If he doesn't run 3rd party will you blow your stupid brains out?

Since I would never want the criminal Hillary to be president, your question is stupid - as your posts tend to be..

I remember thinking bush was gonna get in trouble but no one cared his administration was shady.

You guys have accused the Clinton's and Obama of so much no ones buying it.

But you guys are trying so hard to take down our front runner. Worry about who you gonna run.
Who it is going to be I have no idea. My favorites are way down in the lists. I am sure it is not gouing to be trump or Bush. And that is all I care about.

Trumps history will bite him in the ass hard. And bush just will tail of, and his positions on common core and immigration are deadly
I am not so sure that Bush will not take the nomination though. It will be the death of the 2016 republican chances but he still may take it nonetheless.
I think he has a really good shot with moderates and independents.

Don't worry about the far right. They always show up.
I remember thinking bush was gonna get in trouble but no one cared his administration was shady.

You guys have accused the Clinton's and Obama of so much no ones buying it.

But you guys are trying so hard to take down our front runner. Worry about who you gonna run.

People hate Hillary.

It's amusing that Soros programs you drones to think she has any chance.

You're overlooking our very own Jammie-Jake....who SAYS he's a Republican....

Like I said, real BREATHING Republican.

The democrats are desperate to have Bush as the nominee, but I have seriously to meet a single Republican in real life that supports Bush.

Everyone I meet supports Trump - but no one supports Jeb. They don't hate him the way they hate Hillary, but they don't support him.
Who it is going to be I have no idea. My favorites are way down in the lists. I am sure it is not gouing to be trump or Bush. And that is all I care about.

Trumps history will bite him in the ass hard. And bush just will tail of, and his positions on common core and immigration are deadly
I am not so sure that Bush will not take the nomination though. It will be the death of the 2016 republican chances but he still may take it nonetheless.
I think he has a really good shot with moderates and independents.

Don't worry about the far right. They always show up.
The 'far right' is not the issue. They will show up and they will vote for bush. That is how the far anything works, they vote on hate. The far left will show up and vote for Hillary too - even though she represents everything that the left does not stand for.

The moderates will not vote bush. Most of them are ignorant of the issues anyway and the vast majority of them will be strongly opposed because his name is Bush. End of story. Another Bush cannot win yet - and one shouldn't along with a Clinton or a Kennedy for that manner. I am tired of political royalty.

I don't know when we reinstated royalty around here but it sure seems that the presidency is becoming a birthright rather than an elected office.
The 'far right' is not the issue. They will show up and they will vote for bush. That is how the far anything works, they vote on hate. The far left will show up and vote for Hillary too - even though she represents everything that the left does not stand for.

The moderates will not vote bush. Most of them are ignorant of the issues anyway and the vast majority of them will be strongly opposed because his name is Bush. End of story. Another Bush cannot win yet - and one shouldn't along with a Clinton or a Kennedy for that manner. I am tired of political royalty.

I don't know when we reinstated royalty around here but it sure seems that the presidency is becoming a birthright rather than an elected office.

It's a long way until the election, a lot of things can happen between now and then.

That said, at this time it is extremely unlikely that Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton will win the presidency. So maybe a message against an imperial presidency is being sent?
Who it is going to be I have no idea. My favorites are way down in the lists. I am sure it is not gouing to be trump or Bush. And that is all I care about.

Trumps history will bite him in the ass hard. And bush just will tail of, and his positions on common core and immigration are deadly
I am not so sure that Bush will not take the nomination though. It will be the death of the 2016 republican chances but he still may take it nonetheless.
I think he has a really good shot with moderates and independents.

Don't worry about the far right. They always show up.
The 'far right' is not the issue. They will show up and they will vote for bush. That is how the far anything works, they vote on hate. The far left will show up and vote for Hillary too - even though she represents everything that the left does not stand for.

The moderates will not vote bush. Most of them are ignorant of the issues anyway and the vast majority of them will be strongly opposed because his name is Bush. End of story. Another Bush cannot win yet - and one shouldn't along with a Clinton or a Kennedy for that manner. I am tired of political royalty.

I don't know when we reinstated royalty around here but it sure seems that the presidency is becoming a birthright rather than an elected office.
Other than the GOP hypocrites crying about Monica I liked the 90s. Saved hundreds of thousands of dollars working in the high paying yet still very union manufacturing capital of the world.

Not only was Ford gm and chryler making record profits selling cars, those high paid union workers brought up eveybodies wages. Tier 1-10 suppliers got rich, the service industry workers made money. I could go on and on about how its supposed to work.

Let me tell you how it doesn't work. Send all those high paying union jobs overseas than those tier suppliers dry up hire a bunch of illegals to do jobs Americans will do and turn a blind eye and that's what you get with the Bush administration. Sorry I got off track I don't know what your question was I'll go back and read it now
Who it is going to be I have no idea. My favorites are way down in the lists. I am sure it is not gouing to be trump or Bush. And that is all I care about.

Trumps history will bite him in the ass hard. And bush just will tail of, and his positions on common core and immigration are deadly
I am not so sure that Bush will not take the nomination though. It will be the death of the 2016 republican chances but he still may take it nonetheless.
I think he has a really good shot with moderates and independents.

Don't worry about the far right. They always show up.
The 'far right' is not the issue. They will show up and they will vote for bush. That is how the far anything works, they vote on hate. The far left will show up and vote for Hillary too - even though she represents everything that the left does not stand for.

The moderates will not vote bush. Most of them are ignorant of the issues anyway and the vast majority of them will be strongly opposed because his name is Bush. End of story. Another Bush cannot win yet - and one shouldn't along with a Clinton or a Kennedy for that manner. I am tired of political royalty.

I don't know when we reinstated royalty around here but it sure seems that the presidency is becoming a birthright rather than an elected office.
I hope you are right the moderates won't vote for Bush but I am not so sure not after 2000. I never thought they would vote for George after Herbert did such a horrible job but the American people have a very short attention span.

And this bush is much more well spoken than his brother. I couldn't stand his brother when he ran and he won because people thought they could drink a beer with him more than Gore he was the likeable. Not to me but to the American people he was harmless. Jeb actually sounds very good to me and I wouldn't think it was the end of the world if he were to be the president. That's why I know ultimately if I feel that way the Republicans have to run him because he's their best shot nobody else on that side is convincing. Chris Christie was but he's proving to be a corruptible politician and a bully who's got no chance anymore thank God because he was a great talker
Republicans forget how horrible George W Bush was for us liberals. It was a horrible time in the history of America if you ask us. In fact I even remember supporting that jerk during the Gulf War because I believed him. It only took me about a couple months to realize he lied us into that war maybe 6 months but it was infuriating as time went on when the Republicans all defended him every step of the way
Thanks to the Great Recession, not Obama.

Yes, Obama is responsible for none of his decisions....
Imbecile.... Obama is not responsible for the Great Recession -- and the Great Recession is responsible for the decline of the middle class.
The middle class has been declining far longer than the last rescission no matter how much you want to brand it as 'the grate rescission.'

Perhaps you should have withheld that 'imbecile' comment.
No, but maybe it applies to you?


... see what happens when you try to defend an imbecile...?
Imbecile.... Obama is not responsible for the Great Recession

Obama isn't responsible for anything.

Year 7 of his term, and the only thing you commies can come up with is BOOOOOOOOOSSHSSHHHHSHH

-- and the Great Recession is responsible for the decline of the middle class.

We have had many recessions, many worse than 2008 - but the decline of the middle class under Obama exceeds them all.

Maybe it has something to do with naming a "jobs czar" who turns around and ships thousands of jobs to China?
None was worse than the Great Recession since the Great Depression.
Hillary will be the Democrat candidate and Trump will be the Republican candidate. And then Trump will win and become the president of the United States and bring the country to prosperity.
Republicans forget how horrible George W Bush was for us liberals. It was a horrible time in the history of America if you ask us. In fact I even remember supporting that jerk during the Gulf War because I believed him. It only took me about a couple months to realize he lied us into that war maybe 6 months but it was infuriating as time went on when the Republicans all defended him every step of the way
Translation... you do and say everything the media tells you. FYI Bush is a socialist.
E Mailgate will get to her and she will take her name out of the running for POTUS. She hopes this helps take the heat off of her, but she will be indicted.
E Mailgate will get to her and she will take her name out of the running for POTUS. She hopes this helps take the heat off of her, but she will be indicted.

Here you go...

Benghazi will get to her and she will take her name out of the running for POTUS. She hopes this helps take the heat off of her, but she will be indicted

FileGate will get to her and she will take her name out of the running for POTUS. She hopes this helps take the heat off of her, but she will be indicted

Vince Foster's "Suicide" will get to her and she will take her name out of the running for POTUS. She hopes this helps take the heat off of her, but she will be indicted

Travelgate will get to her and she will take her name out of the running for POTUS. She hopes this helps take the heat off of her, but she will be indicted
I am tired of political royalty.

I don't know when we reinstated royalty around here but it sure seems that the presidency is becoming a birthright rather than an elected office.
If enough people feel this way then there should be publicly funded elections that last a maximum of 6 months. It works fine in Britain.

The idea of publically funded elections does not necessarily stop that problem though. I would like to see an informed electorate but we are more likely to spontaneously create utopia than that.

I am not necessarily against public elections - another poster put up a pretty good argument here a while back (when I was against the idea) and somewhat made me a supporter of the idea. I am still weary of the government having that much involvement though.

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