary losses of sea ice

Discover Magazine
By Tom Yulsman
May 9, 2016
The rampaging wildfire that blazed through the city of Fort McMurray in Alberta, destroying an estimated 1,600 homes, will likely continue burning for months to come. This should come as no surprise, given the astonishing warmth that has gripped most of Earth’s northern reaches for months on end. That warmth means the Canadian wildfire may well be just the kickoff to a long, hot and possibly record-setting summer in the region of the globe showing the most rapid and obvious signs of human-caused climate change.

Already this year, Arctic sea ice is declining at a pace that could result in a record loss by September. And what happens in the Arctic doesn’t necessarily stay in the Arctic: Recent research shows that declines in Arctic sea ice are connected with changes in weather patterns far afield. “While the landfast ice north of Alaska usually has a thickness of 1.5 meters, our U.S. colleagues are currently reporting measurements of less than one meter,” said Stefan Hendricks, a sea ice physicist at Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute, during a press conference in late April. “Such thin ice will not survive the summer sun for long.

Satellite data show that sea ice during the summer of 2015 was already extraordinarily thin. Thanks to a particularly warm winter, “in many regions of the Arctic new ice only formed very slowly,says Marcel Nicolaus, an Alfred Wegener Institute sea ice physicist. “If we compare the ice thickness map of the previous winter with that of 2012, we can see that the current ice conditions are similar to those of the spring of 2012 – in some places, the ice is even thinner.” That year marked a record low for Arctic sea ice at the end of the summer season.
(Read much more at website)
This year, 2016, will see a new record low Arctic ice extent and volume. This year will see significantly lower total ice mass than the last record low in 2012. This loss of Arctic sea ice cover will profoundly affect weather patterns in the northern hemisphere. Denier cultists will commit suicide in despair as their crackpot cult of reality denial crumbles into well deserved oblivion.

Canada wildfire could be the kickoff to a record-setting summer for Earth’s northern reaches
The same warmth that fueled the Fort McMurray wildfire has been setting up the Arctic for extraordinary losses of sea ice

Discover Magazine
By Tom Yulsman
May 9, 2016
The rampaging wildfire that blazed through the city of Fort McMurray in Alberta, destroying an estimated 1,600 homes, will likely continue burning for months to come. This should come as no surprise, given the astonishing warmth that has gripped most of Earth’s northern reaches for months on end. That warmth means the Canadian wildfire may well be just the kickoff to a long, hot and possibly record-setting summer in the region of the globe showing the most rapid and obvious signs of human-caused climate change.

Already this year, Arctic sea ice is declining at a pace that could result in a record loss by September. And what happens in the Arctic doesn’t necessarily stay in the Arctic: Recent research shows that declines in Arctic sea ice are connected with changes in weather patterns far afield. “While the landfast ice north of Alaska usually has a thickness of 1.5 meters, our U.S. colleagues are currently reporting measurements of less than one meter,” said Stefan Hendricks, a sea ice physicist at Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute, during a press conference in late April. “Such thin ice will not survive the summer sun for long.

Satellite data show that sea ice during the summer of 2015 was already extraordinarily thin. Thanks to a particularly warm winter, “in many regions of the Arctic new ice only formed very slowly,says Marcel Nicolaus, an Alfred Wegener Institute sea ice physicist. “If we compare the ice thickness map of the previous winter with that of 2012, we can see that the current ice conditions are similar to those of the spring of 2012 – in some places, the ice is even thinner.” That year marked a record low for Arctic sea ice at the end of the summer season.
(Read much more at website)
??? Loss of Sea Ice that may or may not occur, caused the fire in Alberta?

Naive and gullible you are, another blunder!
So you believe Arctic ice is growing at a record pace with no end in sight. Right?

blah, blah, blah! Quote cricket, or have you been reduced to simply making things up!

I am waiting to hear what you believe to be the significance of the satellite failure. You suggest that the data presented as valid is not accurate. I'm just curious as to what you think Arctic ice is doing AND WHY?

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