2016 Bumper Stick - "Still Bush's Fault."

Both. The democrats have to believe it even though reality states otherwise. They took power in 2006 and we have began sliding into the abyss shortly after. Almost 7 years of democrats being in power and look where it got us.

Republicans see it as satire on an administration, party and liberals who look to anyone to blame other then themselves. Even to the point of Obama blaming Limbaugh for his clusterf..ks.

Whatever, it still doesn't give the Reps a ghost of a chance at attaining the WH in '16. Regardless of Obama gaffes, Dems can still point to the Reps being worse and Bush is just the most famous name. You know it's true or they'd be tripping all over themselves to nominate Jeb.

If America doesn't wake up to the disaster of the last 7 years. The democrats have owned the MSM and they have protected this President like no other before him. But I may be wrong about one thing, and I hope I am not, maybe the American people are as dumb as the liberal left plays them.

The truth is that it is not still Bush's fault. The ME is not up in flames with them hating America because of Bush. Russia isn't on very chilly terms with America because of Bush. China isn't thumbing its nose at Bush. The disaster that befell us and the recovery is all Democrat to say anything else is a big fat lie.

Then why did the GOP not invite him to their convention? Why did he not campaign with Romney?

Avoiding a repeat of Bush's policies is why the GOP got housed in the last two Presidential elections, and it comparing the next GOP nomiee to Bush will likely work for the Dems again. Conservatives have no one but themselves to blame for it.
The refusal of conservatives to admit Bush and the GOP made any mistakes is one of the reasons the voters have kept them out of the White House since Bush ended his failed Presidency.

An apology from conservatives for Bush's Presidency, including an admission that the Iraq War was a mistake, would go a long way in improving their chances of winning the Presidency.

I am so sick of the liberal left loons making history what they want it to be. If you have not noticed since Eisnehower the Presidency has alternated Republican/Democrat with most serving two terms. The reelection of a President that has screwed up as much as this one is not surprising since his only real accomplishment was being black and that hasn't changed.

The Iraq war was a mistake to you who did not serve and I am tired of those who stayed home that keep putting down the effort of those who VOLUNTEERED to go. You are a despicable bunch you just don't know how much.

But let's say an apology is needed for Iraq, when is the Democrat Party (spelling intentional) going to apologize for Slavery, the Civil War, Segregation, Pole taxes, throwing Americans in concentration camps, and the KKK?
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Whatever, it still doesn't give the Reps a ghost of a chance at attaining the WH in '16. Regardless of Obama gaffes, Dems can still point to the Reps being worse and Bush is just the most famous name. You know it's true or they'd be tripping all over themselves to nominate Jeb.

If America doesn't wake up to the disaster of the last 7 years. The democrats have owned the MSM and they have protected this President like no other before him. But I may be wrong about one thing, and I hope I am not, maybe the American people are as dumb as the liberal left plays them.

The truth is that it is not still Bush's fault. The ME is not up in flames with them hating America because of Bush. Russia isn't on very chilly terms with America because of Bush. China isn't thumbing its nose at Bush. The disaster that befell us and the recovery is all Democrat to say anything else is a big fat lie.

Then why did the GOP not invite him to their convention? Why did he not campaign with Romney?

Avoiding a repeat of Bush's policies is why the GOP got housed in the last two Presidential elections, and it comparing the next GOP nomiee to Bush will likely work for the Dems again. Conservatives have no one but themselves to blame for it.

Oh no doubt that the vitriol hatred expressed by the democrat party and the MSM had a big roll in not inviting President Bush. Yet again though this is just more fiction from the party of fiction. Bush was invited and declined. If you have not noticed he is staying very out of the lime light, for whatever are his reason. Being scared of liberals ain't one of them.

From the following article:

“President Bush was grateful for the invitation to the Republican National Convention,” Bush spokesman Freddy Ford wrote in an e-mail. “He supports Governor Romney and wants him to succeed. President Bush is confident that Mitt Romney will be a great President. But he’s still enjoying his time off the political stage and respectfully declined the invitation to go to Tampa.”

Asked if the former president had been invited to only attend or whether he was also asked to speak, Ford said the conversation didn’t get that far and the former president declined “before details were discussed.”

George W. Bush Skipping Republican Convention
I got a question, do liberals like each other?

I am pretty sick of the BS about Bush. He got us through the Dot.com crash, the wind down from the Y2K scare, 9/11 and we had no other attacks on America. We also survived without the economy crashing the recession that Clinton handed him. All without Bush taking credit as this President always wants to do. Was Bush perfect, not by far. Was he as bad as the liberals and the MSM paint him, not even close.

Obama took a recession that should have been the strongest and shortest recovery considering history and made it a crisis. A crisis not to be wasted and here we are 6 years later and just as we said back then we are still in a malaise. If Bush would have come close to this type of performance I can't imagine what the liberals would be saying.

2006 Queen Pelosi, and Dirty Harry took over and we have been sliding into the abyss ever since. WAKE UP AMERICA.

When was the last time you felt good about America? That's right, during Reagan.
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If America doesn't wake up to the disaster of the last 7 years. The democrats have owned the MSM and they have protected this President like no other before him. But I may be wrong about one thing, and I hope I am not, maybe the American people are as dumb as the liberal left plays them.

The truth is that it is not still Bush's fault. The ME is not up in flames with them hating America because of Bush. Russia isn't on very chilly terms with America because of Bush. China isn't thumbing its nose at Bush. The disaster that befell us and the recovery is all Democrat to say anything else is a big fat lie.

Then why did the GOP not invite him to their convention? Why did he not campaign with Romney?

Avoiding a repeat of Bush's policies is why the GOP got housed in the last two Presidential elections, and it comparing the next GOP nomiee to Bush will likely work for the Dems again. Conservatives have no one but themselves to blame for it.

Oh no doubt that the vitriol hatred expressed by the democrat party and the MSM had a big roll in not inviting President Bush. Yet again though this is just more fiction from the party of fiction. Bush was invited and declined. If you have not noticed he is staying very out of the lime light, for whatever are his reason. Being scared of liberals ain't one of them.

From the following article:

“President Bush was grateful for the invitation to the Republican National Convention,” Bush spokesman Freddy Ford wrote in an e-mail. “He supports Governor Romney and wants him to succeed. President Bush is confident that Mitt Romney will be a great President. But he’s still enjoying his time off the political stage and respectfully declined the invitation to go to Tampa.”

Asked if the former president had been invited to only attend or whether he was also asked to speak, Ford said the conversation didn’t get that far and the former president declined “before details were discussed.”

George W. Bush Skipping Republican Convention

Nobody actually believes he wasn't told to decline the invitation. He wasn't there because the GOP wanted to try and pretend that he was never President. It was the only real tactic they had. It didn't work.

Now, apologize to America for the Bush Presidency, and admit the Iraq War was a mistake. We're waiting.
Whatever, it still doesn't give the Reps a ghost of a chance at attaining the WH in '16. Regardless of Obama gaffes, Dems can still point to the Reps being worse and Bush is just the most famous name. You know it's true or they'd be tripping all over themselves to nominate Jeb.

If America doesn't wake up to the disaster of the last 7 years. The democrats have owned the MSM and they have protected this President like no other before him. But I may be wrong about one thing, and I hope I am not, maybe the American people are as dumb as the liberal left plays them.

The truth is that it is not still Bush's fault. The ME is not up in flames with them hating America because of Bush. Russia isn't on very chilly terms with America because of Bush. China isn't thumbing its nose at Bush. The disaster that befell us and the recovery is all Democrat to say anything else is a big fat lie.

Then why did the GOP not invite him to their convention? Why did he not campaign with Romney?

Avoiding a repeat of Bush's policies is why the GOP got housed in the last two Presidential elections, and it comparing the next GOP nomiee to Bush will likely work for the Dems again. Conservatives have no one but themselves to blame for it.

It has always been an American tradition that when a President has completed his terms allowed by law or the voters, that former President retires in quiet dignity, and holds his former position in high enough regard not to interfere with the campaigns and ambitions of those who aspire to follow him.

That tradition was pissed on by egomaniacs like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

You have no way of knowing that President George W. Bush was NOT invited to the convention. You have no way of knowing that he was not there, simply because he honored the tradition, unlike punks like the above-mentioned two worthies, who by the way are also undisputed experts of bad-mouthing America wherever they go.

Campaigning for Romney by Bush would not have changed anything. America was ready for a (half)black President in 2008, but still was not ready for a MORMON President in 2012. Thousands, if not millions of otherwise normal Republican stayed at home, allowing Obama, with all his anti-American ideas to be re-elected, rather than vote for a Mormon. Sometimes I wonder who is most intolerant/stupid, those who fear whites so much that like lemmings vote 90+% for person whose skin is similar to theirs, or the politically correct and guilt-ridden whites who would be ready and willing to pay all blacks a price/bribe/restitution with somebody else's money or those who fail to realize that a Mormon is a follower of Jesus every bit as much and as faithfully as a Baptist or a Presbytarian or a Catholic.

So, let them enjoy the imitation of the Presidency by a boy who was - sadly - sent and sent again to do a man's job.
Whatever, it still doesn't give the Reps a ghost of a chance at attaining the WH in '16.

If America wants 4-8 more years of Obama-type "leadership" - that you're fond of - they're more braindead than originally imagined when they re-elected Black Jimmy for a second term. People of your ilk are truly imbeciles.
Fact is, it will take generations to dig our way out of the mess left by Dick Cheney and his butler, Bush.
The ME is not up in flames with them hating America because of Bush. Russia isn't on very chilly terms with America because of Bush. China isn't thumbing its nose at Bush. The disaster that befell us and the recovery is all Democrat to say anything else is a big fat lie.

Why is the right happy with Russia & China, when they're going against our interests in places like Syria? Ronnie must be rolling over in his grave because of so-called conservatives that would sell out their own country's interests for dubious political advantage. :cuckoo:
Whatever, it still doesn't give the Reps a ghost of a chance at attaining the WH in '16.

If America wants 4-8 more years of Obama-type "leadership" - that you're fond of - they're more braindead than originally imagined when they re-elected Black Jimmy for a second term. People of your ilk are truly imbeciles.

You're displaying the attitude that's the prime example of why the hard-line Republican base will prevent the nomination of anyone with a chance of winning. Thank you. :2up:

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