No one can accurately predict anything at this point. In one year gas prices could be $6.00 a gallon, unemployment could be 15%, Hillary could be a drooling, paralyzed-faced Kurt Douglas after a massive alcohol induced stroke, and America could be in the middle of a bigger racial crisis than it currently is.

Silly thread.

And yet, there are certain electoral patterns that a trained eye can see. And not the blind eyes of some Caribbean racist fool.
And yet, some bigot of an internet cover boy pretends he can predict the future. You don't even know if YOU'LL survive tomorrow. lol.

Probably the stuff that you have wet vaginal dreams about. Yet another disgusting RWNJ fool who has stumbled through the door of USMB.
Only to find you, full of fantasies and face powder, pretending you know something most others don't. :)

Your sockiness is fun to watch.
No one can accurately predict anything at this point. In one year gas prices could be $6.00 a gallon, unemployment could be 15%, Hillary could be a drooling, paralyzed-faced Kurt Douglas after a massive alcohol induced stroke, and America could be in the middle of a bigger racial crisis than it currently is.

Silly thread.

And yet, there are certain electoral patterns that a trained eye can see. And not the blind eyes of some Caribbean racist fool.
And yet, some bigot of an internet cover boy pretends he can predict the future. You don't even know if YOU'LL survive tomorrow. lol.

Probably the stuff that you have wet vaginal dreams about. Yet another disgusting RWNJ fool who has stumbled through the door of USMB.
Only to find you, full of fantasies and face powder, pretending you know something most others don't. :)

Your sockiness is fun to watch.
Much more entertaining to see yours :D

Tell us RuPaul, what will happen tomorrow? Following your patterns, of course. Be specific. sim sala bim.
And yet, there are certain electoral patterns that a trained eye can see. And not the blind eyes of some Caribbean racist fool.
And yet, some bigot of an internet cover boy pretends he can predict the future. You don't even know if YOU'LL survive tomorrow. lol.

Probably the stuff that you have wet vaginal dreams about. Yet another disgusting RWNJ fool who has stumbled through the door of USMB.
Only to find you, full of fantasies and face powder, pretending you know something most others don't. :)

Your sockiness is fun to watch.
Much more entertaining to see yours :D

Tell us RuPaul, what will happen tomorrow? Following your patterns, of course. Be specific. sim sala bim.

Well, I am not RuPaul, I don't even know who he is. But tomorrow I am going to be here. Who knows if you will. Shazaam.
And yet, some bigot of an internet cover boy pretends he can predict the future. You don't even know if YOU'LL survive tomorrow. lol.

Probably the stuff that you have wet vaginal dreams about. Yet another disgusting RWNJ fool who has stumbled through the door of USMB.
Only to find you, full of fantasies and face powder, pretending you know something most others don't. :)

Your sockiness is fun to watch.
Much more entertaining to see yours :D

Tell us RuPaul, what will happen tomorrow? Following your patterns, of course. Be specific. sim sala bim.

Well, I am not RuPaul, I don't even know who he is. But tomorrow I am going to be here. Who knows if you will. Shazaam.
You don't even know that lol. Maybe you'll be poisoned by hair dye, or choke on a cloud of rouge in your sleep. Áyo, maygain. :)

1. Hillary won't run because of two reasons A. She is far, far too old and B. She isn't rabidly enough supportive of the church of LGBT currently in full control of her once-great party.

2. Christie will try to run, but the good old boys that still jump when Cheney snaps his liver-spotted fingers will kill his nomination. Christie would pull in a landslide victory against anyone, including Hillary that the left decides to run.

3. They won't run Bush because the middle voters have HAD IT with the name "Bush". No exceptions. The rotten apples will never fall far from that tree.

4. Elizabeth Warren during a time of multiple and escalating crises is like electing Pippie Longstockings to run the US Marine Corp.

5. The democrats will settle on someone who won't win the 2016 election because the pressures and financing from the FARRRRRRRRR left will guarantee nobody in the middle with a modicum of common sense will go near their candidate.

6. I could be wrong about all of the above, but probably won't be about half of it.

So who will the gop run? romney again?
Warren isn't even on most people's radar
Neither was Obama.

and here you parade around your ignorance. in January 2007?
Warren isn't even on most people's radar
Neither was Obama.

and here you parade around your ignorance. in January 2007?

Obama hijacked the election from Hillary. We all know that. Stop waking up in the morning looking for your stupid pill.

Hello? posting "Obama hijacked the election from Hillary" does not refute anything posted previously. Obama was not under the radar of most people as Warren is now. Dante posted a news article to prove this. There are many others.

take a break from posting. your memory has deteriorated to the point of embarrassment

Try using first person

try using your left hand
And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.

Actually, no. You are way out of your league, here, and have no idea how much data flowed that showed that Palin sunk and already damaged ship.
You are right, McCain was campaigning in grocery stores when Palin came along and gave him a slight bump. Crowds were nowhere near Obama's but she did okay until she started doing interviews. People began to think about McCain's age and her being first in line of succession and attitudes toward her changed in a big hurry.
Absolutely correct. The 10 latest polls leading up to McCain announcing Palin as his running mate, Obama lead McCain by an average of just 2.2 percentage points. Compare that to the last 10 polls taken just one month later ... Obama's lead stretched to an average of 5.3 points.

WH2008 General

Only the truly brain dead thinks that Palin didn't sink McCain.
Only the truly braindead thinks McCain needed help losing that election.
No one can accurately predict anything at this point. In one year gas prices could be $6.00 a gallon, unemployment could be 15%, Hillary could be a drooling, paralyzed-faced Kurt Douglas after a massive alcohol induced stroke, and America could be in the middle of a bigger racial crisis than it currently is.

Silly thread.
Who's Kurt Douglas? Do you mean Kirk Douglas?
No one can accurately predict anything at this point. In one year gas prices could be $6.00 a gallon, unemployment could be 15%, Hillary could be a drooling, paralyzed-faced Kurt Douglas after a massive alcohol induced stroke, and America could be in the middle of a bigger racial crisis than it currently is.

Silly thread.
Who's Kurt Douglas? Do you mean Kirk Douglas?
He calls himself Kurt by accident these days.
Wow.....I gotta hand it to you.....that seems like the most least likely scenario I've ever heard, and I'm impressed, because my worst fears are not as bad as that.

Were you joking?
It was every but as likely as yours.
At this point in 2008 if someone had said a one term junior senator from Illinois would be the next president he'd be laughed off the forum.
Lots can happen. Campaigns can blow up in 48 hours. Stars can emerge based on one dynamite performance.
Personally I think Obama will tip his hat to Deval Patrick and he will win the nomination. Dems have a winning formula. Why change?
I'm only thinking about the Cruz part of your ticket. I had forgotten about Walker actually being a viable candidate. Maybe a Walker/Rubio ticket...that might work. Ted Cruz though?...have you seen his national approval numbers with swing voters and Democrats?...they are the worst
And here is a possibility.

The worst thing the GOP can do is nominate Cruz and I wouldn't be surprised one bit if they managed to do it. Romney did get the last election though so perhaps the GOP will not go off the deep end.

Whoever runs on the republican side, I think the dems are going to take the next one with Hillary. its unfortunate - I cant think of anyone I would want to take the presidency less - but I think that is how things will eventually play out.
Nobody on the GOP side is within range of Hillary, and they've already done their worst to her publicity wize. They think Benghazi has weight, but it doesn't.

The fact is...IMO...that when the average Joe/Jane voter goes to the booth in Nov 2016...they'll have certain imagery in their heads......Hillary in the white house back in the 90's, when things were hunky dory, and her in the white house as Secretary of State...and that other guy.....
No one in range of Hillary at this point in time is totally irrelevant.

There is 2 years to get in range and it will happen, that is a given.
The same people who told you that probably include the same ones that told you "Romney by a land slide"
Probably the stuff that you have wet vaginal dreams about. Yet another disgusting RWNJ fool who has stumbled through the door of USMB.
Only to find you, full of fantasies and face powder, pretending you know something most others don't. :)

Your sockiness is fun to watch.
Much more entertaining to see yours :D

Tell us RuPaul, what will happen tomorrow? Following your patterns, of course. Be specific. sim sala bim.

Well, I am not RuPaul, I don't even know who he is. But tomorrow I am going to be here. Who knows if you will. Shazaam.
You don't even know that lol. Maybe you'll be poisoned by hair dye, or choke on a cloud of rouge in your sleep. Áyo, maygain. :)

I read up. RuPaul is a gay figure. Not interesting to me. Next.

1. Hillary won't run because of two reasons A. She is far, far too old and B. She isn't rabidly enough supportive of the church of LGBT currently in full control of her once-great party.

2. Christie will try to run, but the good old boys that still jump when Cheney snaps his liver-spotted fingers will kill his nomination. Christie would pull in a landslide victory against anyone, including Hillary that the left decides to run.

3. They won't run Bush because the middle voters have HAD IT with the name "Bush". No exceptions. The rotten apples will never fall far from that tree.

4. Elizabeth Warren during a time of multiple and escalating crises is like electing Pippie Longstockings to run the US Marine Corp.

5. The democrats will settle on someone who won't win the 2016 election because the pressures and financing from the FARRRRRRRRR left will guarantee nobody in the middle with a modicum of common sense will go near their candidate.

6. I could be wrong about all of the above, but probably won't be about half of it.

So who will the gop run? romney again?

The possibility exists. Romney wants to emulate Thomas Dewey.

It was every but as likely as yours.
At this point in 2008 if someone had said a one term junior senator from Illinois would be the next president he'd be laughed off the forum.
Lots can happen. Campaigns can blow up in 48 hours. Stars can emerge based on one dynamite performance.
Personally I think Obama will tip his hat to Deval Patrick and he will win the nomination. Dems have a winning formula. Why change?
I'm only thinking about the Cruz part of your ticket. I had forgotten about Walker actually being a viable candidate. Maybe a Walker/Rubio ticket...that might work. Ted Cruz though?...have you seen his national approval numbers with swing voters and Democrats?...they are the worst
And here is a possibility.

The worst thing the GOP can do is nominate Cruz and I wouldn't be surprised one bit if they managed to do it. Romney did get the last election though so perhaps the GOP will not go off the deep end.

Whoever runs on the republican side, I think the dems are going to take the next one with Hillary. its unfortunate - I cant think of anyone I would want to take the presidency less - but I think that is how things will eventually play out.
Nobody on the GOP side is within range of Hillary, and they've already done their worst to her publicity wize. They think Benghazi has weight, but it doesn't.

The fact is...IMO...that when the average Joe/Jane voter goes to the booth in Nov 2016...they'll have certain imagery in their heads......Hillary in the white house back in the 90's, when things were hunky dory, and her in the white house as Secretary of State...and that other guy.....
No one in range of Hillary at this point in time is totally irrelevant.

There is 2 years to get in range and it will happen, that is a given.
The same people who told you that probably include the same ones that told you "Romney by a land slide"

Oh, this is worth replaying over and over and over again!

He predicted Romney with 325!!!

I agree with Dick Morris:

332 is indeed a landslide!!!

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.

Actually, no. You are way out of your league, here, and have no idea how much data flowed that showed that Palin sunk and already damaged ship.
You are right, McCain was campaigning in grocery stores when Palin came along and gave him a slight bump. Crowds were nowhere near Obama's but she did okay until she started doing interviews. People began to think about McCain's age and her being first in line of succession and attitudes toward her changed in a big hurry.
Absolutely correct. The 10 latest polls leading up to McCain announcing Palin as his running mate, Obama lead McCain by an average of just 2.2 percentage points. Compare that to the last 10 polls taken just one month later ... Obama's lead stretched to an average of 5.3 points.

WH2008 General

Only the truly brain dead thinks that Palin didn't sink McCain.
Only the truly braindead thinks McCain needed help losing that election.

You missed the point, but that's ok, whackie Righties usually do.

1. Hillary won't run because of two reasons A. She is far, far too old and B. She isn't rabidly enough supportive of the church of LGBT currently in full control of her once-great party.

2. Christie will try to run, but the good old boys that still jump when Cheney snaps his liver-spotted fingers will kill his nomination. Christie would pull in a landslide victory against anyone, including Hillary that the left decides to run.

3. They won't run Bush because the middle voters have HAD IT with the name "Bush". No exceptions. The rotten apples will never fall far from that tree.

4. Elizabeth Warren during a time of multiple and escalating crises is like electing Pippie Longstockings to run the US Marine Corp.

5. The democrats will settle on someone who won't win the 2016 election because the pressures and financing from the FARRRRRRRRR left will guarantee nobody in the middle with a modicum of common sense will go near their candidate.

6. I could be wrong about all of the above, but probably won't be about half of it.

So who will the gop run? romney again?

Whomever gets the most votes in the primaries obviously. The calendar (it's proposed at this point) is not conducive to an insurgency from the TEA party. They have a lot of winner-take-all primaries which are designed to nominate a standard-bearer quickly.

That is a smart move by the national party. The danger is that you run a lightly vetted candidate. Not that they will be "unknown" but they wouldn't have been put through an electoral gauntlet of criss-crossing the country, having to 12-15 elections (the number of toss up states) at once, and of course no matter how much fellow republicans attack whomever gets the nominee, they will feel like flesh wounds compared to what the Democrats will throw at him.

I think the GOP nominee is Christie, Bush or someone in that mold. Anyone banking on Cruz or Rand Paul is probably someone who is thinking with their heart. Rubio is attempting to straddle the divide between the camps. Triangulation is something that Democrats reward more quickly than the GOP has in the past. In either case the danger with triangulation is that it is best done by someone whom the voters know is for real. If there is one question about Rubio that everyone asks is whether he is for real or not.

To recap what is going to happen:

Hillary wins the White House.
The Dems re-take the Senate
The House remains in GOP hands.

1. Hillary won't run because of two reasons A. She is far, far too old and B. She isn't rabidly enough supportive of the church of LGBT currently in full control of her once-great party.

2. Christie will try to run, but the good old boys that still jump when Cheney snaps his liver-spotted fingers will kill his nomination. Christie would pull in a landslide victory against anyone, including Hillary that the left decides to run.

3. They won't run Bush because the middle voters have HAD IT with the name "Bush". No exceptions. The rotten apples will never fall far from that tree.

4. Elizabeth Warren during a time of multiple and escalating crises is like electing Pippie Longstockings to run the US Marine Corp.

5. The democrats will settle on someone who won't win the 2016 election because the pressures and financing from the FARRRRRRRRR left will guarantee nobody in the middle with a modicum of common sense will go near their candidate.

6. I could be wrong about all of the above, but probably won't be about half of it.

So who will the gop run? romney again?

Whomever gets the most votes in the primaries obviously. The calendar (it's proposed at this point) is not conducive to an insurgency from the TEA party. They have a lot of winner-take-all primaries which are designed to nominate a standard-bearer quickly.

That is a smart move by the national party. The danger is that you run a lightly vetted candidate. Not that they will be "unknown" but they wouldn't have been put through an electoral gauntlet of criss-crossing the country, having to 12-15 elections (the number of toss up states) at once, and of course no matter how much fellow republicans attack whomever gets the nominee, they will feel like flesh wounds compared to what the Democrats will throw at him.

I think the GOP nominee is Christie, Bush or someone in that mold. Anyone banking on Cruz or Rand Paul is probably someone who is thinking with their heart. Rubio is attempting to straddle the divide between the camps. Triangulation is something that Democrats reward more quickly than the GOP has in the past. In either case the danger with triangulation is that it is best done by someone whom the voters know is for real. If there is one question about Rubio that everyone asks is whether he is for real or not.

To recap what is going to happen:

Hillary wins the White House.
The Dems re-take the Senate
The House remains in GOP hands.
Nice post.

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