I never assume the voters think like me and go off what I feel at the moment. I believe Cuomo is a stronger candidate than Elizabeth Warren but any Democrat running will have a hard time winning unless they're facing someone like Ted Cruz.

So I figure Jeb will win and eight years of another Bush.
So after electing two Bush failures, you think the right is dumb enough to elect a third??
I never assume the voters think like me and go off what I feel at the moment. I believe Cuomo is a stronger candidate than Elizabeth Warren but any Democrat running will have a hard time winning unless they're facing someone like Ted Cruz.

So I figure Jeb will win and eight years of another Bush.
So after electing two Bush failures, you think the right is dumb enough to elect a third??
America wasn't dumb enough to elect another Clinton, so it's possibly I guess.
He isn't a Democrat. You should learn to like him, he is one who could beat Hillary. Nobody else can.

Actually, they all can. Hillary "what difference does it make" Clinton has more baggage than Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain combined. There isn't a single potential contender I would worry about.

So no, we don't need Crisco Christie.

And you suck at political analysis.
I don't suck at it, I love political analysis and I'm good at it. Have you seen the exploratory polling? Nobody can touch Hillary except maybe, Chris Christie. Republicans have nobody. Your candidates are all idiots or they bore everyone to tears.

You'll see Big Bill in the White House again, mark my words...
No, he's right. Your political analysis seems to consist of "everyone else thinks just like I do."

And your political analysis? Look,I know you're Romney's blow toy so your picking him in 2012 was no surprise. But you can't even keep your stories straight Shirley:

November 2009:
Palin is doing her best work right now going around making speeches and pontificating on this and that. I think she will make an excellent replacement for Ann Coulter.
As a politician she is finished. I have been a Reagan Republican since 1980 and there is no effing way I would vote for her. I like her ideas and ideals but she has proven herself incapable of holding office.

Okay she's finished...right?
Not so fast:

April 2010 (5 months later):
I am not sure he can wait until 2012 when President Palin takes office.

Palin has continued to be an embarrassment to any and all who once supported her....You finally tried to bury her (again) here:

August 2014
The truth is the GOP in general does not want to pursue impeachment, which will be a dead end at this point. Sarah Palin is not the GOP. She's not even an important part in it.

I imagine you'll jump back on the bandwagon of Palin for President in 2016 sometime. Meanwhile, you shouldn't worry about winning a debate with anyone--you can't. First try winning a debate with yourself.
Wow, I yanked your chain real good.
The real question is why you hate Palin so much, especially since she obviously has a better grasp on foreign affairs than Obama. Is it because she takes dick and you're jealous?

Wow...from zero to discussing dick in 1 post! New record for you Shirley.

I just pointed out how lame any prediction you make is since you take every side of the argument over time.

If you don't like it; try being smarter.
McCain was going great, gaining on Obama every week as more and more people heard Obama.
Then the economic crisis hit. Economics is McCain's worst area and he sounded like an Obama also-ran with nothing new to offer. When I heard Palin talking about "greedy Wall St Bankers" at the convention I knew it was all over for them.

No, he wasn't.

Here's a graph of Obama vs. McCain all the way through the campaign cycle.


The only times McCain pulled ahead was a breif period during the primaries and for about a week during his convention.

Here's the thing. EVERY candidate does well the week of his convention. He's getting all the coverage. But you can see once the convention was over and we saw that his running mate was retarded, the guy sank like an anchor.
The press labeled her as an idiot. Once the meme started that was it.
Granted, Palin doesnt interview well but the level of vehemence against her was unprecedented.
But ultimately, as always, it is the candidate who carries the election. Bush won with Quayle on his ticket, Nixon won with Agnew. McCain lost because of McCain.

There was a big difference, though. Quayle and Agnew werent' standing next to a guy with one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel.
Moving the goalposts and making impossible claims, Herr Shgutz.
It doesnt matter. In about an hour
I never assume the voters think like me and go off what I feel at the moment. I believe Cuomo is a stronger candidate than Elizabeth Warren but any Democrat running will have a hard time winning unless they're facing someone like Ted Cruz.

So I figure Jeb will win and eight years of another Bush.

And another Bush recession? COOL![/QUOTE]

Back to several ground wars, high unemployment, high inflation, gas shortages, stock market in the crapper again - hell, it will a trip down Bush/Reagan Memory Lane.
McCain was going great, gaining on Obama every week as more and more people heard Obama.
Then the economic crisis hit. Economics is McCain's worst area and he sounded like an Obama also-ran with nothing new to offer. When I heard Palin talking about "greedy Wall St Bankers" at the convention I knew it was all over for them.

No, he wasn't.

Here's a graph of Obama vs. McCain all the way through the campaign cycle.


The only times McCain pulled ahead was a breif period during the primaries and for about a week during his convention.

Here's the thing. EVERY candidate does well the week of his convention. He's getting all the coverage. But you can see once the convention was over and we saw that his running mate was retarded, the guy sank like an anchor.

In the case of the Repub Clown Car, each did pretty well right up until they opened their mouths.
The press labeled her as an idiot. Once the meme started that was it.
Granted, Palin doesnt interview well but the level of vehemence against her was unprecedented.
But ultimately, as always, it is the candidate who carries the election. Bush won with Quayle on his ticket, Nixon won with Agnew. McCain lost because of McCain.
It's not she didn't interview well. It's that her knowledge base, a base of things to know that are absolutely essential for any pol running for high office, had more holes than swiss cheese. A Republican Vice-Presidential candidate who had know idea what the "Bush Doctrine" was, when even the sitting President of her own Party clearly enumerated it and there was considerable press buzz about it? Please, that is absolutely bottom of the barrel.

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Remind me how Obama got grilled on foreign policy in 2008. Yeah, he didnt.
He did interviews with O'Reilly twice, Chris Wallace, and Bret Baer.

He did no interviews with MSNBC.

So who failed to ask him about foreign policy?
Obama was even asked by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show about his complete lack of foreign policy experience.

Obama gave his stock answer. "You'll have to trust my judgment."

What FP experience did Reagan or GW Bush have?
Reagan starred in International Squadron in 1941.
It's not she didn't interview well. It's that her knowledge base, a base of things to know that are absolutely essential for any pol running for high office, had more holes than swiss cheese. A Republican Vice-Presidential candidate who had know idea what the "Bush Doctrine" was, when even the sitting President of her own Party clearly enumerated it and there was considerable press buzz about it? Please, that is absolutely bottom of the barrel.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Remind me how Obama got grilled on foreign policy in 2008. Yeah, he didnt.
He did interviews with O'Reilly twice, Chris Wallace, and Bret Baer.

He did no interviews with MSNBC.

So who failed to ask him about foreign policy?
Obama was even asked by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show about his complete lack of foreign policy experience.

Obama gave his stock answer. "You'll have to trust my judgment."

What FP experience did Reagan or GW Bush have?
Reagan starred in International Squadron in 1941.

Yes, a B rated actor in a B rated movie fills the ticket for a B rated foreign policy. At least, I don't think Jeb is a recovering alcoholic like his brother was. I guess that us a plus?

1. Hillary won't run because of two reasons A. She is far, far too old and B. She isn't rabidly enough supportive of the church of LGBT currently in full control of her once-great party.

2. Christie will try to run, but the good old boys that still jump when Cheney snaps his liver-spotted fingers will kill his nomination. Christie would pull in a landslide victory against anyone, including Hillary that the left decides to run.

3. They won't run Bush because the middle voters have HAD IT with the name "Bush". No exceptions. The rotten apples will never fall far from that tree.

4. Elizabeth Warren during a time of multiple and escalating crises is like electing Pippie Longstockings to run the US Marine Corp.

5. The democrats will settle on someone who won't win the 2016 election because the pressures and financing from the FARRRRRRRRR left will guarantee nobody in the middle with a modicum of common sense will go near their candidate.

6. I could be wrong about all of the above, but probably won't be about half of it.

1. Hillary won't run because of two reasons A. She is far, far too old and B. She isn't rabidly enough supportive of the church of LGBT currently in full control of her once-great party.

2. Christie will try to run, but the good old boys that still jump when Cheney snaps his liver-spotted fingers will kill his nomination. Christie would pull in a landslide victory against anyone, including Hillary that the left decides to run.

3. They won't run Bush because the middle voters have HAD IT with the name "Bush". No exceptions. The rotten apples will never fall far from that tree.

4. Elizabeth Warren during a time of multiple and escalating crises is like electing Pippie Longstockings to run the US Marine Corp.

5. The democrats will settle on someone who won't win the 2016 election because the pressures and financing from the FARRRRRRRRR left will guarantee nobody in the middle with a modicum of common sense will go near their candidate.

6. I could be wrong about all of the above, but probably won't be about half of it.

It's very interesting. You are wrong about all of it.

Ronald Reagan was older than this when he was elected. Ronald Reagan was also defeated for the nomination before not only once (1976), but twice (1968). Hillary is not too old. That is just bunk.

The GOP will have a wide-open field (normal for the party out of power in the WH, esp. after 8 years), which means they will slug-it out until one of them gets nominated and will, of course, be forced to the extreme right to say batshit crazy stuff to throw enough red-meat to the rabid extreme Righties. This will also cost alot of $$$. Meanwhile, Hillary will be padding her electoral warchest for the upcoming GE.

Hillary wins the election of 2016 with 57% and sails over 400 EV. The Obama 2008 states, plus Georgia, Missouri, Arizona, South Dakota and Louisiana. Perhaps also South Carolina. She will not win Arkansas, but will come close. She will also make Texas and Kansas both extremely competitive.

Actually, they all can. Hillary "what difference does it make" Clinton has more baggage than Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain combined. There isn't a single potential contender I would worry about.

So no, we don't need Crisco Christie.

And you suck at political analysis.
I don't suck at it, I love political analysis and I'm good at it. Have you seen the exploratory polling? Nobody can touch Hillary except maybe, Chris Christie. Republicans have nobody. Your candidates are all idiots or they bore everyone to tears.

You'll see Big Bill in the White House again, mark my words...
No, he's right. Your political analysis seems to consist of "everyone else thinks just like I do."

And your political analysis? Look,I know you're Romney's blow toy so your picking him in 2012 was no surprise. But you can't even keep your stories straight Shirley:

November 2009:
Palin is doing her best work right now going around making speeches and pontificating on this and that. I think she will make an excellent replacement for Ann Coulter.
As a politician she is finished. I have been a Reagan Republican since 1980 and there is no effing way I would vote for her. I like her ideas and ideals but she has proven herself incapable of holding office.

Okay she's finished...right?
Not so fast:

April 2010 (5 months later):
I am not sure he can wait until 2012 when President Palin takes office.

Palin has continued to be an embarrassment to any and all who once supported her....You finally tried to bury her (again) here:

August 2014
The truth is the GOP in general does not want to pursue impeachment, which will be a dead end at this point. Sarah Palin is not the GOP. She's not even an important part in it.

I imagine you'll jump back on the bandwagon of Palin for President in 2016 sometime. Meanwhile, you shouldn't worry about winning a debate with anyone--you can't. First try winning a debate with yourself.
Wow, I yanked your chain real good.
The real question is why you hate Palin so much, especially since she obviously has a better grasp on foreign affairs than Obama. Is it because she takes dick and you're jealous?

Wow...from zero to discussing dick in 1 post! New record for you Shirley.

I just pointed out how lame any prediction you make is since you take every side of the argument over time.

If you don't like it; try being smarter.

He's still smarting from the polling data from 2008 that smacked him in the ass. Poor fake Rabbi, must suck to be him.
I never assume the voters think like me and go off what I feel at the moment. I believe Cuomo is a stronger candidate than Elizabeth Warren but any Democrat running will have a hard time winning unless they're facing someone like Ted Cruz.

So I figure Jeb will win and eight years of another Bush.
So after electing two Bush failures, you think the right is dumb enough to elect a third??

I don't consider Bush 41 to be a failure. Of all of our presidents in the last 70 years, none has had a resume as broad and as deep as George H. W. Bush. He also worked tirelessly with Helmut Kohl to tear the Berlin Wall down - and is partially to credit for the fact that it happened. Bush 41 is a decent man and was a decent President. Only, Clinton was far better.
No one can accurately predict anything at this point. In one year gas prices could be $6.00 a gallon, unemployment could be 15%, Hillary could be a drooling, paralyzed-faced Kurt Douglas after a massive alcohol induced stroke, and America could be in the middle of a bigger racial crisis than it currently is.

Silly thread.
No one can accurately predict anything at this point. In one year gas prices could be $6.00 a gallon, unemployment could be 15%, Hillary could be a drooling, paralyzed-faced Kurt Douglas after a massive alcohol induced stroke, and America could be in the middle of a bigger racial crisis than it currently is.

Silly thread.

And yet, there are certain electoral patterns that a trained eye can see. And not the blind eyes of some Caribbean racist fool.
It's very interesting. You are wrong about all of it.


Hillary wins the election of 2016 with 57% and sails over 400 EV. The Obama 2008 states, plus Georgia, Missouri, Arizona, South Dakota and Louisiana. Perhaps also South Carolina. She will not win Arkansas, but will come close. She will also make Texas and Kansas both extremely competitive.
I think she wins Arkansas, loses Louisiana and South Dakota. She wins Florida and Ohio.
No one can accurately predict anything at this point. In one year gas prices could be $6.00 a gallon, unemployment could be 15%, Hillary could be a drooling, paralyzed-faced Kurt Douglas after a massive alcohol induced stroke, and America could be in the middle of a bigger racial crisis than it currently is.

Silly thread.

And yet, there are certain electoral patterns that a trained eye can see. And not the blind eyes of some Caribbean racist fool.
And yet, some bigot of an internet cover boy pretends he can predict the future. You don't even know if YOU'LL survive tomorrow. lol.
It's very interesting. You are wrong about all of it.


Hillary wins the election of 2016 with 57% and sails over 400 EV. The Obama 2008 states, plus Georgia, Missouri, Arizona, South Dakota and Louisiana. Perhaps also South Carolina. She will not win Arkansas, but will come close. She will also make Texas and Kansas both extremely competitive.
I think she wins Arkansas, loses Louisiana and South Dakota. She wins Florida and Ohio.

Could be, but she is polling better in LA than in AR. An upset in KY is also quite possible, but not in WV.
No one can accurately predict anything at this point. In one year gas prices could be $6.00 a gallon, unemployment could be 15%, Hillary could be a drooling, paralyzed-faced Kurt Douglas after a massive alcohol induced stroke, and America could be in the middle of a bigger racial crisis than it currently is.

Silly thread.

And yet, there are certain electoral patterns that a trained eye can see. And not the blind eyes of some Caribbean racist fool.
And yet, some bigot of an internet cover boy pretends he can predict the future. You don't even know if YOU'LL survive tomorrow. lol.

Probably the stuff that you have wet vaginal dreams about. Yet another disgusting RWNJ fool who has stumbled through the door of USMB.
No one can accurately predict anything at this point. In one year gas prices could be $6.00 a gallon, unemployment could be 15%, Hillary could be a drooling, paralyzed-faced Kurt Douglas after a massive alcohol induced stroke, and America could be in the middle of a bigger racial crisis than it currently is.

Silly thread.

And yet, there are certain electoral patterns that a trained eye can see. And not the blind eyes of some Caribbean racist fool.
And yet, some bigot of an internet cover boy pretends he can predict the future. You don't even know if YOU'LL survive tomorrow. lol.

Probably the stuff that you have wet vaginal dreams about. Yet another disgusting RWNJ fool who has stumbled through the door of USMB.
Only to find you, full of fantasies and face powder, pretending you know something most others don't. :)

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